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Upon the east side of the Memorial there are ten separate stars, bearing the initials of the Queen and her family, viz.: V.R.; V.A.M.L.; Α.Ε.; Α.Μ.Μ.; Α.Ε.Α.; H.A.V.; L.C.A.; A W.P.A.; L.C.D.A.; B.M.V.F." Below these initials, the date of "21st August, 1862."

There are no carvings on the south and west sides. Possibly some of your correspondents may be able to say whether the well-known couplet"He takes the good, too good on earth to stay, And leaves the bad, too bad to take away,"

had been suggested by the last clause of the above beautiful quotation from the Apocrypha? which lately formed the subject of so uncaled-for an attack upon the Queen by a leader of the Free Church of Scotland; and which was so admirably answered, soon after, by a correspondent in The Times.



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"All are but parts of one stupendous whole,
Whose body Nature is and God the soul:
That, changed through all, and yet in all the same;
Great in the earth, as in the etherial frame;
Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze,
Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees,
Lives through all life, extends through all extent,
Spreads undivided, operates unspent,
Breathes in our soul, informs in every part,
As full, as perfect, in a hair as heart;
As full, as perfect in vile Man that mourns,
As the rapt seraph that adores and burns;
To Him, no high, no low, no great, no small;
He fills, He bounds, connects, and equals all."

We find the germ of this eloquence in Senault's first treatise, on the Nature of the Passions, in which are these words:

"Christian Philosophy, coming even to the original of the soul, hath made us know what effects she produceth in the body, by the very same which God produceth in world. For though this infinite essence depends not upon the world which He hath created, and that without increasing His might, He may undo His own workmanship, yet is He shed abroad in all parts thereof; there is no intermedium which He fills not up. He applies himself to all creatures in their operations, and without dividing His unity, or weakening His power; He gives light with the sun, He burneth with the fire, He refresheth with the water, and He brings forth fruit with the trees. He is as great on earth as in heaven, though His effects do differ; His power is alwaies equal, and the stars which shine above our heads cost Him no more than the grass which we tread under our feet. So is the soul disposed in the body, and penetrates all the parts thereof. It is as noble in the hand as in the heart, and though, applying herself to the dispositions of the organs, she speaks by the mouth, seeth by the eyes, and heareth by the ears, vet is she but one spirit in her essence; and in her differing functions her unity is not divided, nor her power weak


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THE LATE LORD HATHERTON. - In " N. & Q." (3rd S. iii. 366) appeared an ingenious and wellmerited tribute to the memory of Lord Hatherton by MR. BUCKTON, of Lichfield. It is hoped that the following attempt to pourtray the character of that distinguished nobleman and admirable man, in a somewhat severer style, may likewise be allowed to find a permanent record in the pages of "N. & Q." It is from the pen of one who was honoured with Lord Hatherton's personal acquaintance, and has received the imprimatur of more than one scholar of the first eminence among his Lordship's most intimate friends :

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PUNISHMENT OF BEGGARS AT BATH, IN 1739.The Curiosities of Literature constitute a book of very agreeable reading. A legal compilation scarcely less interesting might be put together, and not improperly be denominated the "Curiosities of Legislation." The following extract (slightly abridged) from "An Act for Establishing and well Governing an Hospital or Infirmary in the City of Bath," bearing the date of 1739, may be regarded as a " curiosity" in these days of gentle dealing with transgressors of a much worse class than beggars:

"Whereas, several loose, idle, and disorderly persons daily resort to the City of Bath, and remain wandering and begging about the streets and other places of the said City, and the suburbs thereof, under pretence of their being resident at the Bath for the benefit of the Mineral or Medicinal Waters, to the great disturbances of his Majesty's subjects resorting to the said City, be it enacted, that the Constables, petty Constables, Tythingmen, and other Peace Officers of the said City, and also the Beadle, or Beadles of the said Hospital, are hereby empowered and required to seize and apprehend all such persons who shall be so found wandering, begging, or misbehaving themselves, and them to carry before the Mayor, or some Justice, or Justices of Peace for said City; who shall, upon the oath of one sufficient witness, or upon his own view, commit the said person or persons so wandering or begging, to the House of Correction for any time not exceeding the space of Twelve Kalendar Months, and to be kept at hard labour, and receive correction as loose, idle, and disorderlie persons."

Χ. Α. Χ.

MR. JOHN COLLET. - A portion of the interesting volume, compiled by Mr. W. J. Thoms, and published in 1839 under the title of Anecdotes and Traditions, consists of the Common-Place Book of a Mr. John Collet; of whom Mr. Thoms could find little or no account. I see in a list of advertisements, at the end of Captain Edward Panton's Speculum Juventutis, 1671, a book called "Dr. Collet's Daily Devotions, or the New Christian's Morning and Evening Sacrifice," 24mo, price, bound, 1s. 4d. Possibly this Dr. Collet and Mr. John Collet, the author of the Common-Place Book, may be the same person.


OXFORD JEU D'ESPRIT. - It is now some years since the following lines were circulated in MS. in Oxford. I believe that they have never yet been put into print, and they are too good to be lost. They refer to the answers given at a Divinity examination by a luckless undergraduate:

"A small snob of Baliol had an idea
That Joseph was loved by his Arimathea;
And, coining a word in the fashion of Grote,
Said, that Herod held office as Scholekobrote."

The last word, of course, enshrined his ideas of the meaning of σκωληκόβρωτος, Acts xii. 23.




On the sale of the pamphlets of the late Prin

cipal Lee recently, I acquired two very singular works on the philosopher's stone. The first is

"Five Treatises of the Philosopher's Stone. Two of Alphonso, King of Portugall, as it was written with his own hand, and taken out of his closset. Translated out of the Portuguez into English. One of John Sawtre, a Monke, translated into English. Another written by Florianus Raudorff, a German Philosopher, and translated out of the same language into English; also a treatise of the names of the Philosopher's Stone, by William Gratacolle, translated into English. To which is added the Smaragdine Table. By the paines and care of H. P. London: Printed by Thomas Harper, and are to be sold by John Collins in Little Britain, near the Church door, 1652."

Who was H. P.? Could it be Henry Peacham, an author who wrote on all kinds of subjects? There is a list of his productions in Lowndes, but neither the above work nor the one next noticed, are mentioned there - a circumstance indicating their extreme rarity. Was the Alphonso, King of Portugal, the monarch referred to in the Antiquary as Alphonso King of Castile, whose maxim was "Old wood to burn, old books to read, old wine to drink, and old friends to converse with"? The second is styled

"Magnalia Natura, or the Truth of the Philosopher's Stone asserted. Having been lately expos'd to publick sight and sale. Being a true and exact Account of the manner how Wenceslaus Seilerus, the late famous projection maker at the Emperour's Court at Vienna, came by and made away with a very great quantity of powder of projection, by projecting with it before the Fmperor, and a thousand witnesses, selling it &c. for some years past." It is represented as published for the satisfaction of the curious, and " especially of Mr. Boyl. By one who was not only an eye-witness in the affair, but also concern'd as a Commissioner by the Emperor for the Examen of it. London: printed by Tho. Dawks, his Majesties British Printer, living in Black Fryars, 1686, 4to."

This is one of the strangest productions I ever recollect perusing It gives most minute particulars of the discovery of the magic powder which converts lead and tin into gold, as well as a singular narrative of the adventures of Wenceslaus, who is left in possession of high honours, and who is positively appealed to as an existing person at the date of the publication. Could it have been got up for the purpose of hoaxing the Hon. Mr. Boyle? J. M.


1. Who is the author of Selections from the English Poets, Shakspeare, Pope, &c.: rendered into Latin verse? To which are added, the remarkable Adventures of Jack and Gill. Lewis, 1848, 4to. (Privately printed).

2. Who is author of Love's Labour Lost Regained? A continuation of Shakspeare's play. By C. J. London, 1841. 8vo.

3. Who is the author of Education at Home, or a 0.0.

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Bunbury's ENGRAVINGS are very interesting. Two of them in particular appear very noteworthy, and suggest queries. First, "Conversazione" (published Feb. 11, 1782, by Dickinson, 158, New Bond Street): there is Dr. Johnson making a grab at a cup of tea; Bozzy, full to the mouth of something stronger than tea, is balancing himself on the edge of his chair; Mrs. Thrale, looking into her cup of tea, is evidently thinking of something clever that she is about to say. 1782 is the year Dr. Johnson left Streatham. What is its history? And who are the other figures that form this life-like and very interesting interior? Secondly, "The Gardens of Carleton House, with Neapolitan Ballad Singers," designed May 18, 1784 (published the following year by Dickinson). There are some twenty figures, all of them evidently most characteristic portraits. Can you help to give them names, and thus make them serve to illustrate the various memoirs of the day? The then fascinating prince stands in the foreground, a fair lady on either arm. In shade, and in the background, another fair dame is gazing intently on the royal youth; her figure, and the peculiar expression, lead to the not improbable supposition that she has loved, not wisely, but too well.


CHARRON, "DE LA SAGESSE." - It is known that, between 1611 and 1658, four editions were printed of a translation of this work by Sampson Lennard. But, at the end of Panton's Speculum Juventutis, 1671, I find an English translation in 4to, advertised for sale (6s. bound). Was this a later edition of Lennard's version, or a new one? The name of the translator is not disclosed in the advertisement. Stanhope's Charron did not appear, I believe, till 1697.


THE DOUGLAS CAUSE.-Having from accidental circumstances taken much interest in the celebrated old "Douglas Cause," of the pleadings and proofs in which I have a tolerably full set, I am curious to learn as to the following points, on which some of your numerous readers may perhaps supply information:

1. Are there yet in Rheims families of the names Maillefer, or Andrieux ?

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PLAYING "GERMANDS." - By an entry in the Hall Book of the corporation of Leicester, dated 1495, it is ordered "for the comonwell of the town, and of seche guds as ys yn a store hows in the sett' day marcat [Saturday market], yt ys to say, wodde tymber and vdyr playyng germands, yf ther be ony, her[e] hys chosen to be ou'sears Love [overseers] therof." Then follow the names of six persons, leading men of the town. I shall feel greatly obliged by information as to the meaning of the word "germands." My impression is, that the order has reference to the early dramatic performances; as it follows a few pages after a somewhat similar appointment of overseers to have the guiding and rule " of the Passion Play." Halliwell's Archaic Dictionary gives the word "German, a brother." Can it be used in this sense?



MAJOR-GENERAL HEANE - There was a Colonel or Major-General James Heane, whose name occurs in military annals as very much distinguishing himself in the time of the Civil Wars, as connected with Elizabeth Castle, in Jersey. I have learned that he afterwards obtained some employment in the parliamentary service in America, wherein he died within a very short period. I am desirous of knowing in what part of the Western Continent he served, the nature of that service, and the time and circumstances of his death.

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JAMAICA. - I should be greatly obliged if any correspondent of " N. & Q." will kindly refer me to any works bearing on the history of this island during the first quarter of the present century. I am more particularly desirous of meeting with a list of the names of the planters of that period, and also any charts and maps which may give the names of their several estates. J. DILLON.

ΕΡΙΤΑΡΗ ΟN JOHN A'COMBE. - The well-known epitaph, said to be written by Sinakspeare upon his triend John a'Combe (commencing "Ten in a hundred") has now received the corroborative evidence of Combe's being a usurer. A literary friend the other day imaginatively suggested to me the possibility of its being a play upon the initials IO. C., or ten and a hundred. Have any of the recent commentators elucidated the subject?

CAPTAIN THOMAS KERRIDGE.-This person was engaged in the Great Mogul's country early in the reign of King Charles I, in settling the East Indian trade, and rendered good service in the matter. If any of your correspondents know anything concerning Capt. Kerridge as to his career, his parentage, or time of death, the information will oblige. He was supposed to have resided at Shelley, in the county of Suffolk. S. E. G.

LOCKWOOD, EDWARD VI.'S JESTER. - In the chamberlain's accounts of this borough, entries occur in the reign of Edward VI. like the foliowing, in 1549: "Paid to Lockwood, the Kyng's Jester, iij iiija." And similar payments were made to him during the reign of Mary, and part of the reign of Elizabeth.

I do not find this name in Dr. Doran's Court Fools, or in the works of Dance and others treating directly on the subject. Are any particulars known respecting him?


"MILLER OF THE DEE." - Can any one inform me as to the origin and locale of the popular song, "The Miller of the Dee," containing the wellknown refrain:

"I care for nobody, no not I,
If nobody cares for me"?

A lecture was lately delivered in this city on its local legends, and the lecturer claimed the song as relating to Chester; basing his arguments for so doing partly on the great antiquity of the Dee mills, and partly on the absence of provincialisms referring it to any other place. Previously I had always understood that it related to one of the Scotch Dees-an impression that most of the antiquaries hereabouts retain. Τ. Ν. Β. Chester.

"THE NONSUCH PROFESSOR." - Could any of my fellow readers tell me anything about the author of this quaint book? He flourished in London during the Protectorate, and after the Restoration. He was, I should imagine, a royalist. He must not be confounded with the celebrated Archbishop Secker, born 1693, died 1768, the learned and excellent prelate who succeeded the antiquarian Potter, in the archbishopric of Canterbury; who refuted Bolingbroke, and defended Butler. All I know of the author of The Nonsuch Professor, is the following:

"William Secker, preacher of the Gospel, published two works: A Wedding Ring, a sermon preached at a wedding in Edmonton (or, as a title-page a few years later has it, St. Edmond's), 1658: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Three Crowns.' Also, The Nonsuch Professor in his Meridian Splendor, laid open in Seaven Sermons at Allhallows Church-in-the-wall, London: Printed by M. S. for Th. Parkhurst, to be sold at his shop at the Three Crowns, &c., 1660.' The latter is dedicated to the Honourable truly Noble Patriots, Sir Edward Barkham, Knight and Baronet, and his religious Consort Dame Francis (sic) Barkham of Tottenham, in the county of Middlesex." REDIGER.


PETER'S PENCE. - Can any one inform me in what countries "Peter's Pence" has ever been collected? or name a work in which the required information may be obtained.


QUOTATION.-Where shall I find the line:

" And know the misery of a granted prayer"?

I am acquainted with the passage in the first satire of Horace, those in the tenth satire of

Juvenal, and the lines in Antony and Cleopatra :

"We, ignorant of ourselves,
Beg often our own harıns, which the wise powers
Deny us for our good: so find we profit
By losing of our prayers."-Act II. Sc. 1.

The line I seek seems to have a fuller meaning
than any of the above, except perhaps one line of
J. H. S.

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"In this chirche of St Marie extra Castrum I saw the

tumbe in marble of Thomas Rider, father to the master Richard of Leicester. This Richard I take to be the same that yn those dayes, as it apperith by his workes, was a greate clerk."

Nichols (Hist. Leicester, vol. i. part ii. p. 314, note) says, that he was presented by the abbot and convent of St. Mary de Pratis, in 1291, to the rectory of Eydon, in Northamptonshire, which he held till 1316; and that fruitless has been the research in Dupin for an account of Richard de Leicester's literary abilities. Nichols adds that

"Tanner, in Bibl. Britan. (p. 626), has noticed only a single MS. penned by this learned clerk; and might not this MS., even though the title of it be Articles of the Creed, be principally calculated for the meridian of Leicester? Might it not (he adds) have some reference to the procession [representing the Apostles and others] on Whit Monday, from the church of St Mary de Castro to that of St. Margaret? - 'Scripsit de Articulorum Symboli distributione secundum numerum Apostolorum.' Could this MS. be examined, there might be found in it some particulars illustrative of this solemn procession. According to Tanner, this MS. was in Sion Library."

I am very desirous, for a particular purpose, to obtain early information on this point; and shall feel grateful to any correspondent of " N. & Q," who may know the present place of deposit of this MS. and have access to it, if he will kindly inform me either personally, or through the medium of "N. & Q.," whether the surmise of Mr. Nichols

is correct? In the year 1851 I sought information in these columns (1st S. iii. 352) respecting the churchwarden's accounts of the above church,

Queries with Answers.

"A HELPE TO DISCOURSE." - A short time ago

which had by some means been sold by auction I purchased a copy of

in London some twenty years before, but unfortunately without success. WILLIAM KELLY.


SKYRING ARMS OR PEDIGREE. - I shall be obliged to any of your readers who will give me any information as to the family of this name. I cannot go further back than W. G. Skyring, an officer of the army about a century since, but I believe he came from Lancashire or Westmoreland. G. W. SKYRING.

Admiralty, Somerset House.

SPAIN: MOSQUE OF CORDOVA. - On entering we turned to our left, and were conducted to a black marble pillar. On it was scratched a crucifixion, and above it the following inscription, as far as I could read it:

"Este Esels TO Christo CA
Hizoelc A Tibocon La Vua."

Murray, in his Hand-Book edition, 1847, p. 77, route 9, mentions only part of the above inscription.

Théophile Gautier, in his Wanderings in Spain, edition 1853, p. 254, also slightly mentions it. Another pillar near has also a crucifixion scratched on it, and an iron staple in it.

Another pillar near had many scars and deep narrow incisions on it. Near to these three pillars is a tablet fixed into the wall. On it is represented a kneeling figure of a man, with his legs chained together, and his cap on the ground.

Can any one give any information regarding these four queries ? С. М.

ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, WALBROOK."When Richard, Earl of Burlington, celebrated for his architectural skill and taste, was in Italy, among the many beautiful churches which he visited in that country was one which had been built on the model of St. Stephen's, Walbrook. On expressing himself loudly in its praise, his vanity as an architect must have been somewhat piqued, when he was informed that he had left the original behind him in his own country. On his return to England, his first step, on alighting from his carriage at Burlington House, is said to have been a pilgrimage to St. Stephen's, Walbrook, a church of which, previous to his foreign travel, he had probably never even heard the name." - Jesse, London and its Celebrities, second series, 8vo, London, 1850, i. 254.

To what church in Italy does this paragraph


W. P.

INSCRIPTION AT TRUJILLO. - When at Trujillo in Spain I saw a shield fixed on the wall of a ruined church, around which was the following inscription, as far as I could read it:

"SLACIS TERRA MA SIDO SABER EL ARCADIA NO DECON For E." Can any one inform me of its meaning? C. M.

"A Helpe to Discourse: or more Merriment mixt with serious Matters; Consisting of Witty, Philosophicall, Grammaticall, &c. Questions and Answers, as also Epigrams, Epitaphs, &c. Together with the Countreyman's Counsellor, &c. 13th ed. 1640."

It has the autograph of one Robert Holden, and this note:

"This booke was given me by a Portugese priest, who lived at a hermitage called ye Čalvarie neare ye Citty of Tavira, in Algarie in Portugal."

Will some correspondent tell me whether it is of any value or rarity. G. W. M.

[This must have been a popular work to have passed through thirteen editions between 1619 and 1640. W. B. the editor is supposed by Malone to be William Basse; but in the copy from Dr. Bliss's library (edit. 1628) the name of William Baldwyn is added with a query. (See also Bohn's Lowndes, p. 650.) About thirty years ago Thorpe offered copies for seven or eight shillings. Who

was the other editor, E. P. Philomathem.? A MS. note in a copy before us says Edward Phillips, but this is very doubtful.]

Dogs.-Will you kindly oblige me by information as to where can be found this quotation? "With eyes upraised his master's looks to scan, The stay, the solace, and the friend of man; The rich man's guardian, and the poor man's friend, The only being faithful to the end."

Also, in what letter of Pope's he said, that "History was more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends"? G. R. JESSE.

33, Kildare Terrace, Bayswater, W.

[The second quotation occurs in Pope's Works, "Letters to and from H. Cromwell, Esq." (Letter x. Oct. 9, 1709.) "Histories," he says, "are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends, but I will not insist upon many of them, because it is possible some may be almost as fabulous as those of Pylades and Orestes, &c. I will only say for the honour of dogs, that the two most ancient and esteemable books, sacred and prophane, extant (viz. the Scripture and Homer) have shown a particular regard to these animals." The authorship of the poetical lines remains a query.]

BRYNDLEY OF WISTASTON, ETC. - What were the arms and quarterings of Bryndley of Wistaston, co. Chester? Sims refers to Harl. MS. 1535. Also, the arms of Wyrrall, or Warrall, of Wyrrall, co. Chester? They are given in Harl. MS. 2187. H. S. G.

[Bryndley: Party per pale or and sable, a chevron between three escallops, all counter-changed. - Wyrrall: Azure, three fleurs-de-lis argent, a bordure of the second.]

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