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Yes; Lady Windermere, Mrs. lynne has done me the honor of acep my hand.

brutally to her. She is just the woman Lord A. (Advancing towards her r for me. Suits me down to the ground. All the condition she makes is that we live out of England-a very good thing, too!-Demmed clubs, demmed climate, demmed cooks, demmed everything!


Sick of it all.

Lady W. (Frightened.) Has Mrs. Er


Lord W. Well, you are certainly
ing a very clever woman.

Lady W. (Taking her husband's he
Ah! you're marrying a




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Dictionary of National Biography
biography and bibliography).
leay, F. G. A Biographical Chronicle of
the English Drama, 1559-1642. 2 vols.

Fleay, F. G. A Chronicle History of the
English Stage, 1559-1642. 1890.
Gayley, C. M. Representative English
Comedies. 3 vols. 1903 (a collection of
plays; in progress).

Murray, J. T. English Dramatic Companies, 1558-1642. 1910.

Neilson, W. A. The Chief Elizabethan

Dramatists. Nettleton, G. Restoration 1914. Schelling, F.

1911 (a collection).

H. English Drama of the and Eighteenth Century.

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Manly, J. M. Specimens of Pre-Shakes pearean Drama. 2 vols. 1897 (the source of the present texts).

Pollard, A. W. English Miracle Plays, Moralities, and Interludes. Fifth ed.


Smith, L. T. York Mystery Plays. 1885. Wright, T. Chester Plays, Shakespeare Soc. Publ. 2 vols. 1843-7.

Interesting examples of the miracle play, other than the three herein printed, may be found in Manly. Modernized versions of Abraham and Isaac and The Second Shepherds' Play may be found in No. 191 of the Riverside Literature Series (Houghton, Mifflin), edited by C. G. Child, with a good introduction.


Mackenzie, W. R. The English Moralities.


Mackenzie, W. R. The Origin of the English Morality. Washington Univ. Studies. Vol. II. Pt. ii. No. 2. 1915. Everyman. Ed. W. W. Greg. Bang's Materialen zur kunde des älteren englischen Dramas. Vol. IV. 1904 (the source of the present text). Ed. F. Sidgwick. 1902. Also in the Everyman's Library, vol. 381. Modernized by C. G. Child in Early Plays (see above).

For the relations between Everyman and the Dutch play Elckerlijc, see two articles by J. M. Manly and F. A. Wood Elckerlijc-Everyman: The Question of Priority, in Modern Philology, Oct. 1900, Vol. VIII. Other works are mentioned under the preceding heading.


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Collected Editions: A. H. Bullen. 3 vols.

1884-5. Brooke, C. F. T. 1910. Ellis, H. Mermaid ed. 1887. Phelps, W. L. Masterpieces of the English Drama. 1912. Plays and Poems in the Everyman's Library, vol. 383.

Edward II. Ed. Verity, A. W. Temple Dramatists. 1896. McLaughlin, E. T. 1894. Ingram, J. H. Christopher Marlowe and his Associates. 1904.

Baker, G. P. Dramatic Technique in Marlowe, in Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association, Vol. IV. 1913. Schelling, F. E. The English Chronicle Play. 1902.

(Present text based on Neilson's, collated with Brooke's.)

Other chronicle-plays are Bale's Kyng Johan and Sackville and Norton's Gorboduc (forerunners of the type), the anonymous Troublesome Reign of King John, Heywood's Edward IV and If You Know not Me You know Nobody, Ford's Perkin Warbeck.



Collected Editions: Pearson, J. 4 vols. 1873. Rhys, E. Mermaid ed. The Shoemakers' Holiday. Lange, A. F. (in Gayley's Representative English Comedies. Vol. III. 1914). Grosart, A. B. The Non-Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. 5 vols. 1884-6. Hunt, Mary L. Thomas Dekker: A Study. 1911.

(Present text based on Neilson's, collated with Lange's.)

Other comedies of London life are Eastward Ho! by Jonson, Chapman and Marston, Middleton's A Mad World My Masters, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside, A Trick to Catch the Old One, Fletcher's Monsieur Thomas and Wit Without Money.


Collected Editions: Pearson, J. 6 vols. 1874. Verity, A. W. Mermaid ed. 1888. The Captives. In Bullen's Old Plays. Vol. IV. 1883.

A Woman Killed with Kindness. Ed. A. W. Ward, Temple Dramatists. 1897. (Present text based on Neilson's, collated with Pearson's and Verity's.)

Other examples of domestic drama are: Arden of Feversham, How a Man May Choose a Good Wife from a Bad, Heywood's The English Traveller and Fortune by Land and Sea, Middleton and Rowley's A Fair Quarrel.


Collected Editions: Gifford, W. 9 vols. 1816. Cunningham, F. 9 vols. 1871-5. Nicholson, B. Mermaid ed. 3 vols. 1893-4. Rhys, E. Masterpieces of The English Drama. Everyman's Library, vols. 489, 490. Several of the plays have

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(Present text based on Neilson's, c lated with Schelling's.)

A reading of The Alchemist may supplemented by that of others of son's plays: Every Man in His Hu Sejanus, Volpone, Epicene, Bartholo Fair. Massinger's New Way to Pay! Debts shows his influence.

BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER Collected Editions. Bullen, A. H. riorum ed. (4 vols. published; in i ress). 1904, etc. Glover, A. and Wal A. R. 10 vols. 1905-12. Schelling. E. Masterpieces of the English Dra 1912. Select Plays, in Everyman's brary, vol. 506. Strachey, J. St. L. F maid ed. 2 vols. 1887. Philaster. Ed. Boas, F. S. Temple I matists. 1898. Thorndike, A. H. Βε Lettres Series. 1906.

Gayley, C. M. Beaumont the Dramat 1914.

Hatcher, O. L. John Fletcher, a Stud;
Dramatic Method. 1905.
Macaulay, G. C. Francis

Beaumont, 1

Critical Study. 1883. Thorndike, A. H. The Influence of Be mont and Fletcher on Shakespeare. 1

(Both present texts are based on N son's, collated with Thorndike's for F aster, and Glover and Waller's for W Goose Chase.)

Other good examples of tragi-cor are: The Tuo Noble Kinsmen. E tributed to Shakespeare and Flet Beaumont and Fletcher's King and King, Fletcher's The Chances and Loyal Subject, Heywood's A Chall for Beauty, Massinger's The Maid Honor and The Great Duke of Floren Middleton and Rowley's The Spar Gipsy, Shirley's The Coronation and 7Royal Master, D'Avenant's Love Honor.

Other good examples of high com pointing toward Restoration comedy, g Shirley's Lady of Pleasure and Park.

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Hazlitt, W. 4 vols.

e Duchess of Malfi and The White Devil. Ed. Sampson, M. W. Belles Lettres Series. 1904. Symonds, J. A. Mermaid ed. 1888. Thorndike, A. pieces of the English Drama. sse, E.

H. Master1912. John Webster, in Seventeenth Century Studies. 1883.

oll, E. E. John Webster, the Periods of His Work. 1905.

(Present text based on Neilson's, collated with Sampson's and Thorndike's.)

The most important early tragedy of blood or revenge is Kyd's Spanish Tragedy. Other examples of romantic tragedy are the following: Beaumont and Fletcher's The Maid's Tragedy, Fletcher's Bonduca and Valentinian, Marston's The Insatiate Countess, Tourneur's The Revenger's Tragedy,

Middleton's Women Beware Women, Webster's The White Devil, Massinger's The Virgin Martyr and The Bondman, Ford's The Broken Heart, Shirley's The Traitor and The Cardinal.

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Collected editions: Scott and Saintsbury. 18 vols. 1882-1893. Selected Dramas, ed. G. R. Noyes, 1910 (the source of the present text). Ed. G. Saintsbury (Mermaid ed.), 2 vols. Dryden's Essay on Heroic Plays, in ScottSaintsbury, Vol. IV. and in Noyes. Chase, L. N. The English Heroic Play. 1903.

Sherwood, M. Dryden's Dramatic Theory and Practice (Yale Stud. in Engl. No. 4). Verrall, A. W. Lectures on Dryden, 1914. Saintsbury, G. Dryden (Engl. Men of Letters Ser.), 1881.

The other play of Dryden's best to read is All for Love, "regularized" from Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.

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Collected editions: G. S. Street, 1895.
Archer, 1912. A. C. Ewald

Lamb, Charles. Essay On the Artificial
Comedy of the Last Century.
Thackeray, W. M. English Humorists.
Macaulay, T. B. Essay on Leigh Hunt's
Comic Dramatists of the Restoration.
Gosse, E. W. Life of Congreve. 1888.

The present text is founded on the first edition, 1700. Other similar comedies are Congreve's Love for Love, Wycherley's Country Wife, Farquhar's Beaux Stratagem, and The Recruiting Officer.



Works, ed. G. W. Greene, 6 vols., 1858.
Life, Lucy Aikin, 2 vols., 1843.

Life, W. J. Courthope (English Men of Letters Ser.), 1886.

Oliphant, M. Historical Characters of the Reign of Queen Anne, 1894.

The present text is founded on the edition of 1721. Another celebrated 18thcentury tragedy, in verse, but romantic in character, is John Home's Douglas; influential bourgeois tragedies in prose are George Lillo's London Merchant, or George Barnwell, and Edward Moore's Gamester.

SIR RICHARD STEELE Plays. 4 vols. London, 1734-40. Ed. G. A Aitken (Mermaid ed., Unwin, London, and Scribner's, New York).

Life. Aitken, G. A. 2 vols. 1889.

Life. Dobson, A. (English Men of Letters Ser.) 1888.

Waterhouse, O. The Development of English Sentimental Comedy in the Eighteenth 137-172, Century. Anglia, XXX.



The present text is founded on Aitken's, but with collations (badly needed) from the edition of Edinburgh, 1755.

Later sentimental comedies are Sir Richard Cumberland's West Indian, and Hugh Kelly's False Delicacy.

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Collected editions: Sheridan's Plays now Printed as he Wrote them, W. F. Rae, 1902 (the source of the present text). The Major Dramas of Sheridan, G. H. Nettleton, 1906.

Everyman's Library, Vol. 95.

The School for Scandal. Temple Dramatists. Sichel, W. S. Sheridan, from New and Original Material, 2 vols. 1909.

Rae, W. F. Biography, 2 vols., 1896. Oliphant, M. Life (Engl. Men of Letters Ser.), 1898.

The Rivals may also be mentioned.



Works. Ed. H. B. Forman, 8 vols., 1880. Ed. G. E. Woodberry, 1901. Everyman's Library, Vols. 257, 258.

The Cenci. Ed. G. E. Woodberry (Belles Lettres Ser.), 1909.

Crawford, F. Marion. Beatrice Cenci; the True Story of a Misunderstood Tragedy. The Century Magazine, LXXV. 449-466 (Jan. 1908).

A Study of The Cenci, E. S. Bates (C bia dissertation). 1908. Dowden, E. Life, 2 vols., 1886.

The present text is founded on A H. B. Forman's edition, published by Shelley Society, 1886.

Another fine poetic tragedy of the e part of the century is Sir T. N. Talfo Ion.


EDWARD BULWER-LYTTON 1840, 1848, 1850. Dramatic Wr now First Collected, 1841 (the soure the present text).

The Lady of Lyons. 1st ed. 1838. Ed. = others of Bulwer's plays, by R. F. S 1904.

Life. By his son, 2 vols. 1883. By grandson, the Earl of Lytton. 21: 1913.

Bulwer's best other play is Riche Later influential sentimental prose est dies, "realistic" and moralistic rat than romantic, are T. W. Roberts Caste and Society.

ROBERT BROWNING Works. Riverside ed., 6 vols., 1888. Sn Elder and Co., London, 1888-9, 17 (the source of the present text). Ed. H. E. Scudder (Cambridge ed.) Is Everyman's Library, Vols. 41, 42. Bells and Pomegranates, 1st Ser. Reiss in an exact reprint (Ward, Lock and London).

Life and Letters, Mrs. Sutherland Orr.. vols, 1891.

Biography, Edward Dowden, 1904; C. H. H ford, 1905.

E. C. Mayne, Browning's Heroines, 1913. Tennyson's Becket may be mention


OSCAR WILDE Works (Sunflower ed.), 1909.

Lady Windermere's Fan (Ariel Booklets Putnam's, New York.

Life, R. H. Sherard, 1906.

Oscar Wilde (a study), L. C. Ingleby, 1 Oscar Wilde: A Critical Study, A. Ransc 1912.

The English Stage of To-day, Mario Bes (English translation by Brinton), 196

Others of Wilde's comedies are The } portance of Being Earnest, A Women No Importance, and An Ideal Hushes For the best plays of contemporary dram tists the reader is referred to those printe in Professor T. H. Dickinson's Chief U' temporary Dramatists (Houghton, Mi and Co., 1915). Of Mr. Percy MacKay poetic dramas the chief are The Canterbar A Pilgrims, Jeanne d'Arc, and Sapho e Phaon of his prose plays, The Scarecr and Anti-Matrimony.

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