APPOINTMENTS UNDER THE JOINT STOCK WINDING-UP ACTS. NOTICES OF APPEARANCE AT HEARING MUST REACH THE SOLICITORS BY 6 P.M. CUNNINGHAMS (MOTORS) LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Dec. 30, to ELEPHANT AND CASTLE CINEMATOGRAPH THEATRE LIMITED.-Creditors to GARNET COLLIERY COMPANY LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard 1. W. RIDGWAY LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Dec. 27, to W. H. JAGGARD BROS. LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard Dec. 14, LONDON SCOTTISH AGENCY LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Dec. 23, to MANITOBA NATURAL GAS SYNDICATE LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by NUMBER 11 ACCRINGTON AND DISTRICT INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED.-- OSTROVSKY MUSICIANS HAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED.-Creditors PACKARD AND CO. LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Dec. 23, to J. F. P.R. SYNDICATE LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Dec. 15, to H. H. PURE ICE CREAM SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by CREDITORS UNDER ESTATES IN CHANCERY. HAIG (Charles Robert), Hutton. Feb. 1; H. C. Mossop, of H. C. Mossop BUDDICOM (Kate Newman), Cheltenham. Jan. 1; Heath and Hamilton, 4. Stone-bldgs, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. BROOKE (John), Bowdon. Jan. 15; Allen, Whitfield, and Hodgson, Man- BLACK WOOD (Eveleen Jean), Hotel Windsor, Victoria-st. Dec. 31; J. D. BEDDINGTON (Samuel Henry), Hyde Park-sq. Jan. 1; Montagu, Mileham. CARROW (John), Clifton. Jan. 1; Church, Adams, and Prior, 11, Bedford row. CRICK (Henry), Ampthill, Dec. 14; Sharman and Trethewy, Ampthill. CLARK (Emma), Mansfield. Jan. 12; C. F. E. Smith, Mansfield. DUGGINS (George), Leamington Spa. Jan. 10; Overell and Son, Leaming- DAWKINS (William Gregory), Brighton. Dec. 31; J. D. Arthur. 171, EVANS (Evan), Llanelly. Dec. 31; W. B. Jones, Llanelly. FOLEY (Lieut. Thomas Algernon Fitzgerald), Britford. Dec. 24; Young, FLETCHER (James), Masbrough, Dec. 19; Gichard and Gummer, Rother- GATES (William Stanford), Worthing. Dec. 31; Goodman and Bowles, GREEN (Caroline Louisa), Highgate. Dec. 18; Rubinstein. Nash, and HARGREAVES (James), Colne. Dec. 1; Sugden and Co., Keighley. ISMAY (Sir Stanley, K.C.S.I.), Ootacamund, Nilgiris, Southern India. JACOBY (John Henry), Nottingham. Feb. 1; Wells and Hind, Notting- KENNEDY (Barbara), Heaton. Jan. 7; T. C. Smith, Berwick-upon-Tweed. LUCAS (Lady Agnes), Eaton-ter. Jan. 12; Hunter and Haynes, 9, New-sq. LEWIS (Albert), Maida Hill. Jan. 2; G. E. Lewis, 14, South-sq. Gray's- LONG (George Henry), Sydenham. Jan. 14; Syrett and Sons, 45, LEONARD (Lucy Selina) Charlton. Dec. 23; Snow, Fox, and Higginson, LEATHER (Isaac), Culcheth. Dec. 31; T. R. Dootson, Leigh, Lancs. MANLEY (Anne), Leamington, Dec. 31; Wright, Hassall, and Co., MOSTYN (Sir Pyers William, Bart.), Talacre. March 1; Public Trustee, NORMANTON (John William), Blackpool. Dec. 31; S. S. Waterhouse, PRYTHEROCK (Elizabeth), Dinas. Dec. 31; S. O. Edwards, Tonypandy. PARKHOUSE (William), Exeter. Dec. 20; J. and S. P. Pope, Exeter. PIMBURY (George Samuel), Birmingham. Jan. 1; J. Hall-Wright, Bir- RUGG (Charles), Marden. Dec. 24; Hatten, Winnett, and Hatten, SMITH (Jane), Ingham. Jan. 15; Greene and Greene, Bury St. Edmunds. SAVAGE (Charles Norton), Southampton. Dec. 31; Waller and Thornback, TANNER (Francis James), Croydon. Dec. 28; Edridge, Son, and Marten, THORPE (William Blankley), Nottingham, or THORPE (Mary). Feb. 1; and Manchester. Rainer, Son, and Wolstenholme, Manchester. Dec. 30; Makinson, VINER (Lewis Henry), Pinner. Dec. 28; C. H. W. Mander, 7, Cannon-st. VANDEVILLE (Elizabeth), Barnsbury. Dec. 18; Rubinstein, Nash, and Dec. 81; Gordon and WOODHEAD (Mary), Lightcliffe, Halifax. Dec. 31; G. Furniss, Roberts, WYER (Frances Alice), South Lambeth-rd. Jan. 14; Laytons, 29, Budgerow, Cannon-st, E. C. WARD (George), Maids Moreton. Dec. 27; W. R. J. Law, Buckingham. WELCH (Ellen), Moseley. Dec. 26; Bradley and Cuthbertson, Birmingham. WAGSTAFF (Mary Ann), Hepworth. Dec. 31; Sykes, Heap, Marshall, and Heeley, Holmfirth. WATERFIELD (Ada Julia), Nackington House. Dec. 31; H. Fielding. Canterbury. WOODS (Abraham), Bacup, and temporarily resident at Blackpool. LAW STUDENTS' JOURNAL. fo SECRETARIES.-Reports of meetings should reach the office not later than first post Thursday morning to ensure insertion in the current number. STUDENTS' SOCIETIES. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON INTER-COLLEGIATE LAW STUDENTS' SOCIETY. At a meeting held on Tuesday, at University College, Mr. R. F. Levy in the chair, the subject for debate was: "That this House deplores the revival of Censorship of the Press." Mr. W. C. Pycroft opened in the affirmative and Mr. L. P. Lincoln in the negative. The following members also spoke: Messrs. T. Francondi, E. W. Goodale, R. H Gregorowski, E. M. Duke, O. W. Godwin, P. A. Wood, and G. R. Blake. The leaders replied, and on the motion being put to the meeting it was lost by eight votes to four. PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. Information intended for publication under the above heading should reach us not later than Thursday morning in each week, as publica tion is otherwise delayed. Mr. JACOBUS KERR DARRELL HILL Stipendiary Magistrate, Georgetown, has been appointed a Puisne Judge of British Guiana. Mr. Hill was called by Lincoln's-inn in 1904. Sir WILLIAM BYRNE, K.C.V O., C.B., has been elected Treasurer of Gray's-inn for the year 1915 in succession to Mr. Justice Atkin. The following gentlemen have been appointed new Junior Counsel for the Crown: Mr. GEORGE WILLIAM RICKETTS as Counsel to the Admiralty (Common Law), called by the Inner Temple in 1889; Mr. RAYMOND ASQUITH as Counsel to the Board of Inland Revenue (Common Law, called by the Inner Temple in 1904; and Mr. WILFRID ARTHUR GREENE as Counsel in peerage and baronetcy cases, called by the Inner Temple in 1908. Mr. F. BRINSLEY-HARPER, J.P., has been appointed a Judicial Authority under the Lunacy Acts 1890-1911 and the Mental Deficiency Act 1913. LAW SOCIETIES. THE LAW SOCIETY. IN reply to an appeal to the Profession by the president, on behalf of the British Red Cross Society, a sum of £2827 2s. 9d. has been subscribed and remitted to the treasurer for the general purposes of the society. UNITED LAW SOCIETY. A MEETING was held on Monday at 3, King's Bench-walk, Temple, E.C. Mr. H. S. Wood-Smith moved: "That the case of Kemp v. Lewis (1914) 3 K. B. 543) was wrongly decided." Mr. S. E. Pocock opposed. The following gentlemen also spoke : Messrs. C. P. Blackwell, L. O'Malley, J. Ball, and T. Hynes. The motion was lost by two votes. LIVERPOOL. THE eighty-seventh annual meeting, held on the 30th ult. in the Law Library, Cook-street, found gratification in the record submitted of members of the Profession at present serving their King and country in the army and navy. Mr. W. Forshaw Wilson (president) was in the chair. The report showed that the society now consists of 414 members. The barristers and others, not being members, who subscribe to the library number sixty-four. During the past year fifteen new members had been elected. The treasurer's statement disclosed the pleasing fact that in addition to the investments a balance of £248 16s. 7d. was in the bank. A large number of members of the Profession practising in Liverpool and district and members of their staffs had responded to the call to join some branch of the forces for the period of the war. A list had been compiled which, up to date, included thirty-six members of the society, twenty-two solicitor-managing clerks, thirty-five articled clerks, and 120 general clerks. The committee recommended the general meeting to authorise suspension of subscriptions of all members serving in the forces until return to civil life. The president, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said it was a matter for legitimate pride that their Profession had responded so splendidly to the call for recruits for the army and navy. He hoped that the names of all members and legal assistants who took part in the war would ultimately be inscribed on a roll of honour fixed in some prominent position in the library to serve as a permanent record of the patriotism of their Profession. Proceeding, the president urged the claims of the society to the support of all members of the Profession. Was it Utopian, he asked, to look forward to the day when men would, as a matter of course, join the society contemporaneously with their admission on the rolls? In a comprehensive manner he reviewed the work of the year, and touched upon a variety of topics affecting the Profession of which the society had during the year taken actice cognisance. Mr. E. V. Crooks (vice-president) seconded, and the motion was carried. Subsequently an extraordinary general meeting was held, at which a resolution was passed, the effect of which will be to authorise the remission of the subscriptions of members of the society and to the library for the time being in the forces. NOTES AND QUERIES. Queries. 5. ALIEN ENEMIES.-At the outbreak of war an alien German residing in England is under contract for employment with a British firm. Whilst in such service he is interned in the Government concentration camp as an alien enemy, but is subsequently released and continues to reside in England and submits to the conditions of the Aliens Acts and proclamations. The contract is for a term of years. What is the position of the parties under it? (1) Is it terminated? (2) If not, can the employer terminate it? (3) If not, is it suspended during the war? (4) Is the alien's right to sue for breach of contract affected? (5) Have either party any claims in respect either of specific performance or breach of contract by the other? An opinion will oblige. ALPHA. Mr. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS GEARE, solicitor, died at his residence in Hampstead, on the 25th Nov., aged ninety-five. He was the last survivor of the family of Mr. John Geare, attorney and proctor of Exeter, who died in 1861, and was very well known in the West of England. He was educated at Exeter, and in 1841 came to London to the office of Messrs. Bicknell, Roberts, Finch, and Neate, of 57, Lincoln's-inn Fields, and was admitted an attorney in the Michaelmas Term 1841. In the year 1846 he was taken into partnership and practised with Mr. James George Dobinson, who died in 1872, and afterwards with his son, Mr. Henry Cecil Geare, until his retirement in 1895. Mr. W. A. Geare was one of the oldest solicitors on the roll and was possibly the last survivor of the many well-known men who carried through the celebrated Tichborne ejectment action on behalf of the baronet. He was a member of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association and also of the Incorporated Law Society. Mr. ARTHUR JAMES CORNER, of Hill Side, Aylestone Hill, Hereford, of the firm of Messrs. Corner and Co., solicitors, 9, Mr. High-street, Hereford, died on the 25th ult., aged fifty-one. Corner was the eldest son of Mr. James Corner. Having served articles with his father, he was admitted in 1885, and for some years practised in partnership with his father, the title of the firm being Messrs. Corner and Corner. Mr. James Corner then became a barrister, and Mr. Arthur Corner commenced to practise alone under the style of Messrs. Corner and Co. Mr. Corner was a member of the Law Society and of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association. Lieutenant ALFRED FELIX SCHUSTER, barrister-at-law, 4th Hussars, who was killed in action in Flanders on the 20th Nov., was the youngest son of Dr. Ernest Schuster. After a brilliant academic career at Charterhouse and Oxford, Lieutenant Schuster had been called by the Inner Temple in 1908, and joined the Western Circuit. Mr. FREDERIC WILLIAM Fox, senior partner in the firm of Messrs. Fox and Manning, solicitors, Nottingham, died on Tuesday at his residence at Attenborough aged fifty-four. Mr. Fox was articled with Messrs. Freeth, Rawson and Cartwright, was admitted in 1883, and entered into partnership, after practising on his own account for some years, with Ald. E. L. Manning about fifteen years ago. His father was a member of the well-known Northamptonshire firm of Messrs. Fox and Bergette. Mr. Fox was a member of the Law Society and of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association. Mr. HARRY LAWRENCE BEVIR, solicitor, of the firm of H. Bevir and Son, Swindon, died recently, aged thirty-two. Mr. Bevir succeeded his father, the late Mr. H. Bevir, as official receiver of the Swindon Bankruptcy District a few months ago, and was clerk to the Cricklade and Wootton Bassett Guardians, superintendent registrar for the Cricklade and Wootton Bassett Union, and clerk to the magistrates for that division. Mr. Bevir was admitted in 1908, and was a member of the Law Society. Mr. JONATHAN RATCLIFFE, solicitor, of 102, St. Chand's road Derby, died recently aged sixty-four.He had for thirty-five years acted as managing clerk to Mr. J. H. Powell, Full-street. He cameof a Doncaster family,and served his articles at Sheffield. Mr ROBERT WILLIAM DAY, solicitor, Stoke-on-Trent, died suddenly on the 28th ult. Mr. Day was admitted in 1885. Mr. THOMAS DALLOW, solicitor, of the firm of Dallow and Dallow, former president of the Wolverhampton Law Society, died at Wolverhampton, on the 28th ult., aged seventy-three. Mr. Dallow was admitted in 1863. He was a member of the Law Society and of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association. Mr. HAROLD AGNEW, solicitor, of the firm of Messrs Sale and Co., Manchester, died suddenly on the 26th ult. at Wilmslow, aged fifty-four, after addressing a recruiting meeting. He was a nephew of the first baronet of that name, Sir William Agnew. Mr. Harold Agnew, who was called in 1887, was a member of the Law Society, of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association, and of the Manchester Law Society. GAZETTE, Nov. 27. To surrender at the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. Nov. 20. HAARER, GEORGE WILLIAM, High-st. Aldgate, meat salesman. Nov. 25, LILLEY, ARTHUR, Rushmore-rd. Clapton, wholesale provision merchant. Nov. 25. NOEL AND CO, Water-la, Great Tower st, provision merchants. To surrender at their respective District Courts. BIRCH, TOM, Thornaby on Tees, plumber. Ct, Stockton on-Tees. Nov. 23. CLARKE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Lowestoft, builder. Ct. Great Yarmouth ELLIOTT, JOHN ATKINS, Braunton, innkeeper. Ct. Barnstaple. Nov! 25 F. M. ANDERSON AND Co., Greenwich, confectioners. Ct. Greenwich. HIPKINS, GEORGE EDWARD, Dudley, electrical engineer. Nov. 24. Ct. Dudley. HILL, CHARLES HARRY, Botley, buulder. Ct. Oxford. Nov. 24. Nov. 25. PICKUP, GEORGE, Leeds, motor engineer. Ct. Leeds. Nov. 24. Ct SEALE, H., Mitcham, builder. Ct. Croydon, Nov. 24. TUCKER, GEORGE LEWIS, Swansea, late fruiterer. Ct. Swansea. Nov. 23. WARLOW, GEORGE WILLIAM, and WARLOW, JOHN HARRY, Merthyr Tydfil, GAZETTE, DEC. 1. To surrender at the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. F. JACOBSEN AND Co., Tooley-st, provision merchants. Nov. 27. JONES, EVAN, Lambeth-walk, dairyman. Nov, 27. KING, WILLIAM TINDAL, Little Stanhope-st. Nov. 25. RICHARDS, HENRY POWELL, late Great James-st, Bedford-row, solicitor. Ross, WILLIAM THOMSON, late Highgate-av, Highgate, commercial To surrender at their respective District Courts. BENTON, JOHN WILFRED, Ful-tow, hay merchant. Ct. Great Grimsby. BROWN, CHARLES CHRISTOPHER, Cambridge, oil merchant. Ct. Cambridge. BULLARD, ARNOLD ROBERT, Norwich, hairdresser. Ct. Norwich. Nov. 27 CART, JOHN, Leicester, cattle dealer. Ct. Leicester. Nov. 27. FLETCHER, JOHN, Halifax, packing case maker. Ct. Halifax. Nov. 27. JONES, RICHARD, Mardy, colliery roadman. Ct. Pontypridd, Ystrady ALFRED JOSEPH, Nelson, medical electrician. Ct. Burnley. MARTIN, GEORGE ERNEST, Bournemouth, architect's manager. Ct. Poole. MEES, ALBERT SIDNEY, Mells, baker. Ct. Frome. Nov. 26. PURVES, ROBERT MUNRO, New Shildon draper. Ct. Durham. Nov. 27. PHILLIPS, ALEXANDER (trading as Phillips and Co.), Leeds, boot manu ROWELL, GEORGE EDWIN, Lincoln, painter. Ct. Lincoln. Nov. 27. widow. Ci. Burnley. Nov. 26. STFADMAN, EMMA THATCHER, Wolverhampton, baker, widow. Ct. Wolver- SKELTON ARTHUR HENRY, Great Grimsby, draper. Ct. Great Grimsby. WARD, ROBERT, Stockport, agent. Ct. Stockport. Nov. 28. BIRCH, TOM, Thornaby-on-Tees, plumber. Ct. Stockton-on-Tees. Nov. 23. CRESSWELL, GEORGE EDWARD, Gloucester, late licensed victualler. Ct. Gloucester. Nov. 25. CLARKE, ARTHUR EDWARD. Lowestoft, builder. Ct. Great Yarmouth. CHISWELL, ALBERT, Pendleton, merchant's clerk. Ct. Salford. Nov. 23. FIX, JOHN, York-rd, Islington, master baker. Ct. High Court. Nov. 24. HIPKINS, GEORGE EDWARD, Dudley, electrical engineer. Ct. Dudley. HILL, CHARLES HARRY, Botley, builder. Ct. Oxford. Nov. 24. Nov. 24. Ct. High Court. LILLEY, ARTHUR, Rushmore-rd, Clapton, wholesale provision merchant. Ct. High Court. Nov. 23. LLOYD, ALICE, Weston-super-Mare, lodging house keeper. Ct. Bridgwater. MATTHEWS. FLORENCE MAUD (trading as Matthews Stores). Barking, PICKUP, GEORGE, Leeds, motor engineer. Ct. Leeds. Nov. 24. PATES, RICHARD REEVES, Winchester, corn merchant. Ct. Winchester. SAID, ALI, South Shields, grocer. Ct. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Nov. 24. GAZETTE, DEC. 1. ARNOLD, JOHN, late Manchester, grocer. Ct. Stockport. Nov. 27. BLUNK, ISACK, High-st, Shoreditch, cap manufacturer. Ct. High Court. BENTON, JOHN WILFRED, Fulstow, hay merchant. Ct. Great Grimsby. Nov. 26. BURCHELL, EDWARD, Midsomer Norton, saddler. Ct. Wells. Nov. 28. BULLARD, ARNOLD ROBERT, Norwich, hairdresser. Ct. Norwich. Nov. 27. BOURNER, ALBERT EDWARD, late Halifax, confectioner. Ct. Halifax. Nov. 26. BROWN, CHARLES CHRISTOPHER, Cambridge, oil merchant. Ct. Cambridge. COLES, ARTHUR ROBERT, Frome, butcher. Ct. Frome. Nov. 28. FLETCHER, JOHN, Halifax, packing case maker. Ct. Halifax. Nov. 27. HILL, JOHN CHARLES, Sutton Coldfield, building contractor. Ct. Birmingham. Nov. 26. HOLLAND, JOHN ROBERT. Horsforth, forage merchant. Ct. Leeds. Nov. 27. JONES, RICHARD, Mardy, colliery roadman. Ct. Pontypridd, Ystrady fodwg, and Porth. Nov. 26. LINGER, YOSE (trading and described in the receiving order as J. Singer and Co.), Mile End-rd, costume manufacturers. Ct. High Court. Nov. 26. LOADER, ALFRED JOSEPH, Nelson, medical electrician. MYRING, THOMAS HEWITT, late Norfolk-st, Park-la. Ct. Ct. Burnley. High Court. Ct. Poole. MEES, ALBERT SIDNEY, Mells, baker. Ct. Frome. Nov. 26. ORR, ARTHUR ROXBURGHE, Tedworth-sq, Chelsea, officer in the army. Ct. PURCHASE, BERTRAM (trading as Purchase Brothers), Smethwick, grocer. Ct. West Bromwich. Nov. 26. PURVES, ROBERT MUNRO, New Shildon, draper. Ct. Durham. Nov. 27. Ross, WILLIAM THOMSON, late Highgate-av, Highgate, commercial traveller. Ct. High Court. Nov. 26. RUSHWORTH, CATHERINE HAMMOND, Todmorden, licensed victualler, widow. Ct. Burnley. Nov. 26. ROWELL, GEORGE EDWIN, Lincoln, painter. Ct. Lincoln. Nov. 27. SKELTON, ARTHUR HENRY, Great Grimsby, draper. Ct. Great Grimsby. Nov. 27. STEADMAN, EMMA THATCHER, Wolverhampton, baker, widow. Ct. Wolverhampton. Nov. 28. WARD, ROBERT (trading as Taylor and Co.), Stockport, agent. Ct. Stockport. Nov. 28. BIRTHS. MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. DAVISON. On the 25th ult., at 37, Kensington Park-grdns, W., the wife DEATHS. THOMAS. On the 21st ult., at Marshfield, Westcross, Glamorgan, Olive Madeleyne (née Kennicott), wife of Richard J. Thomas, Solicitor. RITTER. On the 20th ult., in Mauritius, Gustave A. Ritter, C.M.G. Attorney-at-law, aged 74. FOUNDED 1884. FLOWERDEW & CO. LAW ACCOUNTANTS AND COSTS DRAFTSMEN COSTS SETTLED AS FOLLOWS: FOR TAXATION FROM THE PAPERS IN ACTION. FOR DELIVERY IN CENERAL MATTERS OF WHICH THE RECORD Were these I. 2. "Accidents"? A workman, though strictly forbidden A porter, though strictly forbidden to Were these "Accidents"? Did they arise "out of the employment"? Such questions as these, questions which it would be impossible to answer with certainty without the help of judicial authority, are being constantly decided in the Courts. Many cases not elsewhere available will be reported in Vol. VII. (TO BE PUBLISHED NEXT WEEK) OF "B.W.C.C." (Butterworths' Workmen's Compensation Cases). Annual Subscription, including Quarterly Parts and bound Annual Volume, 21s.; Postage 1s. LONDON: BUTTERWORTH & Co., Bell Yard, Temple Bar, W.C. To Readers and Correspondents. All communications must be authenticated by the name and address of the writer, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. Anonymous communications are invariably rejected. All communications intended for the Editorial Department should, in order to prevent delay, be addressed to the EDITOR OF THE LAW TIMES." Any contributions that may be sent on approval will be carefully con sidered by the Editor; but no responsibility whatever can be accepted in respect thereof, although, if unsuitable, every effort will be made to return them, provided that a stamped addressed wrapper is inclosed for that purpose. The copyright of all contributions (including reports paid for) shall belong to the proprietors of the LAW TIMES, together with the right of republication in any form they may think desirable. Apart from any express agreement that may be made, contributions are only received and considered on these conditions. Advertisements, orders for papers, &c., should be kept distinct, and addressed to the Publisher, Law Times" Office. Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. TO SUBSCRIBERS. PREPAID TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, INCLUDING POSTAGE, ARE AS FOLLOWS: No doubt after the close of the present war those nations who respect a "scrap of paper" will come to some definite agreement as to the territoriality of the air. That this country, at any rate, does not accept the principle that the right to the air above each particular country is absolute is clear from the reply of the British Government to Switzerland with reference to the flight of our airmen to Friedrichshaven. Just as the threemile limit as applied to territorial waters was coextensive with the limit of effective control when accepted by the various countries, so some means will probably be found for defining "territorial air." The problem of limit, however, is a difficult one for practical solution. Begging and Street Collections. FIVE judges of the King's Bench Division have now decided that persons making street collections for definite charitable objects are not "idle and disorderly " persons within the Vagrancy Act 1821. By that statute every person wandering abroad or placing himself in any public place to beg or gather alms" is to be deemed "idle and disorderly," but, as Mr. Justice DARLING pointed out, it was not directed against persons collecting for an object of a charitable nature, but against persons leading a particular kind of life who were a danger to society. Of recent years the multiplicity of street collections in the metropolis has tended to become a distinct nuisance, but other means than proceeding under the Act of 1824 exist for its suppression |