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EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: S. NEWCOMB, Mathematics; R. S. WOODWARD, Mechanics; E. C. PICKERING Astronomy; T. C. MENDENHALL, Physics; R. H. THURSTON, Engineering; IBA REMSEN, Chemistry; CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Geology; W. M. DAVIS, Physiography; HENBY F. OSBORN, Paleontology; W. K. BROOKS, C. HART MERRIAM, Zoology; 8. H. SCUDDER, Entomology; C. E. BESSEY, N. L. BRITTON, Botany; C. S. MINOT, Embryology, Histology; H. P. BOWDITCH, Physiology; WILLIAM H. WELCH, Pathology;

J. MCKEEN CATTELL, Psychology.

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ONE hundred years ago, on October 21, 1803, John Dalton gave this society the first announcement of his famous atomic theory. It was only a slight preliminary notice, a mere note appended to a memoir upon another subject, and it attracted little or no attention. In 1804 Dalton communicated his discovery to Dr. Thomas Thomson, who at once adopted it in his lectures, and in 1807 gave it still wider publicity in a textbook. A year later Dalton published his 'New System of Chemical Philosophy,' and since then the history of chemistry has been the history of the atomic theory. To celebrate Dalton's achievement, to trace its influence upon chemical doctrine and discovery, is the purpose of my lecture. It is an old story, and yet a new one; for every year adds something to it, and the process of development shows no signs of nearing an end. A theory that grows, and is continually fruitful, can not be easily supplanted. Despite attacks and criticisms, Dalton's generalization still holds the field; and from it, as from a parent stem, spring nearly all the other accepted theories of chemistry.

Every thought has its ancestry. Let us briefly trace the genealogy of the atomic theory. In the very beginnings of phi

*The Wilde lecture before the Manchester Philosophical Society, delivered May 19, 1903.

losophy men sought to discover the nature of the material universe, and to bring unity out of diversity. Is matter one thing or many? Is it continuous or discrete? These questions occupied the human mind before recorded history began, and their vitality can never be exhausted. Final answers may be unattainable, but thought will fly beyond the boundaries of knowledge, to bring back, now and then, truly helpful tidings.

To the early Greek philosophers we must turn for our first authentic statements of an atomic theory. Other thinkers in older civilizations, doubtless, went before them; perhaps in Egypt or Babylonia, but of them we have no certain knowledge. There is a glimpse of something in India, but we can not say that Greece drew her inspiration thence. For us Leucippus was the pioneer, to be followed later by Democritus and Epicurus. Then, in lineal succession, came the Roman, Lucretius, who gave to the doctrine the most complete statement of all. In the thought of these men the universe was made up of empty space, in which swam innumerable atoms. These were inconceivably small, hard particles of matter, indivisible and indestructible, of various shapes and sizes, and continually in motion. From their movements and combinations all sensible matter was derived. Except that the theory was purely qualitative and non-mathematical in form, it was curiously like the molecular hypothesis of modern physics, only with an absolute vacuum where an intermediary ether is now assumed. This notion of a vacuum was repellant to many minds; to conceive of a mass of matter so small that there could be none smaller was unreasonable; and hence there arose the interminable controversy between plenists and atomists which has continued to our own day. It is, however, essentially a metaphysical con

troversy, and some writers have ascribed it to a peculiar distinction between two classes of minds. The arithmetical thinker deals primarily with number, which is, in its nature, discontinuous, and to him a material discontinuity offers no difficulties. The geometer, on the other hand, has to do with continuous magnitudes, and a limited divisibility of anything in space is not easy for him to conceive. But be this as it may, the controversy was one of words rather than of realities, and its intricacies have little interest for the scientific student of to-day. It is always easier to reason about things as we imagine they ought to be, than about things as they really are, and the latter procedure became practicable only after experimental science was pretty far advanced. The Greeks were deficient in physical knowledge, and, therefore, their speculations remained speculations only, mere intellectual gymnastics of no direct. utility to mankind. They sought to determine the nature of things by the exercise of reason alone, whereas science, as we understand it, being less confident, seeks mainly to coordinate evidence and to discover the general statement which shall embrace the largest possible number of observed relations. The man of science may use the metaphysical method as a tool, but he does so with the limitations of definite, verifiable knowledge always in view. Intellectual stimulants may be used temperately, but they need not be discarded altogether.

From the time of Lucretius until the seventeenth century of our era, the atomistic hypothesis received little serious attention. The philosophy of Aristotle gov erned all the schools of Europe, and scholastic quibblings took the place of real investigation. All scholarship lay under bondage to one master mind, and it was not until Galileo let fall his weights from the

leaning tower of Pisa that the spell of the Stagirite was broken. Experimental science now came to the fore, and it was seen that even Aristotelian logic must verify its premises. The authority of evidence began to replace the authority of the schools.

Early in the seventeenth century the atomic philosophy of Epicurus was revived by Gassendi, who was soon followed by Boyle, by Newton and by many others. One other important step was taken also. Boyle, in his 'Sceptical Chymist,' gave the first scientific definition of element, a con

ception which was more fully developed by

Lavoisier later, but which received its complete modern form only after Davy had decomposed the alkalies and shown the true nature of chlorine. Without this preliminary work of Boyle and Lavoisier, Dalton's theory would hardly have been possible. An elementary atom can be given no real definition unless we have some notion of an element to begin with. But the strongest impulse came from Newton, who accepted atomism in clear and unmistakable terms.

Coming before Newton, Descartes had rejected the atomic hypothesis, holding

that there could be no vacuum in the universe, and making matter essentially synonymous with extension. True, Descartes, in his famous theory of vortices, imagined whirling particles of various degrees of fineness; but they were not atoms as atoms and molecules are now conceived. It may be dangerous to pick out landmarks in history and to assert that such and such a movement began at such and such a time. Nevertheless, we may fairly say that the turning point in physical philosophy was Newton's discovery of gravitation, for that indicated mass as the fundamental property of matter. For any given portion of matter which we can segregate and identify, extension is variable and mass is constant;

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To Boyle and Newton the atomic hypothesis was a question of natural philosophy alone; for, in their day, chemistry, as a quantitative science, had hardly begun to exist. Attempts were soon made, however, to give it chemical application, and the first of these which I have been able to find was due to Emanuel Swedenborg. This philosopher, whose reputation as a man of science has been overshadowed by his fame as a seer and theologian, published in 1721 a pamphlet upon chemistry, which is now more easily accessible in an English translation of relatively recent date.* sists of chapters from a larger unpublished work, and really amounts to nothing more than a sort of atomic geometry. From geometric groupings of small, concrete atoms, the properties of different substances are deduced, but in a way which is more curious than instructive. Between the theory and the facts there is no obvious relation. The book was absolutely without influence upon chemical thought or discovery, and, therefore, it has escaped general notice. It is the prototype of a class of speculative treatises, considerable in number, some of them recent, and all of them futile. They represent efforts which were premature, and for which the *Some specimens of a work on the Principles of Chemistry with other treatises.' London, 1847. Originally published at Amsterdam, in Latin.

fundamental support of experimental knowledge was lacking.


In 1775, Dr. Bryan Higgins, of London, published the prospectus of a course of lectures upon chemistry, in which the atomic hypothesis was strongly emphasized. was still, however, only an hypothesis, quite as ineffectual as Swedenborg's attempt, and it led to nothing. Dr. Higgins recognized seven elements; earth, water, alkali, acid, air, phlogiston and light; each one consisting of 'atoms homogeneal,' these being 'impenetrable, immutable in figure, inconvertible,' and all 'globular, or nearly so.' He speculated upon the attractions and repulsions between these bodies, but he seems to have solved no problem and to have suggested no research. William Higgins, on the other hand, whose work appeared in 1789, showed more insight into the requirements of true science, and had some notions concerning definite and multiple proportions. His concep

tion of atomic union to form molecules was fairly clear, but the distinct statement of a quantitative law was just beyond his reach. In 1814, however, when Dalton's discoveries were widely known and accepted, Higgins published a reclamation of priority. In this, with much bitterness, he claims to have completely anticipated Dalton, a claim which no modern reader has been able to allow. In Robert Angus Smith's 'Memoir of John Dalton and History of the Atomic Theory,' the work of Bryan and William Higgins is quite thoroughly discussed, and, therefore, we need not consider the matter any more fully now. We see that atomic theories were receiving the attention of chemists long

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before Dalton's time, although none of them went much beyond the speculative stage, or was given serviceable form. They were dim foreshadowings of science; nothing more.

In order that a new thought shall be acceptable, certain prerequisite conditions must be fulfilled. If the ground is not prepared, the seed can not be fruitful; if men are not ready, no harvest will be reaped. Only when the time is ripe, only when long lines of evidence have begun to converge, can a new theory command attention. Dalton's opportunity came at the right moment, and he knew how to use it well. Elements had been defined; the constancy of matter was established; pneumatic chemistry was well developed, and great numbers of quantitative analyses awaited interpretation. The foundations were ready for the master builder, and Dalton was the man. His theory could at once be tested by the accumulated data, and when that had been done it was found to be worthy of acceptance.

It is not my purpose to discuss in detail the processes of Dalton's mind. The story is told in his own note-books, which have been given to the public by Roscoe and Harden, and it has been sufficiently discussed by others. We now know that Dalton was thoroughly imbued with the corpuscular ideas of Newton, and that, when studying the diffusion of gases, he was led to the belief that the atoms of different substances must be different in size. Upon applying this hypothesis to chemical problems, he discovered that these differences were in one sense measurable, and that to every element a single, definite,

* ' A New View of the Origin of Dalton's Atomic Theory,' etc. By Sir Henry E. Roscoe and Arthur Harden. London, 1896.

See also Debus, in Zeits. Physikal. Chem., Bd. 20, p. 359, and a rejoinder by Roscoe and Harden in Bd. 22, p. 241.

combining number, the relative weight of its atom, could be assigned. From this, the law of definite proportions logically followed, for fractions of atoms were inadmissible; and the law of multiple proportions, which Dalton worked out experimentally, completed the generalization. The conception that all combination must take place in fixed proportions was not new, and, indeed, despite the objections of Berthollet, was generally assumed; but the atomic theory gave a reason for the law and made it intelligible. The idea of multiple proportions had also occurred, although incompletely, to others; but the determination of atomic weights was altogether original and novel. The new atomic theory, which figured chemical union as a juxtaposition of atoms, coordinated all of these relations, and gave to chemistry, for the first time, an absolutely general quantitative basis. The tables of Richter and Fischer, who preceded Dalton, dealt only with special cases of combination, but they established regularities which rendered easier the acceptance of the new and broader teachings. The earlier atomic speculations were all purely qualitative, and incapable of exact application to specific problems; Dalton created a working tool of extraordinary power and usefulness. Between the atom of Lucretius and the Daltonian atom the kinship is very remote.

Dalton was not a learned man, in the sense of mere erudition, but perhaps his limitations did him no harm. Too much learning is sometimes in the way, and clogs the flight of that imagination by which the greatest discoveries are made. The man who could not see the forest because of the trees was a good type of that scholarship which never rises above petty details. may compile encyclopædias, but it can not generalize. In some ways, doubtless, Dalton was narrow, and he failed to recognize


the improvements which other men soon introduced into his system. The chemical symbols which he proposed were soon supplanted by the better formulæ invented by Berzelius, and his views upon the densities of gases were set aside by the more exact work of Gay Lussac, which Dalton never fully appreciated. As an experimenter he was crude, and excelled by several of his contemporaries; his of atomic weights, or rather equivalents, were only rough approximations to the true values. These defects, however, are only spots upon the sun, and in no wise diminish his glory. Dalton transformed an art into science, and his influence upon chemistry was never greater than it is to-day. The truth of this statement will appear when we trace, step by step, the development of chemical doctrine. The guiding clue, from first to last, is Dalton's atomic theory.

Although Dalton first announced his theory in 1803, the publication of his 'Sys

tem' in 1808 marks the culmination of his labors. The memorable controversy between Proust and Berthollet had by this time exhausted its force, and nearly all chemists were satisfied that the law of definite or constant proportions must be true. The idea of multiple proportions was also easily accepted; and as for the combining numbers, they, after various revisions, came generally into use. The atomic conception, however, made its way more slowly, for the fear of metaphysics still governed many acute minds. Davy especially was late in yielding to it, but in time even his conversion was effected. Thomson, as we have already noted, was the earliest and most enthusiastic disciple of the new system, and Wollaston, although cautiously preferring the term 'equivalent' to that of atomic weight, made useful contributions to the theory. These names mark the

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