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of Edinburgh stating that the Edinburgh infidel had found his way to Christ and found the Lord. He wrote an interesting letter, saying how God had saved him. And there may be many in the City of New York who will laugh at this idea, and they will cavil, and perhaps they will say to-night that God don't answer prayer; but He does, if Christians will only have faith. God can save the greatest infidel, the greatest skeptic, the greatest drunkard. What we want is to have faith. Oh, let that word sink down deep into the heart of every Christian here to-night, and let us show our faith by our works.

Let us go out and bring all our friends here, and if there is poor preaching, we can bring down from Heaven the necessary blessings without good preaching. In Philadelphia a skeptic came in just out of curiosity. He wanted to see the crowd, and he hadn't more than crossed the threshold of the door before the Spirit of God met him, and I asked him if there was anything in the sermon that influenced him, in hopes that I was going to get something to encourage me; but he could not tell what the text was. I asked him if it was the singing, but he didn't know what Mr. Sankey had sung. It was the power of God alone that converted him, and that is what we want in these meetings. If we have this power, when we invite our friends here the Lord will meet them and will answer prayer and save them. Let us go and bring our unconverted friends here. All through the services let us be lifting up our hearts in prayer. God save our friend! O God, convert him! And in answer to our prayer the Lord will save them.

While in London there was a man away off in India— a godly father-who had a son in London, and he got a furlough and came clear from India to London to see after his boy's spiritual welfare. Do you think God let that man come thus far without honoring that faith? No. He converted that son, and that is the kind we want-where


faith and works go together; and if we have faith God will honor it and answer our prayer. Only a few years ago in the City of Philadelphia there was a mother that had two sons. They were just going as fast as they could to ruin. They were breaking her heart, and she went into a little prayer-meeting and got up and presented them for prayer. They had been on a drunken spree or had just got started in that way, and she knew that their end would be a drunkard's grave, and she went among these Christians and said, 66 Wont you just cry to God for my two boys?" The next morning those two boys had made an appointment to meet each other on the corner of Market and Thirteenth sts.though not that they knew anything about our meeting— and while one of them was there at the corner, waiting for his brother to come, he followed the people who were flooding into the depot building, and the spirit of the Lord met him, and he was wounded and found his way to Christ. After his brother came he found the place too crowded to enter, so he too went curiously into another meeting and found Christ, and went home happy; and when he got home he told his mother what the Lord had done for him, and the second son came with the same tidings. I heard one get up afterward to tell his experience in the young convert's meeting, and he had no sooner told the story than the other got up and said: "I am that brother, and there is not a happier home in Philadelphia than we have got ;" and they went out, bringing their friends to Christ.

Let us now show our faith by our works.

Let us away

to our friends, to our neighbors, and to those we have an influence over, and let us talk about Christ and let us plead with God that they may be converted, and instead of there being a few thousands converted in New York, tens of thousands can be converted; and let our prayers go up to God in our homes and around our family altars. Let the

prayers go up, "O God, save my unconverted husband." "O God, save my unconverted wife." "O God, save my unconverted children," and God will hear that cry. As I was coming out of a daily prayer-meeting in one of our Western cities, a mother came up to me and said, “I want to have you see my husband and ask him to come to Christ." I took out my memorandum book, and I put down his name. She says, "I want to have you go and see him." I knew the name and that it was a learned judge, and so said to her, "I can't agree with him. He is a good deal older than I am, and it would be out of place. Then I am not much for infidel argument." "Well, Mr. Moody," she says, "that ain't what he wants. He's got enough of that. Just ask him to come to the Saviour." She urged me so hard and so strong, that I consented to go. I went up to the office where the Judge was doing business, and told him what I had come for. He laughed at me. "You are very foolish," he said, and began to argue with me. I said, "I don't think it will be profitable for me to hold an argument with you. I have just one favor I want to ask of you, and that is that when you are converted you will let me know." 66 Yes," said he, "I will do that. When I am converted I will let you know "-with a good deal of sarcasm. thought the prayers of that wife would be answered if mine was not. A year and a half after I was in that city, and a servant came to my door and said: "There is a man in the drawing-room." I found the Judge there. He said: “I promised I would let you know when I was converted.” I had heard it from other lips, but I wanted to hear it from his own. He said his wife had gone out to a meeting one night and he was home alone, and while he was sitting there by the fire he thought, "Supposing my wife is right, and my children are right: suppose there is a heaven and hell, and I shall be separated from them." His first thought was, "I don't believe a word of it." The second



thought came, "You believe in the God that created you, and that the God that created you is able to teach you. You believe that God can give you life." "Yes, the God that created me can give me life. I was too proud to get down on my knees by the fire, and I said, 'O God, teach me.' And as I prayed, I don't understand it, but it began to get very dark, and my heart got very heavy. I was afraid to tell my wife, and I pretended to be asleep. She kneeled down beside that bed, and I knew she was praying for me. I kept crying, 'O God, teach me.' I had to change my prayer, 'O God, save me; O God, take away this burden.' But it grew darker and darker, and the load grew heavier and heavier. All the way to my office I kept crying, 'O God, take away this load.' I gave my clerks a holiday, and just closed my office and locked the door. I fell down on my face; I cried in agony to my Lord, ‘O Lord, for Christ's sake, take away this guilt.' I don't know how it was, but it began to grow very light. I said, I wonder if

I think I will go

this isn't what they call conversion. and ask the minister if I am not converted." The old Judge said to me: "Mr. Moody, I have enjoyed life in the last three months more than all put together." The judge did not believe, the wife did, and God honored her faith and saved that man. And he went up to Springfield, Ill., and the old Judge stood up there and told those politicians what God, for Christ's sake, had done for him. And now let this text sink down deep into your hearts: "When He saw their faith." Let us lift up our hearts to God in prayer that He may give us faith.


I shall take for my subject to-night only two words, courage and enthusiasm―necessary qualifications for successful work in the Lord's service. In this chapter (Josh. i.) I read to-night four different times God tells Joshua to be of good courage, and He says that if he was of good courage no man should be able to stand before him all the days of his life. And we read that in the evening of his life he was successful, and that no man was able to stand before him all his days. God fulfilled His promise. God kept His word. But see how careful God is to instruct him on this one point. Four times in one chapter he says to him, "Be of good courage, and then you shall prosper, then you shall have good success." And I have yet to find that God ever uses a man that is all the time looking on the dark side, and is all the time talking about the obstacles and looking at them, and is discouraged and cast down. It is not these Christians that go around with their head down like a bulrush, looking at the obstacles and talking about the darkness all the time, that God uses. They kill everything they touch. There is no life in them. Now if we are going to succeed we have got to be of good cour age, and the moment we get our eyes on God and remember who He is, and that He has all power in Heaven and earth, that it is God that commands us to work in His vineyard, then it is that we will have courage given us.

Now if you just take your Bibles and look carefully

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