The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal: Exhibiting a View of the Progressive Discoveries and Improvements in the Sciences and the Arts, 2. köide

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A. and C. Black, 1827

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Page 308 - The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: which indeed is the least of all seeds : but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.
Page 105 - Bay, and by the fossil wood of Melville Island, Cape York, and Byam Martin Island. 6. That the boulders or rolled blocks met with in different quarters, and in tracts distant from their original localities, afford evidence of the passage of water across them, and at a period subsequent to the deposition of the newest solid strata, namely, those of the tertiary class. 7. That nowhere are there...
Page 274 - ... the eagle overtakes a devoted wood-duck,' singled from the clouded flocks that have been bred there. It is then that you see and hear the alligator at his work, — each lake has a spot deeper than the rest, rendered so by those animals who work at it, and always situate at the lower end of the lake near the connecting bayous...
Page 373 - When nearly in a dying state he seized a spear made of a supple wood, which would have withstood the strength of the stoutest man, and...
Page 375 - ... he was a full head taller than any man on board, measuring seven feet in what might be called his ordinary standing posture, and eight feet when suspended for the purpose of being skinned.
Page 403 - Imagine an animal of the lizard tribe, three or four times as large as the largest crocodile, having jaws, with teeth equal in size to the incisors of the rhinoceros, and crested with horns,— such a creature must have been the Iguanadon ! Nor were the inhabitants of the waters much less wonderful ; witness the Plesiosaurus, which only required wings to be a flying dragon.
Page 271 - ... wherever there is a sufficient quantity of water to hide them, or to furnish them with food ; and they continue thus, in great numbers, as high as the mouth of the Arkansas River, extending east to North Carolina, and as far west as I have penetrated. On the Red River, before it was navigated by steam-vessels, they were so extremely abundant, that to see hundreds at a time along in.
Page 307 - Adjeloun we met with the mustard plant growing wild, as high as our horses' heads, still, being an annual, it did not deserve the appellation of a tree ; whereas the other is really such, and birds might easily, and actually do, take shelter under its shadow.
Page 372 - His motion on the ground was plainly not his natural mode of progression, for even when assisted by his hands or a stick, it was slow and vacillating : it was necessary to see him amongst trees in order to estimate his agility and strength. On being driven to a small clump...
Page 403 - Whether it were an island or a continent, may not be determined ; but that it was diversified by hill and valley, and enjoyed a climate of a higher temperature than any part of modern Europe, is more than probable. Several kinds of ferns appear to have constituted the immediate vegetable clothing of the soil ; the elegant...

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