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them declare that Christianity is excluded. Now, we say, multiply such schools a thousand fold; only let the Christian church take care-I am sure I shall not offend in using the expression here-let the Christian church take care to "baptize" that spirit of inquiry with the true spirit of Christianity.

thing to be dene for India. You must not relax your efforts. More men, more native agents-that is the secret of India's regeneration-more prayers, more buoyancy in your efforts. Don't let your secretary be downcast, and come to you with a funeral oration next year. Let him come with a pæan of When your brethren first arrived in India, triumph, and begin it to-day. Wipe off the there had been no preaching of the gospel debt! Wipe it off! Don't disgrace the among the people. Now, it is every where com- name of this great Society by leaving this hall mon. And, in reference to the preaching of that with a paltry £4000 in debt. I am sure the gospel, I can state, and my brother Sutton is Chairman will set the example. Ah, you here to corroborate what I say, if it be true, clap; but are you going to follow the exor, to deny it if it be false, that, through her ample? Pay it off! Four thousand persons length and breadth, India is perfectly open to at a sovereign a-piece, and it is done! Now, the preaching of Christ's gospel. More free Christian friends, I have somewhat exceeded than Britain! I have come to England my time, but I had a very good example in to witness that marvellous anomaly, of your Secretary. He transgressed full ten one professed Christian priest shutting up minutes from his own rule, and I most heartily another in his prison-house for preaching the forgive him, for it was an excellent Report, gospel. Now that, I think, could not happen and well read, and will bear well reading in in India. The government of India, in India, private. I have very great pleasure in being do for all missionaries that which every present with you this morning, and in offering government should do for ministers of religion my testimony to the efficiency of your missions -no more or less; they give the amplest in the East, to the high character of the men civil protection, without the slightest religious who sustain them, to their disinterestedness interference. Many persons speak against and zeal, and to the success with which God the government of India, and I am not here has crowned their labours in our great doas its apologist; but the faults connected with minions in the East. the government of India are not usually with the officials in India. All the mischief is in that rightly-named house, in a rightly-named street, in that city of London, that my brother who spoke first, so highly eulogised-Leadenhall Street. I mean to say that, if any good thing comes out, either in England or India, for India,-if you want to make it an "organic remain," you have only to send it to Leadenhall Street. If you complain that India is not what she ought to be, then, I say, the power is with yourselves. You have the power of ruling India-especially the wealthy among you: you can buy East India stock-you can become East India proprietors and directors, and you have the "Gordian knot" in your hands. There, in Leadenhall Street, is the spot to move in reference to the regeneration of India, in a political point of view.

The resolution was supported by CHARLES CowAN, Esq., M.P., and was then put from the chair and agreed to unanimously.

The Rev. AMOS SUTTON, late missionary of the General Baptist Missionary Society in Orissa, moved the following resolution :

That in the momentous events now transpiring in the world, this meeting recognizes the hand of God on behalf of His church; it rejoices that in many lands long closed against the gospel, the barriers have been removed, and cannot but regard the changes that have occurred among the nations as loudly calling on all who are actuated by Christian principles to renewed exertions in the diffusion of that truth which is the only sound foundation of private virtue and of national prosperity.

One of the speakers has referred to a memorable remark of the late Mr. Cecil, give me leave in reference to the impressive prospects There is one more subject to which I suggested by the terms of this resolution to will advert, since the residence of mission- refer to another remark by the same eminent aries in British India, infanticide and suttee and excellent person: "With respect to the are in that country what they are in this number of perishing souls around me," said -legal murder. Not only is man himself he, "I see on the one hand multitudes rushing free, but the land is free, and every thing in daily to their eternal destruction, I see on the connexion with religion may be as free as the other hand, the crucified Saviour of mankind air we breathe, and the grace we preach. stretching forth his cross to receive and to save Moreover, the iniquitous connexion between them." With these two ideas to occupy my the idolatries of the land and the government mind I need no third. In Christian Engthat, too, is nearly extinct. One faint thread land, with the gospel in our hands, two im. connected with Orissa binds the government portant reflections in reference to it seem to to idolatry. I should wish that Mr. Sutton be powerfully suggested on occasions like that might have to carry back with him to India which has brought us together this day; the this one cheering note, that the authorities in one, that we should bring our minds, thus Leadenhall Street had at last abolished this privileged as we are, to feel more deeply the last link of the evil. But there is still some-value of the gospel to ourselves; the other that

this sense of its value should induce us to be more earnest in the work of diffusing its blessings to every other class and community of the great family of man. We have, in this resolution, an intimation that your Society, which, notwithstanding its crippled means, has made the diffusion of that gospel the constant object of its unremitting efforts, looks forward with some confidence to the present eventful crisis as offering additional opportunity for forwarding and extending the great work. Let us then see what is doing in this or other lands. I have in my possession a copy of an original proclamation issued but a few short years ago by the emperor of China, in which he threatens with punishment "even unto death" all who shall presume to introduce the gospel into the Chinese dominions. Why China, as our brother Boaz has told you of India, is now more free for the dissemination of the gospel than Christian Britain. We have missionaries settled at Ningpo, for example; they are in every respect more free there than at Canton. They have perfect freedom of locomotion. They go when and where they like, without let or hindrance from any one.

But it has been my lot, in the course of my missionary wanderings, to go among the Burmese, and to travel in their country to the districts in which the Kareens reside. They are a people dwelling in the wildest regions of the jungles and the marshes of Burmah, and who had not been heard of, even by name, in Europe, when Boardman first went out and laboured among them. I addressed, through an interpreter, a number of these poor people, consisting I think of about 450, who had made their way to meet and be taught by a Christian missionary to a spot so remote from their homes that it was under the very guns of the frontier post of the British. They had braved and surmounted every obstacle for this purpose, travelling by night in order to avoid the native Burmese authorities, by whom they would have been cruelly punished for the course they had adopted. I was profoundly moved on that occasion. The Kareen women came, with their children, the youngest attached to their backs by neat lashings of the bamboo, to attend this meeting of the converts. They said, "If you will teach our husbands, we will learn the good word also." As they rocked the cradles of their infants with one hand, they held the book out of which they were learning with the other. I never saw a more interesting, and I might say a more interested auditory in my life than that which I addressed. It is but twenty-one years since the first attempt to cultivate this field was made; and now in Burmah, where American as well as British missionaries have laboured earnestly, they count their converts not by scores but by thousands.

And now I come to the country of Orissa. Our first missionaries went out with Mr.

Ward of Serampore, our venerated brother.
By his advice they went to Orissa. The
advice given to our board by Mr. Ward
was that they should select the field that was
widest and which had not been previously occu-
pied by any other missionaries. They did so, and
not without success. They pitched their tent
under the very shadow of the pagoda of
Juggernaut-that Moloch of a cruel and im-
pure idolatry. Their countrymen would fre-
quently say to them, "You will never make
a single convert in the neighbourhood of
Juggernaut. If you would wish to succeed
in your object, go elsewhere." Many a fear-
ful and terrible tale might be revealed of the
abominations which attend the hideous and
polluted worship that is offered at that shrine.
But I pass to other matters. We scarcely yet
know the work we have to do in carrying out
this Christian enterprize. The further we
penetrate into regions to which our missionaries
have not heretofore penetrated, the more widely
does the expanding prospect of the fields to be
occupied open upon us. When we first went
out to Orissa we supposed that there was but
one language spoken throughout that tract of
country. But the fact was quite contrary to
our expectations; for whilst it is the gospel
alone which binds man to man in holy sym-
pathy and a common hope of a bereafter,
sin and idolatry have separated the species
where they prevail into numberless communi-
ties, and that separation is increased by a
corresponding diversity of tongues. Jellasoor
was the first station we came to after quitting
Orissa. And here we found an American
missionary established, whose efforts, in con-
junction with those of brethren of our own
Society, have brought around him many people
whose very name I believe had been unknown
to Europeans before. These people are of a
race called the Sentoons, inhabiting the
Raghmahl hills, and in the back country of
that part of Hindustan. They are now con-
stant in their attendance on the missionaries.
The Kundhs again are to us quite a new peo-
ple, inhabiting districts of Cuttack and Gan-
jam, and extending as far back perhaps as
Nagpoor. These people have been, for a
period of unknown duration, in the habit of
offering up human sacrifices. It has but lately
come to the knowledge of the British govern-
ment in India that they have been in the
habit of stealing the children they can decoy
on the plains of Orissa, and carrying them away
to the hills, where they carefully feed them up
for slaughter until the period arrives when,
dressed out in all the gay habiliments of
idolatry, they are offered up as victims at the
shrines frequented by these people. The mode
of sacrifice is this. They insert into the ground
a pointed stake, the top of which is usually
surmounted by a peacock's feathers, or a live
magpie. To this stake the victim is tied; and
after they have performed their incantations,
they rush upon the miserable child and stab

cations of leprosy, a very common and also a very fatal disease in India.

We sent him to


and hack his flesh to pieces with their knives as an offering to the goddess of earth, whom they think thus to propitiate so as to communi- the hospital, and every care was taken of him ; cate a red tint to the grain they raise in but each of the white spots soon became a their fields. When I was in India I had from putrid ulcer, and his limbs were thirty to forty of these children who had been away. All which could be done was to rescued from the fate intended for them, smooth his passage to the grave. Nothing placed under my care at Cuttock; and I learn could arrest the progress of his malady or that since I have returned to England (now save his life; and the doctor directed that he upwards of twelve months) upwards of one should be kept by himself, as contact with hundred more of these rescued victims have others might communicate to them the infeebeen delivered into the hands of the British tion, a tent was provided for him; from this missionaries. When these one hundred new tent he would creep at service time to the comers first arrived at the station, the previ- door of our meeting room, and listen to and ously rescued victims turned out to see them. join in the service. A more intent listener I Among these first saved was a fine little never looked upon. One day I went with my native Orissa boy, who had received the name wife to pay him a visit. He was stretched on of Philip. He had been captured from the his mat, apparently absorbed in some deep Kundhs some three years before. To the reverie on a passage he had been reading. astonishment of our people, after viewing the His testament was close to his side. The new comers he returned leading another youth hymn book was in his other hand, and we by the hand, and presenting him to the saw that his attention had been riveted to this minister he said, "Here is my brother." This passage:brother had just before been sold to the Kundhs by the same cruel and unnatural uncle, who had three years antecedently sold Philip to them, for the same vile and inhuman purposes from which both were now so mercifully retrieved. Under what circumstances could the precepts of Christianity and the knowledge leading to eternal life have been more beneficially communicated, than they have been to these poor youths thus snatched from the sacrifices denianded by a sanguinary superstition?

I was prepared with many other anecdotes of a highly interesting kind, but the time I see presses; I will therefore confine myself to one only. There was among these intended victims thus happily rescued from the hands of the Kundhs an awkward ungainly looking lad who was called David, Great pains were taken with him, but he was so stupid that all attempts to cultivate his faculties seemed hopeless, and we at last devoted him to the menial task of sweeping out our premises at the Mission House. At this time our school was very full, and many of these young natives had been converted. All at once a ray of intelligence seemed to break upon the mind of poor David, like a light from heaven, (and who shall say it was not a light from heaven?) He seemed suddenly possessed of new-born faculties; and one might almost have been permitted to say of him,

"All were astonished at his understanding and his answers." He applied himself so diligently, and profited so much by the instruction afforded to him, that he was received into our church. Soon after we put him into the printing office, and such rapid advances did he make, we made him a compositor. But whilst he was thus engaged, and interest ing and amazing us all by his sudden proficiency, there appeared upon his skin numerous white spots, which are the first indi

"Of all that decks the field or bower, Thou art the fairest, sweetest flower; Then, blessed Jesus, let not me In thy kind heart forgotten be. Day after day youth's joys decay, Death waits to seize his trembling prey; Then, blessed Jesus, let not me, In thy kind heart forgotten be." When we left his tent my wife said to me, with great emphasis and emotion, "There lies an heir of glory; for, though like Lazarus he be full of sores, like Lazarus too he is rich in assured hope." I could not but concur in the parallel. Shortly after I determined to pay him another visit. I found everything as I had left it. The door of the tent was still open. There was the testament,-there, was the hymn book, still at his side on the mat on which he was stretched. But his spirit had already flown to rest in the bosom of Abraham! On this spectacle, thought I, I am content to rest my plea on behalf of missions. Here was a proof how the communication of the word of God could raise thus wonderfully the soul of this poor lad to the contemplation of the true Redeemer. To any and to all who would not encourage missions, who could remain insensible to the beneficial effects they had produced on fellow creatures who had been placed in the position of these timely rescued victims from the brutal superstition of the Khunds, I should be inclined to hold the same stern but poetical language of remonstrance which was once addressed to the Marquis of Hastings for refusing, when Governor-General of India, to abolish suttee.

Before sitting down I must be allowed to say one word on behalf of Bengal, a country with which I was so long and so intimately connected. It must be remembered that Bengal was the first region of India in which we established missions. I still retain the most affectionate interest for its progress in Christian conversion. I received letters from Bengal

in the course of last year apprising me of the numerous converts that had been made in the districts round Calcutta. My informant, who is well known to most of you, you would admit, is no enthusiast, nor likely in his zeal to overstate the exact condition of the case. Yet he writes to me, "I believe that if I had three or four good preachers, who would come and preach the gospel with their own lips, constantly, at various places round Calcutta, we should, in a few years, succeed in converting the greater portion of the people to Christianity. 1 do not hesitate to say, I have seen as large an amount of real Christian feeling and faith among them as I have ever witnessed in any equal number of professing Christians in this country.

I have yet another anecdote to tell you. A friend of mine some time ago was travelling in the wilds of Orissa. As he pursued his way he came in sight of an officer's tent. The officer seeing he was a European invited him to dinner. He accepted the invitation, and after the repast the officer said, "And so Mr. Wilkinson you have come out here to try and convert the Hindus." "Yes, that is my object," answered my friend. "And a pretty wild goose chase," rejoined the officer, "you will make of it. You don't know these fellows so well as I do." "Oh, Sir, I think I myself know something about them already." "Ah, but you have not had to deal with them as I have. If you had been accustomed to the command of a company of Sepoys you would soon find out their duplicity and faithlessness." Mr. Wilkinson assured him he had made some converts whose earnestness and sincerity were beyond all question or suspicion." "Oh!" said the officer, "I should like to examine them." "Your wish can soon be gratified, for here is one of them coming up the avenue. Gunga," (continued Mr. Wilkinson, addressing the native who entered,) "here is a gentleman who wishes to examine you as to

your Christianity." "What right has he to examine me?" inquired Gunga, "and does he mean to do so in anger or in ridicule?" "So," said the officer, "you have turned Christian?" "Yes." "How did you get your living before you turned Christian?" Gunga was astonished. His pride also was hurt. "I am a Brahmin," said he, throwing back his robe over his shoulders and exhibiting a mark that attested that fact. He could not conceive how such a question could be asked of him raising so obvious an appearance to his disparagement. The officer, somewhat abashed, asked how he had felt before he became a Christian, and he replied, "I felt that I myself, like all my countrymen, was in miserable darkness. I longed for the truth, but I could not find it. At length I heard that the light of truth was to be found on the Padre side, and thither I instantly repaired to light my own taper at the source. I found what I sought for, and I carried my candle to the bazaars and public places that I might communicate the same light to others." As he went on the officer admitted to Mr. Wilkinson that this was indeed something which he had not expected to hear. A tear stood in his eye as he spoke. He had found in an Hindoo a true believer; and he was preparing to retire to indulge in his own meditations, when Gunga said, "I should like now to examine you. Are you a Christian? Are you indeed a Christian?" This was an arrow to the officer's heart, and this question asked in Christian simplicity became the means of his conversion.

The motion was seconded by the Rev. WILLIAM BARTON, a deputation from the Wesleyan Missionary Society, (also from India,) and passed unanimously.

The benediction was then pronounced and the meeting separated.

During the course of the meeting devotional exercises were conducted by the Rev. J. MORTLOCK DANIELL and Rev. Dr. GODWIN.


JOSEPH H. ALLEN, Esq., presided.

Prayer was offered by the Rev. J. T. WIGNER of Lynn,

The CHAIRMAN addressed the meeting as follows:-We meet to-night to resume the missionary theme-a theme that should be dear to every Christian heart. To engage in this great work is not our duty merely, but it is our high privilege. That it is our solemn duty I think is obvious. The command of our blessed Lord is imperative. The last command which he gave, before he left this world, was, "Go ye into all the world, and

preach the gospel to every creature." Happy are the men who, called of God, animated by his Holy Spirit, go forth, nor count their lives dear unto them, so that they may finish their course with joy, and testify to the gospel of the grace of God, preaching amongst the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; and happy are those who, although not called to go forth to the heathen, are occupied at home as God may give them the opportunity


its encouragements and its discouragements; and regarding it as a whole-marking what has been done, not merely in the regeneration and salvation of man, but in producing a better state of society, in improving the morals of man, where the chief end has not been accomplished-we are called upon to thank God, and take courage. Worldly men will tell you that there is a larger expenditure in the missionary cause, for the smallest possible results, than in any thing in which men engage. This it is the calculation of a mere worldly man. We are not to put the missionary cause by the side of any worldly

and ability, consecrating their time, their talents, their energies, their money, and making sacrifices, if need be, in order to help on this great cause. I say happy are the men, for in undertakings like this there is a reflex influence. The churches which are most diligent in the missionary cause are the most prosperthe most united, and the useful churches at home; and the individuals, who are thus occupied, are the most honoured of God, because they delight to honour God, and "him that honoureth me," God says, "I will honour." The missionary undertaking is no longer an experiment. The experiment has been tried, and proved to be successful. The speculations, nor judge of it as we judge promise of God has been fulfilled. Thousands have been brought out of the darkness and wretchedness of heathen night into the light, and liberty, and purity of the gospel; and we can point to the east and the west, to the north and the south, for proofs of this. And who does not rejoice that this is the fact? But, although this be the fact, in drawing a missionary picture, we don't like to paint it in colours all of which are bright. There is a dark shade to the picture as well as a bright one-there are discouragements as well as encouragements, and we ought to look them fairly in the face. With regard to the missionary system, its history affords us proofs of this fact. We have had our discouragements, as well as our encouragements. But, looking at missionary operations as a whole, regarding them on a broad scale, we have no reason whatever to be discouraged, but to be animated onward in our course. Some few years ago, you will remember, there appeared to be a mighty outpouring (and there doubtless was) of the Spirit of God on Jamaica, and that island, which was like a moral wilderness, became almost as the garden of the Lord. Thousands were added to our churches.

of the success of worldly undertakings. We
are to judge of it by the standard which
Christ has given us. And what standard is
that? Why, he puts the whole world into
one scale, and the soul of a single man into
the other, and he makes the soul of man
to outweigh the whole world.
Thus are
we to judge, and to this standard are we to
bring our calculations with regard to the mis-
sionary cause; and when we remember how
many thousands there are, who, through the
instrumentality of this, and of kindred insti-
tutions, have been brought to the knowledge
of the truth, we have reason to thank God,
and take courage.

The SECRETARY then briefly stated the objects of the Society, and laid before the meeting a statement of its proceedings during the past year.

The Rev. JAMES PATERSON, of Glasgow, moved the first resolution :

That, in the opinion of this meeting, the work' of evangelizing the heathen can be maintained in its vigour by those only who are imbued with the Spirit of Christ, and that it requires in the Christian church, in proportion, whether to its discouragements or to its success,-intelligence and simplicity, devotedness and faith..

The work of our missionaries increased so much, that more missionaries were required, and more were sent forth, and occupation was found for them-spiritual occupation-and numbers professed to be converted to the He heartily concurred in the sentiment of faith. Now a somewhat different scene the Chairman, that it was unprofitable to presents itself. The churches have de- judge of the cause of the Lord by measuring creased in number, and many have not main-it with the standard of the world. Religion tained the consistency of their profession. under no phase was to be weighed in the Well, this is a discouraging circumstance, balances of worldly men. The religion of and we ought to look upon it as such. At the same time, it is declared to us, that there are thousands belonging to the churches in Jamaica whose consistency and whose piety will bear comparison with the members of the churches in our own land. In speaking of missionary facts of a pleasing character, we would not, for the sake of producing an effect or an interest, give them a colouring which they ought not to have; and, on the other hand, we would not excite visionary ideas, such as every sober-minded man knows cannot be, or are not likely to be realized. Let us look at the missionary cause just as it is, with

the bible could not be estimated by the number of men and women congregated in any one place. They must estimate what had been done by the Baptist Missionary Society in the balances of the sanctuary-they must estimate these institutions by the word of God. The gospel was preached by the missionaries of this Society, and that it has been instrumental, under the blessing of God, in leading many guilty sinners to the knowledge of the Saviour, would be admitted by all candid and right-judging men. There was not a Christian present who would object to the propositions contained in the resolution.

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