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velocity equal to that which they had before, they will carry their energy away with them into the ultramundane regions. But if this be the case, then the corpuscules rebounding from the body in any given direction will be both in number and in velocity exactly equivalent to those which are prevented from proceeding in that direction by being deflected by the body, and it may be shown that this will be the case whatever be the shape of the body, and however many bodies may be present in the field. Thus, the rebounding corpuscules exactly make up for those which are deflected by the body, and there will be no excess of the impacts on any other body in one direction or another. The explanation of gravitation, therefore, falls to the ground if the corpuscules are like perfectly elastic spheres, and rebound with a velocity of separation equal to that of approach. If, on the other hand, they rebound with a smaller velocity, the effect of attraction between the bodies will no doubt be produced, but then we have to find what becomes of the energy which the molecules have brought with them but have not carried away.

If any appreciable fraction of this energy is communicated to the body in the form of heat, the amount of heat so generated would in a few seconds raise it, and in like manner the whole material universe, to a white heat.

It has been suggested by Sir W. Thomson that the corpuscules may be so constructed so to carry off their energy with them, provided that part of their kinetic energy is transformed, during impact, from energy of translation to energy of rotation or vibration. For this purpose the corpuscules must be material systems, not mere points. Thomson suggests that they are vortex atoms, which are set into a state of vibration at impact, and go off with a smaller velocity of translation, but in a state of violent vibration. He has also suggested the possibility of the vortex corpuscule regaining its swiftness and losing part of its vibratory agitation by communion with its kindred corpuscules in infinite space.

We have devoted more space to this theory than it seems to deserve, because it is ingenious, and because it is the only theory of the cause of gravitation which has been so far developed as to be capable of being attacked and defended. It does not appear to us that it can account for the temperature of bodies remaining moderate while their atoms are exposed to the bombardment. The temperature of bodies must tend to approach that at which the average kinetic energy of a molecule of the body would be equal to the average kinetic energy of an ultramundane corpuscule.

Now, suppose a plane surface to exist which stops all the corpuscules. The pressure on this plane will be p = NMu2 where M is the mass of a corpuscule, N the number in unit of volume, and u its velocity normal to the plane. Now, we know that the very greatest pressure existing in the universe must be much less than the pressure p, which would be exerted against a body which stops all the corpuscules. We are also tolerably certain that N, the number of corpuscules which are at any one time within unit of volume, is small compared with the value of N for the molecules of ordinary bodies. Hence, Mu2 must be enormous compared with the corresponding quantity for ordinary bodies, and it follows that the impact of the corpuscules would raise all bodies to an enormous temperature. We may also observe that according to this theory the habitable universe, which we are accustomed to regard as the scene of a magnificent illustration of the conservation of energy as the fundamental principle of all nature, is in reality maintained in working order only by an enormous expenditure of external power, which would be nothing less than ruinous if the supply were drawn from anywhere else than from the infinitude of space, and which, if the contrivances of the most eminent mathematicians should be

| found in any respect defective, might at any moment tear the whole universe atom from atom.

We must now leave these speculations about the nature of molecules and the cause of gravitation, and contemplate the material universe as made up of molecules. Every molecule, so far as we know, belongs to one of a definite number of species. The list of chemical elements may be taken as representing the known species which have been examined in the laboratories. Several of these have been discovered by means of the spectroscope, and more may yet remain to be discovered in the same way. The spectroscope has also been applied to analyse the light of the sun, the brighter stars, and some of the nebula and comets, and has shown that the character of the light emitted by these bodies is similar in some cases to that emitted by terrestrial molecules, and in others to light from which the molecules have absorbed certain rays. In this way a considerable number of coincidences have been traced between the systems of lines belonging to particular terrestrial substances and corresponding lines in the spectra of the heavenly bodies.

The value of the evidence furnished by such coincidences may be estimated by considering the degree of accuracy with which one such coincidence may be observed. The interval between the two lines which form Fraunhofer's line D is about the five hundredth part of the interval between B and G on Kirchhoff's scale. A discordance between the positions of two lines amounting to the tenth part of this interval, that is to say, the five thousandth part of the length of the bright part of the spectrum, would be very perceptible in a spectroscope of moderate power. We may define the power of the spectroscope to be the number of times which the smallest measurable interval is contained in the length of the visible spectrum. Let us denote this by p. In the case we have supposed p will be about 5000.

If the spectrum of the sun contains n lines of a certain degree of intensity, the probability that any one line of the spectrum of a gas will coincide with one of these n lines is

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and when p is large compared with n, this becomes nearly If there are r lines in the spectrum of the gas, the probability that each and every one shall coincide with a line in the solar spectrum is approximately Hence, in the case of a gas whose spectrum contains several lines, we have to compare the results of two hypotheses. If a large amount of the gas exists in the sun, we have the strongest reason for expecting to find all the lines in the solar spectrum. If it does not exist, the probability that r lines out of the n observed lines shall coincide with the lines of the gas is exceedingly small. If, then, we find all the r lines in their proper places in the solar spectrum, we have very strong grounds for believing that the gas exists in the sun. The probability that the gas exists in the sun is greatly strengthened if the character of the lines as to relative intensity and breadth is found to correspond in the two spectra.

The absence of one or more lines of the gas in the solar spectrum tends of course to weaken the probability, but the amount to be deducted from the probability must depend on what we know of the variation in the relative intensity of the lines when the temperature and the pressure of the gas are made to vary.

Coincidences observed, in the case of several terrestrial substances, with several systems of lines in the spectra of the heavenly bodies, tend to increase the evidence for the

doctrine that terrestrial substances exist in the heavenly | however, the generation of individuals is always going bodies, while the discovery of particular lines in a celestial on, each individual differing more or less from its spectrum which do not coincide with any line in a terres- parents. Each individual during its whole life is undertrial spectrum does not much weaken the general argument, going modification, and it either survives and propabut rather indicates either that a substance exists in the gates its species, or dies early, accordingly as it is more heavenly body not yet detected by chemists on earth, or that or less adapted to the circumstances of its environment. the temperature of the heavenly body is such that some Hence, it has been found possible to frame a theory of substance, undecomposable by our methods, is there split the distribution of organisms into species by means of up into components unknown to us in their separate state. generation, variation, and discriminative destruction. But We are thus led to believe that in widely separated parts a theory of evolution of this kind cannot be applied to the of the visible universe molecules exist of various kinds, the case of molecules, for the individual molecules neither are molecules of each kind having their various periods of born nor die, they have neither parents nor offspring, and vibration either identical, or so nearly identical that our so far from being modified by their environment, we find spectroscopes cannot distinguish them. We might argue that two molecules of the same kind, say of hydrogen, have from this that these molecules are alike in all other the same properties, though one has been compounded respects, as, for instance, in mass. But it is sufficient for with carbon and buried in the earth as coal for untold our present purpose to observe that the same kind of ages, while the other has been "occluded" in the iron molecule, say that of hydrogen, has the same set of periods of a meteorite, and after unknown wanderings in the of vibration, whether we procure the hydrogen from water, heavens has at last fallen into the hands of some terrestrial from coal, or from meteoric iron, and that light, having the chemist. same set of periods of vibration, comes to us from the sun, from Sirius, and from Arcturus.

The same kind of reasoning which led us to believe that hydrogen exists in the sun and stars, also leads us to believe that the molecules of hydrogen in all these bodies had a common origin. For a material system capable of vibration may have for its periods of vibration any set of values whatever. The probability, therefore, that two material systems, quite independent of each other, shall have, to the degree of accuracy of modern spectroscopic measurements, the same set of periods of vibration, is so very small that we are forced to believe that the two systems are not independent of each other. When, instead of two such systems, we have innumerable multitudes all having the same set of periods, the argument is immensely strengthened.

Admitting, then; that there is a real relation between any two molecules of hydrogen, let us consider what this relation may be.

We may conceive of a mutual action between one body and another tending to assimilate them. Two clocks, for instance, will keep time with each other if connected by a wooden rod, though they have different rates if they were disconnected. But even if the properties of a molecule were as capable of modification as those of a clock, there is no physical connection of a sufficient kind between Sirius and Arcturus. There are also methods by which a large number of bodies differing from each other may be sorted into sets, so that those in each set more or less resemble each other. In the manufacture of small shot this is done by making the shot roll down an inclined plane. The largest specimens acquire the greatest velocities, and are projected farther than the smaller ones. In this way the various pellets, which differ both in size and in roundness, are sorted into different kinds, those belonging to each kind being nearly of the same size, and those which are not tolerably spherical being rejected altogether.

If the molecules were originally as various as these leaden pellets, and were afterwards sorted into kinds, we should have to account for the disappearance of all the molecules which did not fall under one of the very limited number of kinds known to us; and to get rid of a number of indestructible bodies, exceeding by far the number of the molecules of all the recognised kinds, would be one of the severest labours ever proposed to a cosmogonist.

It is well known that living beings may be grouped into a certain number of species, defined with more or less precision, and that it is difficult or impossible to find a series of individuals forming the links of a continuous chain between one species and another. In the case of living beings,

The process by which the molecules become distributed into distinct species is not one of which we know any instances going on at present, or of which we have as yet been able to form any mental representation. If we suppose that the molecules known to us are built up each of some moderate number of atoms, these atoms being all of them exactly alike, then we may attribute the limited number of molecular species to the limited number of ways in which the primitive atoms may be combined so as to form a permanent system.

But though this hypothesis gets rid of the difficulty of accounting for the independent origin of different species of molecules, it merely transfers the difficulty from the known molecules to the primitive atoms. How did the atoms come to be all alike in those properties which are in themselves capable of assuming any value?

If we adopt the theory of Boscovich, and assert that the primitive atom is a mere centre of force, having a certain definite mass, we may get over the difficulty about the equality of the mass of all atoms by laying it down as a doctrine which cannot be disproved by experiment, that mass is not a quantity capable of continuous increase or diminution, but that it is in its own nature discontinuous, like number, the atom being the unit, and all masses being multiples of that unit. We have no evidence that it is possible for the ratio of two masses to be an incommensurable quantity, for the incommensurable quantities in geometry are supposed to be traced out in a continuous medium. If matter is atomic, and therefore discontinuous, it is unfitted for the construction of perfect geometrical models, but in other respects it may fulfil its functions.

But even if we adopt a theory which makes the equality of the mass of different atoms a result depending on the nature of mass rather than on any quantitative adjustment, the correspondence of the periods of vibration of actual molecules is a fact of a different order.

We know that radiations exist having periods of vibration of every value between those corresponding to the limits of the visible spectrum, and probably far beyond these limits on both sides. The most powerful spectroscope can deteet no gap or discontinuity in the spectrum of the light emitted by incandescent lime.

The period of vibration of a luminous particle is therefore a quantity which in itself is capable of assuming any one of a series of values, which, if not mathematically continuous, is such that consecutive observed values differ from each other by less than the ten thousandth part of either. There is, therefore, nothing in the nature of time itself to prevent the period of vibration of a molecule from assuming any one of many thousand different observable

values. That which determines the period of any particular kind of vibration is the relation which subsists between the corresponding type of displacement and the force of restitution thereby called into play, a relation involving constants of space and time as well as of mass.

It is the equality of these space- and time-constants for all molecules of the same kind which we have next to consider. We have seen that the very different circumstances in which different molecules of the same kind have been placed have not, even in the course of many ages, produced any appreciable difference in the values of these constants. If, then, the various processes of nature to which these molecules have been subjected since the world began have not been able in all that time to produce any appreciable difference between the constants of one molecule and those of another, we are forced to conclude that it is not to the operation of any of these processes that the uniformity of the constants is due.

The formation of the molecule is therefore an event not belonging to that order of nature under which we live. It is an operation of a kind which is not, so far as we are aware, going on on earth or in the sun or the stars, either now or since these bodies began to be formed. It must be referred to the epoch, not of the formation of the earth or of the solar system, but of the establishment of the existing order of nature, and till not only these worlds and systems, but the very order of nature itself is dissolved, we have no reason to expect the occurrence of any operation of a similar kind.

In the present state of science, therefore, we have strong reasons for believing that in a molecule, or if not in a molecule, in one of its component atoms, we have something which has existed either from eternity or at least from times anterior to the existing order of nature. But besides this atom, there are immense numbers of other atoms of the same kind, and the constants of each of these atoms are incapable of adjustment by any process now in action. Each is physically independent of all the others.

Whether or not the conception of a multitude of beings existing from all eternity is in itself self-contradictory, the conception becomes palpably absurd when we attribute a relation of quantitative equality to all these beings. We are then forced to look beyond them to some common cause or common origin to explain why this singular relation of equality exists, rather than any one of the infinite number of possible relations of inequality.

Science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of matter itself out of nothing. We have reached the utmost limit of our thinking faculties when we have admitted that, because matter cannot be eternal and self-existent, it must have been created. It is only when we contemplate not matter in itself, but the form in which it actually exists, that our mind finds something on which it can lay hold.

That matter, as such, should have certain fundamental properties, that it should have a continuous existence in space and time, that all action should be between two portions of matter, and so on, are truths which may, for aught we know, be of the kind which metaphysicians call necessary. We may use our knowledge of such truths for purposes of deduction, but we have no data for speculating on their origin.

But the equality of the constants of the molecules is a fact of a very different order. It arises from a particular distribution of matter, a collocation, to use the expression of Dr Chalmers, of things which we have no difficulty in imagining to have been arranged otherwise. But many of the ordinary instances of collocation are adjustments of constants, which are not only arbitrary in their own nature, but in which variations actually occur; and when it is pointed out that these adjustments are beneficial to living beings, and are therefore instances of benevolent design, it is replied that those variations which are not conducive to the growth and multiplication of living beings tend to their destruction, and to the removal thereby of the evidence of any adjustment not beneficial.

The constitution of an atom, however, is such as to render it, so far as we can judge, independent of all the dangers arising from the struggle for existence. Plausible reasons may, no doubt, be assigned for believing that if the constants had varied from atom to atom through any sensible range, the bodies formed by aggregates of such atoms would not have been so well fitted for the construction of the world as the bodies which actually exist. But as we have no experience of bodies formed of such variable atoms this must remain a bare conjecture.


Atoms have been compared by Sir J. Herschel to manufactured articles, on account of their uniformity. The uniformity of manufactured articles may be traced to very different motives on the part of the manufacturer. In certain cases it is found to be less expensive as regards trouble, as well as cost, to make a great many objects exactly alike than to adapt each to its special requirements. Thus, shoes for soldiers are made in large numbers without any designed adaptation to the feet of particular men. another class of cases the uniformity is intentional, and is designed to make the manufactured article more valuable. Thus, Whitworth's bolts are made in a certain number of sizes, so that if one bolt is lost, another may be got at once, and accurately fitted to its place. The identity of the arrangement of the words in the different copies of a document or book is a matter of great practical importance, and it is more perfectly secured by the process of printing than by that of manuscript copying.

In a third class not a part only but the whole of the value of the object arises from its exact conformity to a given standard. Weights and measures belong to this class, and the existence of many well-adjusted material standards of weight and measure in any country furnishes evidence of the existence of a system of law regulating the transactions of the inhabitants, and enjoining in all professed measures a conformity to the national standard. There are thus three kinds of usefulness in manufactured articles-cheapness, serviceableness, and quantitative accu

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after a course of 250 miles, almost due N., for the most part through a low and swampy region, falls into the Gulf of Uraba or Darien. The gold and platinum mines of Choco were on some of its affluents, and its sands are still auriferous. The river has attracted considerable attention in connection with schemes for the construction of a shipcanal across the isthmus. It is navigable for small vessels for about 140 miles.

ATREK or ATTRUCK, a river which rises in the mountains of Khorasan, and flows W. along the borders of Persia and the Russian possessions, till it falls in the south-eastern corner of the Caspian, a short distance to the N. of Ashurada.

ATREUS, in Greek Legend, a son of Pelops, had, with his brother Thyestes, settled in Mycena, where he succeeded Eurystheus in the sovereignty, in which he was secured by the possession of a lamb or ram with a golden fleece. His wife Aërope, a daughter of Minos, bribed by Thyestes, assisted the latter to carry off the ram. But Zeus, in the interest of Atreus, wrought a miracle, causing the sun which before had risen in the west to rise in the east. Thyestes was driven from Mycenæ, but returned to his brother begging to be forgiven. Atreus, appearing to welcome him, invited him to a banquet to eat of his own son, whom he had slain. From this crime followed the ills which befel Agamemnon, the son of Atreus (Eschylus, Agam. 1583, foll.)

ATRI or ATRIA, the ancient Hadria, a town of Naples, in the province of Abruzzo Ulteriore I., situated on a steep mountain 5 miles from the Adriatic, and 18 miles S.E. of Teramo. It is the see of a bishop, and has a cathedral, a parish church, and several convents and hospitals. It contains 9877 inhabitants. Remains of the ancient city have been discovered to the S. of the present site, consisting of the ruins of a theatre and baths, with pavements, and vases of Greek manufacture. It was a very flourishing commercial port at an early period, but had declined into a small town in the time of Strabo. Its modern revival has been furthered by the excavation of new canals.

ATRIUM, the principal apartment in a Roman house, was entered through the ostium or janua, which opened off the vestibulum, a clear space between the middle of the house and the street, formed by the projection of the two sides. It was generally quadrangular in shape, and was roofed all over, with the exception of a square opening, called compluvium, towards which the roofs sloped, and by which the rain-water was conducted down to a basin (impluvium) fixed in the floor. The opening in the roof seems sometimes to have been called impluvium (Terence, Eun., iii. 5; Phorm., iv. 4). In the early periods of Roman civilisation, the atrium was the common public apartment, and was used for the reception of visitors and clients, and for ordinary domestic purposes, as cooking and dining. In it were placed the ancestral pictures, the marriage-couch, the focus, or hearth, and generally a small altar. Here, too, were kept the looms at which the mistress of the house sat and span with her maid-servants. At a somewhat later period, and among the wealthy, separate apartments were built for kitchens and dining-rooms, and the atrium was kept as a general reception room for clients and visitors. It appears sometimes to have been called cavadium, but the relation of these two is somewhat obscure. According to some authorities, the cavædium was simply the open space formed when the impluvium was surrounded with pillars to support the roof; according to others, the cavedium was really the principal room, to which the atrium

served as an antechamber.

ATRIUM, in Ecclesiastical Antiquities, denotes an open place or court before a church. It consisted of a large area or square plat of ground, surrounded with a portico or


cloister, situated between the porch or vestibule and the body of the church. In the centre was placed a fountain, wherein the worshippers washed their hands before entering church. In the atrium those who were not suffered to advance farther, and more particularly the first class of penitents, stood to solicit the prayers of the faithful as they went into the church. It was also used as a buryingground, at first only for distinguished persons, but afterwards for all believers.

ATROPHY (a priv., тpopý, nourishment), a term in medicine used to describe a state of wasting due to some interference with the function of healthy nutrition. In the living organism there are ever at work changes involving the waste of its component tissues, which render necessary, in order to the preservation of life, the supply and proper assimilation of nutritive material. It is also essen

tial for the maintenance of health that a due relation exist between these processes of waste and repair, so that the one may not be in excess of the other. When the appropriation of nutriment exceeds the waste, hypertrophy or increase in bulk of the tissues takes place. (See HYPERTROPHY.) When, on the other hand, the supply of nutritive matter is suspended or diminished, or when the power of assimilation is impaired, atrophy or wasting is the result. Thus the whole body becomes atrophied in many diseases; and in old age every part of the frame, with the single exception of the heart, undergoes atrophic change. Atrophy may, however, affect single organs or parts of the body, irrespective of the general state of nutrition, and this may be brought about in a variety of ways. One of the most frequently observed of such instances is atrophy from disuse, or cessation of function. Thus, when a limb is deprived of the natural power of motion, either by paralysis or by painful joint disease, the condition of exercise essential to its nutrition being no longer fulfilled, atrophy of all its textures sooner or later takes place. The brain in imbeciles is frequently observed to be shrivelled, and in many cases of blindness there is atrophy of the optic nerve and optic tract. This form of atrophy is likewise well exemplified in the case of those organs and structures of the body which subserve important ends during fœtal life, but which, ceasing to be necessary after birth, undergo a sort of natural atrophy, such as the thymus gland, and certain vessels specially concerned in the foetal circulation. The uterus after parturition undergoes a certain amount of atrophy, and the ovaries, after the child-bearing period, become shrunken. Atrophy of a part may also be caused by interruption to its normal blood supply, as in the case of the ligature or obstruction of an artery. Again, long standing disease, by affecting the nutrition of an organ and by inducing the deposit of morbid products, may result in atrophy, as frequently happens in affections of the liver and kidneys. Parts that are subjected to continuous pressure are liable to become atrophied, as is sometimes seen in internal organs which have been pressed upon by tumours or other morbid growths, and is well illustrated in the case of the feet of Chinese ladies, which are prevented from growing by persistent compression exercised from birth. Atrophy may manifest itself simply by loss of substance; but, on the other hand, it is often found to co-exist with degenerative changes in the textures affected and the formation of adventitious growth, so that the part may not be reduced in bulk although atrophied as regards its proper structure. Thus, in the case of the heart, when affected with fatty degeneration, there is atrophy of the proper muscular texture, which, however, being largely replaced by fatty matter, the organ may undergo no diminution in volume, but may, on the contrary, be increased in size. Atrophy is usually a gradual and slow process, but sometimes it proceeds rapidly. In the disease known by the

name of acute yellow atrophy of the liver, that organ undergoes such rapidly destructive change as results in its shrinking to half, or one-third, of its normal size in the course of a few days.

The term progressive muscular atrophy (synonyms, wasting or creeping palsy) is applied to an affection of the muscular system, which is characterised by the atrophy and subsequent paralysis of certain muscles, or groups of muscles, and is associated with morbid changes in the anterior roots of the nerves of the spinal cord. This disease begins insidiously, and is often first observed to affect the muscles of one hand, generally the right. The attention of the sufferer is first attracted by the power of the hand becoming weakened, and then there is found to be a wasting of certain of its muscles, particularly those of the ball of the thumb. Gradually other muscles in the arms and legs become affected in a similar manner, their atrophy being attended with a corresponding diminution in power. Although sometimes arrested, this disease tends to progress, involving additional muscles, until in course of time the greater part of the muscular system is implicated, and a fatal result ensues. (J. O. A.) ATROPOS (a priv., and τpéπew, to turn), the eldest of the three Moirai, Parcæ, or Fates. Her name, The Unalterable, indicates the part generally played by her, viz., that of rendering the decisions of her sisters irreversible or immutable. This is the function ascribed to her by Plato (Rep., x. 620), who also assigns to her supremacy over future events (617). Ancient authorities, however, are not unanimous in their distribution of the parts of the three sisters. Atropos is most frequently represented with scales, a sun-dial, or a cutting instrument, the "abhorred shears," with which she slits the thin-spun thread of life that has been placed on the spindle by Clotho and drawn off by Lachesis. See PARCE.

ATTACHMENT, in English Law, is a process from a court of record, awarded by the justices at their discretion, on a bare suggestion, or on their own knowledge, and is properly grantable in cases of contempt. It differs from arrest, in that he who arrests a man carries him to a person of higher power to be forthwith disposed of; but he that attaches keeps the party attached, and presents him in court at the day assigned, as appears by the words of the writ. Another difference is, that arrest is only upon the body of a man, whereas an attachment is often upon his goods. It is distinguished from distress in not extending to lands, as the latter does; nor does a distress touch the body, as an attachment does. Every court of record has power to fine and imprison for contempt of its authority. Attachment being merely a process to bring the defendant before the court, is not necessary in cases of contempt in the presence of the court itself. Attachment will be granted against peers and members of Parliament, only for such gross contempts as rescues, disobedience to the Queen's writs, and the like. Attachment will not lie against a corporation. The County Courts in this respect are regulated by the 9 and 10 Vict. c. 95, § 113, and the 12 and 13 Vict. c. 101, § 2. They can only punish for contempts committed in presence of the court. (See CONTEMPT OF COURT.) Attachments are granted on a rule in the first instance to show cause, which must be personally served before it can be made absolute, except for non-payment of costs on a master's allocatur, and against a sheriff for not obeying a rule to return a writ or to bring in the body. The offender is then arrested, and when committed will be compelled to answer interrogatories, exhibited against him by the party at whose instance the proceedings have been had; and the examination when taken is referred to the master, who reports thereon, and on the contempt being reported, the court gives judgment according to its dis


cretion, in the same manner as upon a conviction for a misdemeanour at common law. Sir W. Blackstone observes that "this method of making the defendant answer upon oath to a criminal charge is not agreeable to the genius of the common law in any other instance," and it may be added that the elasticity of the legal definitions of contempt of court, especially with respect to comments on judicial proceedings, is the subject of much complaint. ATTACHMENT OUT OF CHANCERY enforced answers and obedience to decrees and orders of that court, now merged in the High Court of Justice under the Judicature Act, 1873, and was made out without order upon an affidavit of the due service of the process, &c., with whose requirements compliance was sought. A corporation, however, is proceeded against by distringas and not by attachment. It was formerly competent to the plaintiff to compel the appearance of a defendant in Chancery by attachment, but the usual course was to enter appearance for him in case of default. By the proposed rules under the Judicature Act, 1873, a writ of attachment is to have the same force and effect as the old attachment out of Chancery. It is one of the modes of execution allowed for the recovery of property other than land or money.

ATTACHMENT OF THE FOREST is the proceeding in the Courts of Attachments, Woodmote, or Forty Days' Courts. These courts have now fallen into absolute desuetude. They were held before the verderers of the royal forests in different parts of the kingdom once in every forty days, for the purpose of inquiring into all offences against "vert and venison." The attachment is by the bodies of the offenders, if taken in the very act of killing venison, or stealing wood, or preparing so to do, or by fresh and immediate pursuit after the act is done; else they must be attached by their goods. These attachments were received by the verderers and enrolled, and certified under their seals to the Court of Justice seat, or Sweinmote, which formed the two superior of the forest courts.

ATTACHMENT, FOREIGN, is an important custom prevailing in the city of London, whereby a creditor may attach money owing to his debtor, or property belonging to him in the possession of third parties. The person holding the property or owing the money must be within the city at the time of being served with the process, but all persons are entitled to the benefit of the custom. The plaintiff having commenced his action, and made a satisfactory affidavit of his debt, is entitled to issue attachment, which thereupon affects all the money or property of the defendant in the hands of the third party, who in these proceedings is called the garnishee. The garnishee, of course, has as against the attachment all the defences which would be available to him against the defendant, his alleged creditor. The garnishee may plead payment under the attachment, if there has been no fraud or collusion, in bar to an action by the defendant for his debt or property. The court to which this process belongs is the Mayor's Court of London, the procedure in which is regulated by 20 and 21 Vict. c. 157. This custom, and all proceedings relating thereto, are expressly exempted from the operation of the Debtor's Act, 1869. Similar customs exist in Bristol and a few other towns in England, and also in Scotland. See ARREST and ARRESTMENT.

ATTACHMENT OF DEBTS.-It was suggested by the common law commissioners in 1853 that a remedy analogous to that of Foreign Attachment might be made available to creditors, after judgment, against debts due to their debtors. Accordingly, the Common Law Procedure Act, 1854, enacted that any creditor, having obtained judgment in the superior courts, should have an order that

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