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made a permanent station,-that for the various missionary operations £150 had been received, and that a growing interest was manifested in the operations of the society. It was also stated that a mission chapel, with school, is about to be erected immediately at Kirkstall, towards which £130 had been promised.


The fifty-second anniversary of this society was held on Tuesday, April 12, at Hanover chapel, Peckham. The Rev. Thomas Adkins of Southampton preached an appropriate and useful sermon on Isaiah xiii. 4, last clause. A public meeting, at which D. W. Wire, Esq., presided. In the various other services of the day the following ministers were engaged, Revs. Messrs. Hill, Bean, Hunt, Rogers, Thomas, Gamble, Adey, Bromfield, Burnet, Dr. Massie, Richards, and Soule. The report stated that the effort on behalf of the Jubilee Fund had been successfully completed, and that a new district, as the result of this effort, would forthwith be commenced. A resolution was unanimously passed, presenting the thanks of the

society to the Rev. J. E. Richards of Limehouse, for the important services which, as one of the secretaries, he had rendered to the institution during the period of nineteen years. He is succeeded by the Rev. T. Kennerley of Mitcham. The reports from the several stations were of an encouraging character, and numerous instances of usefulness were detailed as the effect of the divine blessing on the labours of the devoted missionaries. Surrey Mission is identified with no party; it militates against nothing but sin, and its powerful auxiliaries, ignorance and infidelity; it seeks no interest but that of Christ and mankind; it aims at uniting the talents, the zeal, the influence, and labour, of the friends of the gospel of every name.



The Rev. Henry Evans has resigned the charge of the church at Pisgah, Pembrokeshire, after labouring there six years and a half. During that time he has had the pleasure of baptizing seventy-one persons, but, to the great regret of the congregation, he finds himself unable to sustain the exertion which the station requires.



To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine. MY DEAR SIR,-Before your readers are hurried away by the spirit of discussion give me a quiet corner for a few facts in reference to our mission and the election of its committee. Since the last annual meeting, I have examined the list of attendances at the members' meetings of the society for several years, and hand you the results.

1. It seems that no member of the society has ever since our constitution was changed attended and voted at that meeting (where the committee are chosen) who was not at the time a member of one of our churches. So that all who have taken part in the election of committee have been at the time fessed Christians and baptists.


2. Of the electors of the committee the great majority have always been composed of members of the society residing in the country. Of 109 electors who attended in 1848, 61 were country members; and of 170 who attended and voted in 1849, 111 resided in the country. So that the committee are really chosen by a meeting, the large majority of whom belong to our country churches.

founded their claim to vote, not on their subscriptions (though they generally subscribed), but on their being pastors of collecting churches. Of the 170 who attended this year, 116 were pastors of churches, and nearly all the remainder 54 (within a dozen) were deacons; so that the real electors of our committee are brethren, all of whom are members of baptist churches, and nearly all of whom (within a very small fraction of the whole) are already honoured with the confidence of the churches to which they belong.

4. While all the actual electors of the committee have always been members of churches, and the large majority of electors have been country members of the society, it is pleasing to find that these country electors have come from all parts of the kingdom, and though not clothed with delegated authority, they have really represented the different missionary districts of the country with very fair exactness. The following table will illustrate this statement :—

Electors present in 1848 From Cambridge, Essex, Hunts, Lincoln, Norfolk and Suffolk...... 11 в From Kent, Sussex, and Hants From Wilts, Somerset, Devon, Hereford, and Gloster






From Leicester, Notts, Stafford, and Warwickshire

[blocks in formation]

Herts, and Surrey...

[blocks in formation]

3. Of the 109 electors who attended the meeting in 1848, 78 were pastors of churches, and nearly all the remainder 31 (within From Oxford, Berks, Bucks, Beds,

about 6) were deacons. Most of the former

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rate, we all wish that whatever changes are either proposed or effected, they should be improvements, and not operate in the wrong direction. The present constitution of the mission is only four or five years old; and though not the least unkind reflection is cast for its improvement, it must be confessed upon the well-intended effort then made that the alterations have not secured what

was the avowed aim and intention of their

promoters. The committee is more restrictive and subject to fewer changes now than under the former mode of appointment; and appears, though it is not in reality, more like a self-appointed committee. The fact is, that whatever mode is adopted in the choice of the committee, the same men, or nearly so, will annually be elected, and for the obvious reason, that their names and characters are most extensively known and appreciated. The working of the present mode brings out the result, that the wider the suffrage the more limited the choice; and if every church in the kingdom were to send up its list as proposed, it is highly probable there would not be a single change of names from year to year. In the former mode of selecting the committee, not only in the Baptist Mission but in all our other societies, inefficient members, and those who seldom attended were not re-elected; but now in regard to the foreign mission the committee is chosen in the absence of whatever information past expe rience supplies. I would not recommend a return to the former mode, fearing it would not afford an equal degree of satisfaction; but let no one suppose that the adoption of any other mode will, in any considerable degree, vary the result.

To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine. DEAR SIR,--It appears that the constitution of our different societies, and especially of our foreign mission, is to be a principal matter of discussion in your pages for the current year. Well, be it so. If suggestions for their improvement are in the minds of pious and well-disposed Christians, it is better they should be spoken out than left to make unfavourable impressions in private circles. In one thing I perfectly agree with your While this is done in a frank and Christian correspondent and my friend, Mr. Pryce, that spirit, it is certainly the less evil of the two. there is at present a lamentable indifference Still I hold it to be an evil. All such dis- to the welfare and progress of our mission in cussions, if they do no good, do a positive many of our churches. As to what this indifinjury, by unsettling the public mind, and ference is owing, and how it may be remedied, leading to a suspicion of imperfection and I certainly do not agree with him. That it inadequacy which facts more closely viewed is owing to the composition of the committee, and more thoroughly understood, would, or a want of wisdom or devotedness on their perhaps, not justify. It is an evil, however, part, or that it would be remedied by a dif to which everything human is exposed; and ferent mode of election, or a different class of those societies which will not yield to it, or members, I certainly do not believe. From attempt to bear it down by authority or force, the nature of the remedy proposed, a stranger only expose themselves to more fearful perils might infer that the present committee was when distrust and opposition are roused into composed of men destitute of religion, and open conflict. So far as I am concerned, I many of them not members of churches. will endeavour not to give the slightest occa- Mr. Pryce lays it down as the basis of his sion of offence in anything I may say, or in recommendations, that "religious men should the manner of saying it; but if I should be be entrusted with religious institutions-that disappointed in this, I will promise not to the task of propagating the gospel should be take offence by anything that may be said in attempted by those who obey it." And then reply. The former may not always be in adds, "there is nothing in the plan and one's own power; the latter is completely so. regulations of the society to prevent it from It is not from any old-fashioned predilec-being-members, committee-men, and alltions for things as they are, that I do not find any great cause of dissatisfaction with the present constitution of our society. At any


composed of persons destitute of religious character." With the knowledge my good friend must have of the society and the modé

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of electing its committee, I can scarcely bring myself to believe him serious in placing this in the front of his objections. Did he ever know, from the commencement of the society, a single member of the committee who was not a member of one of our churches? In the present committee of thirty-six members there are representatives from thirty churches, only six have duplicate members; and the whole committee are not only selected from the churches, but from the largest churches in the kingdom. It is the piety and established reputation of the parties which recommend them to the office, and which alone secure their election. What need then of an entire change in the constitution of our society to secure what we already have, and have not the least fear of losing? A change should be an improvement; if no improvement, then is there no call for a change.

Of the objections to making a money qualification for membership in a religious society, perhaps few are altogether ignorant. But as Mr. Pryce only proposes to transfer it from the individual to the church of which he is a member, all those objections lie against his plan with augmented force; and when he can remove them as applied to a church, it will be easy to remove them as applied to an individual.

My good friend has drawn somewhat luxuriantly upon his imagination, in stating the supposed case of a friend living hard by the Mission House who could afford ten shillings to the cause, but could not find the odd sixpence, and almost sheds tears at the thought of such a friend's exclusion. Let me, in return, draw upon mine, and suppose a case not a whit less extravagant. That if the mission is to be controlled by the churches, and not by the subscribers, we may imagine the whole income and resources of the society to be drawn from one quarter, and the whole control given to another, so that there shall not be a single subscriber having any influence in the disposal of its funds. When wings are given to the imagination, there is no knowing where it may fly, either this way or that. But is it becoming the dignity of sage, full-grown men to remodel a society to meet contingencies which it requires a vivid imagination to portray, and which do not fall within the reach of probabilities, or even of possibilities? In the days of the controversy with Dr. Marshman, it was laid down as a self-evident maxim, "That control follows contribution as the shadow the substance;" but we are now recommended to publish a divorce between them the subscriber to give the money, the church to expend it. If there were any real, practical necessity for this change in the constitution of the society, it would arise from the fact, that though the subscriber might have benevolence enough to give, he had not piety and wisdom enough to lay it out properly for the cause of God; but

let any one ask, How long such a state of things would last? How long would the subscribers continue to supply funds which it was left to another party to distribute? Is it not somewhat anomalous that the very persons who are zealous, and very laudably so, for the separation of the church from the state, should in this instance advocate the system they are aiming to overthrow? We will call the subscriber the state, and the church the ecclesiastical corporation. The church says to the state alias the subscriber "Give us your money, we will lay it out. Ours is a divine institution, you can lay no claim to so sacred an origin. The spread of the gospel is a duty left to us, we are responsible for the sacred trust; therefore leave it with us." Now, as our good friends know so well how to answer the churchman who argues in this way, they can be at no loss how to answer themselves, when urging precisely the same argument.

I would with deference ask our friends who are desirous of promoting this change, whe ther it would not be inconsistent with their principles as congregational dissenters? The church of Christ is indeed a divine institution, and constant jealousy should be maintained to preserve its spirituality and independence. But this gives it no spiritual authority over other bodies or associations of men. No one lays claim to a missionary society as being a divine institution; it is simply an expedient devised by various godly and zealous men to extend the knowledge and blessings of the gospel to distant nations. It has no inherent connexion with a Christian church at all. We might suppose it to consist of members, none of whom were connected with Christian churches; or, as in the case of some existing societies, of Christians of all or any churches. It is true, the Baptist Mission naturally looks to baptist churches for support, as in them are likely to be found the larger proportion of good men actuated by a similar estimate of the value of the gospel, and a similar zeal for its extension; but its call to them is as individuals, and not as collective bodies. The influence of the church as a body can consistently and safely be exercised only over their own acts; to extend that influence beyond their own concerns is of the very essence of popery.

Besides, let any one who is conversant with the state of our churches, and the sad diversity of sentiment and feeling prevalent among them, ask himself, whether the society would be in safer keeping, or in a condition of greater unity and peace, by being entirely committed to their control. In retaining it where it now is, it is in the hands of those individual members of our churches who are actuated with sufficient zeal and ability to support it; and it is hoped, to say the least, with an average amount of wisdom to manage its affairs.

Still it will be said, the fact as stated at the commencement of this paper, remains, that there is a lamentable indifference in many of our churches to the progress and success of the missionary cause. This is sadly too true; and if this indifference be in any considerable extent traceable to the want of control which our churches wish to exercise over the affairs of the mission, that desire, as far as prudent and practicable, should be met with kindness and consideration. For my own part, I must confess, I want evidence of the fact; I do not think there is existing, on the part of the churches themselves, any considerable feeling of loss on that ground. If there were any urging this as a ground of complaint, the remedy would be easy. It would simply be to pass a resolution to the effect, that any church contributing a given amount to the society, should, in addition to the pastor, be authorized to send a representative to the annual meeting. I cannot but think this regulation would obviate every real or supposed ground of complaint, while it would not be open to any grave objections, to which the proposed entire change in the constitution of the society is liable.

It is, however, my firm conviction that the decline of the missionary spirit in our churches does not arise from any such cause. It is to be found nearer home. I conceive it is to be attributed to the simple facts of the case, in combination with the nature of the human mind. The novelty of the undertaking has passed away; and at the present moment there are none of those secondary and adventitious circumstances which give a zest and impulse to the missionary siit. The persecution of the banished missionary-the advocacy of the negroes social wrongs-the thrilling electricity of the word KNIBB, and the power of his eloquence have subsided, and we are called now to settle down to the unadorned and unpoetical duties of teaching the ignorant the way of salvation-establishing schools, and stations, and churches, with very little of novelty to chequer the monotonous appeal for money. It is perfectly unavailing to find fault with what constitutes one of the essential characteristics of human nature. The human mind looks for variety, and is satiated with monotony. Complain as we may, the fact remains precisely the same: man's nature will not alter by all our complaints. If we would overcome this tendency to satiety, we must withdraw our attention from the adventitious and the outward to the spiritual and the eternal. There is ample scope in this direction to sustain and increase the missionary spirit to the last stretch of feeling, and the last breath of life. We must come closer to the subject. We must not be contented with reading reports, we must have reports of our own. We must not use other people's eyes, and ears, and pens, we must use our own. Time was when many of

the warm friends of missions, and some churches too, maintained a direct correspondence, not only with missionaries, but with the converts they had made from idolatry and superstition. They took a lively interest in the progress of truth in the minds of individual converts, and that interest was extensively diffused at their social meetings. There are many now living who will never forget the intense feeling kindled by intelligence from distant fields of missionary toil in the early history of the mission. And why should this be a mere matter of history? Instances are continually occurring, equally pregnant with spiritual and eternal consequences, did we view the subject more closely and more correctly. This aspect of the work may be varied to infinity. Why should not those ministers who regret the decline of a missionary spirit in their churches open a direct correspondence with some one missionary station-call it, if they please, their own, and have periodical reports of its progress? In addition to what they contribute to the general funds, let them take the schools, and the children of the missionary under their kind christian care; let little presents of clothes and books, and other testimonies of regard be made, as the case may require, and there will arise, especially on the part of the young, feelings of interest and sympathy, which no contemplations of the missionary work on a large scale would ever draw forth. And as an additional motive, look at the effect which such kind notices would have upon the missionaries themselves. Nothing is more common than to hear these devoted men lament that after quitting their native shores, and witnessing the affecting adieus of friends, they are left as if banished to some unapproachable clime, apparently forgotten by those who appeared on leaving to take such a lively interest in their welfare. Were an active and pious corespondence kept up between the churches abroad and those at home, how would it encourage them in their self-denying labours, stimulate to renewed devotedness, bear up their spirits under discouragements, and, possibly, be the very turning-point of a missionary retaining or quitting his sphere of duty.

Do we really wish to revive a missionary spirit in our churches? Let us look more abroad, and less at home-more at objects, and less at instruments. The theatre of a missionary society is among the ignorant and idolatrous heathen in distant lands, and not in a mission house, or a public meeting in our native land. In a cause where success is more connected with divine approbation than human agency, and where the feeblest means are often attended with the largest results, there is a possibility of looking too intently at the adaptation of human agency; and the consequence may possibly be a withdrawment

of divine aid. Let us never forget that the cause of missions is the cause of God. A missionary society is man's way of carrying on this cause. It is human instrumentality aiming at a divine purpose. The imperfection of that agency may be expected to be often seen; but that Christian's attachment to the great work must be feeble indeed which is suspended on the discovery of these imperfections.

But I must abruptly close. This letter is sadly too long your time and patience are too severely taxed; and long experience testifies, that the judgment is scarcely ever convinced when the patience is exhausted. I am yours very truly, J. HADDON.


Our readers are apprised that the committee of Stepney College has invited Mr. Angus to take the oversight of that institution. He has, in consequence, resigned the Secretaryship of the Baptist Missionary Society, continuing, however, to discharge the duties of the office till other arrangements can be made. The mission sustains by his removal a loss which it will not be easy to compensate. Having had, from the first, the very best opportunities for forming an estimate of the services of Mr. Angus, we cannot record this event without expressing a high sense of his efficiency, and a full conviction that no one will ever surpass him in devotedness to the interests of the important society with which he was officially connected. We feel ourselves equally bound, however, to congratulate the supporters of Stepney College, and especially the young ministers who will soon become the objects of his daily attention, on the eminent qualifications which he possesses intellectual, literary, and religious,-for the station he is about to occupy. On this point we have heard no difference of opinion expressed, and we have only to hope that the result may equal the anticipations which it appears to be reasonable to indulge.

cates could expect. It has gone on uniformly and pleasantly for more than four years, and the young men who have received its aid have met with acceptance in the churches. Great satisfaction has been expressed in words, but contributions have been solicited almost in vain. Some handsome donations were made by its founders, and a few subscriptions have been regularly paid, but its receipts do not warrant a continuance of its efforts. Its history seems to be a complete refutation of the assertion, frequently heard, that our churches can and will support any society the object of which they cordially approve and the management of which is unimpeachable. This society stops simply for want of money. There has been no want of young men anxious to avail themselves of its aid; there has been no want of suitable ministers willing to receive and train them, and the selection made of tutors has commanded the approbation of intelligent bystanders; there has been no want of harmony or zeal on the part of the officers and committee; yet the society stops, and simply for want of money! We say it stops; its exact position being this;-that the committee having met to terminate its existence, after much discussion it was determined to give the public one more trial, suspending operations, and adjourning to some day in September, then to dissolve, unless in the interim such remittances should be received as would supersede the painful necessity of dropping exertions of the utility of which abundant testimonies have been afforded.

Dr. Cramp has resigned the presidency of the Baptist College at Montreal. He has recommended that Dr. Davies who occupied the post before him, and who is now in Canada, should be invited to resume it, and has himself accepted a literary engagement, in fulfilling which he hopes to promote the interests of the colony.

We are sorry to find that in a bill which is in the House of Commons for granting a Constitution to the Australian Colonies, there is a clause which, if passed, will perpetuate and augment the compulsory payment of the episcopalian, presbyterian, Wesleyan, and Romish clergy.

Our readers will not, we trust, overlook the necessity for strenuous effort in relation to the subject brought before their attention in a review for which we are indebted to the energetic pen of an esteemed brother.

Among our Miscellanea there is a document of an unusual character. It is from the Committee of the Baptist Theological Education Society, and it will probably be the last communication which our readers will receive from that quarter. The course pursued by that institution, of placing young preachers with pastors of experience and ability, competent to direct their reading, superintend their efforts to do good in surrounding villages, and familiarize them with Mr. Angus has formally accepted the invithe details of pastoral work, was highly tation to Stepney College, but, at the time at eulogized when it was first proposed, and has which we close, he has not replied to the remet with as many expressions of verbal quest of the Baptist Missionary Committee approbation since as its most sanguine advo-that he would first visit India.

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