Churchwardens of that Parish, where the Offence fhall be committed, who shall be accountable, therefore, to the Use of the Poor of the fame Parish: And if the faid Perfon, or Perfons fo convicted, fhall refuse, or neglect to pay the faid Forfeiture, as aforefaid, then the fame fhall be from Time to Time levied of the Goods of every fuch Perfon, or Perfons fo refufing, or neglecting to pay the fame, by Warrant, or Precept from the fame Court, Judge, or Juftices, before whom the fame Conviction fhall be: And if the Of fender, or Offenders, be not able to pay the faid Sum of five Shillings, then the Offender, or Offenders, fhall be committed to the Stocks for every Offence, C 2 ľ Offence, there to remain by the AND be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that if any Person, or Perfons, wherefoever, his, or their Habitation, or Abiding be, fhall at any Time hereafter be found upon View, or his own Confeffion, or on Proof of one Witnefs, to be tipling in any Inn, Alehouse, or Victualling-House, such Person, or Perfons (unless it be in fuch Cafe, or Cases, as be tolerated or excepted) fo offending, fhall forfeit and lofe, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of three Shillings and four Pence, of current Money of England, to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parish where the faid faid Offence fhall be committed. And if he shall refuse or neglect to pay the fame, it shall be levied by Distress, and if he be not able to pay the Forfeiture, then the Justice, or Court where the Conviction shall be, may punish the Offender, by fetting him in the Stocks for every Offence, by the Space of four Hours. And by the Authority aforefaid, All Conftables, Churchwardens, Headboroughs, Tything-Men, Aleconners, and Sidefmen, fhall, in their feveral Oaths incident to their Offices, be charged in like Sort, to present Offences contrary to this Statute. By 7 J. C. 10. 1 C. C. 4. Ir any Alehousekeeper shall be convicted of being drunk, he shall, befides befides other Penalties, be utterly difabled to keep any fuch Alehouse for the Space of three Years, next enfuing the Conviction. Recognizance of an Alehousekeeper on 5 and 6 ED. VI. C. 25 and 26 G. II. C. 31. BE E it remembered, that on the of the Reign of——————A. B. of— ly came before us -Yeoman, perfonal- tices of the Peace for the faid Coun ty, and acknowledged themselves to owe to our faid Sovereign Lord the King, that is to say, the said A. B. the Sum of 10 and the faid C. D. and and E. F. the Sum of 51. each, of good and lawful Money of GreatBritain, to be made and levied of their Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements, respectively to the Use of our faid Sovereign Lord the King,his Heirs and Succeffors, if the faid A. B. fhall make Default in the Condition underwritten. THE Condition of this Recognizance is fuch, that whereas the above bounden A. B. is licenced to keep a common Alehouse for one Year, from the 29th Day of this prefent Month September, in the House where he now dwelleth at-aforefaid if he the faid A. B. shall keep and maintain good Order and Rule, and fhall |