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the flexural couple across a section normal to either axis has a component about that axis as well as a component about the perpendicular axis. Considering an element ABCD of the section at right angles to the axis of x, contained between two lines near together and perpendicular to the middle plane, the action of the portion of the plate to the right upon the portion to the left, across the element, gives rise to a couple about the middle line (y) of amount, estimated per unit of length of that line, equal =G, say, and to a couple, similarly estimated,

to C


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about the normal (x) of amount C(1 − σ) xdy = H, say. corresponding couples on an element of a section at right angles to the axis of y, estimated per unit of length of the axis of x, are 2w 2w of amounts - C

+ σ ), G, say, and H. The resultant

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This equation, together with the special conditions at the rim, suffices for the determination of w, and then all the quantities here introduced are determined. Further, the most important of the stress-components are those which act across elements of normal sections: the tension in direction a, at a distance z from the middle plane measured in the direction of p, is of amount 3Cz/2w Jew

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+σ буд and there is a corresponding tension in direction y; the shearing stress parallel to y on planes x-const., and 3C(1-0) w parallel to x on planes y const., is of amount 2h3 доду these tensions and shearing stresses are equivalent to two principal tensions, in the directions of the lines of curvature of the surface into which the middle plane is bent, and they give rise to the flexural couples.

33. In the special example of a circular plate, of radius a, supported at the rim, and held bent by a uniform pressure p, the value of w at a point distant r from the axis is

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and the most important of the stress components is the radial tension, of which the amount at any point is 32(3+σ)p(a2 - r2)/h3; the maximum radial tension is about (a/h), and, when the thickness is small compared with the diameter, this is a large multiple of p.

AUTHORITIES.-The analysis requisite to prove most of the results stated in this article is given by Love, Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Cambridge, 1892, 1893. Reference may also be made to BOUSSINESQ, Application des potentiels, Paris, 1885; CLEBSCH, Theoric der Elasticität fester Körper, Leipzig, 1862 (Saint-Venant's edition, Paris, 1883); THOMSON and TAIT, Natural Philosophy, Cambridge, 1879, 1883; TODHUNTER and PEARSON, History of the Theory of Elasticity, Cambridge, 1886-93; POCHHAMMER, Gleichgewicht des elastischen Stabes, Kiel, 1879; CHREE, "Changes in the Dimensions of Elastic Solids due to given Systems of Forces," Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. xv., 1892; "On Thin Rotating Isotropic Disks," Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vii., 1891; "Long rotating. Circular Cylinders," Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. vii., 1892; HERTZ, "Über die Berührung fester elastischer Körper," Crelle, xcii., 1881; MICHELL, "On the Direct and other papers in Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. xxxi. xxxii., 1899-1900; PEARSON, "On the Flexure of Heavy Beams subjected to Continuous Systems of Load," Quart. Journ. Math. xxiv., 1889; PEARSON and FILON, same title, Quart. Journ. Math. xxxi., 1899. (A. E. H. L.)

Determination of Stress in an Elastic Solid


Elba, an island of Italy, belonging to the province of Leghorn, 4 miles from the nearest point of the mainland (Piombino), and 35 miles south from Leghorn. Iron is not only mined, but since 1900 smelted, in Elba. Iron ore, wine, and salt are exported to the average (1891-98) value of £197,250 (£244,000 in 1899). The shipping which cleared from the various ports increased from 2692


vessels of 209,500 tons in 1891 to 3004 of 568,930 tons in 1899. There is an institute of viticulture. On this and the neighbouring island of Pianosa there are convict prisons, in which from 3000 to 4000 convicts are lodged. The principal towns are Portoferrajo (population, 3737 in 1881), Marciana (5444), Portolungone (4172), and Rio Marina (2964). Population of the island, about 27,000.

Elbe (the Albis of the Romans), one of the most important rivers of Central Europe. It rises in Bohemia, in the upper gathering-grounds of the Riesengebirge, its chief feeders being the Weisswasser, which originates near the kingly Schneekoppe, at an altitude of about 4600 feet, and the Elbseifen, which is formed in the same neighbourhood, but at a little lower elevation. After plunging down the 140 feet of the Elbfall, the latter stream unites with the steep torrential Weisswasser at Mädelstegbaude, at an altitude of 2230 feet, and thereafter the united stream of the Elbe pursues a southerly course, emerging from the mountain glens at Hohenelbe (1495 feet), and continuing on at a soberer pace to Pardubitz, where it turns sharply to the west, and at Kolin (730 feet), some 27 miles farther A little on, bends gradually towards the north-west. above Brandeis it picks up the Iser, which, like itself, comes down from the Riesengebirge, and at Melnik it has its stream more than doubled in volume by the Moldau, a river which winds northwards through the heart of Bohemia in a sinuous, trough-like channel carved through the plateaux. Some miles lower down, at Leitmeritz (433 feet), the waters of the Elbe are tinted by the reddish Eger, a stream which drains the southern slopes of the Erzgebirge. Thus augumented, and swollen into a stream 140 yards wide, the Elbe carves a path through the basaltic mass of the Mittelgebirge, churning its way Then the river through a deep, narrow rocky gorge. winds through the fantastically sculptured sandstone mountains of the "Saxon Switzerland," washing successively the feet of the lofty Lilienstein (932 feet above the Elbe), the scene of one of Frederick the Great's military exploits in the Seven Years' War, Königstein (797 feet above the Elbe), where in times of war Saxony has more than once stored her national purse for security, and the pinnacled rocky wall of the Bastei, towering 650 feet above the surface of the stream. Shortly after crossing the Bohemian-Saxon frontier, and whilst still struggling through the sandstone defiles, the stream assumes a northwesterly direction, which on the whole it preserves right away to the North Sea. At Pirna the Elbe leaves behind it the stress and turmoil of the Saxon Switzerland, rolls through Dresden, with its noble river terraces, and finally, beyond Meissen, enters on its long journey across the North German plain, touching Torgau, Wittenberg, Magdeburg, Wittenberge, Hamburg, Harburg, and Altona on the way, and gathering into itself the waters of the Mulde and Saale from the left, and those of the Schwarze Elster, Havel, and Elde from the right. Eight miles above Hamburg the stream divides into the Norder (or Hamburg) Elbe and the Süder (or Harburg) Elbe, which are linked together by several cross-channels, and embrace in their arms the large island of Wilhelmsburg and some smaller ones. But by the time the river reaches Blankenese, 7 miles below Hamburg, all these anastomosing branches have been reunited, and the Elbe, with a noble width of 4 to 9 miles between bank and bank, travels on between the green marshes of Holstein and Hanover until it becomes merged in the North Sea off Cuxhaven. From Dresden to the sea the river has a total fall of only 123 feet, although the distance is about 430 miles. For the 75 miles between Hamburg and the sea the fall is only 31 feet. One consequence of this is that the bed of the river

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just below Hamburg is obstructed by a bar, and still lower down is choked with sandbanks, so that navigation is confined to a relatively narrow channel down the middle of the stream. But Hamburg has been unremitting in her efforts to maintain a sufficient fairway, and now vessels drawing 26 feet are able to proceed right up to her wharves, the depth of water on the bar having been increased from 14 feet in 1830 to 24 feet in 1899. The tide advances as far as Geesthacht, a little more than 100 miles from the The river is navigable as far as Melnik, that is, the confluence of the Moldau, a distance of 525 miles, of which 67 are in Bohemia. Its total length is 725 miles, of which 190 miles are in Bohemia, 77 miles in the kingdom of Saxony, and 350 miles in Prussia, the remaining 108 miles being in Hamburg and other states of Germany. The area of the drainage basin is estimated at 56,000 square miles.


Since 1842, but more especially since 1871, improvements have been made in the navigability of the Elbe by all the states which border upon its banks. As a result of these labours, there is now in the Bohemian portion of the river a minimum depth of 2 feet 8 inches, whilst from the Bohemian frontier down to Magdeburg the minimum depth is 3 feet, and from Magdeburg to Hamburg, 3 feet 10 inches. In 1896 and 1897 Prussia and Hamburg signed covenants whereby two channels are to be kept open to a depth of 9 feet, a width of 656 feet, and a length of 550 yards between Bunthaus and Ortkathen, just above the bifurcation of the Norder Elbe and the Süder Elbe. In 1869 the maximum burden of the vessels which were able to ply on the upper Elbe was 250 tons; but in 1899 it was increased to 800 tons. The large towns through which the river flows have vied with one another in building harbours, providing shipping accommodation, and furnishing other facilities for the efficient navigation of the Elbe. In this respect the greatest efforts have naturally been made by Hamburg (q.v.); but Magdeburg, Dresden, Meissen, Riesa, Tetschen, Aussig, and other places have all done their relative shares, Magdeburg, for instance, providing a commercial harbour and a winter harbour. In spite, however, of all that has been done, the Elbe remains subject to serious inundations at periodic

intervals. Some of the worst floods which have been occasioned by this river have occurred in the years 1774, 1799, 1815, 1830, 1845, 1862, and 1890.

The growth of the traffic up and down the Elbe during the last quarter of the 19th century will be illustrated by the subjoined table, which shows the number of vessels, with their tonnage, which passed the river stations of Schandau (near the SaxonBohemian frontier), the Plauer Schleuse (some 20 miles below Magdeburg), and Hamburg-Entenwärder-(i.) the annual average for the years 1872-75, and (ii.) for the year 1899.

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In addition to this, timber rafts with an annual average of 154,500 tons of timber passed downwards through Schandau, and 34,400 tons through Hamburg, in the years 1872-75; the corresponding figures for 1899 being 284,100 tons through Schandau and 23,600 tons through Hamburg. The value of the goods forwarded from Hamburg to the interior of Germany up the Elbe in the year 1899 was estimated at over 344 millions sterling, equivalent to about 20 per cent. of the entire exports from Hamburg. This vast amount of traffic is directed principally to Berlin, by means of the Havel-Spree system of canals, to the Thuringian states and the Prussian province of Saxony, to the kingdom of Saxony and Bohemia, and to the various riverine states and provinces of the lower and middle Elbe. The passenger traffic, which is in the hands of the Sächsisch-Böhmische Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft, is limited to Bohemia and Saxony, steamers plying up and down the stream from Dresden to Melnik, occasionally continuing the journey up the Moldau to Prague, and down the river as far as Riesa, near the northern frontier of Saxony. The carrying trade and the towing of barges are conducted by several large navigation companies.

In 1877-79, and again in 1888-95, some 100 miles of canal were

dug, 5 to 6 feet deep and of various widths, for the purpose of connecting the Elbe, through the Havel and the Spree, with the system of the Oder. The most noteworthy of these connexions are the Elbe Canal (144 miles long), the Reek Canal (9 miles), the Rüdesdorfer Gewässer (11 miles), the Rheinsberger Canal (11 miles), and the Sacrow-Paretzer Canal (10 miles), besides which the Spree has been canalized for a distance of 28 miles, and the Elbe for a distance of 70 miles. Since 1896 great improvements have been made in the Moldau and the Bohemian Elbe, with the view of facilitating communication between Prague and the middle of Bohemia generally on the one hand, and the middle and lower reaches of the Elbe on the other. In the year named Moldau and Elbe between Prague and Aussig, at a cost estimated a special commission was appointed for the regulation of the at about £1,000,000, of which sum two-thirds were to be borne by the Austrian empire and one-third by the kingdom of Bohemia. The regulation is being effected by the construction of locks and movable dams, the latter so designed that in times of flood or frost they can be dropped flat on the bottom of the river. When all these works are finished, the two rivers will have a minimum depth over the distances indicated of 6 feet, and will be able to accommodate barges of 700 to 800 tons when fully laden. In 1901 the Austrian Government laid before the Reichsrath a canal Bill, with proposals (1) for constructing a canal from the Danube (probably near Linz) to the Moldau near Budweis, a distance of Prague; (2) for constructing a canal from the Danube to the 80 miles, and for regulating the Moldau from Budweis down to Oder; (3) for constructing a canal between this last, starting at Prerau and ending at Pardubitz on the upper Elbe, and for the canalization of the Elbe from Pardubitz to Melnik; and (4) for making a navigable canal to unite the Danube-Oder section with the basin of the Vistula and with the navigable portion of the Dniester. The total cost was estimated at £31,000,000, and the time the works would take at twenty years. In 1900 Lübeck was put into direct communication with the Elbe at Lauenburg by the opening of the Elbe-Trave Canal, 42 miles in length, and constructed at a cost of £1,177,700, of which the state of Lübeck contributed £802,700, and the kingdom of Prussia £375,000. The canal has been made 72 feet wide at the bottom, 105 to 126 feet wide at the top, has a minimum depth of 83 feet, and is equipped with seven locks, each 262 feet long and 39 feet wide. It is thus able to accommodate vessels up to 800 tons burden; and the the first year of its being open (June 1900 to June 1901) a total of passage from Lübeck to Lauenburg occupies 18 to 21 hours. In 115,000 tons passed through the canal. A gigantic project has also been put forward for providing water communication between the Rhine and the Elbe, and so with the Oder, through the heart of Germany. Some particulars of this scheme, which is known as the Midland Canal, are given in the article CANALS. Another canal has been projected for connecting Kiel with the Elbe by means of a canal trained through the Plön Lakes.

The Elbe is crossed by numerous bridges, as at Königgrätz, Pardubitz, Kolin, Leitmeritz, Tetschen, Schandau, Pirna, Dresden, Meissen, Torgau, Wittenberg, Rosslau, Barby, Magdeburg, Rathenow, Wittenberge, Dömitz, Lauenburg, and Hamburg and Harburg. At all these places there are railway bridges, and nearly all, but more especially those in Bohemia, Saxony, and the middle course of the river-these last on the main lines between Berlin and the west and south-west of the empire-possess a greater or less strategic value. At Leitmeritz there is an iron trellis bridge, 600 yards long. Dresden has four bridges, three built in the 19th century, one of them serving also as a railway bridge, and the fourth early in the 18th century; there is a fifth bridge at Loschwitz, about three miles above the city. Meissen has a new railway bridge, in addition to an old road bridge. Magdeburg is one of the most important railway centres in Northern Germany; and the Elbe, besides being bridged-it divides there into three armsseveral times for vehicular traffic, is also spanned by two fine railway bridges. At both Hamburg and Harburg, again, there are handsome new railway bridges, the one (1868-73 and 1894) crossing the Northern Elbe, and the other (1900) the Southern Elbe; and for vehicular traffic. the former arm is also crossed by a fine triple-arched bridge (1888)

The river is well stocked with fish, both salt-water and freshwater species being found in its waters, and several varieties of fresh-water fish in its tributaries. The kinds of greatest economic value are sturgeon, shad, salmon, lampreys, eels, pike, and whiting. In the days of the old German empire no fewer than thirty-five different tolls were levied between Melnik and Hamburg, to say nothing of the special dues and privileged exactions of various riparian owners and political authorities. After these had been de facto, though not de jure, in abeyance during the period of the Napoleonic wars, a commission of the various Elbe states met and drew up a scheme for their regulation, and the scheme, embodied

1 See Der Bau des Elbe- Trave Canals und seine Vorgeschichte. Lübeck, 1900.

in the Elbe Navigation Acts, came into force in 1822. By this a definite number of tolls, at fixed rates, was substituted for the often arbitrary tolls which had been exacted previously. Still further relief was afforded in 1844 and in 1850, on the latter occasion by the abolition of all tolls between Melnik and the Saxon frontier. But the number of tolls was only reduced to one, levied at Wittenberge, in 1863, about one year after Hanover was induced to give up the Stade or Brunsbüttel toll in return for a compensation of 2,857,340 thalers. Finally, in 1870, 1,000,000 thalers were paid to Mecklenburg and 85,000 thalers to Anhalt, who thereupon abandoned all claims to levy tolls upon the Elbe shipping, and thus navigation on the river became at last entirely free.

The Elbe cannot rival the Rhine in the picturesqueness of the scenery it travels through, nor in the glamour which its romantic and legendary associations exercise over the imagination. History. But it possesses much to charm the eye in the deep glens of the Riesengebirge, amid which its sources spring, and in the bizarre rock-carving of the Saxon Switzerland. And it has been indirectly or directly associated with many stirring events in the history of the German peoples. In its lower course, whatever is worthy of record clusters round the historical vicissitudes of Hamburg-its early prominence as a missionary centre (Ansgar) and as a bulwark against Slav and marauding Northman, its commercial prosperity as a leading member of the Hanseatic League, and its sufferings during the Napoleonic wars, especially at the hands of the ruthless Davoût. The bridge over the river at Dessau recalls the hot assaults of that ill-favoured condottiere Ernst von Mansfeld in April 1626, and his repulse by the crafty generalship of Wallenstein. But three years later this imperious leader was checked by the heroic resistance of the "Maiden" fortress of Magdeburg; though two years later still she lost her reputation, and suffered unspeakable horrors at the hands of Tilly's lawless and unlicensed soldatesca. Mühlberg, just outside the Saxon frontier, is the place where Charles V. asserted his imperial authority over the Protestant elector of Saxony, John Frederick, the Magnanimous or Unfortunate, in 1547. Dresden, Aussig, and Leitmeritz are all reminiscent of the fierce battles of the Hussite wars, and the last-named of the Thirty Years' War. But the chief historical associations of the upper (i.c., the Saxon and Bohemian) Elbe are those which belong to the Seven Years' War and the struggle of the great Frederick of Prussia against the power of Austria and her allies. At Pirna (and Lilienstein) in 1756, he caught the entire Saxon army in his fowler's net, after driving back at Lobositz the Austrian forces which were hastening to their assistance; but only nine months later he lost his reputation for "invincibility" by his crushing defeat at Kolin, where the great highway from Vienna to Dresden crosses the Elbe. Not many miles distant, higher up the stream, another decisive battle was fought between the same national antagonists, but with a contrary result, on the memorable 3rd July 1866.

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See M. BUCHHEISTER, "Die Elbe u. der Hafen von Hamburg, in Mitteil. d. Geog. Gesellsch. in Hamburg (1899), vol. xv. pp. 131188; V. KURS, "Die künstlichen Wasserstrassen des deutschen Reichs," in Geog. Zeitschrift (1898), pp. 601-617; and (the official) Der Elbstrom (1900). (J. T. BE.)

Elberfeld, a town of Prussia, in the Rhine province, on the river Wupper, 15 miles by rail east from Dusseldorf. Since 1874 several new and handsome quarters have been built to the south and west of the older part of the town. A new town-hall was erected in 1899-1900. The more recent buildings include the Roman Catholic church of St Suitbert's, the Reformed church in the cemetery, the royal engineering school, a hospital; and there are monuments to Moltke, Bismarck (1897), and the Emperors William I. and Frederick III. There are, further, zoological gardens, and deaf and dumb and lunatic asylums. A railway 9 miles in length, with 20 stations, on the Langen mono-rail system, suspended on the river Wupper from Elberfeld to Barmen, has recently been opened. The industries are on a scale of great magnitude; various iron and steel industries, paper, musical instruments, tobacco, and carpet manufacture, and brewing are important. Population (1885), 109,218; (1900), 156,503.

Elbeuf, a town in the arrondissement of Rouen, department of Seine Inférieure, France, 14 miles south-southwest of Rouen by rail. There is a large manufacture of

woollen goods, the raw material being imported chiefly from Argentina (average about 4700 tons). Elbeuf is also an important entrepôt for German wools. There is a state school of manufactures for the training of practical managers and foremen. Port traffic on the Seine (1898), 58,663 tons. Population (1901), 19,050.

Elbing, a town of Prussia, province of West Prussia, 49 miles east-south-east from Danzig by rail and 5 miles from the Frisches Haff. The town-hall (1894) contains the historical museum. The Marienkirche (15th and 16th centuries) was restored in 1887. There is a monument of the war of 1870-71 (1887). Elbing is a place of rapidly growing industry, the principal branches being iron shipbuilding (one firm alone employing more than 3000 hands and doing work for the Imperial navy) and other iron industries, and cigar manufacture. There is a large trade in agricultural produce. Population (1900), 52,298.

Elbing-Oberland Canal, in the Prussian provinces of East and West Prussia, connecting Lake Drausen, and consequently the port of Elbing, with Lakes Geserich and Drewenz to the south-total distance, 110 miles. The width is 52 feet, the depth 41 feet; and the canal, which was made in 1845-60, cost £225,000. It consists of four inclined planes connected by three stretches of canal and shut off by five sluices, the altitude of the two lakes and their feeders being 338 feet above sea-level, and the altitude of Lake Drausen only 5 feet. Boats are drawn up the inclined planes on waggons, which are hauled up by machinery.

Elche, a town and railway station of Spain, in the province of Alicante, on the river Vinalapo. It has grown in importance, and there are now more than a million palm trees in the district, and 22,500 tons of dates are exported every year. Manufactures of oil, flour, soap, leather, alcohol, and esparto - grass rugs are prosperous industries. Population (1887), 23,847; (1897), 28,030.

Elduayen, José de, 1st MARQUIS DEL PAZO DE LA MERCED (1823-1898), Spanish politician, was born in Madrid, 22nd June 1823. He was educated in the capital, took the degree of civil engineer, and as such directed important works in Asturias and Galicia, entered the Cortes in 1856 as deputy for Vigo, and sat in all the parliaments until 1867 as member of the Union Liberal with Marshal O'Donnell. He attacked the Miraflores cabinet in 1864, and became under-secretary of the Home Office when Canovas was minister in 1865. He was made a councillor of state in 1866, and in 1868 assisted other members of the Union Liberal in preparing the revolution. In the Cortes of 1872 he took much part in financial debates. He accepted office as a member of the last Sagasta cabinet under King Amadeus. On the proclamation of the republic Elduayen very earnestly co-operated in the Alphonsist conspiracy, and endeavoured to induce the military and politicians to work together. He went abroad to meet and accompany the prince after the pronunciamiento of Marshal Campos, landed with him at Valencia, was made governor of Madrid, a marquis, grand cross of Charles III., and Minister for the Colonies in 1878. He accepted the portfolio of Foreign Affairs in the Canovas cabinet from 1883 to 1885, and was made a life senator. He always prided himself on having been one of the five members of the Cortes of 1870 who voted for Alphonso XII. when that parliament elected Amadeus of Savoy. He died at Madrid, 24th June 1898.


Printed by MORRISON & GIBB LIMITED, Edinburgh.








THE LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS here given is necessarily incomplete, inasmuch as the later Volumes are still List may contain a few names which ultimately will not appear in the final List of Contributors. Death or other cause may prevent certain writers who have undertaken the preparation of Articles from completing the contributions which they were to furnish. A full List, compiled when the final Volume goes to press, will be given later. The present List, however, includes the names of all those who have written signed Articles for the first Volume.

the the present

After the few words of description which accompany the names are given the initials of the different authors as they have been affixed to the Articles contributed by them.

The Publishers congratulate themselves that in this List of a thousand names are to be found not only the most famous scholars and writers of Great Britain, but of the whole world.


ABBE, Prof. Cleveland, A.M., Ph.D.,
LL.D.; Meteorologist, U.S. Weather Bureau;
author of 'Atmospheric Radiation, etc.;
editor of Monthly Weather Review'; Lec-
turer on Meteorology, Johns Hopkins Uni-
(C. A.)
ABBOT, Rev. Lyman, D.D.; editor of 'The
Outlook' (New York); associate editor of 'The
Christian Union' (New York) with Henry
Ward Beecher, whom he succeeded as pastor
of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn; author of
Christianity and Social Problems,' 'Life of
Christ, Theology of an Evolutionist,' 'Life
and Epistles of St Paul.'
(L. A.)
ABNEY, Sir William de Wiveleslie,
K.C.B., D.Sc., D.C.L., F.R.S.; Principal
Assist. Sec., Board of Education, South Ken.
sington, since 1899; President, Royal Astro-
nomical Society, 1893-95; President, Physical
Society, 1895-97; author of 'Photography' in
Ninth Edition of the 'Ency. Brit.,' 'In-
struction in Photography, Treatise on Photo-
graphy,' 'Colour Vision, Colour-Measurement
and Mixture,' 'Thebes and its Five Great
Temples,' in part of 'The Pioneers of the
(W. DE W. A.)
ADAMS, B. B.; associate-editor of the 'Rail-
road Gazette' (New York).
(B. B. A.)
AIRY, Wilfred, B.A., M.I.C.E.; Examiner of
Inspectors of Weights and Measures, Board of
Trade; author of 'Levelling and Geodesy,'
'Weighing Machines,' etc.
(W. AY.)
AKERS, C. E.; author of 'Argentine, Pata
gonian, and Chilian Sketches,' etc. (O. E. A.)
ALCOCK, Charles William; Secretary
Surrey County Cricket Club since 1872; Hon.
Sec. Football Association, 1867-90; author of

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'Football our Winter Game,' 1867; editor of
'Cricket Newspaper,' 1882-1900, 'Football
Annual,' 'Cricketer's Annual' (Lilly white's),
(C. W. A.)
ALEXANDER, Gen. Edward Porter;
General of Ordnance; and later Brigadier-
General of Artillery and Chief of Artillery
in Gen. Longstreet's Corps, Confederate
(E. P. A.)
ALEXANDER, W. D., Honolulu; author
of 'A Brief History of the Hawaiian
(W. D. A.)
ALLBUTT, Thomas Clifford, M.A., M.D.,
LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.; Regius Professor of
Physic, Camb., since 1892; Commissioner in
Lunacy, 1889-92; author of "The Ophthalmo-
scope in Medicine, Goulstonian Lectures (On
Visceral Neuroses),' 'On Scrofula,' 'Science
and Medical Thought'; editor of System of
Medicine and Gynecology,' etc.; inventor of
short clinical thermometer.
(T. C. A.)

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ALLDRIDGE, T. J., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S.; for |
many years Travelling Commissioner of Sierra
Leone; District Commissioner of Sherbro Dis-
trict, Sierra Leone; author of The Sherbro
and its Hinterland.'
(T. J. A.)
ANDERSON, Miss A. M.; Principal Lady In-
spector of Factories, Home Office. (A. M. AN.)
ANDERSON, W., F.R.C.S., the late; Comp.
of the Order of the Rising Sun (Japan); Pro-
fessor at Royal Academy; Chairman of Council
of the Japan Society; Medical Director, Imperial
Naval Medical College, Tokio; author of "The
Pictorial Arts of Japan,' 'Japanese Wood
Engravings,' 'Cat. of Chinese and Japanese
Pictures in British Museum.'
(WM. AN.)
ANDERSON, Lt.-Col. W. P.; Chief
Engineer and Superintendent of Lights, De-
partment of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa,
(W. P. A.)
ANDREWS, Hon. Elisha Benjamin,
LL.D.; Chancellor of the University of Ne-
braska; late Superintendent of Schools of the
City of Chicago; formerly President of Brown
University; author of 'Institutes of General
History, Institutes of Economics, History
of the United States,' etc.
(E. B. A.)
W., F.G.S., F.S.A.; Inspector of Concentra-
tion Camps, S.A.
(W. A.-T.)
ARCHER, William; dramatic critic of
'World' (London), 1884 onwards; edited and
translated Ibsen's 'Prose Dramas'; author of
'Life of Macready,' 'Masks or Faces,' 'The
Theatrical World,' 'Study and Stage,' 'America
To-day, 1900,' 'Poets of the Younger Generation,'
(W. A.)
ARMSTRONG, Edmund Archibald,
Barrister-at-Law, Inner Temple. (E. A. AR.)
ARMSTRONG, Henry Edward, Ph.D.,


LL.D., F.R.S.; Professor of Chemistry at the City and Guilds of London Central Institute, South Kensington; author of 'Carbon,' etc., in Ninth Edition of 'Ency. Brit.,' 'Introduction to the Study of Organic Chemistry.' (H. E. A.) ARMSTRONG, Sir Walter; Director of the National Gallery of Ireland; author of 'Sir Joshua Reynolds,' 'Thomas Gainsborough,' Sir Henry Raeburn,'' Alfred Stevens, Peter de Wint,' 'Velasquez,' Scottish Painters,' 'J. M. W. Turner,' etc., and co-editor of 'Bryan's Dictionary of Painters.' (W. AR.) ASHWORTH, Philip A., Dr. Juris, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law; editor of Taswell-Langmead's 'Constitutional History of England,' translator of Gneist's 'History of the English Constitution,' etc. (P. A. A.) ASKWITH, Rev. Edward Harrison, M.A., B.D.; Chaplain of Trinity College, Cambridge; author of 'Christian Conception of Holiness,' 'Epistle to the Galatians,' (E. H. A.)


ASTON, Major George Grey, R.M.A.; late
Professor of Fortification, Royal Naval College,
(G. G. A.)
ASTON, William George, B.A., M.A., Hon.
D.Lit., C.M.G.; student interpreter in Japan,
1864; interpreter and translator to British
Legation at Yedo, 1870; assistant Japanese
Secretary, Yedo, 1875-82; acting Consul, Hiogo,
1880-88; Consul-General for Corea, 1884; Japan-
ese Secretary, Tokio, 1886; author of 'A
Grammar of the Japanese Spoken Language,'
'A Grammar of the Japanese Written Lan-
guage,' A Translation of the Nihongi, or
Annals of Ancient Japan,'' History of Japanese
Literature,' etc.
(W. G. As.)
ATWATER, Wilbur Olin, Ph.D.; Pro-
fessor of Chemistry, Wesleyan University,
U.S.A.; Special Agent of the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture in charge of Nutrition
(W. O. A.)
AVES, Ernest, M.A.; formerly Sub-Warden
of Toynbee Hall; author of papers on sociology
and economics.
(E. A*.)
AXON, William Edward Armitage,
LL.D.; late Dep. Librarian Manchester Free
Libraries; author of 'Manchester' in Ninth
Edition of 'Ency. Brit.,' 'The Annals of Man-
chester,' 'Manchester a Hundred Years Ago,'
'Lancashire Gleanings,' 'Stray Chapters in
Literature,' 'Folk-lore and Archæology,'
(W. E. A. A.)



BACON, Edwin Monroe, M.A.; editor of
'Time and the Hour' (Boston, U.S.A.); some-
time editor-in-chief of the Boston Globe,'
the 'Boston Advertiser,' and the 'Boston
Post'; author of 'Boston Illustrated,'' Bacon's
Dictionary of Boston,' 'Boston of To-day,'
(E. M. B.)
BADEN-POWELL, Maj. Baden F. S.;
inventor of man-lifting kites; late President
Aeronautical Society; author of 'In Savage
Isles and Settled Lands,' many articles on
ballooning, etc.
(B. F. S. B.-P.)
BAGWELL, Richard, M.A.; author of
'Ireland' in the Ninth Edition of the 'Ency.
Brit.,' 'Ireland under the Tudors,' 'A Plea for
National Education,' etc.
(R. BA.)
BAINES, Jervoise Athelstane, C.S.I.;
Hon. Sec. (gold medallist) and Vice-President
Royal Statistical Society; Census Commis-
sioner under Government of India, 1889-93;
employed at India Office and as secretary to
Royal Commission on Opium, 1894-95; author
of Official Reports on Provincial Administration,
on Indian Census Operations, 1881-91, on Indian
Progress, 1894, many papers, ethnographic and
statistical, for London societies. (J. A. B.)

BAKER, Henry Frederick, M.A., F.R.S.; Fellow and Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge; University Lecturer in Mathematics. (H. F. BA.) BALCARRES, Lord, M.P., F.S.A., F.S.A.S.; Trustee of National Portrait Gallery, London; Hon. Sec. Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings; Vice-Chairman of National Trust. (B.) BALDRY, Alfred Lys, artist; author of 'Albert Moore: his Life and Works,' 'The Life and Works of Marcus Stone, R.A.,' 'Sir John Everett Millais,' 'Hubert von Herkomer,' etc. (A. L. B.) BALDWIN, Hon. Simeon Eben, A.M., LL.D.; Judge of the Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut; Professor of Constitutional and Mercantile Law, Corporations, and Wills, Yale University; sometime President of the American Bar Association and American Social Science Association; author of 'Baldwin's Connecticut Digest,' Cases on R.R. Law,' 'Modern Political Institutions,' etc. (S. E. B.) BALDWIN, W. H., Jr.; President of the Long Island R. R. Co., U.S.A. (W. H. B.) BALE, Edwin, R.I.; Art Director, Cassell and

Company; Hon. Sec. Artists' Committee for Promoting Art Copyright Bill, etc. (E. BA.) BALFOUR, Isaac Bayley, M.D., D.Sc., M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S.; Regius Keeper of Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh; Professor of Botany, University of Edinburgh; Transit of Venus Expedition to Rodriguez, 1874; Regius Professor of Botany, University of Glasgow, 1879-84; explored island of Socotra, 1880; Sherardian Professor of Botany, University of Oxford, and Fellow of Magdalen College, 1884-88; author of 'Botany of Rodriguez,' 'Botany of Socotra,' editor of Annals of Botany.' (I. B. B.) BANCROFT, Frederic, Ph.D.; Chief of Bureau of Rolls and Library, U.S. Department of State; author of 'Life of William H. Seward,' etc. (F. BA.) BANISTER, G. H., M.I.C.E., M.I.M.E.; late Assistant to Superintendent of the Royal Carriage Department, Woolwich; Whitworth Scholar. (G. H. BA.) BARCLAY, Thomas, LL.B., Ph.D.; member of the Institute of International Law; VicePresident of the International Law Association; Examiner in Jurisprudence and International Public and Private Law to the University of Oxford, 1900; member of the Supreme Council of the Congo Free State; Vice-President of the Franco-Scottish Society; President of the British Chamber of Commerce in Paris, 18991900; Knight of the Legion of Honour and of the Order of Leopold; author of ' 'Companies in France,' and other law books, all the articles on International Law in the 'Encyclopedia of the Law of England,' etc. (T. BA.) BARING, The Hon. Maurice; Attaché to the British Embassy, Paris, 1899; Third Secretary to the British Embassy, Rome, 1902. (M. BA.) BARLOW, Major H. W. W., R.A.; Secretary to Chief Superintendent, Royal Ordnance Factories, Woolwich. (H. W. B.) BARNES, William Emery, D.D.; Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge; Hulsean Professor of Divinity, Cambridge; assist. editor of 'Journal of Theological Studies'; Lecturer in Hebrew at Clare Coll. Camb., 1885-94; in Hebrew and Divinity at Peterhouse, 1889-1901; author of "The Genuineness of Isaiah xxiv. -xxvii.,' 'Canonical and Uncanonical Gospels, 'The Peshitta Text of Chronicles,' I. II. Chronicles, with Introduction and Notes (Cambridge Bible). Isaiah (Churchman's Bible). (W. E. B.) BARNETT, Rev. Samuel Augustus, M.A.; Canon of Bristol; Founder and Warden of Toynbee Hall, Whitechapel; President of the Sunday Society; Chairman Whitechapel Board of Guardians, 1894; Chairman of Children's Country Holiday Fund; Chairman Pupil Teachers' Scholarship Fund; author of 'Practicable Socialism' with Mrs Barnett, 'Service of God.' (S. A. B.) BARRETT, F. N., editor of the American Grocer' (New York). (F. N. B.) BARTLET, Rev. J. Vernon, M.A.; Professor of Church History, Mansfield College, Oxford; author of 'Early Church History, The Apostolic Age,' etc. (J. V.B.) BARTLEY, George Christopher Trout, M.P.; Assistant-Director of Science Division of Science and Art Department, London, till 1880; established National Penny Bank, 1875; author of 'A Square Mile in the East of London,' 'Schools for the People,' 'Provident Knowledge Papers, The Seven Ages of a Village Pauper, "The Parish Net. (G. C. T. B.) BARWICK, G. F.; Assistant Keeper of Printed Books and Superintendent of Readingroom, British Museum; author of 'International Exhibitions,' 'The Laws Regulating Printing



and Publishing in Spain,' and translator of various works of travel, etc. (G. F. B.) BASSETT, John Spencer, Ph.D.; Professor of History, Trinity College, N.C.; author of · Constitutional Beginnings of North Carolina,' 'Slavery and Servitude of the Colony of North Carolina,' 'Anti-Slavery Leaders of North Carolina, 'Slavery in the State of North Carolina.' (J. S. BA.) BASTABLE, C. F., M.A., LL.D.; Professor of Political Economy, Dublin University, 1882; author of 'Money' in Ninth Edition of Ency. Brit.,' 'Theory of International Trade,' 'Commerce of Nations,' 'Public Finance,' 'Dictionary of Political Economy,' and 'Economic Journal. (0. F. B.) BATHER, Francis Arthur, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S.; Natural History Museum, South Kensington; Hon. Member Soc. Linnéenne de Normandie; author of Concise Knowledge of Natural History,' 'The Genera and Species of Blastoidea,' Echinoderma' (in Lankester's 'Zoology'), 'The Crinoidea of Gottland,' (F. A. B.) BAUERMAN, H., F.G.S.; Lecturer Metallurgy, Ordnance College, Woolwich author of Bismuth,' 'Coal,' Fuel,' 'Furnace,' etc., in Ninth Edition of 'Ency. Brit.,' 'A Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron,' 'Text-book of Systematic Mineralogy,' etc. (H. B.) BEALBY, J. T., B.A.; sometime acting editor of 'Scottish Geographical Magazine'; author of A Daughter of the Fen,' and numerous geographical magazine articles; joint author of 'Stanford's Compendium: Europe'; translator of Sven Hedin's Through Asia. (J. T. BE.) BEDDARD, Frank Evers, M.A., F.R.S.; Prosector of Zoological Soc. of England since 1884, and Vice-Sec. since 1898; formerly Lecturer on Biology at Guy's Hospital; has been Examiner in Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, University of London, and of Morphology at Oxford; now Examiner in the University of New Zealand; naturalist to Challenger Expedition Commission, 1882-84; author of 'Worm' in Ninth Edition of 'Ency. Brit.,' 'Animal Coloration,' 'Text-book of Zoogeography, A Monograph of the Oligochata, 'Structure and Classification of Birds.' (F. E. B.)

BELL, Charles Frederic Moberly; asst. manager of The Times'; formerly correspondent of "The Times' in Egypt; author of 'Khedives and Pashas,' ' Egyptian Finance,' 'From Pharaoh to Fellah,' etc. (C. F. M. B.) BELL, Dr Louis, Boston, U.S.A.; author of The Elements of Practical Electricity, 'Power Distribution for Electric Railroads,' Electric Power Transmission,' etc. (L. BL.) BELL, Malcolm; author of 'Rembrandt,' 'Sir E. Burne-Jones,' etc. (M. BE.) BELLAIRS, Carlyon; Lieutenant R.N.; writer of articles on naval subjects. (C. W. BE.) BELLINGER, Hon. Charles Byron; Judge of the U.S. District Court, District of Oregon. (0. B. B*.) BELTRAMI, Luca: architect; author of 'Storia della facciata di St Maria del Fiore in Firenza,' 'La Basilica Ambrosiana primitiva e la ricostruzione compiuta nel secolo IX,' etc. (L. BI.) BÉNÉDITE, Léonce; Conservator, Musée du Luxembourg, Paris; author of 'Alphonse Legros'; editor of Bulletin des Musées, etc. (L. BE.) BENSON, Arthur Christopher, M.A., F.R.Hist. Soc.; Master at Eton College since 1885; author of Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, Archbishop Laud: a Study,' 'Poems,' 'Lyrics,' 'Essays,' ,' 'Lord Vyet and other Poems,'Fasti Etonenses,' 'Life of Archbishop Benson,' 'The Professor, and other Poems.' (A. O. BE.) BERG, Sigvard Johnson, A.M.I.C.E., (S. J. B.) BERNARD, Rev. John Henry, D.D.; Fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin; Archbishop King's Lecturer in Divinity, University of Dublin; member of University Council, 1892; ViceWarden, Alexandra Coll., Dublin, for higher education of women, 1894; Secretary of Royal Irish Academy, 1899; Commissioner of National Education, Ireland, 1897; part-editor of 'Kant's Critical Philosophy for English Readers,' translator of Kant's Kritik of Judgment, jointauthor of "The Literature of the Second Century,' editor of 'The Pilgrimage of St Silvia of Aquitania,' 'The Pastoral Epistles of St Paul, 'The Works of Bishop Butler, (J. H. BE.) BERNSTEIN, Eduard; German Socialistic politician and writer; late editor of the 'Social Democrat'; author of On the History and Theory of Socialism,' 'The Communistic and Democratic-Socialistic Movements in England during the 17th Century,' etc. (E. BN.)



BERRY, George Andreas, M.B., F.R.C.S., F.R.S. Edin.; Vice-Pres. Ophthalmological Soc.; author of 'Diseases of the Eye,' 'The Elements of Ophthalmoscopic Diagnosis,' 'Subjective Symptoms in Eye Diseases,' etc. (G. A. BE.) BESANT, Sir Walter, M.A., F.S.A., the late; Secretary Palestine Exploration Fund, 1868-85; Hon. Sec. Palestine Exp. Fund; First Chairman Society of Authors, 1884-85; Chairman Society of Authors, 1887-1892; author of 'Froissart' in Ninth Edition of 'Ency. Brit.,' 'Studies in Early French Poetry,' 'Rabelais,' Lives of Coligny,' 'Whittington,' 'Edward Palmer,' and Richard Jefferies,' 'London,' 'Westminster,' 'South London,' many Novels with the late James Rice. Novels alone: 'The Revolt of Man,' 'All Sorts and Conditions of Men,' 'Beyond the Dreams of Avarice,' 'The Orange Girl,' etc. (W. BE.) BHOWNAGREE, Sir Mancherjee Merwanjee, K.C.I.E., M.P.; State Agent, Bombay, for the territory of Bhavnagar, 1873; author of 'History of the Constitution of the East India Company,' Gujerati translation of 'Her Majesty's Life in the Highlands,' etc. BICKERDYKE, John' (Charles Henry (M. M. BH.)

Cook), M.A.; writer on angling and sporting subjects; President of Thames Re-stocking Association, and the Fly-Fishers' Club, 18991900; editor of the angling department of the 'Field'; author of Angling in Salt Water,' "The Book of the All Round Angler,' 'Thames Rights and Thames Wrongs,' 'Days in Thule with Rod, Gun, and Camera,' 'Sea-Fishing,' 'Days of My Life in Water, Fresh and Salt,' 'Wild Sports in Ireland,' 'Letters to Young Sea-Fishers,' etc. (J. B.") BIDWELL, Shelford, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S.; barrister; President of Physical Society, England, 1897-99; author of 'Curiosities of Light and Sight,' and numerous memoirs on physical subjects. (S. BL.) BINDLOSS, Harold; Secretary Royal Mersey Yacht Club. (H. Bs.) BINYON, Laurence; assistant in the British

Museum, Department of Printed Books, 1893; transferred to Department of Prints and Drawings, 1895; author of 'Lyric Poems,' 'Poems,' 'London Visions,' 'The Praise of Life, 'Porphyrion and other Poems,'' Western Flanders,' Odes,' 'Catalogue of English Drawings in the British Museum.' (L.B.) BIRD, Christopher John, C.M.G.; Principal Under Secretary of the Colony of Natal, and a Member of the Civil Service Board. (C. J. BI.) BIRDWOOD, Sir George Christopher

Molesworth, M.D., K.C.I.E., C.S.I., LL.D.; special assistant in Revenue and Statistics Department India Office, 1871-99; author of 'Incense' in Ninth Edition of Ency. Brit.,' 'Economic Vegetable Products of the Bombay Presidency,' The Industrial Arts of India, 'Report on Old Records of the India Office,' 'First Letter Book of East India Company," Appendix on the Aryan Fauna and Flora to MaxMüller's 'Biography of Words,' etc. (G. B.) BIRKBECK, William John, M.A., F.S.A.; author of Russia and the English Church.' (W. J. BI.) BIRKINBINE, John, M.E.; President of the Franklin Institute and the Pennsylvania Forestry Association; sometime President American Institute of Mining Engineers, and editor Journal of Iron Workers.' (J. Br.) BIRRELL, Augustine, K.C.; Hon. Fellow, Trinity Hall, Cambridge; LL.D. St Andrews (Honorary); Quain Professor of Law, University Coll. London, 1896; M.P. (L) Fifeshire W., 1889-1900; author of Obiter Dicta, 1884, 1887; Life of Charlotte Brontë, 1885; Res Judicatae, 1892; Men, Women, and Books, 1894; Lectures on the Duties and Liabilities of Trustees, 1896; editor of Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1897; Sir Frank Lockwood, 1898; Collected Essays, 1900. (A. BI.) BISHOP, Mrs Isabella L. (Miss Isabella Bird), F.R.G.S., Hon. F.R.S.G.S.; Hon. Member of Oriental Society, Pekin; first lady Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society; author of "The Englishwoman in America,' Six Months in the Sandwich Islands,' 'A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains,' 'Unbeaten Tracks in Japan,' 'The Golden Chersonese,' 'Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan,' 'Among the Tibetans,' 'Korea and her Neighbours,' 'The Yangtze Valley and Beyond,' 'Pictures from China, etc. (L. L. B.) BLAIR, Andrew A.; chief chemist of the U.S. Geological Survey, Division of Mining and Geology, Tenth Census of the United States; author of "The Chemical Analysis of Iron," etc. (A. A. B.) BLAKE, Rev. John Frederick, M.A., F.R.S.; sometime Professor of Natural Science, University College, Nottingham; author of 'British Fossil Cephalopoda, The Geological

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