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a little bundle on the bureau for you she will give it to you." The little fellow said he wouldn't come. She thought he might change his mind. He thought it over, and he thought he would just like to know what there was in that bundle. And he went up to the house Tuesday morning and the bundle was handed to him; and there was a little vest in it and a little necktie that she had made with her own hands, and a kind noté stating that ever since he had been in her class she had been praying for him every morning and every evening, and she told him how she loved. him and cared for him. The next morning he was there, bright and early, before she was up. The servant came up

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and told her that that boy was in the drawing-room and wanted to see her. She went down, and found the little fellow sitting on the sofa weeping. She spoke to him kindly, and said, "What is the trouble? and he says, "O, teacher, I have had no peace since I got that note from you." And she got down and prayed with him ; “ And,” said the superintendent, "there is not a better boy in the school." Love conquered him.


The greatest infidel can be reached by love. The greatest drunkard can be reached by love. Infidelity don't know anything about love. The religion of Jesus Christ is a religion of love. If we would be successful workers in His vineyard it is the love of Christ that must bind us together. A few years ago I was in a town down in our State, the guest of a family that had a little boy about 13 years who did not bear the family name, yet was treated like the rest. Every night when he retired, the lady of the house kissed him and treated him in every respect like all the other children. I said to the lady of the house, I don't understand it." I think he was the finest looking boy I have ever seen. I said to her "I don't understand it." She says, "I want to tell you about that boy. That boy is the son of a missionary. His father and

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mother were missionaries in India, but they found they had got to bring their children back to this country to educate them. So they gave up their mission field and came back to educate their children and to find some missionary work to do in this country. But they were not prospered here as they had been in India, and the father said, "I will go back to India; " and the mother said, "If God has called you to go I am sure it will be my duty to go and my privilege to go, and I will go with you." The father said, "You have never been separated from the children, and it will be hard for you to be separated from them ; perhaps you had better stay and take care of them. But after prayer they decided to leave their children to be educated, and they left for India." This lady heard of it and sent a. letter to the parents, in which she stated if they left one child at her house she would treat it like one of her own chilAren. She said the mother came and spent a few days at her house, and being satisfied that her boy would receive proper care, consented to leave him, and the night before she was to leave him, the missionary said to the Western lady: “I want to leave my boy to-morrow-morning without a tear ; But she didn't said she," I may never see him again." want him to think she was weeping for anything she was doing for the Master. The lady said to herself," she won't leave that boy without a tear.” But the next day when the carriage drove up to the door, the lady went up stairs "O God, and said she heard the mother in prayer, crying, give me strength for this hour. Help me to go away from my boy without a tear." When she came down there was a smile upon her face. She hugged him and she kissed him, but she smiled as she did it. She gave up all her five or six children without shedding a tear, went back to India and in about a year there came a voice, “Come up hither.” you think she would be a stranger in the Lord's world? Don't you think she won't be known there a mother that

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loved her God more than her children? When I think of that it seems as if I didn't know much about making a sacrifice for my Master. O, that we might know more about the love of Christ.

The next thing I want to speak of is sympathy. We have got to get into sympathy with people if we are going to do them good. This world wants sympathy about as much as anything. There are so many we could reach if we could sympathize with them. If we stand upon a higher plane, we won't succeed. The Son of God passed by the mansions and went down in a manger that he might sympathize with the lowly. If we want to reach people, we have got to put ourselves in the places of those people, if we are going to succeed. People say, "How are the masses going to be reached?" Why, get into sympathy with them. If a man knows you are in sympathy with him, his heart, however hard it may be, will be broken. A gentleman one day came to my office for the purpose of getting me interested in a young man who had just got out of the penitentiary. "He says," said the gentleman, "he don't want to go to the office, but I want your permission to bring him in and introduce him." I said," Bring him in." The gentleman brought him in and introduced him, and I took him by the hand and told him I was glad to see him. I invited him up to my house, and when I took him into my family I introduced him as my friend. When my little daughter came into the room I said, Emma, this is papa's friend." And she went up and kissed him, and

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the man sobbed aloud. After the child left the room I said, "What is the matter?" "O Sir," he said, "I have not had a kiss for years. The last kiss I had was from

I thought I would never

my mother, and she was dying. love another one again." His heart was broken. that little kindness showed I was in sympathy with him. Another young man, just out of the penitentiary, came to

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me and after I had talked with him for some time, he didn't seem to think I was in sympathy with him. I offered him a little money, "No," he said, “I don't want your money." "What do you want? "I want some one to have confidence in me." I got down and prayed with him, and in my prayer I called him a brother and he shed tears the moment I called him a brother. So if we are going to reach men we must make them believe we are their brothers. I will tell you how to get there. You must put yourself in their places. I tell you, if we only put ourselves in their places we can succeed in bringing souls to Christ. O! when we see a poor drunkard, let us bear in mind that we might have been in the same place under the same circumstances. O! may God give us love and sympathy so that we can reach the masses, and that many may be reached in this way, and we will see men coming to Christ by thousands. I believe in my soul we are going to see the greatest work in New-York we have ever seen in this world. Let every one of us that love the Lord Jesus Christ make up our minds that by the grace of God we will try to help some soul to Christ, and the Lord will make us wise in leading souls to Him if that is our prayer.


"The spirit of

I WANT to call your attention to a verse in the 4th chapter of the Gospel of Luke-the 18th verse: the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor." I have spoken a great many times in New York City, but I believe I never preached the Gospel here but once. That was 12 or 15 years ago down in the Tombs. I have spoken a great many times in different parts of the city, but I have never preached the Gospel but once. I have tried to arouse Christians up to work. People are in the habit of thinking that anything that is in the way of a religious meeting is the Gospel, but they are mistaken. I have had quite a number of letters from Christians complaining because I don't preach the Gospel to the people. I want to tell you if I can what the Gospel of the Son of God is. I want to ask all those who are Christians here, to be silently lifting up their hearts in prayer that God may help me to make the way of life plain, and that every one may know what the Gospel of God is. I believe I was converted years before I knew what the Gospel meant. Now the word Gospel means "good spell," or in other words, "God's spell."

When Christ commenced His Ministry, about His first words were, 66 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor." That don't mean those who are poor in this world's

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