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the existing are not the lineal descendants of the fossil | the Pentacrinus type, which has come down with very little types, the differences they present being not greater than alteration from the Liassic; whilst many existing Teremay be fairly attributed to the prolonged action of bratulida do not differ more from Oolitic types than the differences of temperature, food, pressure, &c. And when latter differ among each other. Going back still further, these facts are taken in connection with those previously we find in the persistence of certain Foraminiferal types stated as to the probable remoteness of the period from the Carboniferous limestone to the present time, and when (if ever) the present sea-bed of the Atlantic was in the character of its deep-sea beds, a strong indication dry land, the doctrine first put forth by Prof. Wyville that they originated in a Foraminiferal deposit, representThomson, that there has been a continuous formation of ing in all essential particulars that which is now going on; Globigerina-mud on the bottom of the Atlantic from while the persistence of the Lingula from the early the Cretaceous epoch to the present time-or, in other Silurian strata to the present time suggests the question words, that the formation of chalk on the sea-bed of the whether certain oceanic areas may not have remained in Atlantic did not cease with the elevation of the European the condition of deep sea throughout the whole subsequent area, but has been going on through the whole Tertiary succession of geological changes. period, must be admitted as (to say the least) a not improbable hypothesis. That some considerable change took place at the conclusion of the Cretaceous epoch, by which the temperature of the upper stratum was lowered, so as to be no longer compatible with the existence of the fishes and chambered cephalopods characteristic of the Cretaceous fauna, may be fairly assumed from their disappearance; but this would not so much affect the deeper part of the basin, in which those lower types that seem more capable of adapting themselves to changes in external conditions would continue to hold their ground. That the like conditions had prevailed also through long previous geological periods, may be surmised from the persistence, over various parts of the Atlantic sea-bed, of the Apiocrinite type, which carries us back to the Oolitic formation, and of

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BIBLIOGRAPHY.-In addition to the ordinary sources of information, the following publications may be specially referred to for recent information in regard to the physical geography of the Atlantic:-"Reports of the Deep-Sea Explorations carried on in H.M. Steam-vessels 'Lightning,' Porcupine,' and 'Shearwater,'" in Proceedings of the Royal Society for 1868, 1869, 1870, and 1872; "On the Gibraltar Current, the Gulf Stream, and the General Oceanic Circulation," in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society for 1871; and "Further Inquiries on Oceanic Circulation " (containing a summary of the " Challenger" Temperature Survey of the Atlantic), in the same journal for 1874; Currents and Surface-Temperature of the North and South Atlantic, published by the Meteorological Committee; and The Depths of the Sea, by Prof. Wyville Thomson. (w.B.C.)

ATLANTIS, ATALANTIS, or ATLANTICA, an island mentioned by Plato and other classical writers, concerning the real existence of which many disputes have been raised. In the Timæus, Critias relates how his grandfather Critias had been told by Solon some remarkable events in early Athenian history which he had learned from the Egyptian priests at Sais, whose records went much further back than the native accounts. "The most famous of all the Athenian exploits," Solon had been told, "was the overthrow of the island Atlantis. This was a continent lying over against the pillars of Hercules, in extent greater than Libya and Asia put together, and was the passage to other islands and to another continent, of which the Mediterranean Sea was only the harbour; and within the pillars the empire of Atlantis reached to Egypt and Tyrrhenia. This mighty power was arrayed against Egypt and Hellas and all the countries bordering on the Mediterranean. Then did your city bravely, and won renown over the whole earth. For at the peril of her own existence, and when the other Hellenes had deserted her, she repelled the invader, and of her own accord gave liberty to all the nations within the pillars. A little while afterwards there was a great earthquake, and your warrior race all sank into the earth; and the great island of Atlantis also disappeared in the sea. This is the explanation of the shallows which are found in that part of the Atlantic ocean." (Jowett's Introduction to the Timaeus.) Such is the main substance of the principal account of the island furnished by the ancients, an account which, if not entirely fictitious, belongs to the most nebulous region of history. The story may embody some popular legend, and the legend may have rested on certain historical circumstances; but what these were it is (as the numerous theories advanced on the subject may be held as proving) impossible now to determine.

ATLAS ("ATλas), in Greek Mythology, called sometimes a son of Japetus and the nymph Asia, or of Uranus and Gaia, and at other times traced to a different parentage, but always known as the being who supported on his


shoulders the pillars on which the sky rested. He knew the depths of the sea (Odyssey, vii. 245), and in the first instance seems to have been a marine creation. The pillars which he supported were thought to rest in the sea, immediately beyond the most western horizon. But by the time of Herodotus (iv. 184), a mountain is suggested as best suited to hold up the heavens, and the name of Atlas is transferred to a hill in the N.W. of Africa. Then the name is traced to a king of that district, rich in flocks and herds, and owning the garden of the Hesperides. Finally, Atlas was explained as the name of a primitive astronomer. He was the father of the Pleiades and Hyades. Perseus encountered him when he searched for Medusa. Heracles took the burden of the sky from his shoulders, but cleverly contrived to replace it. Atlas bearing up the heavens is mentioned as being represented on early works of art, e.g., on the chest of Cypselus (Pausan., v. 18,1), and on the throne of Apollo at Amycle (Pausan., iii. 18, 7); and this subject occurs on several existing works of art.

ATLAS, a mountain-chain of Northern Africa, between the great desert of the Sahara and the Mediterranean. The range has been but partially explored, and geographers differ as to its extent, some considering it to reach from Cape Ghir on the Atlantic to Cape Bon, the north-east point of Tunis, while others include under the name the whole mountain system between Cape Nun and the greater Syrtis. In this latter sense it forms the mountain-land of the countries of Marocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli. It is composed of ranges and groups of mountains, enclosing well-watered and fertile valleys and plains, and having a general direction from W. to E. The highest peaks are supposed to attain an elevation of nearly 15,000 feet; and although none of them reach the height of perpetual snow, some of their loftiest summits are covered with snow during the greater part of the year. Mount Miltsin, 27 miles S.E. of the city of Marocco, was ascertained by Captain Washington to be 11,400 feet high. The greatest heights are in Marocco, from which point they appear to diminish in

elevation as they extend towards the E. These mountains, except the loftier summits, are, for the most part, covered with thick forests of pine, oak, cork, white poplar, wild olive, and other trees. The inferior ranges seem to be principally composed of Secondary limestone, which, at a greater elevation, is succeeded by micaceous schist and quartz-rock; and the higher chains are said to consist of granite, gneiss, mica-slate, and clay-slate. The Secondary and Tertiary formations are frequently disturbed and upraised by trap-rocks of comparatively modern date. Lead iron copper, antimony, sulphur, and rock-salt occur

frequently; and in the Marocco portion of the range gold and silver are said to exist. In the Algerian division are mines of copper, lead, silver, and antimony. The lion, hyena, boar, and bear are common throughout the mountains. None of the rivers which take their rise in the system are of any great importance. The Tafilet is absorbed in the sands; the Tensift and Draa flow into the Atlantic; and about five or six find their way to the Mediterranean. Dr Hooker has explored the botany of many parts of the range, and the travels of Rohlfs have added largely to our general knowledge of it.


ATMOSPHERE is the name applied to the invisible elas pressure is exerted on the human frame in common with

tic envelope which surrounds the earth, the gaseous matter of which it is composed being usually distinguished by the name of air. Storms and weather generally, solar and terrestrial radiation, the disintegration of rocks, animal and vegetable life, twilight, and the propagation of sound, are some of the more striking phenomena which are either to a large extent or altogether dependent on the atmosphere. That air possesses weight may be shown by the simple experiment of taking a hollow globe filled with air and weighing it; then removing the contained air by means of an air-pump, and again weighing the globe, when it will be found to weigh less than at first. The difference of the two results is the weight of the air which has been removed. From Regnault's experiments, 100 cubic inches of dry air, or air containing no aqueous vapour, under a pressure of 30 English inches of mercury, and at a temperature of 60° Fahr., weigh 31 03529 grains; and since 100 cubic inches of distilled water at the same pressure and temperature weigh 25,252 grains, it follows that air is 813-67 times lighter than water.

Air as an elastic fluid exerts pressure upon the earth or any substance on which it rests, the action of a boy's sucker and of a water-pump being familiar instances showing the pressure of the atmosphere. When air is removed from a water-pump, the water rises in the pump only to a certain height; for as soon as the water has risen to such a height that the weight of the column of water in the pump above the level of the surface of the water in the well just balances the pressure exerted by the atmosphere on the surface of the well, it ceases to rise. If the pressure of the atmosphere be increased, the water will rise higher in the pump; but if diminished, the level of the water will sink. The height to which the water rises within the pump thus varies with the pressure of the atmosphere, the height being generally about 34 feet. Since a given volume of mercury weighed in vacuo at a temperature of 62° Fahr. is 13.569 times heavier than the same volume of water, it follows that a column of mercury will rise in vacuo to a height 13.569 times less than a column of water, or about 30 inches. If we suppose, then, the height of the mercurial column to be 30 inches, which is probably near the average height of the barometer at sea-level, and its base equal to a square inch, it will contain 30 cubic inches of mercury; and since one cubic inch of mercury contains 34267 grains, the weight of 30 cubic inches will be nearly 147304 lb avoirdupois. Thus the pressure of the atmosphere is generally, at least in these latitudes, at sea-level equal to 14.7304 b on each square inch of the earth's surface. Sir John Herschel has calculated that the total weight of an atmosphere averaging 30 inches of pressure is about 11 trillions of pounds; and that, making allowance for the space occupied by the land above the sea, the mass of such an atmosphere is about T200000 part of that of the earth itself. This enormous

all objects on the earth's surface, and it is calculated that a man of the ordinary size sustains a pressure of about 14 tons; but as the pressure is exerted equally in all directions, and permeates the whole body, no inconvenience arises in consequence of it.

A pressure agreeing approximately with the average atmospheric pressure at sea-level is often used as a unit of pressure. This unit is called an atmosphere, and is employed in measuring pressures in steam-engines and boilers. The value of this unit which has been adopted, in the metrical system, is the pressure of 760 millimètres (29-922 Eng. inches) of the mercurial column at 0° C. (32° Fahr.) at Paris, which amounts in that latitude to 1.033 kilogrammes on the square centimètre. In the English system, an atmosphere is the pressure due to 29-905 inches of the mercurial column at 32° Fahr. at London, amounting there to nearly 14 b weight on the square inch. The latter atmosphere is thus 0.99968 of that of the metrical system.

As regards the distribution of atmospheric pressure over the globe, there was little beyond conjecture, drawn from theoretical considerations and for the most part erroneous, till the publication in 1868 of Buchan's memoir "On the Mean Pressure of the Atmosphere and the Prevailing Winds over the Globe." By the monthly isobaric charts and copious tables which accompanied the memoir, this important physical problem was first approximately solved. Since then the British Admiralty has published charts showing the mean pressure of the atmosphere over the ocean.2 The more important general conclusions regarding the geographical distribution of atmospheric pressure are the following:

There are two regions of high pressure, the one north and the other south of the equator, passing completely round the globe as broad belts of high pressure. They enclose between them the low pressure of tropical regions, through the centre of which runs a narrower belt of still lower pressure, towards which the north and south trades blow. The southern belt of high pressure lies nearly parallel to the equator, and is of nearly uniform breadth throughout; but the belt north of the equator has a very irregular outline, and great differences in its breadth and in its inclination to the equator,—these irregularities being due to the unequal distribution of land and water in the northern hemisphere. Taking a broad view of the subject, there are only three regions of low pressure, one round each pole, bounded by or contained within the belts of high pressure just referred to, and the equatorial belt of low pressure. The most remarkable of these, in so far as yet known, is the region of low pressure surrounding the south pole, which appears to remain pretty constant 1 Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxv. p. 575.

2 Physical Charts of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, Lond. 1872.

during the whole year. The depression round the north pole is divided into two distinct centres, at each of which there is a diminution of pressure greatly lower than the average north polar depression. These two centres lie in the north of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans respectively. The distribution of pressure in the different months of the year differs widely from the annual average, particularly in January and July, the two extreme months. In January the highest pressures are over the continents of the northern hemisphere, and the larger the continental mass the greater the pressure, and the lowest pressures are over the northern portions of the Atlantic and Pacific, South America and South Africa, and the Antarctic Ocean. In the centre of Asia the mean pressure of the atmosphere in this month is fully 30-400 inches, whereas in the North Atlantic, round Iceland, it is only 29.340 inches, or upwards of an inch lower than in Central Asia. The area of high barometer is continued westwards through Central and Southern Europe, the North Atlantic between 5° and 45° N. lat., North America, except the north and north-west, and the Pacific for some distance on either side of 15° N. lat. It is thus an exaggerated form of the high belt of annual mean pressure, spreading, however, over a much greater breadth in North America, and a still greater breadth in Asia.

In July, on the other hand, the mean pressure of Central Asia is only 29.468 inches, or nearly an inch lower than during January; or, putting this striking result in other words, about a thirtieth of the pressure of the atmosphere is removed from this region during the hottest months of the year as compared with the winter season. The lowest pressures of the northern hemisphere are now distributed over the continents, and the larger the continental mass the greater is the depression. At the same time, the highest are over the ocean between 50° N. and 50° S. lat., particularly over the North Atlantic and the North Pacific between 25° and 40° N. lat., and in the southern hemisphere over the belt of high mean annual pressure, which in this month reaches its maximum height. Pressure is high in South Africa and in Australia, just as in the winter of the northern hemisphere pressures are high over the continents.

Over the ocean, if we except the higher latitudes, atmospheric pressure is more regular throughout the year than over the land. In the ocean to westwards of each of the continents there occurs at all seasons an area of high pressure, from 0·10 inch to 0.30 inch higher than what prevails on the coast westward of which it lies. The distance of these spaces of high pressure is generally about 30° of longitude; and their longitudinal axes lie, roughly speaking, about the zones of the tropics. The maximum is reached during the winter months, and these areas of high pressure are most prominently marked west of those continents which have the greatest breadth in 30° lat.; and the steepest barometric gradients are on their eastern sides. It is scarcely possible to over-estimate the importance of these regions of high and low mean pressures, from their intimate bearing on atmospheric physics, but more particularly from their vital connection with prevailing winds and the general circulation of the atmosphere. This relation will be apprehended when it is considered that winds are simply the flowing away of the air from regions where there is a surplus (regions of high pressure) to where there is a deficiency of air (regions of low pressure). Everywhere over the globe this transference takes place in strict accordance with Buys-Ballot's "Law of the Winds," which may be thus expressed :-The wind neither blows round the space of lowest pressure in circles returning on themselves, nor does it blow directly toward that space; but it takes a direction intermediate, approaching, however, more


nearly to the direction and course of circular curves than of radii to a centre. More exactly, the angle is not a right angle, but from 45° to 80°. Keeping this relation between wind and the distribution of pressure in mind, the isobaric lines give the proximate causes of the prevailing winds over the globe, and through these the prominent features of climates. As regards the ocean, the prevailing winds indicate the direction of the drift-currents and other surface-currents, and thereby the anomalous distribution of the temperature of the sea as seen in the Chili, Guinea, and other ocean currents, and the peculiarly marked climates of the coasts past which these currents flow, are explained; for observations have now proved that the prevailing winds and surface-currents of all oceans are all but absolutely coincident.

As regards the annual march of pressure through the months of the year, curves representing it for the different regions of the earth differ from each other in every conceivable way. It is only when the results are set down in their proper places on charts of the globe that the subject can be well understood. When thus dealt with, many of the results are characterised by great beauty and simplicity. Thus, of all influences which determine the barometric fluctuation through the months, the most important are the temperature, and through the temperature the humidity. Comparing, then, the average pressure in January with that in July, which two months give the greatest possible contrasts of temperature, the following is the broad result:—

The January exceeds the July pressure over the whole of Asia except Kamtchatka and the extreme north-east, the greatest excess being near the centre of the continent; over Europe to south and east of a line drawn from the White Sea south-westward to the Naze, thence southward to the mouth of the Weser, then to Tours, Bordeaux, and after passing through the north of Spain, out to sea at Coruña; over North America, except the north-east and north-west. On the other hand, the July exceeds the January pressure generally over the whole of the southern hemisphere, over the northern part of the North Atlantic and regions immediately adjoining (the excess amounting in Iceland to 0.397 inch), and over the northern part of the North Pacific and surrounding regions. Thus the pressure which is so largely removed from the Old and New Continents of the northern hemisphere in July is transferred, partly to the southern hemisphere, and partly to the northern portions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Atmospheric pressure is more uniformly distributed over the globe in April and October than in any of the other months. In May and November, being the months immediately following, occur the great annual rise and fall of temperature; and since these rapid changes take place at very different rates, according to the relative distribution of land and water in each region, a comparison of the geographical distribution of May with that for the year brings out in strong relief the more prominent causes which influence climate, and some of the more striking results of these causes. This comparison shows a diminution of pressure in May over tropical and sub-tropical regions, including nearly the whole of Asia, the southern half of Europe, and the United States. An excess prevails over North America to the north of the Lakes, over Arctic America, Greenland, the British Isles, and to the north of a line passing through the English Channel in a northeasterly direction to the Arctic Sea. The excess in the southern hemisphere includes the southern half of south America and of Africa, the whole of Australia, and adjacent parts of the ocean. The influence of the land of the southern hemisphere, which in this month is colder than the surrounding seas, brings about an excess of pressure; on the other hand, the influence of land over those regions


which are more immediately under the sun brings about a lower pressure, interesting examples of which occur in India, the Malayan Archipelago, and the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas. In many cases the lines of pressure follow more or less closely the contours of the Thus the diminution is greater over Italy and Turkey than over the Adriatic and Black Seas. The greatest diminution occurs in Central Asia, where it exceeds 0-200 inch, and the greatest excess round Iceland, where it exceeds 0-200 inch. It is to the position of Great Britain, with reference to the deficiency of pressure on the one hand and the excess on the other, that the general prevalence of east winds at this season is due. These easterly winds prevail over the whole of Northern Europe, as far south as a line drawn from Madrid and passing in a north-easterly direction through Geneva, Munich, &c. To the south of this line the diminution of pressure is less, and over this region the winds which are in excess are not easterly, but southerly. Crossing the Mediterranean, and advancing on Africa, we approach another region of lower pressure, towards which easterly and north-easterly winds again acquire the ascendency, as at Malta, Algeria, &c.

This, in many cases great, variation of the pressure in the different months of the year must be kept carefully in view in deducing heights of places from observations made by travellers of the pressure of atmosphere, by the barometer or the temperature of boiling water. In reducing the observations, it is necessary to assume a sealevel pressure if the place is at a considerable distance from any meteorological observatory. Previous to the publication of Buchan's Mean Pressure of the Atmosphere, it appears that a mean sea-level pressure of 29.92 or 30-00 inches was in such cases universally assumed. The mean pressure at Barnaul, Siberia, being 29 536 inches in July, 30-293 inches in January, and 29-954 inches for the year, it follows that, by the former method of calculating the heights, observations made in January to ascertain the height of Lake Balkash would make the lake 350 feet too high, and observations made in July would make it 330 feet too low, the difference of the two observations, each set being supposed to be made under the most favourable circumstances, and with the greatest accuracy, being 680 feet. This illustration will serve to account for many of the discrepancies met with in books regarding the heights of mountains and plateaus

Of the periodical variations of atmospheric pressure, the most marked is the daily variation, which in tropical and sub-tropical regions is one of the most regular of recurring phenomena. In higher latitudes the diurnal oscillation is masked by the frequent fluctuations to which the pressure is subjected. If, however, hourly observations be regularly made for some time, the hourly oscillation will become apparent. The results show two maxima occurring from 9 to 11 A.M. and 9 to 11 P.M., and two minima occurring from 3 to 6 A.M. and 3 to 6 P.M. The following are the extreme variations for January, April, July, and October from the daily mean pressure at Calcutta, deduced from the observations made during six years, viz., 1857-62:—

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These two illustrations may be regarded as typical, to a large extent, of the diurnal barometric oscillations in tropical and temperate regions. At Calcutta the amounts are large, and the dates of the occurrence of the maxima and minima very regular from 3 to 4 and 9 to 10 A.M. and P.M. respectively. On the other hand, the oscillations at Vienna are much smaller and more variable in amount, and the dates of occurrence of the critical phases take place through a wider interval, viz., from 3 to 6 and 9 to 11 A.M. and P.M. respectively.

Though the diurnal barometric oscillations are among the best-marked of meteorological phenomena, at least in tropical and sub-tropical regions, yet none of these phenomena, except perhaps the electrical, could be named respecting whose geographical distribution so little is really known, whether as regards the amount of variation, the hour of occurrence of the critical phases, or, particularly, the physical causes on which the observed differences depend. This arises chiefly from the want of a sufficient number of ascertained facts; and to remedy this deficiency, observations have, in the preparation of this present article, been collected and calculated from upwards of 250 places in different parts of the globe, and the data set down on charts. The chief results of this inquiry are the following, attention being entirely confined to the chief oscillation, viz., that occurring from the A. M. maximum to the P.M. minimum.

The A.M. Maximum.-In January this occurs from 9 to 10 in tropical and temperate regions as far as 50° N. lat.; in higher latitudes the time of occurrence varies from 8 A.M. to noon. In July it occurs from 9 to 10 everywhere only as far as about 40° N. lat.; the time at Tiflis (41° 42′ N. lat.) being between 7 and 8 A.M. In higher latitudes the time varies from 8 to 11 A.M., the last hour being general in north-western Europe.

The P.M. Minimum.--In January this occurs from 3 to 4 P.M. nearly everywhere over the globe, a few exceptions occurring in north-western Europe, the extremes being 2 P.M. at Utrecht and 6 P.M. at St Petersburg. It is quite different in July, when the time from 3 to 4 P.M. is regularly kept as far north as about 40° N. lat. In higher latitudes the hour is very generally 5, but at some places it is as early as 4 P.M., and at others as late as 6 P.M.

In the northern hemisphere, in summer, the afternoon minimum falls to a greater extent below the mean of the day than the forenoon maximum rises above it, at 82 per cent of the stations; but in winter the percentage is only 61. In the southern hemisphere the same relation is observed in the summer and winter months, thus showing that in the summer of both hemispheres the influence of the sun tends to lower the minimum at 3 to 4 P.M. to a greater extent than to raise the 9 to 10 A.M. maximum.

Decrease between Morning Maximum and Afternoon Minimum. Of the four daily oscillations, this is the most important. When the amounts at different places are entered on charts of the globe, it is seen that the amplitude of this fluctuation is, speaking generally, greatest in the tropics, diminishing as we advance into higher latitudes; greater over the land than over the sea, increasing greatly on proceeding inland; nearly always greater with a dry than with a moist atmosphere; and generally, but by no means always, it is greatest in the month of highest

temperature and greatest dryness combined. The regions | of largest amplitude include the East India Islands, Eastern Peninsula, India, Arabia, tropical Africa, and tropical South and Central America, where it either closely approaches or exceeds 0.100 inch. At Silchar, in Assam, it is 0.133 inch. In the tropical parts of the ocean the oscillation is from 0.020 to 0.030 inch less than on land. The influence of the Mediterranean Sea in lessening the amount over all regions bordering it is very strongly marked. The line showing an oscillation of 0.050 inch crosses North America about lat. 44°, curves southward at some distance from the east coast to lat. 23°, then north-eastward along the coast of Africa, passes eastwards near the north coast of that continent, thence strikes northwards, cutting the eastern part of the Black Sea, and eastward across the Caspian to a point to northward of Peking, and then bends southward to the Loo Choo Islands. The line of 0.020 inch cuts the N.W. of Spain and N.W. of France, and runs northward through Great Britain as far as the Tweed, thence to Christiania, then southwards to Copenhagen and to Cracow, the latitude of which it follows eastward through Asia.

The more marked seasonal changes are these:-In India | the oscillations during the dry and wet seasons, or in January and July, respectively, are-Bombay, 0·120 and 0.067 inch; Poonah, 0·133 and G-059 inch; and Calcutta, 0.132 and 0.091 inch. At Madras, where the rain-bringing characters of the monsoons are reversed, the numbers are 0.114 and 0.115 inch, and at Roorkee, where rain falls all the year round, 0.088 and 0.079. Again, at Aden, in Arabia, where the weather of July is peculiarly hot and dry, the oscillation in December is 0.106, but in July it rises to 0.137 inch. The point to be insisted on here is, that, whatever be the cause or causes to which the daily barometric oscillation is due, the absolute amount is largely dependent on comparatively local influences.

While illustrations similar to the above may be adduced from many other parts of the globe, showing the influence in the same direction of prevailing dry or wet, hot or cold seasons on the amplitude of the oscillation, the North Atlantic and regions adjoining present an apparent exception to the law which seems to be indicated by these results. The whole of the North Atlantic, particularly north of lat. 20°, and the sea-boards which bound it, to which the Mediterranean and its immediate sea-board may be added, are strikingly characterised by a small summer oscillation; and this diminution is most strongly marked along the eastern part of the ocean. Thus, in July, at Ponta Delgada, in the Azores, the oscillation is only 0.06 inch; at Angra do Heroisma, also in the Azores, 0010 inch; at Funchal, Madeira, 0·011 inch; at Oporto, 0·018; Lisbon, 0-030; and Lagos, 0·021; at Naples and Palermo, 0.008; and at Malta, 0·020 inch. Now, with reference to this extensive region, it is to be noted that the rainfall of July is either zero or very small; and yet with this dry state of the atmosphere and high temperature (the annual maximum occurring at the time), this oscillation is extraordinarily diminished, being exactly the reverse of what takes place during the dry and wet seasons in India. The diminution on the western half of the Atlantic, though not so great, is also striking, the January and July oscillations being 0.056 and 0.036 inch in Barbadoes, 0.080 and 0.056 at Jamaica, 0.082 and 0.054 at Havanna, 0-053 and 0.024 in the Bahamas, and 0-054 and 0.022 in Bermuda. Over the whole of the region here indicated the rainfall of July is largely in excess of that of January. The apparently exceptional character of this region is probably due to the circumstance, that at this time of the year the sun's rays fall perpendicularly over a more diversified surface of the earth, that is, on a greater extent of land, than at any other season. At this time the Mediterranean,

which is completely shut in by land, and the Atlantic, which is bounded by two great continents, show a much smaller oscillation than prevails over the land adjoining them, and the lines of equal oscillation now attain their annual maximum. On the other hand, in January, when the sun's rays fall perpendicularly over the most uniform surface, or over the maximum extent of ocean, the lines are almost everywhere parallel with the parallels of latitude. Again, on advancing inland from the Atlantic, the effects of comparatively local influences are very striking, as the following mean July oscillations, from places situated in lines running in different directions, show :Dublin, 0·012; Oxford, 0·022; Ostend, 0·009; Brussels, 0019; Vienna, 0049; Odessa, 0·024; and Tiflis, 0.077: Limerick, 0.010; Helston, 0·007; Paris, 0·020; Geneva, 0.045; Turin, 0·052; Rome, 0·036; Palermo, 0·008; and Malta, 0·020. But the most remarkable illustration is the following, the places being all situated between 38° and 42° N. lat. : San Francisco, 0.068; Fort Churchhill, 0·091; Washington, 0.063; Angra do Heroisma, 0·006; Lisbon, 0-030; Campo Maior, 0.054; Palermo, 0·008; Tiflis, 0.077; and Peking, 0·060.

It follows from what has been stated that much which has been written regarding these fluctuations, and in explanation of them, does not rest on facts; and nearly everything yet requires to be done in the way of collecting data towards the representation and explanation of the daily oscillations of atmospheric pressure which are, as regards two-thirds of the globe, perhaps, as already stated, the most regular of recurring phenomena, and an explanation of which cannot but throw much light on many of the more important and difficult problems of the atmosphere. The data chiefly required are-barometric data from which the amplitude of the four daily oscillations can be represented in their distribution and times of occurrence for each of the months; temperature data, comparable inter se, from which the diurnal march of temperature for each month can be ascertained; hygrometric data for hourly values; rain data also for the hours; wind observations conducted on a satisfactory and uniform plan; together with magnetic and electrical observations. It is singularly unfortunate that the disposition of meteorologists of recent years has been to recommend as hours of observations for places which observe only twice or thrice daily, hours which do not correspond with the times when the great barometric and thermometric daily phases occur; hence these phases cannot be noted except at the great observatories, which are too few and far apart to give sufficient data for the proper discussion of many of those questions.

Since the two maxima of daily pressure occur when the temperature is about the mean of the day, and the two minima when it is at its highest and lowest respectively, there is thus suggested a connection between the daily barometric oscillations and the daily march of temperature; and similarly a connection with the daily march of the amount of vapour and humidity of the air. The view entertained by many of the causes of the daily oscillations may be thus stated :-The forenoon maximum is conceived to be due to the rapidly increasing temperature, and the rapid evaporation owing to the great dryness of the air at this time of the day, and to the increased elasticity of the lowermost stratum of air which results therefrom, until a steady ascending current has set in. As the day advances, the vapour becomes more equally diffused upwards through the air, an ascending current, more or less strong and steady, is set in motion, a diminution of elasticity follows, and the pressure falls to the afternoon minimum. From this point the temperature declines, a system of descending currents set in, and the air of the lowermost stratum

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