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there is something in that. It is so contrary to my nature to do such a thing as to look at the serpent, that I can't do it." "You can do it." At last the mother has been off out in the camp, and she says, "My boy, I have got just the best news in the world for you. I went out in the camp, and I saw hundreds very far gone, and they are all perfectly well now." The young man says: "I would like to get well; it is a very painful thought to die; I want to go into the promised land, and it is terrible to die here in this wilderness; but the fact is I don't understand it. It don't appeal to my reason. I can't believe that I can get well in a moment," and the young man dies in his own unbelief.

Look, and you can be

God has provided a The trouble is, a great

Whose fault? Whose fault is it, the unbelief here? Whose fault is it? God provided a remedy for this bitten Israelite-"look and live!" And there is eternal life for every poor bitten Israelite here. saved, my friends, this very night. remedy, and it is offered to all. many people are looking at the pole. Don't look at the pole; that don't do any good; that is the church. You need not look at the church; the church is all right, but the church can't save you. Look beyond the pole. Look at the Crucified one. Look at Calvary Bear in mind, sinner, that He died for all. Look in time, and be you saved if there is none else. If Christ opened the way, it is the way. What other name is there given whereby we can be saved? We don't want to look at Moses, Moses is all right in his place, but Moses can't save you. You need not look at these ministers; they are just God's chosen instruments to hold up the serpent, to hold up the remedy, to hold up Christ. And so my friends take your eyes off from men. Take your eyes off from the church, but lift them up to Jesus, who took away the sins of the world, and there will be life from

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this hour. Thank God, we don't need an education to know how to look. That little girl who can't read; that little boy four years old, who can't read, can look. That little boy, when the father is coming home, the mother says, "Look! look! look!" and the little child learns to look long before he is a year old, and that is the way to be saved. It is look at the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world, and there is life to-night and this moment for every man that is willing to look. Not look at the Church, not look at yourselves, but look at Christ. Some people say, "There is a man; what faith he has got; I wish I had his faith." You might as well say, “I wish I had his eyes." You don't need his faith; what you need is his Christ. You need not be wishing for his eyes.

You have got eyes of Some men say,


your own.

"I wish I knew just how to be saved." Just take God at His word and trust His Son this very night and this very hour and this very moment. He will save you you will trust Him. I imagine I hear some one saying "I don't feel the bite as much as I wish I could. I know I'm a sinner and all that, but I don't feel the bite enough.” How much do you want to feel it? How much does God want you to feel it? When I was in Belfast I knew a doctor who had a friend, a leading surgeon there, and he told me that the surgeon's custom was, before performing any operation, to say to the patient, "Take a good look at the wound, and then fix your eyes on me and don't take them off till I get through." I thought at the time that was a good illustration. Sinner, take a good look at the wound to-night, and then fix your eyes on Christ, and don't take them off. It is better to look at the remedy than at the wound. See what a poor wretched sinner you are, and then look at the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. He died for the ungodly and the sinner. Say "I'll take him," and may God help you to lift your eye to

the man on Calvary, and as the Israelites looked upon the serpent and were healed, so may you look and live tonight.


After the battle of Pittsburgh Landing and Murfreesboro' I was in a hospital at Murfreesboro.' And one night after midnight, I was woke up and told that there was a man in one of the wards who wanted to see me. I went to him and he called me "chaplain "-I wasn't a chaplain —and he said he wanted me to help him die. And I said “I'd take you right up in my arms and carry you into the kingdom of God if I could; but I can't do it; I can't help you to die." And he said, "Who can ?" I said?" The Lord Jesus Christ can— -He came for that purpose." He shook his head and said, "He can't save me; I have sinned all my life." And I said, "But He came to save sinners." I thought of his mother in the North, and I knew that she was anxious that he should die right, and I thought I'd stay with him. I prayed two or three times, and repeated all the promises I could, and I knew that in a few hours he would be gone. I said I wanted to read him a conversation that Christ had with a man who was anxious about his soul. I turned to the third chapter of John. His eyes were riveted on me, and when I came to the 14th and 15th verses-my text to-night-he caught up the words, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” He stopped me and said, “Is that there?" I said "Yes," and he asked me to read it again, and I did so. He leaned his elbows on the cot and clasped his hands together and said, "That's good; won't you read it again?" I read it the third time, and then went on with the rest of the chapter. When I finished his eyes were closed, his hands were folded, and there was a smile on his face. What a change had come over it!

O! how it was lit up!
I saw his lips quiver-

ing, and I leaned over him and heard, in a faint whisper, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have eternal life." He opened his eyes and said, "That's enough; don't read any more." He lingered a few hours and then pillowed his head on those two verses, and then went up in one of Christ's chariots and took his seat in the Kingdom of God. You may spurn God's remedy and perish; but I tell you God don't want you to perish. He says, "As I live I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked.” “Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die!" May God help you all to look unto Him and be saved.

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I want to take for our subject to-night what Christ is to us, and when I get through, and any one of our friends says he is not convinced, it will not be because you don't want to be convinced, and will not have Him. He will be all that I make Him out to be, and a thousand times more. No man living could tell about His great love and great necessity to us in an hour; nay, he could not tell it in 24 hours. It is beyond time and beyond expression to tell what Christ is to us—that is, if He has believed on Him and been redeemed by Him. I remember speaking upon this subject some time ago in Europe, and when I got through and was going home, I said to a Scotch friend of mine who was in my company that I was very much disappointed; that I did not get through with the subject. He looked at me in astonishment and said, "My friend, what! did ye expect to tell what Christ is in half an hour? Ye need never expect to tell it in all eternity; ye would never get through with it." I have thought of it often since. Take eternity! Yes, I know it would.

Well, right here 1 want to ask you whether Christ is worth having? I imagine some of you will say that that is a strange question-a man to get up and ask that. Well, perhaps it is, but it does seem to me that a great many men do think that Christ is not worth having. If they did really want Him let them take Him. He was God's

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