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be kept open as short a time as possible in order to prevent the general arrangement the destructor differs considerably from admission of cold air into the furnace at the back end, since this those previously described. The grates are placed side by side leads to the lowering of the temperature of the cells and main without separation except by dead plates, but, in order to flue, and also to paper and other light refuse being carried into localize the forced draught, the ash-pit is divided into parts the flues and chimney. The flues of each furnace are provided corresponding with the different grate areas. Each ash-pit is with dampers, which are closed during the process of clinkering closed air-tight by a cast-iron plate, and is provided with an airin order to keep up the heat. The cells are each 5 feet wide and tight door for removing the fine ash. Two patent Meldrum 11 feet deep, the rearmost portion consisting of a firebrick dry-steam-jet blowers are provided for each furnace, supplying any ing hearth, and the front of rocking grate bars upon which the required pressure of blast up to 6 inches' water column, though combustion takes place. The crown of each cell is formed of a that usually employed does not exceed 1 inches. The furnaces reverberatory firebrick arch having openings for the emission of are designed for hand-feeding from the front, but hopper-feeding the products of combustion. The flap dampers which are fitted can be applied if desirable. The products of combustion either to these openings are operated by horizontal spindles passing pass away from the back of each fire-grate into a common flue through the brickwork to the front of the cell, where they are leading to boilers and the chimney-shaft, or are conveyed sideprovided with levers or handles; thus each cell can be worked ways over the various grates and a common fire-bridge to the independently of the others. With the view of increasing the boilers or chimney. The heat in the gases, after passing the steam-raising capabilities of the furnace, forced draught is some- boilers, is still further utilized to heat the air supplied to tho times applied and a tubular boiler is placed close to the cells. furnaces, the gases being passed through an air heater or conThe amount of refuse consumed varies from 5 tons to 8 tons per tinuous regenerator consisting of a number of cast-iron pipes cell per 24 hours. At Hornsey, where 12 cells of this type are in from which the air is delivered through the Meldrum "blowers' use, the cost of labour for burning the refuse is 94d. per ton. at a temperature of about 300° F. That a high percentage (15 The Meldrum "Simplex" destructor (Fig. 3), a modern type to 18 per cent.) of CO, is obtained in the furnaces proves a small of furnace which yields good steam-raising results, is in success- excess of free oxygen, and no doubt explains the high fuel efficiful operation at Rochdale, Hereford, and Darwen, ency obtained by this type of destructor. High-pressure boilers Meldrum's. at each of which towns the production of steam of ample capacity are provided for the accumulation during is an important consideration. Cells have also been laid periods of light load of a reserve of steam, the storage being down at Burton, Hunstanton, Blackburn, and Shipley. In obtained by utilizing the difference between the highest and

Tipping platform





Ground line


FIG. 3.-Meldrum's Destructor at Darwen.

lowest water-levels and the difference between the maximum and working steam-pressure. Patent locking fire-bars, to prevent lifting when clinkering, are used in the furnace and have a good


At Rochdale the Meldrum furnaces consume from 53 to 66 lbs. of refuse per square foot of grate area per hour, as compared with 22.4 lb per square foot in a low-temperature destructor burning 6 tons per cell per 24 hours with a grate area of 25 square feet. The evaporative efficiency of the Rochdale furnaces varies from 139 lb to 1.87 lb of water (actual) per 1 lb of refuse burned, and an average steam-pressure of about 114 b per square inch is maintained. The cost of labour and supervision amounts to 10d. per ton of refuse dealt with. A Lancashire boiler (22 feet by 6 feet 6 inches) at the Sewage Outfall Works, Hereford, evaporates with refuse fuel 2980 lb of water per hour, equal to 149 indicated horse-power. About 54 lb of refuse are burnt per square foot of grate area per hour with an evaporation of 1.82 lb of water per pound of refuse. At Darwen a Meldrum furnace of 104-5 square feet grate area runs the present electric plant consisting of two 150 kilowatt steam dynamos (225 horsepower each), one only being in use at a time. As the dynamos run only 9 hours per day, while the refuse is burned throughout the 24 hours, there is a large surplus of heat running to waste. This it is proposed to employ for electric tramways and then the available power will be utilized to its full extent. The Beaman and Deas destructor1 (Fig. 4) has attracted much attention from public authorities, and successful installations are in operation at Warrington, Dewsbury, Leyton, Canterbury, Llandudno, Colne, Streatham, Rotherhithe, and Wimbledon. Its essential features include a level firegrate with ordinary type bars, a high-temperature combustion chamber at the back of the cells, a closed ash-pit with forced draught, provision for the admission of a secondary

Beaman and Deas.

1 Patents No. 15,598 (1893) and 23,712 (1893); also Beaman and Deas Sludge Furnace, patent No. 13,029 (1894).

[blocks in formation]

FIG. 4.-Beaman and Deas Destructor at Leyton. the assistance of long rods manipulated through clinkering doors placed at the sides of the cells. A secondary door in the rear of the cell facilitates the operation. The fire-bars, spaced only inch apart, are of the ordinary stationary type. Vertically, under the fire-bridge, is an air-conduit, from the top of which lead air blast pipes 12 inches in diameter discharging into a hermetically closed ash-pit under the grate area. The air is supplied from fans (Schiele's patent) at a pressure of from 1 to 2 inches of water, and is controlled by means of baffle valves worked by handles on either side of the furnace, conveniently placed for the attendant. The forced draught tends to keep the bars cool and lessen wear and tear. The fumes from the charge

drying on the hearth pass through the fire and over the red-hot fire-bridge, which is perforated longitudinally with air-passages connected with a small flue leading from a grated opening on the face of the brickwork outside; in this way an auxiliary supply of heated oxygen is fed into the combustion chamber. This chamber, in which a temperature approaching 2000° F. is attained, is fitted with large iron doors, sliding with balance weights, which allow the introduction of infected articles, bad meat, etc., and also give access for the periodical removal of fine ash from the flues. The high temperatures attained are utilized by installing one boiler, preferably of the Babcock and Wilcox watertube type, for each pair of cells, so that the gases, on their way from the combustion chamber to the main flue, pass three times between the boiler tubes. A secondary furnace is provided under the boiler for raising steam by coal, if required, when the cells are out of use. The grate area of each cell is 25 square feet, and the consumption varies from 16 up to 20 tons of refuse per cell per 24 hours. In a 24-hours' test made by the superintendent of the cleansing department, Leeds, at the Warrington installation, the quantity of water evaporated per pound of refuse was 1·14 lb,

the average temperature in the combustion chamber 2000° F. by copper-wire test, and the average air pressure with forced draught, 2 inches (water gauge). At Leyton, which has a population of over 100,000, an eight-cell plant of this type is successfully dealing with house refuse and filter press cakes of sewage sludge from the Sewage Disposal Works adjoining, and even with material of this low calorific value the total steam-power produced is considerable. Each cell burns about 16 tons of the mixture in 24 hours and develops about 35 indicated horse-power continuously, at an average steam-pressure in the boilers of 105 lb. The cost of labour at Leyton for burning the mixed refuse is about 1s. 7d. per ton; at Llandudno, where four cells were laid down in connexion with the electric-light station in 1898, it is 1s. 34d., and at Warrington, 94d. per ton of refuse consumed. Combustion is complete, and the destructor may be safely installed in populous districts without nuisance to the inhabitants. Further patents (Wilkie's improvements) have been obtained by Meldrum Brothers (Manchester) in connexion with this destructor. In addition to the above-described destructors, other modern

[blocks in formation]

FIG. 5.-Leyton Destructor-Block Plan, forms have been introduced from time to time, but adopted to a less degree; amongst these may be mentioned Hanson's Utilizer, Mason's Gasifier, the "Bennett-Phythian," Cracknell's (Melbourne, Victoria), Coltman's (Loughborough), Willoughby's, and Healey's improved destructors. On the continent of Europe, systems for the treatment of refuse have also been devised. Among these may be mentioned those of M. Defosse and M. Helouis. The former has endeavoured to burn the refuse in large quantities by using a forced draught and only washing the smoke. Helouis has extended the operation by using the heat from the combustion of the refuse for drying and distilling the material which is brought gradually on to the grate.


Boulnois and Brodie's improved charging tank is a labour saving apparatus consisting of a wrought-iron truck, 5 ft. wide by 3 ft. deep, and of sufficient length to hold not less Destructor than 12 hours' supply for the two cells which it serves. The truck, which moves along a pair of rails laid across the top of the destructor, may be worked by one man. It is divided into compartments holding a charge of refuse in each, and is provided with a pair of doors in the bottom, opening downwards, which are supported by a series of small wheels running on a central rail. A special feeding opening in

1 Compte Rendu des Travaux de la Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France, folio 775 (June 1897).

showing general arrangement of the works

the reverberatory arch of the cell of the width of the truck, situated over the drying hearth, is formed by a firebrick arch fitted into a frame capable of being moved backwards and forwards by means of a lever. The charging truck, when empty, is brought under the tipping platform, and the carts tip directly into it. When one of the cells has to be fed, the truck is moved along, so that one of the divisions is immediately over the feeding opening, and the wheel holding up the bottom doors rests upon the central rail, which is continued over the movable covering arch. Then the movable arch is rolled back, the doors are released, and the contents are discharged into the cell, so that no handling of the refuse is required from tipping to feeding. This apparatus is in operation at Liverpool, Shoreditch, Cambridge, and elsewhere.

[blocks in formation]

Various forms of patent movable fire-bars have been employed in destructor furnaces. Among these may be mentioned Settle's,2 Vicar's, Riddle's rocking bars, Horsfall's self-feeding apparatus, and Healey's movable bars; but complicated movable arrangements are not to be recommended, and experience greatly favours the use of a simple stationary type of fire-bar.


[blocks in formation]

A dust-catching apparatus has been designed and erected at Edinburgh, by the Horsfall Furnace Syndicate, in order to overcome difficulties in regard to the escape of flue dust, &c., from the destructor chimney. Externally, it appears a large circular block of brickwork, 18 ft. in diameter and 13 ft. 7 in. high, connected with the main flue, and situated between the destructor cells and the boiler. Internally it consists of a spiral flue traversing the entire circumference and winding upwards to the top of the chamber. There is an interior well or chamber 6 ft. diameter by 12 ft. high, having a domed top, and communicating with the outer spiral flue by four ports at the top of the chamber. Dust traps, baffle walls, and cleaning doors are also provided for the retention and subsequent weekly removal of the flue dust. The apparatus forms a large reservoir of heat maintained at a steady temperature of from 1500° to 1800° F., and is useful in keeping up steam in the boiler at an equable pressure for a long period. It requires no attention, and has proved successful for its purpose.

Travelling cranes for transporting refuse and feeding cells are sometimes employed at destructor stations, as, for example, at Hamburg. Here the transportation of the refuse is effected by means of specially constructed water-tight iron waggons, containing detachable boxes provided with two double-flap doors at the top for loading, and one flap-door at the back for unloading. There are thirty-six furnaces of the Horsfall type placed in two ranks, each arranged in three blocks of six in the large furnace hall. An electric crane running above each rank lifts the boxes off the waggons and carries them to the feeding-hole of each cell. Here the box is tipped up by an electric pulley and emptied on to the furnace platform. Where the travelling crane is used, the carts (four-wheeled) bringing the refuse may be constructed so that the body of the carriage can be taken off the wheels, lifted up and tipped direct over the furnace as required, and returned again to its frame. The adoption of the travelling crane admits of the reduction in size of the main building, as less platform space for unloading refuse carts is required; the inclined roadway may also be dispensed with. Where a destructor site will not admit of an inclined roadway and platform, the refuse may be discharged from the collecting carts into a lift, and thence elevated into the feeding-bins.

of destructors.

The general arrangement of a battery of refuse cells at a destructor station is illustrated by Fig. 5. The cells are arranged either side by side, with a common Working main flue in the rear, or back to back with the main flue placed in the centre and leading to a tall chimney-shaft. The heated gases on leaving the cells pass through the combustion chamber into the main flue, and thence go forward to the boilers, where their heat is absorbed and utilized. Forced draught is supplied from fans through a conduit commanding the whole of the cells. An inclined roadway of as easy gradient as circumstances will admit, is provided for the conveyance of the refuse to the tipping platform, from which it is fed through feed-holes into the furnaces. In the installation of a destructor, the choice of suitable plant and the general design of the works must be largely dependent upon local requirements, and should be entrusted to an engineer experienced in these matters. The following primary considerations, however, may be enumerated as materially affecting the design of such works:

(a) The plant must be simple, easily worked without stoppages, and without mechanical complications upon which stokers may lay the blame for bad results. (b) It must be strong, must withstand variations of temperature, must not be liable to get out of order, and should admit of being readily repaired. (c) It must be such as can be easily understood by stokers or firemen of average intelligence, so that the continuous working of the plant may not be disorganized by change of workmen. (d) A sufficiently high temperature must be attained in the cells to reduce the refuse to an entirely innocuous clinker, and all fumes or gases should pass either through an adjoining red-hot cell or through a chamber whose temperature is maintained by the ordinary working of the destructor itself at a degree sufficient to exclude the possibility of the escape of any unconsumed gases, vapours, or particles. The temperature may vary between 1500° and 2000°. (e) The plant must be so worked that while some of the cells are being recharged, others are at a glowing red heat, in order that a high temperature may be uniformly maintained. (f) The design of the furnaces must admit of clinkering and recharging being easily and quickly performed, the furnace doors being open for a minimum of time so as to obviate the inrush of cold air to lower

the temperature in main flues, &c. (g) The chimney draught must be assisted with forced draught from fans or steam jet to a pressure of 14 inches to 2 inches under grates by water-gauge. (h) Where a destructor is required to work without risk of nuisance to the neighbouring inhabitants, its efficiency as a refuse destructor plant must be primarily kept in view in designing the works, steam-raising being regarded as a secondary consideration. Boilers should not be placed immediately over a furnace so as to present a large cooling surface, whereby the temperature of the gases is reduced before the organic matter has been thoroughly burned. (i) Where steam-power and a high fuel efficiency are desired a large percentage of CO, should be sought in the furnaces. with as little excess of air as possible, and the flue gases should be utilized in heating the air-supply to the grates, and the feedwater to the boilers. () Ample boiler capacity and hot-water storage feed-tanks should be included in the design where steampower is required.



As to the initial cost of the erection of refuse destructors, few trustworthy data can be given. The outlay necessarily depends, amongst other things, upon the difficulty of preparing the site, upon the nature of the foundations required, the height of the chimney-shaft, the length of the inclined or approach roadway, and the varying prices of labour and materials in different localities. As an example may be mentioned the case of Bristol, where, in 1892, the total cost of constructing a 16-cell Fryer destructor was £11,418, of which £2909 was expended on foundations, and £1689 on the chimney-shaft; the cost of the destructor proper, buildings, and approach road was therefore. £6820, or about £426 per cell. The cost per ton of burning refuse in destructors depends mainly upon-(a) The price of labour in the locality, and the number of "shifts or changes of workmen per day; (b) the type of furnace adopted; (c) the nature of the material to be consumed; (d) the interest on and repayment of capital outlay. The cost of burning, ton for ton consumed, in high-temperature furnaces, including labour and repairs, is not greater than in slow-combustion destructors. The average cost of burning refuse at twenty-four different towns throughout England, exclusive of interest on the cost of the works, is 1s. 1d. per ton burned; the minimum cost is 6d. per ton at Bradford, and the maximum cost 2s. 10d. per ton at Battersea. At Shoreditch the cost per ton for the year ending 25th March 1899, including labour, supervision, stores, repairs, &c. (but exclusive of interest on cost of works), was 2s. 6.9d. The quantity of refuse burned per cell per day of 24 hours varies from about 4 tons up to 20 tons. The ordinary low-temperature destructor, with 25 square feetgrate area, burns about 20 lb of refuse per square foot of grate area per hour, or between 5 and 6 tons per cell per 24 hours. The Meldrum destructor furnaces at Rochdale burn as much as 66 Ib per square foot of grate area per hour, and the Beaman and Deas destructor at Llandudno 717 It per square foot per hour. The amount, however, always depends materially on the care observed in stoking, the nature of the material, the frequency of removal of clinker, and on the question whether the whole of the refuse passed into the furnace is thoroughly cremated.


The amount of residue in the shape of clinker and fine ash varies from 22 to 37 per cent. of the bulk dealt with. From 25 to. 30 per cent. is a very usual amount. At Shoreditch, where the refuse consists of about 8 per cent. of straw, paper, shavings, &c., the residue contains about 29 per cent. clinker, 2.7 per cent. fine ash, 5 per cent. flue dust, and 6 per cent. old. tins, making a total residue of 32.8 per cent. As the residuum amounts to from 4th to 3rd of the total bulk of the refuse dealt. with, it is a question of the utmost importance that some profitable, or at least inexpensive, means should be devised for its regular disposal. Among other purposes, it has been used for bottoming for macadamized roads, for the manufacture of concrete, for making paving slabs, for forming suburban footpaths or cinder footwalks, and for the manufacture of mortar. The last is a very general, and in many places profitable, mode of disposal. Through defects in the design and management of many of the early destructors complaints of nuisance frequently arose, and these have, to some extent, brought destructor installations into disrepute. Although some of the older furnaces were decided offenders in this respect, that is by no means the case with the modern improved type of high-temperature furnace; and often, were it not for the great prominence in the landscape of a tall chimney-shaft, the existence of a refuse destructor in a neighbourhood would not be generally known to the inhabitants. A modern furnace, properly designed and worked, will give rise to no nuisance, and may be safely erected in the midst of a populous neighbourhood. To ensure the perfect cremation of the refuse and of the gases given off, forced draught is essential.. This is supplied either as air draught delivered from a rapidly revolving fan, or as steam blast, as in the Horsfall steam jet or the Meldrum blower. forced blast less air is required to obtain complete combustion. than by chimney draught. The forced draught grate requires.

With a

Forced draught.

per ton burned, and the total indicated horse-power hours per annum would be

70,000 x 5 cwt.

× 112=1,960,000 I.H.P. hours annually.

trical horse-power hours would be (with a dynamo efficiency of 90 If this were applied to the production of electric energy, the elec

per cent.)

1,960,000 × 90

=1,764,000 E.H.P. hours per annum ;

1,764,000 × 746=1,315,944,000.

little more than the quantity theoretically necessary, while with chimney draught more than double the theoretical amount of air must be supplied. With forced draught, too, a much higher temperature is attained, and if it is properly worked, little or no cold air will enter the furnaces during stoking operations. As far as possible a balance of pressure in the cells during clinkering should be maintained just sufficient to prevent an inrush of cold air through the flues. The forced draught pressure should not exceed 2 inches' water-gauge. The efficiency of the combustion in the furnaces is conveniently measured by the "Econometer," which registers continuously and automatically the proportion of and the watt-hours per annum at the central station would be CO2 passing away in the waste gases; the higher the percentage of CO, the more efficient the furnace, provided there is no formation of CO, the presence of which would indicate incomplete combustion. The theoretical maximum of CO2 for refuse burning is about 20 per cent.; and, by maintaining an even clean fire, by admitting secondary air over the fire, and by regulating the dampers or the air-pressure in the ash-pit, an amount approximating to this percentage may be attained in a well-designed furnace if properly worked. If the proportion of free oxygen (i.c., excess of air) is large, more air is passed through the furnace than is required for complete combustion, and the heating of this excess is clearly a waste of heat. The position of the econometer in testing. should be as near the furnace as possible, as there may be considerable air leakage through the brickwork of the flues.

Calorific value.

The modern high-temperature destructor, to render the refuse and gases perfectly innocuous and harmless, is worked at a temperature varying from 1250° to 2000° F., and the maintenance of such temperatures has very naturally suggested the possibility of utilizing this heat-energy for the production of steam-power. Successful steam-raising destructor stations have been in operation during recent years in England, and experience shows that a considerable amount of energy may be derived therefrom, amply justifying a reasonable increase of expenditure on plant and labour. The actual calorific value of the refuse material necessarily varies, but, as a general average, experience shows that, with suitably-designed and properly-managed plant, an evaporation of 1 lb of water per pound of refuse burned is a result which may be readily attained, and affords a basis of calculation which engineers may safely adopt in practice. Many destructor steam-raising plants, however, give considerably higher results, as will be seen from the following

table :

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

From actual experience it may be accepted, therefore, that the calorific value of unscreened house refuse varies from 1 to 2 tb of water evaporated per pound of refuse burned, the exact proportion depending upon the quality and condition of the material dealt with. Taking the evaporative power of coal at 10 lb of water per pound of coal, this gives for domestic house refuse a value of from to that of coal; or, with coal at 20s. per ton, refuse has a commercial value of from 2s. to 4s. per ton. In London the quantity of house refuse amounts to about 14 million tons per annum, which is equivalent to from 4 cwt. to 5 cwt. per head per annum. If it be burned in furnaces giving an evaporation of 1 lb of water per pound of refuse, it would yield a total power annually of about 138 million brake horsepower hours, and equivalent cost of coal at 20s. per ton for this amount of power, even when calculated upon the very low estimate of 2 16 of coal per brake horse-power hour, works out at over £123,000. On the same basis, the refuse of a medium-sized town, with, say, a population of 70,000 yielding refuse at the rate of 5 cwt. per head per annum, would afford 112 indicated horse-power

1 With medium-sized steam plant, a consumption of 4 lb of coal per brake horse-power per hour is a very usual performance.

[ocr errors]

Allowing for a loss of 10 per cent. in distribution, this would give 1,184,349,600 watt hours available in lamps, or with 8 candle-power lamps taking 30 watts of current per lamp, we should have

that is,

=39,478,320 8-c.p. lamp - hours per

annum ;

1,184,349,600 watt-hours
30 watts
70,000 population
Taking the loss due to the storage which would be necessary at
20 per cent. on three-quarters of the total or 15 per cent. upon the
whole, there would be 478 8-c.p. lamp-hours per annum per head
of the population; i.e., if the power developed from the refuse were
fully utilized, it would supply electric light at the rate of one
8-c.p. lamp per head of the population for about 1 hours for every
night of the year.

=563 8-c.p. lamp-hours per annum per
head of population.

In actual practice, when the electric energy is for the purposes of lighting only, difficulty has been experienced in fully utilizing the thermal energy from a destructor plant owing to Difficulties. the want of adequate means of storage either of the thermal or of the electric energy. A destructor station usually yields a fairly definite amount of thermal energy uniformly throughout the twenty-four hours, while the consumption of electric-lighting current is extremely irregular, the maximum demand being about four times the mean demand. The period during which the demand exceeds the mean is comparatively short, and does not exceed about six hours out of the twenty-four, while for a portion of the time the demand may not exceed th of the maximum. This difficulty, at first regarded as somewhat grave, is now substantially minimized by the provision of amplo boiler capacity, or by the introduction of feed thermal storage vessels in which hot feed-water may be stored during the hours of light load (say eighteen out of the twenty-four), so that at the time of maximum load the boilers may be filled directly from these vessels, which work at the same pressure and temperature as the boiler. Further, the difficulty above mentioned will dis-. appear entirely at stations where there is a fair day load which practically ceases at about the hour when the illuminating load comes on, thus equalizing the demand upon both destructor and electric plant throughout the twenty-four hours. This arises in cases where current is consumed during the day for motors, fans, lifts, electric tramways, and other like purposes, and, as the employment of electric energy for these services is rapidly becoming general, no difficulty need be anticipated in the successful working of combined destructor and electric plants where these conditions prevail. The more uniform the electrical demand becomes, the more fully may the power from a destructor station be utilized. In the case above cited of a town of 70,000 population, the horsepower to be derived from the refuse, calculated upon the basis of 2 lb of coal per brake horse - power hour, which is the utmost efficiency practicable even for very good steam-engines, will cost £1750 per annum for fuel with coal at 20s. per ton, and, in practice, the actual cost would doubtless be nearly double. At Shoreditch during the year ending March 1899, a total of 1,031,348 Board of Trade units of electric energy was supplied to consumers; of this about seven-tenths were generated from the refuse of the district, and on many occasions a load of 400 kilowatts (i.e., 400 kilo. x 1000 100 X =596 horse power) has been carried by 746 90 refuse fuel only. Some 200 municipalities in England have laid down destructor plants, but although the great majority are utilizing some of the surplus heat generated by the furnaces, at comparatively few stations is the full thermal energy of the refuse turned to commercial utility owing to the fact that the plants were installed before the value of refuse for steam-raising was properly understood. During recent years, however, new and improved plant has been introduced, and in the laying down of all new installations this phase of the question has been kept most prominently in view.

For further information on the subject, reference_should be made to WILLIAM H. MAXWELL, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., on the Removal and Disposal of Town Refusc, with an exhaustive treat

ment of Refuse Destructor Plants, London, 1899, which is a compre-
hensive work of reference dealing fully with details of construction
and results of practical experience. See also the Proceedings of
the Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers,
vols. xiii. p. 216, xxii. p. 211, xxiv. p. 214, and xxv. p. 138;
also the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vols.
cxxii. p. 443, cxxiv. p. 469, cxxxi. p. 413, cxxxviii. p. 508,
exxix. p. 434, cxxx. pp. 213 and 347, cxxiii. pp. 369 and 498,
cxxviii. p. 293, and cxxxv. p. 300.
(W. H. MA.)

1895, the year of his death. The genuine interest with
which these volumes were welcomed did much to lighten
the last years of a somewhat sombre and solitary life.
His posthumous poems were collected in 1902. The
characteristics of De Tabley's poetry are pre-eminently
magnificence of style, derived from close study of Milton,
sonority, dignity, weight, and colour. His passion for
detail was both a strength and a weakness: it lent a lov-
ing fidelity to his description of natural objects, but it
sometimes involved him in a loss of simple effect from
over-elaboration of treatment. He was always a student
of the classic poets, and drew much of his inspiration
directly from them. He was a true and a whole-hearted
artist, who, as a brother-poet well said, "still climbed the
clear cold altitudes of song."
His ambition was always
for the heights, a region naturally ice-bound at periods,
but always a country of clear atmosphere and bright, vivid
(A. WA.)
Detaille, Jean Baptiste Edouard (1848-
-), French painter, was born in Paris, 5th October 1848.
After working as a pupil of Meissonier's, he first exhibited,
in the Salon of 1867, a picture representing "A Corner of
Meissonier's Studio." Military life was from the first a
principal attraction to the young painter, and he gained his
reputation by depicting the scenes of a soldier's life with
every detail truthfully rendered. He exhibited "A Halt "
(1868); "Soldiers at rest, during the Manoeuvres at the
Camp of Saint Maur" (1869); "Engagement between
Cossacks and the Imperial Guard, 1814" (1870). The
which gained him repeated successes.
war of 1870-71 furnished him with a series of subjects
Among his more
important pictures may be named "The Conquerors
(1872); "The Retreat" (1873); "The Charge of the
6th August 1870" (1874); "The Marching Regiment,
9th Regiment of Cuirassiers in the Village of Morsbronn,
Paris, December 1874" (1875); "A Reconnaissance"
(1876); "Hail to the Wounded!" (1877); "Bonaparte in
Egypt" (1878); the "Inauguration of the New Opera
House "a water-colour; the "Defence of Champigny by
Faron's Division" (1879). He also worked with Alphonse
de Neuville on the Panorama of Rezonville. In 1884
he exhibited at the Salon the "Evening at Rezonville,"
Luxemburg Gallery (see Plate). Detaille has recorded other
a panoramic study, and "The Dream" (1888), now in the
events in the military history of his country: the "Sortie
of the Garrison of Huningue," the "Vincendon Brigade,"
and "Bizerte," reminiscences of the expedition to Tunis.
After a visit to Russia, Detaille exhibited "The Cossacks
of the Ataman" and "The Hereditary Grand Duke at the
Head of the Hussars of the Guard." Other important
and the Duke of Connaught," and "Pasteur's Funeral."
In his picture of "Châlons, 9th October 1896," exhibited
in the Salon, 1898, Detaille has painted the Emperor and
Empress of Russia at a review, with M. Félix Faure.

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De Tabley, John Byrne Leicester Warren, 3rd BARON (1835-1895), English poet, was born at Tabley House, Cheshire, 26th April 1835. He was educated at Eton and Christ Church, where he took his degree in 1856 with second classes in Classics and in Law and Modern History. In the autumn of 1858 he went to Turkey as unpaid attaché to Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, and two years later was called to the bar. He became an officer in the Cheshire Yeomanry, and unsuccessfully contested Mid-Cheshire in 1868 as a Liberal. After his father's second marriage in 1871 he removed to London, where he became a close friend of Tennyson for several years. From 1877 till his succession to the title in 1887 he was lost to his friends, assuming the life of a recluse. It was not till 1892 that he returned to London life, and enjoyed a sort of renaissance of reputation and friendship. During the later years of his life Lord De Tabley made many new friends, besides reopening old associations, and he almost seemed to be gathering around him a small literary company when his health broke, and he died 22nd November 1895 at Ryde, in his sixty-first year. He was buried at Little Peover in Cheshire. Although his reputation will live almost exclusively as that of a poet, De Tabley was a man of many studious tastes. He was at one time an authority on numismatics; he wrote two novels; published A Guide to the Study of Book Plates (1889); and the fruit of his careful researches in botany was printed posthumously in his elaborate Flora of Cheshire (1899). Poetry, however, was his first and last passion, and to that he devoted the best energies of his life. De Tabley's first impulse towards poetry came from his friend George Fortescue, with whom he shared a close companionship during his Oxford days, and whom he lost, as Tennyson lost Hallam, within a few years of their taking their few years of their taking their degrees. Fortescue was killed by falling from the mast of Lord Drogheda's yacht in November 1859, and this gloomy event plunged De Tabley into deep depression. Between 1859 and 1862 De Tabley issued four little volumes of pseudonymous verse (by G. F. Preston), in the production of which he had been greatly stimulated by the sympathy of Fortescue. Once more he assumed a pseudonym his Praeterita (1863) bearing the name of William Lancaster. In the next year he pub-works are: "Victims to Duty," "The Prince of Wales lished Eclogues and Monodramas, followed in 1865 by Studies in Verse. These volumes all displayed technical grace and much natural beauty; but it was not till the publication of Philoctetes in 1867 that De Tabley met with any wide recognition. Philoctetes bore the initials "M. A.," which, to the author's dismay, were interpreted as meaning Matthew Arnold. He at once disclosed his identity, and received the congratulations of his friends, among whom were Tennyson, Browning, and Gladstone. In 1868 he published Orestes, in 1870 Rehearsals, and in 1873 Searching the Net. These last These last two bore his own name, John Leicester Warren. He was somewhat disappointed by their lukewarm reception, and when in 1876 The Soldier of Fortune, a drama on which he had bestowed much careful labour, proved a complete failure, he retired altogether from the literary arena. It was not until 1893 that he was persuaded to return, and the immediate success in that year of his Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical, encouraged him to publish a second series in


Detaille has been a member of the French Institute since

1898, and has been awarded many medals and other


See MARIUS VACHON. Detaille. Paris, 1898.-FRÉDÉRIC MASSON. Edouard Detaille and his Work. Paris and London, 1891.-J. CLARETIE. Peintres et sculpteurs contemporaires. Paris, 1876.-G. GOETSCHY. Les jeunes Peintres Militaires. Paris, 1878.

Detmold, a town of Germany, capital of the principality of Lippe Detmold, beautifully situated on the east slope of the Teutoburger Wald, 25 miles south of Minden, on the Herford Altenbeken line of the Prussian state railways. The residential castle of the princes of Lippe Detmold (1550), in the Renaissance style, is an imposing building, lying with its pretty gardens nearly in

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