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(E. B. P.)

ground and invisible; a Membracid (Homoptera) is entirely | London, 1897. Many of the memoirs and volumes quoted in the unlike an ant, but is concealed by an ant-like shield. When text also contain further references. we further realize that in this and other examples of Mimicry "the likeness is almost always detailed and remarkable, however it is attained, while the methods differ absolutely," we recognize that natural selection is the only possible explanation hitherto suggested. In the cases of Aggressive Mimicry an animal resembles some object which is attractive to its prey. Examples are found in the flower-like species of Mantis, which attract the insects on which they feed. Such cases are generally described as possessing "alluring colours," and are regarded as examples of Aggressive (Anticryptic) Resemblance, but their logical position is here.

Colours displayed in Courtship, Secondary Sexual Characters, Epigamic Colours.-Darwin suggested the explanation of these appearances in his theory of Sexual Selection (The Descent of Man, London, 1874). The rivalry of the males for the possession of the females he believed to be decided by the preference of the latter for those individuals with especially bright colours, highly developed plumes, beautiful song, &c. Wallace does not accept the theory, but believes that natural selection, either directly or indirectly, accounts for all the facts. Probably the majority of naturalists follow Darwin in this respect. The subject is most difficult, and the interpretation of a great proportion of the examples in a high degree uncertain, so that a very brief account is here expedient. That selection of some kind has been operative is indicated by the diversity of the elements into which the effects can be analysed. The most complete set of observations on Epigamic display was made by George W. and Elizabeth G. Peckham upon spiders of the family Attida (Nat. Hist. Soc. of Wisconsin, vol. i., 1889). These observations afforded the authors "conclusive evidence that the females pay close attention to the love-dances of the males, and also that they have not only the power, but the will, to exercise a choice among the suitors for their favour." Epigamic characters are often concealed except during courtship; they are found almost exclusively in species which are diurnal or semi-diurnal in their habits, and are excluded from those parts of the body which move too rapidly to be seen. They are very commonly directly associated with the nervous system; and in certain fish, and probably in other animals, an analogous heightening of effect accompanies nervous excitement other than sexual, such as that due to fighting or feeding. Although there is Epigamic display in species with sexes alike, it is usually most marked in those with secondary sexual characters specially developed in the male. These are an exception to the rule in heredity, in that their appearance is normally restricted to a single sex, although in many of the higher animals they have been proved to be latent in the other, and may appear after the essential organs of sex have been removed or become functionless. This is also the case in the Aculeate Hymenoptera when the reproductive organs have been destroyed by the parasite (Stylops). Cunningham has recently argued (Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kingdom, London, 1900) that secondary sexual characters have been produced by direct stimulation due to contests, &c., in the breeding period, and have gradually become hereditary, a hypothesis involving the assumption that acquired characters are transmitted. Wallace suggests that they are in part to be explained as "Recognition Characters," in part as an indication of surplus vital activity in the male.

AUTHORITIES.—The following works may also be consulted :EIMER. Orthogenesis der Schmetterlinge. Leipzig, 1898.-POULTON. The Colours of Animals. London, 1890.-BEDDARD. Animal Coloration. London, 1892.-HAASE. Researches on Mimicry (translation). London, 1896.- WALLACE. Natural Selection and Tropical Nature. London 1895. Darwinism.

The coloration of the surface of animals is caused either by pigments, or by a certain structure of the surface by means of which the light falling on it, or reflected through its superficial transparent layers, undergoes diffraction or other optical change. Or it may be the result of a combination of these two causes. It plays an important part in the relationship of the animal to its environment, in concealment, in mimicry, and so on; the presence of a pigment in the integument may also serve a more direct physiological purpose, such as a respiratory function. The coloration of birds' feathers, of the skin of many fishes, of many insects, is partially at least due to structure and the action of the peculiar pigmented cells known as "chromatophores" (which Garstang defines as pigmented cells specialized for the discharge of the chromatic function) and is much better marked when these have for their background a "reflecting layer" such as is provided by guanin, a substance closely related to uric acid. Such a mechanism is seen to greatest advantage in fishes. Among these, guanin may be present in a finely granular form, causing the light falling on it to be scattered, thus producing a white effect; or it may be present in a peculiar crystalline form, the crystals being known as "iridocytes"; or in a layer of closely apposed needles forming a silvery sheet or mirror. In the iris of some fishes the golden red colour is produced by the light reflected from such a layer of guanin needles having to pass through a thin layer of a reddish pigment, known as a "lipochrome." Again, in some lepidopterous insects a white or a yellow appearance is produced by the deposition of uric acid or a nearly allied substance on the surface of the wings. In many animals, but especially among invertebrates, colouring matters or pigments play an important rôle in surface coloration; in some cases such coloration may be of benefit to the animal, but in others the integument simply serves as an organ for the excretion of waste pigmentary substances. Pigments (1) may be of direct physiological importance; (2) they may be excretory; or (3) they may be introduced into the body of the animal with the food.

Of the many pigments which have been described up to the present time, very few have been subjected to elementary chemical analysis, owing to the great difficulties attending their isolation. An extremely small amount of pigment will give rise to a great amount of coloration, and the pigments are generally accompanied by impurities of various kinds which cling to them with great tenacity, so that when one has been thoroughly cleansed, very little of it remains for ultimate analysis. Most of these substances have been detected by means of the spectroscope, their absorption bands serving for their recognition, but mere identity of spectrum does not necessarily mean chemical identity, and a few chemical tests have also to be applied before a conclusion can be drawn. The absorption bands are referred to certain definite parts of the spectrum, such as the Fraunhofer lines, or they may be given in wave-lengths. For this purpose the readings of the spectroscope are reduced to wave-lengths by means of interpolation curves; or if Zeiss's microspectroscope be used, the position of bands in wave-lengths (denoted by the Greek letter A) may be read directly. Examples of the absorption bands yielded by colouring matters will be found in Ency. Brit. vol. xx. p. 483.

Hæmoglobin, the red colouring matter of vertebrate blood, C8H1203N195S,FeO218, and its derivatives hæmatin, C32H80N FeO3, and hæmatoporphyrin, C1H1N2O, are


colouring matters about which we possess definite chemical knowledge, as they have been isolated, purified, and analysed. Most of the bile pigments of mammals have likewise been isolated and studied chemically, and all of these are fully described in the text-books of physiology and physiological chemistry. Hæmoglobin, though physiologically of great importance in the respiratory process of vertebrate animals, is yet seldom used for surface pigmentation, except in the face of white races of man or in other parts in monkeys, &c. In some worms the transparent skin allows the hæmoglobin of the blood. to be seen through the integument, and in certain fishes also the hæmoglobin is visible through the integument. It is a curious and noteworthy fact that in some invertebrate animals in which no hæmoglobin occurs, we meet with its derivatives. Thus hæmatin is found in the so-called bile of slugs, snails, the limpet, and the crayfish. In sea-anemones there is a pigment which yields some of the decomposition - products of hæmoglobin, and associated with this is a green pigment apparently identical with biliverdin (C16H18N2O4), a green pigment. Again, hæmatoporphyrin is found in the integuments of star-fishes and slugs, and occurs in the "dorsal streak" of the earth-worm (Lumbricus terrestris), and perhaps in other species. Hæmatoporphyrin and biliverdin also occur in the egg-shells of certain birds, but in this case they are derived from hæmoglobin. Hæmoglobin is said to be found as low down in the animal kingdom as the Echinoderms, e.g., in Ophiactis virens, and Thyonella gemmata. It also occurs in the blood of Planorbis corneus, and in the pharyngeal muscles of other mollusca.



A great number of other pigments have been described; for example, in the muscles and tissues of animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate, are the histohæmatins, of which a special muscle pigment, myohæmatin, is one. vertebrates the latter is generally accompanied by hæmoglobin, but in invertebrates-with the exception of the pharyngeal muscles of the mollusca-it occurs alone. Although closely related to hæmoglobin or its derivative hæmochromogen, the histohæmatins are yet totally totally distinct, and they are found in animals where not a trace of hæmoglobin can be detected. Another interesting pigment is turacin, which contains about 7 per cent. of nitrogen, found by Professor Church in the feathers of the Cape lory and other plantain-eaters, from which it can be extracted by water containing a trace of ammonia. It has been isolated, purified, and analysed by Professor Church. From it may be obtained turacoporphyrin, which is identical with hæmatoporphyrin, and gives the band in the ultra-violet which Soret and subsequently Gamgee have found to be characteristic of hæmoglobin and its compounds. Turacin itself gives a peculiar two-banded spectrum, and contains about 7 per cent. of copper in its molecule. Another copper-containing pigment is hæmocyanin, which in the oxidized state gives a blue colour to the blood of various mollusca and arthropoda. Like hæmoglobin, it acts as an oxygen-carrier in respiration, but it takes no part in surface coloration.

A class of pigments widely distributed among plants and animals are the lipochromes. As their name denotes, they are allied to fat and generally accompany it, being soluble in fat solvents. They play an important part in surface coloration, and may be greenish, yellow, or red in colour. They contain no nitrogen. As an example of a lipochrome which has been isolated, crystallized, and purified, we may mention carotin, which has recently been found in green leaves. Chlorophyll, which is so often associated with a lipochrome, has been found in some Infusoria, and in Hydra and Spongilla, &c. In some cases

it is probably formed by the animal; in other cases it may be due to symbiotic algae, while in the gastric gland of many Mollusca, Crustacea, and Echinodermata, it is derived from food-chlorophyll. Here it is known as entero-chlorophyll. The black pigments which occur among both vertebrate and invertebrate animals often have only one attribute in common, viz., blackness, for among the discordant results of analysis one thing is certain, viz., that the melanins from vertebrate animals are not identical with those from invertebrate animals. The melanosis or blackening of insect blood, for instance, is due to the oxidation of a chromogen, the pigment produced being known as a uranidine. In some sponges a somewhat similar pigment has been noticed. Other pigments have been described, such as actiniochrome, echinochrome, pentacrinin, antedonin, polyperythrin (which appears to be a hæmatoporphyrin), the floridines, spongioporphyrin, &c., which need no mention here; all these pigments can only be distinguished by means of the spectroscope.

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Most of the pigments are preceded by colourless substances known as 'chromogens," which by the action of the oxygen of the air and by other agencies become changed into the corresponding pigments. In some cases the pigments are built up in the tissues of an animal, in others they appear to be derived more or less directly from the food. Derivatives of chlorophyll and lipochromes especially, seem to be taken up from the intestine, probably by the agency of leucocytes, in which they may occur in combination with, or dissolved by, fatty matters and excreted by the integument. In worms especially, the skin seems to excrete many effete substances, pigments included. No direct connexion has been traced between the chlorophyll eaten with the food and the hæmoglobin of blood and muscle. Attention may, however, be drawn to the work of Dr Schunck, who has shown that a substance closely resembling hæmatoporphyrin can be prepared from chlorophyll; this is known as phylloporphyrin. Not only does the visible spectrum of this substance resemble that of hæmatoporphyrin, but the invisible ultra-violet also, as recently shown by Mr C. A. Schunck.

The reader may refer to Schäfer's Text-Book of Physiology (1898) for Gamgee's article "On Hæmoglobin, and its Compounds"; to the writer's papers in the Phil. Trans. and Proc. Roy. Soc. from 1881 onwards, and also Quart. Journ. Micros. Science and Journ. of Physiol.; to Krukenberg's Vergleichende physiologische Studien from 1879 onwards, and to his Vorträge. Miss Newbigin has collected in Colour in Nature (1898) most of the recent literature of this subject. Dr Schunck's papers will be found under the heading "Contribution to the Chemistry of Chlorophyll" in Proc. Roy. Soc. from 1885 onwards; and Mr C. A. Schunck's paper in Proc. Roy. Soc. vol. lxiii. (C. A. MACM.)

Columbia, capital of Boone county, Missouri, U.S.A., situated in 38° 57′ N. lat. and 92° 19′ W. long., in the central part of the state, on the Wabash Railway, at an altitude of 783 feet. It is the site of the State University, and of Christian and Stephens Female Colleges. Population (1880), 3326; (1890), 4000; (1900), 5651.

Columbia, a borough of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., situated on the east bank of Susquehanna river, in the south-eastern part of the state, on branches Railways, at an altitude of 251 feet. of the Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia and Reading It has extensive manufactures, principally of iron. Population (1880), 8312; (1890), 10,599; (1900), 12,316.

Columbia, capital of Richland county, South Carolina, U.S.A., and of the state, situated in 34° 00' N. lat. and 80° 57′ W. long. on the east bank of Congaree river, at the junction of the Saluda and Broad, near the centre of the state, at an altitude of 244 feet.

Five railways enter it, namely, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Southern, the South Carolina, and Georgia, the Florida Central and Peninsula, and the Columbia, Newberry, and Laurens. It is the seat of South Carolina College, which in 1898 had twelve professors and 188 students. Population (1880), 10,036; (1890), 15353; (1900), 21,108.

Columbia, capital of Maury county, Tennessee, U.S.A., situated on Duck river, in the central part of the state, at an altitude of 646 feet. It has two railways, the Louisville and Nashville and the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St Louis. Population (1880), 3400; (1890), 5370; (1900), 6052.

Columbia, District of. See WASHINGTON.

Columbia University, in the city of New York, U.S.A., includes both a college and a university in the strict sense of the word as used in the United States. It com

prises the faculties of law, medicine, philosophy, political science, pure science, and applied science. It is the successor of the corporation known as "The Governors of King's College, in the Province of New York," founded in 1754 by royal charter. In the educational system is also included Barnard College for Women, a separate corporation founded in 1889, and a teachers' college, also a separate corporation. In 1897 the university moved from the centre of the city northwards to Morningside Heights, which overlook the Hudson from an altitude of 150 feet. The Medical School (the College of Physicians and Surgeons) remains in its old location opposite Roosevelt Hospital. The entire plant of the university represents a cost of about $9,500,000. In the year ending 30th June 1900 the expenditures for educational purposes were $942,460, leaving a deficiency of $17,328, which was met by a special guarantee fund. In 1901 there were registered in the college for men (Columbia) 475 students, and in the college for women (Barnard) 293 students, making a total of 768 undergraduates. The total of non-professional graduate students was 412. The scientific schools contained 539 students, the law school 422 students, the medical school 775 students, the teachers' college 498 students-making a total of 2234 professional students. The total number of students in the university was thus 3830 (including 417 summer session students). In addition to these there were 29 auditors and 679 members of extension courses, making a grand total of 4538. The number of teachers of all grades for the same year was 375. The library, which numbers about 300,000 volumes, is thoroughly modern, and is selected with special reference to scholarly The university is growing in all departments. (See also UNIVERSITIES and EDUCATION.)


(s. L*.)

Columbus, capital of Muscogee county, Georgia, U.S.A., situated on the western boundary of the state, at an altitude of 260 feet, on Chattahoochee river, which is navigable to this point. Just above the city the river crosses the fall line, producing falls and rapids which furnish excellent water-power. This has been turned to account in extensive cotton manufactures. Three railways enter the city, the Southern, the Central of Georgia, and the Georgia and Alabama. Population (1880), 10,123; (1890), 17,303; (1900), 17,614.

Columbus, capital of Bartholomew county, Indiana, U.S.A., situated on the east fork of White river, a little south of the centre of the state, at an altitude of 629 feet. It is at the intersection of lines of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St Louis and the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St Louis Railways. The centre of population of the United States was in 1900 very near this place. Population (1880), 4813; (1890), 6719; (1900), 8130.

Columbus, capital of Lowndes county, Mississippi, U.S.A., at the intersection of the Southern and the Mobile and Ohio Railways, on the Tombigbee river. It contains large cotton mills. Population (1890), 4559; (1900, with limits enlarged), 6484, including 3366 negroes.

Columbus, capital of Franklin county, Ohio, U.S.A., and of the state of Ohio. The site was purposely selected in 1813 near the centre of the state, in 39° 57′ N. lat. and 82° 59′ W. long., at an altitude of 743 feet, the elevation of the lines at the Union Station. It is a railway centre of the first importance. Fourteen different lines of railway, belonging to eight companies, enter the fine new Union Station in the heart of the city, thence radiating in all directions. The manufactures employed in 1890 a capital of $16,178,703, with 13,421 hands and an output of $22,887,586. The principal manufacture was that of carriages and waggons, valued second, with a value of $2,139,185. Then followed the at $3,199,287. Foundry and machine-shop products were

manufacture of steam cars, the product of which was valued at $1,670,078. The Ohio State University, situated here, had in 1898 a faculty of 95 professors, and was attended Its by 1150 students, one-fifth of whom were women. property was valued at $2,600,000, and its income at $292,000. It has schools of law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and veterinary surgery. Capital University, a Lutheran institution, also here, had in 1898 a faculty of 10 teachers and 113 students. The death-rate in 1899 was but 10.83 per thousand; this is less than half the average of American cities, and little more than half that of the Union. The assessed valuation of property, real and personal, was, in 1899, $64,344,990. The income from all sources was $2,612,301, the expenditure $2,570,038, and the net debt $6,059,146. The tax rate per $1000 was $27.50. Population (1880), 51,647; (1890), 88,150; (1900), 125,560; death-rate (1900), 15.8.

Combaconum, or Kumbakonam, a city of British India, in the Tanjore district of Madras, in the delta of the Kaveri; with a railway station on the South Indian Railway, 194 miles from Madras. In 1881 it had a population of 50,098, and in 1891 of 54,307, of whom nearly one-fifth were Brahmans. In 1901 the population was 59,688, showing an increase of 10 per cent. The municipal income in 1897-98 was Rs.80,480. It contains a Government college, two high schools, four printingpresses, and a reading-room.


Combinatorial Analysis.-The Combinatorial Analysis, as it was understood up to the end of the 18th century, was of limited scope and restricted application. P. Nicholson, in his Essays on the Historical Combinatorial Analysis, published in 1818, states that "the Combinatorial Analysis is a branch of mathematics which teaches us to ascertain and exhibit all the possible ways in which a given number of things may be associated and mixed together; so that we may be certain that we have not missed any collection or arrangement of these things that has not been enumerated." Writers on the subject seemed to recognize fully that it was in need of cultivation, that it was of much service in facilitating algebraical operations of all kinds, and that it was the fundamental method of investigation in the theory of Probabilities. Some idea of its scope may be gathered from a statement of the parts of algebra to which it was commonly applied, viz., the expansion of a multinomial, the product of two or more multinomials, the quotient of one multinomial by another, the reversion and conversion of series, the theory of indeterminate equations, &c. Some of the elementary theorems and various particular problems appear in the works of the

earliest algebraists, but the true pioneer of modern | partition of numbers. Other branches of combinatorial researches seems to have been Abraham Demoivre, who analysis were, from any general point of view, absolutely first published in 1697 (Phil. Trans. R. S.) the law of neglected. In 1888 MacMahon investigated the general the general coefficient in the expansion of the series problem of distribution, of which the partition of a number a + bx + cx2 + dx3+... raised to any power. (See also is a particular case. He introduced the method of symMiscellanea Analytica, Bk. iv. chap. ii. prob. iv.) His metric functions and the method of differential operators, work on Probabilities would naturally lead him to consider applying both methods to the two important subdivisions, questions of this nature. An important work at the time the theory of composition and the theory of partition. it was published was the De Partitione Numerorum of He introduced the notion of the separation of a partiEuler, in which the consideration of the reciprocal of tion, and extended all the results so as to include multithe product (1 - xz)(1 − x2)(1 − x31⁄2)... establishes a funda- partite as well as unipartite numbers. He showed how mental connexion between arithmetic and algebra, arith- to introduce zero and negative numbers, unipartite and metical addition being made to depend upon algebraical multipartite, into the general theory; he extended multiplication, and a close bond is secured between the Sylvester's graphical method to three dimensions; and theories of discontinuous and continuous quantities. The finally, 1898, he invented the "Partition Analysis" and multiplication of the two powers x, x3, viz., xa × xb=x+b applied it to the solution of novel questions in arithmetic showed Euler that he could convert arithmetical addition and algebra. An important paper by G. B. Mathews, into algebraical multiplication, and in the paper referred which reduces the problem of compound partition to that to he gives the complete formal solution of the main of simple partition, should also be noticed. This is the problems of the partition of numbers. He did not obtain problem which was known to Euler and his contemporaries general expressions for the coefficients which arose in the as "the Problem of the Virgins," or "the Rule of Ceres"; expansion of his generating functions, but he gave the it is only now, nearly 200 years later, that it has been actual values to a high order of the coefficients which solved. arise from the generating functions corresponding to various conditions of partitionment. Other writers who have contributed to the solution of special problems are James Bernouilli, Boscovitch, Hindenburgh, Emerson, Woodhouse, Simpson, and Barlow. Problems of combination were generally undertaken as they became necessary for the advancement of some particular part of mathematical science: it was not recognized that the theory of combinations is in reality a science by itself, well worth studying for its own sake irrespective of applications to other parts of analysis. There was a total absence of orderly development, and until the first third of the 19th century had passed, Euler's classical paper remained alike the chief result and the only scientific method of combinatorial analysis.

In 1846 Jacobi studied the partitions of numbers by means of certain identities involving infinite series that are


mental Problem.

The most important problem of combinatorial analysis is connected with the distribution of objects into classes. A number n may be regarded as enumerating n similar objects; it is then said to be unipartite. On the other hand, if the objects be not all similar they cannot be effectively enumerated by a single integer; we require a succession of integers. If the objects be p in number of one kind, g of a second kind, r of a third, &c., the enumeration is given by the succession pqr... which is termed a multipartite number, and written


pqr ...g


= n. If the order of magnitude where p+q+r+ of the numbers p, q, r, is immaterial, it is usual to write them in descending order of magnitude, and the succession may then be termed a partition of the number



met with in the theory of Elliptic Functions. The method, and is written (pqr...). The succession of integers employed is essentially that of Euler. Interest in England was aroused, in the first instance, by De Morgan in 1846, who, in a letter to Henry Warburton, suggested that combinatorial analysis stood in great need of development, and alluded to the theory of partitions. Warburton, to some extent under the guidance of De Morgan, prosecuted researches by the aid of a new instrument, viz., the theory of finite differences. This was a distinct advance, and he was able to obtain expressions for the coefficients in partition series in some of the simplest cases (Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc., 1849). This paper inspired a valuable paper by Sir John Herschel (Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1850), who, by introducing the idea and notation of the circulating function, was able to present results in advance of those of Warburton. The new idea involved a calculus of the imaginary roots of unity. Shortly afterwards, in 1855, the subject was attacked simultaneously by Cayley and Sylvester, and their combined efforts resulted in the practical solution of the problem that we have to-day. The former added the idea of the prime circulator, and the latter applied Cauchy's theory of Residues to the subject, and invented the arithmetical entity termed a "denumerant." The next distinct advance was made by Sylvester, Franklin, Durfee, and others, about the year 1882 (Amer. Journ. Math. vol. v.) by the employment of a graphical method. The results obtained were not only valuable in themselves, but also threw considerable light upon the theory of algebraic series. So far it will be seen that researches had for their object the discussion of the

thus has a twofold signification: (i.) as a multipartite
it may be viewed as a partitionment into separate parts of
number it may enumerate objects of different kinds; (ii.)
a unipartite number. We may say either that the objects
are represented by the multipartite number pqr
...9 or that
they are defined by the partition (pqr...) of the unipartite
number n. Similarly the classes into which they are dis-
tributed may be m in number all similar; or they may
be P1 of one kind, 1 of a second, r, of a third, &c.,
where P1+1+r1+ = m. We may thus denote the
classes either by the multipartite numbers P1911 ..., or by
the partition (P19,"1...) of the unipartite number m.
distributions to be considered are such that any number of
objects may be in any one class subject to the restriction
that no class is empty. Two cases arise. If the order
of the objects in a particular class is immaterial the class
is termed a parcel; if the order is material the class is
termed a group. The distribution into parcels is alone
considered here, and the main problem is the enumeration
of the distributions of objects defined by the partition
(pqr...) of the number n into parcels defined by the
partition (P1911 ...) of the number m. (See "Symmetric
Functions and the Theory of Distributions," Proc. London
Mathematical Society, vol. xix.)
Mathematical Society, vol. xix.) Three particular cases
are of great importance. Case I. is the "one-to-one dis-
tribution," in which the number of parcels is equal to the
number of objects, and one object is distributed in each
parcel. Case II. is that in which the parcels are all
different, being defined by the partition (1111...), con-

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of symmetry in symmetric functions, which states that the coefficient of symmetric function (pqr ...) in the development of the

veniently written (1m); this is the theory of the composi- | change of object and parcel we arrive at the well-known theorem tions of unipartite and multipartite numbers. Case III. is that in which the parcels are all similar, being defined by the partition (m); this is the theory of the partitions of unipartite and multipartite numbers. Previous to discussing these in detail, it is necessary to describe the method of symmetric functions which will be largely utilized.

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where the numbers P1, 91, ̃ı are fixed and assumed to be in descending order of magnitude, the summation being for every partition (pqr...) of the number n, is defined to be the distribution function of the objects defined by (pqr...) into the parcels defined by (P111...). It gives a complete enumeration of n objects of whatever species into parcels of the given species.

1. One-to-One Distribution. Parcels m in number (v.e. m=n).—
Case I.

Let h, be the homogeneous product-sum of degrees of
the quantities a, ß, Y, so that

(1-ax. 1- ßx. 1 − yx....)-1=1+hx+h2x2+hçx3 +...
h = Σα=(1)

h2= Σα + Σαβ= (2) + (12)


Form the product hpihahri·


Any term in hp, may be regarded as derived from p1 objects distributed into p, similar parcels, one object in each parcel, since the order of occurrence of the letters a, B, Y, in any term is immaterial. Moreover, every selection of p1 letters from the letters in apply... will occur in some term of hp, every further selection of a letters will occur in some term of hq1, and so on. Therefore in the product hp,hqhri, the term appr and therefore also the symmetric function (pqr...) will occur as many times as it is possible to distribute objects defined by (pqr...) into parcels defined by (P111 ...) one object in each parcel. Hence

ZA (pqr...), (P19171...). (pqr... )=hp2hq2hr ...

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This theorem is of algebraic importance; for consider the simple particular case of the distribution of objects (43) into parcels (52), and represent objects and parcels by small and capital letters respectively. One distribution is shown by the scheme


a a a a b b b

wherein an object denoted by a small letter is placed in a parcel
denoted by the capital letter immediately above it.
We may
interchange small and capital letters and derive from it a distribu-
tion of objects (52) into parcels (43); viz. :-


a a a a a b b '

The process is clearly of general application, and establishes a oneto-one correspondence between the distributions of objects (pqr...) into parcels (1911.) and the distributions of objects (P19171...) into parcels (pqr...). It is in fact, in Case I., an intuitive observation that we may either consider an object placed in or attached to a parcel, or a parcel placed in or attached to an object. Analytically we have

Theorem.-"The coefficient of symmetric function (pqr...) in the development of the product hp,hqhri... is equal to the coeflicient of symmetric function (pıqırı ...) in the development of the product hphahr .

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The problem of Case I. may be considered when the distributions are subject to various restrictions. If the restriction be to the effect that an aggregate of similar parcels is not to contain more than one object of a kind, we have clearly to deal with the elementary symmetric functions α, α, αз, or (1), (12), (13), ... in lieu of the quantities h1, h2, h3, The distribution function has then the value apaq ar... or (1o1) (191) (1′′1) ..., and by inter-|



product pagar... in a series of monomial symmetric functions,
is equal to the coefficient of the function (P1911 ...) in the similar
development of the product apagar....
The general result of Case I. may be further analysed with
important consequences.

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and generally

the summation being in regard to every partition of s.
the result of the multiplication-


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To determine the nature of the symmetric function P a few

definitions are necessary.

Definition I.-Of a number n take any partition (λλλз..... As)
and separate it into component partitions thus :—
(^1^2)(^3^4^5)(^6) .....

in any manner. This
may be termed a separation of the partition,
the numbers occurring in the separation being identical with
those which occur in the partition. In the theory of symmetric
functions the separation denotes the product of symmetric

Σαλιβλο Σαλάβλογλοσαλο...


The portions (^1^2), (^3^4^5), (^6), are termed separates, and if
be in descending order of
1+λ2=P1, ^3+λ4+λ5=91, λ6=71,
magnitude, the usual arrangement, the separation is said to have
a species denoted by the partition (P1711 ...) of the number n.
Definition II.—If in any distribution of n objects into n parcels
(one object in each parcel), we write down a number, whenever
we observe & similar objects in similar parcels we will obtain a
succession of numbers 1, 2, 3,.., where ($123...) is some parti-
tion of n. The distribution is then said to have a specification
denoted by the partition (1253 .....).

Now it is clear that P consists of an aggregate of terms, each of which, to a numerical factor près, is a separation of the partition ($253...) of species (P1911 ...). Further, P is the distribution function of objects into parcels denoted by (P19171...), subject to the restriction that the distributions have each of them the ...). Employing

specification denoted by the partition

a more general notation we may write

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