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to Chemulpo, the cruisers Akitsushima, Yoshino, and Naniwa
being sent on in advance. On the morning of 25th July these
vessels met the Tsi-yuen and the Kuang-yi near Phung Island.
An engagement occurred, in which the Kuang-yi was disabled
and run ashore, the Tsi-yuen escaping to Wei-hai-wei, chased
by the Yoshino. The Chinese vessels, hopelessly overmatched,
despatch boat Tsao-kiang approached from the south-east, and was
seem to have been well fought. At this juncture the wooden
captured by the Akitsushima, while the British steamer Kow-
shing, carrying 1200 Chinese troops from Taku to Asan, also
arrived, and was ordered by the Naniwa to bring-to and anchor.
The Kowshing having been directed to follow the
Naniwa, the Chinese threatened to kill the officers if


they complied or attempted to leave the ship. The incident.
Naniwa then opened fire and sank the Kowshing in less than half
he destruction of the Kowshing undoubtedly contributed to the
an hour.
More than 1000 of the Chinese troops were drowned.
Japanese success at Sung-hwan, and the intention of the Chinese
to crush their enemies at Seoul between forces moving from the
north and south was frustrated. Henceforth the Japanese had to
deal only with the forces north of the capital.

with the ways of the mass of the people. In July 1882 | Government passed into the hands of the Japanese. Meanwhile the legations were burned by a mob and some Japanese China had made efforts to reinforce the detachment at Asan, and officers were massacred. The minister who succeeded in had despatched about 8000 troops to the Yalu river. The outbreak of war thus found the Japanese in military possession of reaching the sea and escaping was sent back with a Seoul and ready to send large forces to Korea, while the Chinese military escort, and an indemnity was demanded and occupied Asan (about 40 miles southward of the capital), and had obtained. The Chinese at the same time sent a small a considerable body of troops in Manchuria in addition to those force to Korea. In December 1884 a fresh outbreak despatched to the Yalu river. ToJapan the command of the sea was essential for the secure transport and supply of her troops. Without occurred at Seoul. A plot to seize the king and establish it the experience of the war of the 16th century would be repeated. a progressive government failed, and the Japanese were China, on the other hand, could utilize overland routes to Korea; again driven out of the capital by the Koreans, assisted by but difficulties and delays would necessarily be entailed. To both Powers the naval question was thus all-important. Chinese. Japan sent troops and enforced the payment of War was not finally declared till 1st August, by which time a second indemnity. In April 1885 a convention was collisions had occurred on sea and land. On 25th July Majorsigned at Tientsin by Count Ito and Li Hung-Chang, by General Oshima, with about 2500 men, started for Asan and found which both Powers undertook to withdraw their mili- the Chinese entrenched at Sung-hwan. The position was suctary forces from Korea, each being pledged to inform the cessfully attacked on the 29th, with a loss of about 90 killed and wounded; but Yeh, the Chinese commander, escaped with other of any decision to despatch troops in the event of the greater part of his force, and reached Phyong-yang by a future disturbances. This convention secured compara-wide detour. Meanwhile the Japanese squadron was proceeding tive tranquillity in Korea for nine years. The murder at Shanghai, on 28th March 1894, of Kim-ok-kim, one of the leaders of the abortive revolution of 1884, created much excitement in Seoul, where the Tong-Hak rebellion was beginning to cause alarm. At the end of May the TongHaks defeated the Korean forces, and early in June the Government appealed to China for military assistance. A small Chinese force was at once sent to Asan; and the Japan Government being informed, according to the terms of the convention of Tientsin, promptly ordered its minister, Otori, who was on leave, to return to Seoul. Warships were sent to Chemulpo, and Otori with an escort of marines reached Seoul on 10th June. The Japanese rapidly followed up this step by the despatch of about 5000 troops under Major-General Oshima, who relieved the marines by the middle of June. A complicated situation thus arose. Chinese troops were present in Korea by the request of the Government with a view to put down an armed rebellion. The Japanese controlled the capital, and were determined to carry out reforms by force if necessary. An interesting diplomatic correspondence led only to a deadlock. Japan absolutely declined to recognize Korea as a tributary state of China," to limit her military forces in the peninsula, or to place any restrictions upon their movements; but she proposed that the two Powers should "unite their efforts for the speedy suppression of the disturbance," and should subsequently send commissioners to inaugurate jointly certain specified measures of reform. The Tsung-Li-Yamen considered that "the idea may be excellent, but the measures of reform must be left to Korea herself. Even China herself would not interfere with the internal administration of Korea, and Japan having from the very first recognized the independence of Korea, cannot have the right to interfere." The Japanese foreign minister replied that "the Imperial Government, much to their regret, cannot share the hopeful views thus expressed, and considered that the government of Korea is lacking in some of the elements which are essential to responsible independence." Ultimately-on 16th July-the Tsung-Li-Yamen was informed that as the Chinese Government appeared "disposed to precipitate complications," Japan was relieved of all responsibility for any eventuality that may in future arise." War was now inevitable unless the Peking Government was willing to abdicate all claims over Korea. The claims were valueless; but Chinese troops were already in the country by invitation, and in these circumstances it was not to be expected that the shadowy suzerainty would be aban

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At Seoul the issue was forced by the Japanese minister, who delivered an ultimatum to the Korean Government on 20th July. On the 23rd the palace was forcibly occupied; and the proChinese party being removed from power, the control of the

It was now of vital importance to the Chinese to prevent the transport of Japanese troops to Chemulpo, which was carried on with the greatest energy. The Chinese fleet, however, remained in port, and the Japanese made no attempt to obtain and keep touch with it. During August and September the Japanese were busied in landing troops and stores at Chemulpo and Gensan, while the Chinese forces in Manchuria moved slowly to the Yalu river. On 8th August the Japanese began to move northwards. By 12th September about 14,000 men had converged upon Phyong-yang in three columns from Gensan, Sakriong, and Chung-hua, and the main body under LieutenantGeneral Nodzu from Huang-ju. A general attack was made on 15th September, and the strongly entrenched position was captured, with a loss of about 650 killed and wounded. The Chinese, numbering about 12,000, suffered heavily, and retreated northwards over the river Yalu. Korea being thus cleared, the war entered upon another phase.

Two days after the capture of Phyong-yang the hostile fleets came in contact. Admiral Ito seems to have taken no direct measures to prevent the landing of troops in the Yalu, Yalu ber with a cruiser escort, picking up the Pei-yang and five Chinese transports left Taku on 14th Septembattle. squadron, under Admiral Ting, en route. ber with a cruiser escort, picking up the About 4000 men were disembarked on the 16th, and the Chinese warships weighed early on the 17th for the return voyage. They were sighted at about half-past eleven in the forenoon by the Japanese squadron, which was reconnoitring in the neighbourhood of the island of


The tables on the following page give a detail of the fleets, which were not unevenly matched, the Japanese having the advantages of more modern ships, quick-firing guns, speed, and homogeneity, while the Chinese fleet contained two second-class battleships, the Ting-Yuen and the Chen-Yuen.

Admiral Ting attempted to form his force in quarter-line abreast, but the evolution was not accomplished, and the Chinese fleet bore down in a somewhat irregular line, the two battleships being in the centre and the weakest vessels-the Chao-Yung and the Yang-Wei-on the wings. Admiral Ito divided his squadron into two parts, which were separately handled throughout the action, moving always in single column line ahead. The flying squadron, consisting of the fast vessels Yoshino, Naniwa, Takachiho, and Akitsushima, was ordered to pass round the Chinese right wing and attack the rear. In place of turning to starboard as intended, the squadron bore away to attack two detached Chinese vessels, which with some torpedo boats appeared to be

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2 Aft in Matsushima; forward in her two sister-ships. attempting to join the fleet. Meanwhile the main squadron, led army under Marshal Yamagata, and to embark a second army, by the flagship Matsushima, followed, and circling round the consisting of the 1st division and a brigade of the 6th division Chinese line passed its left wing. The flying squadron, recalled with siege artillery, under Marshal Oyama, for the capture of Port by signal, again engaged the right wing. The courses became Arthur, and subsequently to move up the Liao-Tung peninsula somewhat complicated; but, broadly speaking, the two Japanese and join hands with the northern force. The Japanese crossed squadrons continued to steam independently round the Chinese the Yalu on 24th and 25th of October, meeting little resistance, vessels, concentrating their fire upon individual groups. On the and successfully occupied Antung, Chin-lien-cheng, and Fengother hand, the Chinese almost from the first lost all order and huang. Thence on the 9th November General Tachimi, with the attempted no manoeuvring; but the two battleships Ting-Yuen 5th division, advanced along the road to Mukden, and reconand Chen-Yuen supported each other, and their armour proved a noitred the Mo-tien-ling Pass on the 12th, while the 3rd division match for the Japanese ordnance, which was unable to disable under General Oseko, operating to the south, occupied Ta-tungthem. Before sunset the Yang-Wei, Chao-Yung, King-Yuen, and kau on the 5th. By a combined attack of General Oseko's force Chi-Yuen had been sunk by shells, and the Matsushima and and a battalion of infantry under Colonel Mihara moving from Hi-Yei were much damaged. The crews of both fleets were much Fung-huang, Hsin-yen, on the route to Hai-cheng, was taken on exhausted. The Japanese pursuit seems to have been half- the 18th. Leaving a garrison at Hsin-yen, General Oseko's main hearted, and contact was lost during the night. The total force returned to Ta-ku-shan. A pause in the general advance of Japanese loss amounted to 115 killed and 103 wounded, of which the first army now occurred, and holding their advanced positions, nearly half occurred on board the Matsushima. The Chinese lost the Japanese explored the country by means of reconnoitring about 600 men in the sunken ships, in addition to about 100 parties. killed and between 200 and 300 wounded. The action was decided solely by gun fire, although the Chinese discharged two torpedoes against the armed transport Sakio-Maru without effect. The result of the action was to confer upon the Japanese the full command of the sea, and to enable them to prosecute the land campaign without hindrance. The surviving Chinese ships, with the exception of one which went aground near Ta-lien-wan and was destroyed, reached Port Arthur, and subsequently steamed to Wei-hai-wei.


The Japanese now determined to invade Manchuria with the



The detached brigade of the second army disembarked on 24th October about 38 miles to the north-east of Ta-lien-wan, and its advanced guard occupied Pi-tzu-wo on the following day. The landing of the whole force, with its horses and stores, required twelve days. On 6th November the important town of Chin-chau was attacked and taken, and on the 7th Ta-lien-wan, with its three modern coast forts, was occupied without resistance, the fleet arriving in the bay on the same day. The Japanese were now in possession of a good harbour, where their siege train could be landed, 10 miles from Port

The Japanese

Arthur. Here the Chinese possessed a strongly fortified position | General Sung retreating across the Liao river.
held by about 9000 men. The attack was delivered on 21st
November after a bombardment of the forts by 36 siege and 60
field and mountain guns. The resistance was contemptible, and
Port Arthur was captured with a loss of only 270 killed and

forces at Ying-kau and New-chwang now combined in attacking
Tien-chwang-tai, which was taken on 9th March.

Meanwhile in Manchuria the Chinese assumed the offensive. On 25th November the Japanese outpost at Tsao-ho-kau, 5 miles from the Mo-tien-ling Pass, was attacked in force. The attack was repulsed, and a flying column under Colonel Tachimi, leaving Fung-huang on the following day, reached Tsao-ho-kau by a mountain road, defeating a Chinese force in the neighbourhood. The difficulties of supplying an advanced party, which was now confronted by superior forces, caused the Japanese to withdraw from Tsao-ho-kau, and to concentrate nearer Fung-huang, towards which the Chinese moved in three columns. On 14th December the Chinese were defeated. Meanwhile on 10th December the 3rd division began its advance from Hsin-yen upon Hai-cheng, which was taken on the 13th. The Japanese now occupied a somewhat exposed position, threatened by considerable Chinese forces at Ying-kau and Liao-Yang. General Sung, advancing from the former with about 9000 men, was attacked and defeated on 19th December; but the Japanese, who had about 4500 men present, lost nearly 400, the Chinese offering a comparatively stubborn resistance. On 17th January the Liao-Yang force, estimated at 14,000 strong, appeared in front of Hai-cheng and opened an ineffective long-range fire, dispersing in disorder when the Japanese advanced against them. A similarly futile attack was made on 22nd January, the Japanese loss being trifling.

The advance of the second army northward was long delayed by difficulties of transport, aggravated by the rigours of the climate. At length, on 1st January, a brigade of infantry and a regiment of cavalry, with three batteries of artillery, started from Chin-chau under General Nogi and attacked a Chinese force strongly posted at Kai-ping on the 10th. The position was carried after three hours' fighting, with a loss of more than 300 killed and wounded, the Chinese showing some steadiness. Communication with the force occupying Hai-cheng was at once established.


The situation in Manchuria being thus secured, the Japanese proceeded to attack Wei-hai-wei, where lay the surviving vessels of the Pei-yang squadron. On 18th January a naval demonstration was made at Teng-chau, 70 miles west of Wei-hai-wei, and on the 19th the Japanese began their disembarkation at Yung-cheng Bay, about 12 miles from Wei-hai-wei. The force employed consisted of the 2nd division, newly mobilized, and a brigade from the second army, under Marshal Oyama. The Chinese made no attempt to oppose the landing, and on the 26th the troops advanced. The eastern forts were captured on the 30th, the only effective opposition being that offered by the Chinese ships, which, steaming near to the land, inflicted some loss upon the Japanese. The guns in the western defences were disabled by a landing party on 1st February, and these defences were occupied by the Japanese on the following day. On the night of 4th February the Chinese squadron in harbour was attacked by ten torpedo boats. Two boats were lost, but the armour-clad Ting-Yuen was sunk. On the following night a second attack was made by four boats, and the Wei-Yuen, Lai-Yuen, and a gunboat were sunk. On 9th February the Ching-Yuen was sunk by the guns in one of the eastern forts manned by Japanese sailors. It was now seen that the remaining vessels were at the mercy of the Japanese, and on the 12th Admiral Ting wrote to Admiral Ito offering to surrender, and then took poison, other officers following his example. On the 16th the Japanese occupied Lien-kung island, and the remnant of the Chinese squadron passed into their hands.

While the Wei-hai-wei campaign was in progress the Chinese despatched a great peace mission to Japan, which arrived at Hiroshima on 31st January with credentials which were pronounced by Count Ito to be "fatally defective." The original draft made by the United States minister at Peking had been replaced by another of Chinese composition, and the idea of the Tsung-Li-Yamen seems to have been to ascertain the views of the Japanese Government without themselves being committed. The Japanese declined to treat in these circumstances, and the mission returned to China.

In February the Chinese made two feeble attacks on Hai-cheng which were easily repulsed, and the Japanese at Kai-ping having been reinforced, advanced along the coast road, and after occupying Tai-ping-shan dislodged a considerable Chinese force under General Sung from an entrenched position. The Chinese were now concentrated in three groups at Ying-kau, New-chwang, and Liao-Yang; and General Katsura at Hai-cheng having been reinforced, advanced on 28th February with the 3rd division, and captured New-chwang on 4th March. The Chinese suffered heavy loss. Two days later, Marshal Yamagi with the western column moved towards Ying-kau, which was occupied on 7th March,

The Chinese forces in Manchuria being thoroughly broken and dispersed, there was nothing to prevent the Japanese from proceeding to the occupation of Peking, since the melting of the ice which forms along the northern shores of the Gulf of Pe-chi-li would permit them to land and supply large forces at Shan-hai-kwan, within 170 miles of the capital. Negotiations were therefore opened, and Li Hung-Chang proceeded to Shimonoseki, where a treaty was. signed on 17th April. The terms included the "full and complete independence and autonomy of Korea," and the cession of the southern portion of the province of Shin-king (with a frontier extending from the Yalu river to Ying-kau), of Formosa and adjacent islands, and of the Pescadores group. Article IV. fixed an indemnity of 200 millions of taels. By Article VI. four additional cities and ports were opened to Japanese trade, and rights of navigation on Chinese rivers were extended. Wei-haiwei was to be occupied as a guarantee of performance. The cession of territory in the province of Shin-king was subsequently cancelled by the joint action of Russia, France, and Germany.

The China-Japan war presents little interest from the military point of view. The proved excellence of the Japanese organization was, however, a revelation. The operations were carried through to complete success in a most difficult country during all the severity of a northern winter. The Japanese commanders were not only able to move and supply their troops, but they showed exact knowledge of the liberties which could be taken in face of Chinese forces.

No European army could have accomplished so much in so short a time. In all that relates to the despatch of troops over-sea the Japanese organization fulfilled every requirement. Their navy showed itself to be a formidable weapon of war, well capable of holding its own among the fleets of the world. Politically the main results of the war were two: 1st, the raising of Japan to the position of a great naval and military power; and, 2nd, the hastening by some years of the accomplishment of the plans of Russia for the absorption of Manchuria and. the Liao-Tung peninsula. (G. S. C.)

Chinandega, or CHINENDEGA, capital of a department of the same name in the republic of Nicaragua, Central America, situated on the Managna railway, 18. miles N.W. of Leon and 12 E. of Corinto. It has considerable trade in cotton and sugar, and is surrounded by banana plantations. In 1849 it was the temporary capital of the three united republics of Nicaragua, Honduras, and Salvador. Population, about 12,000.


Chindwin.-This river, like the Irrawaddy, of which it is the largest tributary, has its entire course in Burmese territory. It is called Ningthi by the Manipuris. Chindwin is formed by the junction of the Tanai, the Tawan, and the Tarôn or Turông, but it is still uncertain which is the main stream. The Tanai has hitherto been looked on as the chief source. It rises in about 25° 30' N. lat. and 97° E. long., on the Shwedaung-gyi peak of the Kumôn range, 12 miles N. of Mogaung, and flows. due north for the first part of its course until it reaches the Hukawng valley, when it turns to the west and flows. through the middle of the plain to the end of the valley proper. There it curves round to the south, passes through the Taron or Turông valley, takes the name of the Chindwin, and maintains a general southerly course until it enters the Irrawaddy, after flowing through the entire length of the Upper and Lower Chindwin districts, in about 21° 30′ N. lat. and 95° 15′ E. long. Its extreme outlets are 22 miles apart, the interval forming a succession of long, low, partially populated islands. The most southerly mouth of the Chindwin is, according to tradition, an artificial channel, cut by one of the kings of Pagan. It was choked up for many centuries until in 1824 it was. opened out by an exceptional flood. The Tanai (it is frequently called Tanaikha, but kha is merely the Kachin

word for river), as long as it retains that name, is a swift, | clear river, from 50 to 300 yards wide and from 3 to 15 feet deep. In the Hukawng valley it has steep banks, fringed to a depth of a mile or more inland with wild plantain-trees. The river is navigated by native boats in the Hukawng valley, but launches cannot come up from the Chindwin proper because of the reefs below Taro. The earlier tributaries are on the right bank; they are the Tabye, the Tawan, and the Turông or Tarôn. The Tawan, at its junction with the Tanai, close to the Mashi ferry, measures about 400 yards from bank to bank, and the breadth of the actual stream in the dry weather is 150 yards. It probably flows from the range which forms the south-west boundary of Hkamti Lông, whose peaks are snow-covered during the dry season. The Tarôn, Turông, or Towang river seems to be the real main source of the Chindwin. It flows into the Hukawng valley from the north, and has a swift current with a succession of rapids. At Ningpyen it is 300 to 400 yards wide, and has welldefined banks. Its sources are in the hills to the south of Sadiya, rising from 10,000 to 11,000 feet above sea-level. For the first portion of its course the river flows through a deep valley, with a general east and west direction, as far as its junction with the Loglai. It then turns south, and after draining an intricate system of hills, breaks into the Hukawng valley a few miles to the north of Saraw, and joins or receives the Tanai about 10 miles above Kintaw village. Except the Tanai, the chief branches of the Upper Chindwin rise in mountains that are covered at least with winter snows. Below the Hukawng valley the Chindwin is interrupted at several places by falls or transverse reefs. At the village of Haksa there is a fall, which necessitates transhipment from the large boats which ply below to canoes. Not far below this the Uyu river comes in on the left bank at Homalin, and from this point downwards the steamers of the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company ply for the greater part of the year. The Uyu flows through a fertile and well-cultivated valley, and during the rainy season it is navigable for a distance of 150 miles from its mouth by steamers of light draught. Ordinarily regular steam communication with Homalin ceases in the dry weather, but from Kindat, nearly 150 miles below it, there are regular weekly steamers all the year round. Below Kindat the only considerable affluent of the Chindwin is the Myit-tha, which receives the Chin hills drainage. As far as Mingin the general course of the Chindwin is south-westerly; below that town it curves eastwards towards the Irrawaddy. The Chindwin rises very considerably during the rains, but in March and April it is here and there so shallow as to make navigation difficult even for small steam launches. Whirlpools and narrows and shifting sandbanks also give some trouble, but much has been done to improve naviga(J. G. Sc.)

tion since the British annexation.

Chindwin, UPPER and LOWER, two districts in the Sagaing division of Upper Burma. Upper Chindwin has an area of 19,062 square miles, and a population, according to the census of 1891, of 111,533, living in 980 villages, and paying in 1898-99 a revenue of Rs.3,22,057. Lower Chindwin has an area of 3481 square miles, and a population of 233,316 living in 893 villages, and paying in 1898-99 a revenue of Rs.5,53,982. Upper Chindwin lies to the north of the lower district, and is bounded on the N. by the Chin Naga and Kachin hills; on the E. they are bounded by the Myit Kyina, Katha, and Shwebo districts; Lower Chindwin is bounded on the S. by the Pakokku and Sagaing districts; and both districts are bounded on the W. by the Chin hills, and by Pakokku on the southern stretch. The chief flat country is along the banks of the Chindwin river, which runs through the

centre of both districts, and the plain to the east of the river in Lower Chindwin is very extensive and fertile. The western portion of both districts is hilly, and the greater part of Upper Chindwin is of the same character. In Upper Chindwin, out of 12,199,680 acres, only 112,388 were cultivated in 1899; in Lower Chindwin 296,326 acres out of a total of 2,227,584. In Upper Chindwin 1,640,823 acres more were available, and 541,085 acres in the lower district. Both have valuable teak forests. The area of forest land in Lower Chindwin is 301,440 acres, and in the upper district 1,085,120 acres. The area of reserved forest is yearly being extended. In 1898 there were 471 square miles of reserved tracts in Lower Chindwin. The total rainfall in 1898-99 was in Lower Chindwin 27.96 inches, and in Upper Chindwin 60.94. Both registered a highest temperature in May of 106° F., and the lowest reading in December was 54° at Mônywa, and 52° at Kinday in Upper Chindwin. In Lower Chindwin the population was made up of 232,158 Buddhists and Jains, 426 Mahommedans, 374 Hindus, 320 Chins and other hill races, and 38 Christians. In Upper Chindwin there were 108,816 Buddhists and Jains, 1112 Hindus, 1048 Chins and other hill races, 481 Mahommedans, and 76 Christians. Coal exists in extensive fields, but these are not very accessible. Rice forms the great crop, but a certain amount of til-seed and of indigo is also cultivated. Kinday, with a population of 2423, is the headquarters of the upper district, and Mônywa, with a population of 6316, of the lower. Both are on the Chindwin river, and are served by the steamers of the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company. Alôn, close to Mônywa, and formerly the headquarters, is the terminus of the railway from Sagaing westwards, which was opened in 1900. (J. G. Sc.)


The land revenue and rates were

British India, in the Madras Presidency. The town, situated Chingleput, or CHENGALPAT, a town and district of 36 miles by rail from Madras, had a population in 1881 of 5617; in 1891 of 9763. It has two high schools. The district of CHINGLEPUT surrounds the city of Madras, stretching along the coast for about 115 miles. administrative headquarters are at Saidapet. It contains of 1,136,928, being 400 persons per square mile. an area of 2842 square miles and a population in 1891 In 1901 the population was 1,312,722, showing an increase Rs.20,07,908, the incidence of assessment being Rs.2:2:6 of 9 per cent. per acre; the number of police was 735. In 1897-98, out of a total cultivated area of 659,898 acres, 419,298 were irrigated. Salt is extensively manufactured all along the 574 indigo vats, with an out-turn valued at Rs.2,00,000; coast. Cotton-weaving is also largely carried on. There are 83 tanneries, with an out-turn valued at Rs.29,00,000; and an English cigar factory. In 1896-97 the number of schools was 1047, attended by 29,291 pupils.

Its trade,

Chinkiang, or CHIN-KEANG-FU, a treaty port in China, situated on the river Yangtse above Shanghai, from which it is distant 160 miles. It is a place of considerable importance as a distributing centre, but has no direct trade with foreign countries. It lies at the point where the Grand Canal running north and south intersects the Yangtse, which runs east and west, and thus is peculiarly well situated to be a commercial entrepôt. however, lies mainly with the north bank, where the Grand Canal is navigable for vessels drawing 8 to 10 feet of water. On the south bank the canal has been allowed to silt up so as to be impassable during the winter months. Railway communication with Shanghai on the one hand and with Nanking on the other will no doubt improve its prospects. Chinkiang is also the proposed terminus of the

Anglo-German railway to be built from Tientsin south- | Chitral immediately informed Dr Robertson at Gilgit, and with wards through Shantung. The total value of exports and imports for 1899 was H. taels 25,691,000 (£3,854,000). In 1880 the total was H. taels 14,297,000 (£3,932,000). Chinkiang was the seat of a serious riot on the 5th February 1898, when the British consulate and several foreign houses were burned down by a native mob. The population is estimated at 240,000. The number of foreign residents is very small, the trade being almost entirely in the hands of natives.

Chippenham, a municipal borough and market town in the Chippenham parliamentary division (since 1885) of Wiltshire, England, on the Avon, 13 miles N.E. of Bath by rail. Works for milk-condensing, baconcuring, and making railway signals, guns, and carriages have been established. Area, 359 acres; population (1881), 4495; (1901), 5074.

Chippewa Falls, capital of Chippewa county, Wisconsin, U.S.A., situated in 44° 45′ N. lat. and 91° 23′ W. long., in the north-western part of the state, on the Chippewa river, at an altitude of 831 feet. It is at the intersection of three railways, and possesses a fine water-power, which has given rise to extensive manufactures, largely of lumber. Population (1880), 3982; (1890), 8670; (1900), 8094, of whom 2357 were foreign


great discretion avoided all collision with the new Mihtar (the assassin Amir-ul-Mulk). Gurdon was soon reinforced by 50 men from his headquarters at Mastang, and on the 1st February Dr Robertson himself arrived from Gilgit and assumed political charge. The situation remained unchanged until Umra Khan, marching on Chitral, captured Killa Dresh; and on Sher Afzul joining him, a joint letter was sent to Dr Robertson, ordering his immediate withdrawal to Mastang. The demand was ignored, and in their turn the Government of India ordered Umra Khan to withdraw to his own territory. As he refused, the Government of India prepared for war; and, abandoning the route through Gilgit and over the snowbound passes as impracticable, they decided on an advance from Nowshera (British India), less than 200 miles from Chitral, through Swat and Jhandol (Umra Khan's state). Major-General Sir R. Low was selected to command this relieving force, and on the 1st April an army of some 15,000 men was concentrated beyond Nowshera at Hoti-Mardan on the frontier. On 3rd April Sir R. Low stormed the Malakand Pass, and won a decisive victory over the Swatis, who had been induced by Umra Khan to oppose the British. The position was considered impregnable by the enemy, but was carried with great gallantry. After this victory the force pushed on into Swat, and a few days later crossed the Swat river in the teeth of a stubborn resistance and continued the forward march.

Dr Robertson, on arrival at Chitral, determined to try to open up communication with Gilgit and Mastang. Accordingly, he despatched Lieutenants Fowler and Edwardes with a small party for this purpose. After two marches they were attacked by the enemy, but managed to send word on to Mastang. A Mastang party under Captain Ross advanced to relieve them, but was in its turn attacked by overwhelming numbers, and eventually had to cut its way back, losing Captain Ross and 54 men killed. Fowler and Edwardes held out for a week with magnificent bravery, but

Chishima, the Japanese term (literally "a thousand eventually were, through treachery, overwhelmed and captured. islands") for the Kuriles (q.v.).

Chitral. The state of Chitral (see also HINDU KUSH) is somewhat larger than Wales, and supports a population of between 70,000 and 80,000 rough, hardy hillmen. Both the state and its capital are called Chitral, the latter being situated about 47 miles from the main watershed of the range of the Hindu Kush, which divides the waters flowing down to India from those which take their way into the Oxus and on to Turkestan and Central Asia. Chitral is an important state because of its situation at the extremity of the country over which the Government of India exerts its influence, and for some years before 1895 it had been the object of the policy of the Government of India to control the external affairs of Chitral in a direction friendly to British interests, to secure an effective guardianship over its northern passes, and to keep watch over what goes on beyond these passes. This policy resulted in a British agency being established at Gilgit (Kashmir territory), with a subordinate agency in Chitral, the latter being usually stationed at Mastang (65 miles nearer to Gilgit than the Chitral capital), and occasional visits being paid to the capital.

In December 1894 Surgeon-Major Robertson, C.S.I. (India Medical Service)-afterwards Sir George Robertson, K. C.S.I.-the British agent, was at Gilgit; and his assistant, Lieutenant Gurdon, with ten men of his escort, was staying on a visit to the Chitral capital, the remainder of his escort of 100 men remaining at Mastang. On the 1st January 1895 the Mihtar (or Ruler) of Chitral was treacherously murdered at the secret instigation of Sher Afzul, who himself was an ex-Mihtar, and had been dethroned by a stronger party in the state and forced to fly for refuge to Cabul. His chief ally was Umra Khan, chieftain of Jhandol, whose restless ambition, not satisfied with numerous small conquests and increases of territory, had long been set on the Mihtarship of Chitral. For the time being, however, he posed as an ally of Sher Afzul; but without waiting for the latter's arrival from Cabul, he himself, on hearing of the Mihtar's murder, hastened with his forces to seize Chitral. He met with some success, capturing Killa Dresh, 25 miles to the south of Chitral Fort; but here he was opposed and beaten by the Chitralis themselves. At this juncture he was joined by Sher Afzul, who quickly won over the Chitralis; and the two forces amalgamated and made common cause against the British, whose presence at Chitral was considered likely to interfere with the return of Sher Afzul to the throne. The combined force at once marched to attack Chitral Fort.

Mastang itself was now besieged, and Chitral completely cut off. The garrison of the former place made a gallant defence, and were able to hold out until relieved by Colonel Kelly, whose march will be presently described.

Sir R. Low's force had pushed forward to the Paingkua river, and on the 13th April Lieutenant Edwardes was released by Umra Khan and sent into the British camp. The same day a third successful battle was fought, and on the 16th the force crossed the river, finally defeated the enemy, and pushed on towards Chitral. Á few days later Lieutenant Fowler also was sent in by Umra Khan, who had brought these officers down with him from Chitral, and hoped by releasing them to prevent the invasion of his country. But this was not General Low's view of the matter, and on the 18th inst. his force occupied Umra Khan's deserted stronghold in Jhandol, the latter fleeing with his family and treasure towards Cabul. He was not overtaken, and remained at Cabul a refugee.

Meantime the siege of Chitral had begun, and was being prosecuted with the utmost vigour by Sher Afzul, Umra Khan having proceeded south to oppose Sir R. Low. The defence of Chitral will always be counted among the finest exhibitions of British pluck. The garrison numbered only 543, of whom 137 were noncombatants. On the first day of the siege a reconnaissance by the garrison was repulsed with heavy loss, Captain Baird and 24 men being killed. This engagement was the hardest fought during the whole war. The military command was in the hands of Captain Townshend, to whose skill, energy, and valour the successful resistance of the garrison was practically due; Dr Robertson, though ranking himself as a non-combatant, assisting most gallantly in the perilous duties of the defence, in the performance of which he was severely wounded. The siege lasted 46 days. One of its most brilliant features was a sortie by Lieutenant Harley to destroy the besiegers' mines on the 17th April.


The relief of Chitral was at last accomplished by Colonel Kelly. This officer, with his regiment, the 32nd Pioneers, was at this time employed at road-making in the Gilgit district. On the 22nd March (the siege of Chitral having begun on the 4th) Colonel Kelly was ordered by the Government of India to assume military command of all the troops under the Gilgit agency. He was made acquainted with what had taken place at Chitral, and was given practically a free hand to make such dispositions and movements of the troops under his command as he considered necessary. immediately decided to march over the snow passes on a relief expedition, in spite of the fact that this route had been considered impracticable by the Government of India and the road through Swat, Jhandol, and Dir decided on. The troops at Colonel Kelly's disposal were entirely native troops, consisting of 400 men of the 32nd Pioneers, with 2 mountain guns, 40 sappers and miners, and some 150 ragged and undisciplined levies from the wilds of surrounding native states. With this small force he had to march through 220 miles of hostile country yielding scarcely any supplies; and above all, he had to cross the terrible Shandur Pass, 12,230 feet

On hearing of the Mihtar's assassination, Lieutenant Gurdon at high, at this time covered with deep snow. In the face of all

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