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are beneath our own roof, two more will have joined the class as probationary students by the time you receive this letter. A large number of Hindoo youths and young men are receiving in the college school a Christianized education. Five other youths, of European parents, will be entered next month as students in the college school. I need hardly say that in the discharge of such complicated duties help is needed; a brother of earnest piety, and zeal, and real practical habits; one who has been inured to work in England.

bazars and market-places, the heathen schools number between eight hundred and a thous and children, and these varied efforts, for the most part, are, as you know, sustained by local subscriptions While we desire to recognize the grace and goodness of God, and entreat the continuance of his presence and blessing, I am emboldened to hope, my dear sir, that my brethren at home will not forget me, nor withhold from me their kind and efficient co-operation. It is refreshing to be able to say, in times like these, that all we contemplated, notwithstanding the vast outlay We have spacious grounds, halls for teach- it has occasioned, has been accomplished ing and examination, class reading and com- without asking the Society for a shilling, and mittee rooms, and a large but not very select that no debt encumbers our future movelibrary. Thus we may be said fairly to have ments. God never breaks his promises. In overcome our early difficulties, and that his strength we entered on our work. Your things are in a proper train for working. aid and influence were not withholden when Our thoughts now naturally look towards William Pearce made his appeal to the England. We feel anxious for the sympathy churches. May we not reckon upon your and prayers of our brethren, and of all who cordial co-operation with us also? The feel an interest in India's welfare. We ask words of the immortal Carey at Kettering, you to unite in prayer with us that God will and which kindled the zeal of the churches, put into the hearts of youthful converts in were," Attempt great things and expect great India, to devote themselves to his sacred things." We have attempted, and may we service, and that they may receive such not expect? The responsibilities connected mental and moral training here as shall fit with the work left by such men as Carey, them to become the messengers of peace and Marshman, and Ward are not ordinary relove to a guilty people. sponsibilities. I felt that from the day I came here. Their God was Abraham's God, and He is our God. Since that day, waking and sleeping, India has scarcely ever been absent from my thoughts. Often during the last year have I dreamt of my work, such has been its weight and burden. Need we ask all who desire to see India won to Jesus to pray for and co-operate with us? Stations and offices of trust depend on single lives. Should God gather men like Andrew Leslie, John Wenger, and James Thomas to their fathers, you have no men to supply their places. There may be equally good men, I trust there are many, but it needs manifold talents and many years' discipline to make men of such habits and tact in labour.

The Directors of the London Missionary Society, impressed with the necessity and importance of this subject, after due consideration, have resolved that a theological seminary for native Christians shall be formed in connexion with every principal section of the mission field.

The locality and facilities of Serampore are well known, and are in no wit inferior to any station. There is free access to the people around and on both sides the river. The church consists of more than a hundred members; the native preachers are in the habit of holding meetings with the people every day, the young men and ourselves go out as often as our other duties permit to the


The following letter from Mr. DENHAM, dated Serampore, 28th June, gives a somewhat humorous account of a rupture between the priests of Jugunnath and those of Radhabullub, each set trying how they could make most of their god, and thereby exposing the whole to contempt. Our readers will no doubt agree with Mr. DENHAM, that it is evident idolatry is a doomed thing in its stronghold in India.

I intended to have written to you upon a would give you particulars, but think it may question which has been pending between the be more satisfactory to send the enclosed rival priests of Jugunnath and Bolurum for articles from the " Friend of India" of this the last two or three years or more-a kind of week. You will perceive that Jugunnath question of right and privilege. This has at has been treated rather cavalierly this year, last been brought to an open rupture. I and made to exhibit a somewhat ominous

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character in the eyes of his friends as well as those who are anxiously looking for India's emancipation. I think you will agree with me, that his days are numbered.

then placed on the car.
When it reached its
destination, both images were wrapped up in
cloth, and let down by ropes, and conveyed
to the temple at Bulubpore, where they were
exhibited together for eight days, when Ju-
gunnath returned in his car to his own temple,
to remain in solitude for another twelvemonth.
The festival has increased annually in celeb-
rity in proportion to the increase of wealth in
and about Calcutta, and rich and poor, high
and low, women and men, come from the
metropolis and from all the villages within
fifteen or twenty miles, to visit the temple,
and enjoy the spectacle of the two deities
seated side by side. It is an object of uni-
versal attraction. Formerly, as we learn,
the only offerings made by the devotees con-
sisted of fruit and flowers, which were thrown
at the image; but within the last twenty or
twenty-five years, they have begun to give
more substantial tokens of their devotion, and
copper, and silver, and gold have been freely
offered at the shrine. The profits of this ex-

At the time the car should have been drawn, and "the lord of the world" rode forth triumphantly, a fracas took place among the rival priests, and blows were liberally dealt out instead of arguments. The magistrate was appealed to-for in questions of state religion the magistrate must not bear the sword in vain. Report says the parties interested intend to apply to a higher court for redress or for decision. Only think, dear sir, of British magistrates and British judges called upon to adjudicate on the imagined rights or legal claims of two non-entitiesJugunnath and Radhabullub! For who are the priests, and what rights can they lay claim to, unless Jugunnath be what they represent him to be? Can any thing be conceived of more exquisitely absurd than for the claims of BAAL to be laid in form before a British bar? I had a humorous conversa-hibition, which have been gradually increas tion on Monday last with some of the brahmans at the temple, who to their great consternation had discovered that the god had lost one of his stumps or arms! This arm appears to have been made of silver gilt, so that Jugunnath has not only been subjected to great insults, but actually plundered, and at this moment exhibits the humiliating spectacle that his brother Dagon did in ancient story.

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A singular event has just occurred within our own neighbourhood, which should not be permitted to pass into oblivion. It is well known that within two miles of this town is the temple of Jugunnath, the celebrity of which is second only to that of the original establishment in Orissa. The image is the property of a community of priests. At the extremity of Serampore, a mile and a half to the north of the temple of Jugunnath, is the temple of Radhabullub, belonging to another sacerdotal family. At the annual festival of the Ruth the image of Jugunnath was placed on the huge car, and drawn down by men to the temple of Radhabullub, whose image was brought down to meet him half way, and

ing, are divided among the priesthood accord-
ing to the share each one possesses in the
establishment. The offerings of each day are
farmed out by auction to that member of this
community who bids highest for them, and
who loses by his bargain on a rainy day, and
gains by it if the day be genial. As the
source of gain was the exhibition of the two
gods on the same pedestal, and one of them
belonged to the priests of Jugunnath, they
insisted on a share of the profits, and violent
were the disputes which arose on the occasion.
It was at length settled by the intervention of
three or four wealthy and orthodox natives,
that the priests of Jugunnath should permit
the continued use of their image on receiving
seventy-five rupees a year. This engagement
was entered into many years ago, but since
that time the returns of the festival, owing
either to the growing wealth or the increasing
superstitions of the people, have increased to
a very considerable extent. The Jugunnath
priesthood affirm that the profits are not less
than 1200 rupees a year, and they gave
notice to the Bullubpore men last year, that
unless their share was proportionately in-
creased, they would not permit their god to
visit his brother any longer. The latter
refused to advance a farthing beyond the
former amount, and the men of Jugunnath
carried their threat into execution on Friday
last. At the appointed hour the image of
Radhabullub was carried down with its ac-
customed pomp to the half-way station, but
no Jugunnath made his appearance.
priests drew the car about fifty yards, and
then took down the god, and carried him to a
house by the way side, where they have set
up shop for themselves; and, for the first
time in the last hundred years, the car has
failed to pursue its accustomed annual jour-
ney. The disappointment of the people is


great, but that of the Bullubpore priesthood | festival, but they felt that if they once gave greater, and they are going to carry the way, they would be subjected to annual inmatter into the courts. We learn that they crease of extortion, and have, therefore, wisely would have no objection to increase the sum determined to bring the matter at once to an allowed to the Jugunnath priests for the use issue. of their image during the eight days of the


We have been used to hear in former times that the upper classes of Hindoos were so strongly wedded to their religion, that the safety of the government might be endangered by the establishment of schools in which Christianity was taught. The experiment has been tried, and many youths have been converted to God, but at length the conversion of a youth belonging to a highly respectable family created an extraordinary sensation in the Hindoo community of Calcutta. What has been the result? The following extract from "The Friend of India" for the 28th of June informs us that threats were held out of the establishment of a magnificent Anti-Christian College, and means were taken for its establishment, but after all it turned out that the rich Hindoos felt a greater interest in preserving their money than their religion, and this magnificent scheme has come to nothing, while, as we are aware, the Christian schools are prospering to as great an extent as ever, and God is blessing them to the conversion of youth.

It may be in the recollection of our readers | feeling was transient in exact proportion to its that about two years and a half ago, the con- vehemence; that the performance was always version of a native student of the Free Church in an inverse ratio to the blustering, and that Institution, of a highly respectable family, created an extraordinary sensation in the Hindoo community of Calcutta, heterodox as well as orthodox. The excitement extended to the innermost recesses of native society. The rich and the powerful gave vent to their exasperated feelings in the most furious anathemas against the missionaries, and it was resolved that any man who ventured to send his child, or who permitted his connexions to send any of their children to the missionary institutions, should be visited with instant expulsion from all the privileges of caste. At the same time it was resolved to establish a magnificent anti-missionary college for the benefit of all those who had been attracted to the missionary institutions, by the gratuitous education which they afforded, and the sum of three lakhs of rupees (£30,000) was promised by the wealthy baboos as an endowment. The sum appeared insignificant compared with the means of the parties, and the magnitude of the crisis. The men who professed so deep an anxiety to rescue their children from the jaws of destruction, might have quadrupled the amount without feeling the loss of the money. Those who considered only the intensity of the exitement and the means of the excited, might have been led to think that the end of all missionary institutions was at hand. But others, who were better acquainted with the feebleness of the native character, felt no alarm for their stability. They well knew that all native

the movement would end, as every other effort of a similar kind during the last twenty years has ended-in smoke. The result has not disappointed their expectations. Instead of £30,000, the sum subscribed was little more than a tenth of the sum, £3224 12s. It was vested in the four per cent. loan, and yielded the magnificent sum of £130 a year. This was the great capital with which it was intended to extinguish all the missionary institutions in Calcutta, and to provide education for the rising generation in connexion with Hindoo associations. At the same time a sum of not less than £500 a year was put down by the portly baboos and the noble rajahs and Muharajah Bahadoors of Calcutta, making in all about £650 a year, or £54 a month. Such were the auspicious prospects under which this institution, which was to stay the progress of Christian instruction, was ushered to public notice. Let us now trace its progress as detailed by a native correspondent of the "Englishman" in a recent issue.

The school opened in February, 1846, with an establishment calculated at £27 a month, and 700 boys were admitted within the first two days. Baboo Debendernath Tagore and Baboo Hureemohun Sen, were appointed secretaries; Baboo Prumuthnath Day became the treasurer; and seven influential native gentlemen were placed on the committee. It will, therefore, be seen that the individuals who had taken the institution in charge, were

great object of this noble institution? Are the objects gained? Are the missionary schools abolished?"

among the most wealthy and powerful in Calcutta, and fully competent by their substance and influence to carry it to a successful issue. At first, those who could command an The result of this magnificent effort to subequipage visited it every hour; the teachers vert all the educational institutions of the were regularly paid, "and every thing was missionaries in Calcutta, and to establish a orderly." But the visits of the managers large and permanent seminary on Hindoo were gradually discontinued, the teachers principles in their stead, affords an additional were kept two and three months in arrears, illustration of the native character in Bengal. and the best of them left the institution, and It has no strength, or stability, or stamina. the establishment was reduced to £22. It Whatever improvement depends solely on was soon after raised to £23, but the seminary native agency, must, as a matter of course, suffered an irreparable loss by the retirement decay. But the failure in the present instance of Baboo Debendernath Tagore from the is by no means to be traced to mere niggardsecretaryship. In the month of December liness. Since the Hindoo Charitable Institulast year, the teachers of the school were in- tion, as the anti-missionary college was de formed that some of them must be dismissed, signated, was established in 1846, the sum as the school had not sufficient funds for expended by its managers and subscribers in their maintenance. The house, which had their poojahs and marriage and funeral festibeen rented at £4 a month, was given up, vals, in idle shows and pernicious gifts, has and another, in an infamous locality, rented amounted to a sum, the mere interest of which at £2 monthly. The "Englishman's cor- would have placed this institution beyond the respondent calls it the Billingsgate of Cal- reach of accident; but the man who will cutta. Soon after, the establishment was cheerfully lay out two or three thousand wisely reduced to £12 a month, as the rupees in having the Muhabharut read, will managers had nothing to trust to but the begrudge the small pittance of five or six interest of the vested funds. The monthly subscription, which began with £43 a month, has in the course of three years dwindled down to the sum of fourteen shillings, which a man was employed at sixteen shillings a month to collect! Well may the writer ask, "Is this the result of the conspiracy against the efforts of the missionaries? Where is the

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rupees a month, which he may have put down to the school. There is nothing so intangible as a native subscription. Like the rainbow, it wears a lovely aspect, but while you are contemplating it, it disappears. The man who builds his hopes on the continuity of native liberality leans on a broken reed.


A letter from Mr. PARSONS, dated the 21st of June, contains an account of the progress of divine truth, of the care taken to ascertain the sincerity of candidates for admission into the church, and of the cheerful devotedness of the native assistants, which we doubt not will be gratifying to our readers.

With much pleasure, after the lapse of the usual interval, I sit down to address you, the more so as I am permitted to acknowledge the operations of the Lord's hand among us, the results of which you have doubtless already received information of, in the baptism and addition of three members to the church, whose conduct since their admission, I rejoice to add, has afforded additional testimony to their having given themselves to the Lord, as well as to his people, and to the happiness they have felt in so doing.

In addition to these, I am glad to say that several, chiefly from our native nominal Christian community, profess to be seeking after the saving knowledge of God. One of them, however, was, not very long since, in all the depths of heathen darkness. Though very ignorant, not even knowing how to read, yet having been employed in the service of a fakeer or religious mendicant, and having

learned some of his formulas, &c., she herself came to be respected and consulted as a fakeerin, but was very unhappy in her mind, and, after long hesitation, at length resolved, at a great sacrifice of feeling, to place herself under the protection of a Christian missionary. Subsequently she came down here as servant to Hureedas, our old native preacher. She has been here a considerable time, and her conduct has been uniformly good. I trust she is sincerely attached to the truth, and will make continual advances in the knowledge of it. Not long ago poor deluded men prostrated themselves at her feet, but she now accounts it one of her greatest sins to have allowed this, and wishes to be herself found at the feet of Jesus.

Means taken to ascertain sincerity. We have frequent conversations with the inquirers, and endeavour to ascertain the

ance of these inquirers has gratified us much, namely, that the members, especially the female members, of the native church appear to have been considerably aroused, and they have been much more constant in their attendance on the means of grace, and as a result I would hope of the divine blessing accompanying this, we have witnessed fewer inconsistencies among them lately. In our church generally a great spirit of harmony and mutual love appears to prevail, which often suggests our praises and affords us delight.

Devotedness of native assistants.

state of their mind, in order, if possible, to satisfy ourselves respecting the reality of the change they profess to have experienced, and ascertain and fortify them against the peculiar temptations and dangers to which their several shades of character may render them especially liable; but the prevailing feature of the Hindoo character, and the influence of their former sentiments, render it far more difficult to come at the real state of their minds than in the case of Europeans. The natives, though I would hope not altogether strangers to the all-important work of self-examination, are at least quite strange to our method of speaking on such subjects. The divine It is pleasing to see our dear native brethren criterion, "By their fruits ye shall know persevere in their work of faith, and endure them," though in the long run unfailing, with exemplary cheerfulness and patience the does not always secure us from entertaining obloquy which is cast on them. They are delusive hopes respecting some individuals, enabled to reply to the most bitter revilings, since men who have not the power may which are sometimes unsparingly heaped on maintain for a time the form of godliness, and them, even by men who will pay us "sahibs' it is not with native nominal Christians as it some respect," You but increase our joy by is with those who come directly out from the all your mockings." Nainsook, through the ranks of heathenism. These latter have often favourable influence of our pious magistrate, to suffer the loss at one blow of almost all has lately found a sphere of labour on Lord's they had previously held dear, but those day mornings amongst the hundreds of priwould feel their respectability amongst the soners confined in the jail here, in which he community to which they outwardly belong is generally accompanied by our dear humble increased, and no great self-denial incurred, brother Bundhoo, whom we had given up to by being united with the church. dear brother Hurter to assist him, but who since his death has returned to us again.

One thing in connexion with the appear


A letter has been received from Mr. WILLIAMSON, dated 29th May, containing an account of a missionary tour in places never before visited, and of the manner in which his message was received, an extract from which will interest our readers.

Since I wrote you last I have been itinerating for nearly two months in this and a neighbouring district, and with the exception of a few fairs and markets, which are regularly attended by us every year, nearly all the places visited this season were new to us, our course having been, for the most part, out of our usual tract. Still the gospel was by no means a novelty to all, many recognizing us as persons whom they had seen and heard before, and of whom they had received tracts elsewhere. I need not say that we experienced a peculiar pleasure in being where no missionary had preceded us, and in making known the gospel to those who had never heard it before; many of whom appeared to listen to the glad news with no little interest. Though we met with some opposition, as might have been expected, Satan being

always and every where sufficiently alive to the interests of his kingdom, yet we must acknowledge that we were generally well received; sometimes invited to a village or a baboo's house for the purpose of hearing our message. Nearly 1000 tracts, and about half that number of gospels, were gratuitously distributed by us among those of our hearers who could read, who requested them of us, and who promised to give them a careful perusal, though on such promises our experience forbids us to place much reliance. That our books are read to some extent we cannot reasonably doubt, having had repeated proofs of the fact, yet I greatly fear that a vast number of our publications are either not used at all for the purpose for which they are distributed, or only very partially so.

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