REGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, LECTURER ON MINERALOGY, AND KEEPER OF Fellow of the Royal Society of London; Fellow of the Royal, Antiquarian, and Wernerian Societies of PRINTED FOR ADAM BLACK, NORTH BRIDGE, EDINBURGH; LONDON. 1827. CONTENTS. Page III. On Coloured Shadows. By Messrs ZcHokke and TRESCHEL junior, - - - V. Some particulars relative to the Tides in the upper part of the River Thames, and of the obstructions caused by the present London Bridge. By P. BAR- LOW, F. R. S. Mem. Imp. Acad. Petrop., &c. Com- VI. On the Affinities of the Empetreæ, a natural Group of Plants. By Mr DAVID DON, Libr. L. S. &c. Com- municated by the Author, VIII. Observations made during a Visit to Madeira, and a IX. Observations on the Arctic Sea and Ice, and the in- 59 64 73 |