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[blocks in formation]


13. Crystallizations of Sulphate and Carbonate of Lead ob-

served by M. Hartmann. 14. Geognostic Position of

Platina in America. 15. Jet discovered in Wigtonshire.

16. Geognostical Distribution of Gold in the Uralian

Mountains. 17. Geognostic situation of the Siberian

Platina. 18. Cordierite found in Norway. 19. Magni-

ficent Crystals of Sulphate of Iron, or Green Vitriol.

20. Iserine and Iron-sand in Cheshire. 21. Bismuth

Cobalt-Ore. 22. Selenium in Red Copper-Ore,



23. Discovery of a New Substance in Sea Water. 24. Iodine

and Lithion in the Mineral Springs of Theodoreshall at

Kreutznach. 25. Thickness of Salt Water Ice,


201, 202

26. Sword Fish found in the Frith of Forth. 27. Discovery

of the Circulation of the Blood in Insects. 28. Turf-

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