paid to the Perfon or Persons, on whofe Information the Party or Parties offending fhall have been convicted of the Offence. SUCH has been the Care of our Governors, by Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, &c. almost in every Reign fince the Reformation, to prevent exceffive Drinking, horrid Swearing and Curfing, Lewdness, Profanation of the Lord's-Day, and all other diffolute, immoral, and disorderly Practices. But (alas!) how far has it been from answering the intended happy Effects! "THE "THE antient, true, and prin"cipal Ufe of Inns, Alehouses, "and Victualling Houses was (as "recited in the Preamble of the "Act to restrain the inordinate "Haunting and Tipling in them) "for the Receipt, Relief and Lodg"ing of Wayfaring People, tra"velling from Place to Place, and "for fuch Supply of the Wants of "fuch People, as are not able, "by greater Quantities to make "their Provifion of Victuals, and "not meant for Entertainment, and "harbouring of lewd and idle People, to spend and consume "their Money and their Time, in a lewd |