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THE FUTURE OF BELGIAN SOLICITORS. PROSPECTS of Belgian solicitors are gloomy in the extreme, especially those practising in country towns. When the war is ended, the future of the medical practitioner is far more enchanting than will be that of the solicitor, for the descendants of the people of whom Cæsar wrote fortissimi sunt Belgæ ; propterea quod a cultu atque humanitate Provinciæ longissime absunt will, from the aftermath, be frequently under medical treatment. The very circumstances which will necessitate the services of the doctor will render impossible the employment of the solicitor. This is shown forcibly in a letter which appears in the Indépendance Belge, above the pseudonym " Un Notaire Exile," from which the following is taken :

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What, then, will be the position of, for the most part, the rural solicitors who have lost everything and will have to begin life anew? Not only have their homes been burned or ruined, their furniture, their underclothing, their outdoor garments carried off or destroyed (for the cruelty of our enemies impels them to destroy for the sake of destroying), but their books, their papers now only embers, whatever the precautions the owners had taken to preserve them, for, in such a time of terror, what place was there that would have been exempt from violation by these barbarians? Neither the banks, nor the safes, however strongly made, nor secret repositories, which were thought to be undiscoverable, nothing was respected by them.

In one instance I learn that the Germans amused themselves by sprinkling the papers of a notary with petrol, and then deliberately set them on fire, while in other cases the safes have been shattered, and even the gardens of practitioners have been dug over in the hope of finding hidden valuables. They did not even spare that which was of no use to them; they even seemed to rack their brains for means to exacerbate the horrors of war, and to strew in their progress ruin and misery.

What will happen to all these (solicitors) when they return to their places of domicil if they no longer find a house to shelter them, if their papers (which to them represent capital) are destroyed, and their books have disappeared? How can they collect their accounts, or discharge their obligations to their creditors ?

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Problems as to the future haunt them by day and by night, and further increase the bitterness of exile. They are benefiting from the cordial hospitality so freely and extensively offered here from day to day until their return to their country, but the merciless problem is always before them: "How shall we live? A few months ago many of them were in easy circumstances; to-morrow they will be without resources or nearly so. The hope of seeing their offices open again in a short time is denied them. In the country towns the ruin is complete: farms destroyed, cattle carried off, fields unfit for culture or dangerous to work (are not they all turned into vast cemeteries ?); farmers unable for a long time, years perhaps, to rebuild their little fortunes which they had amassed by the sweat of their brows; the notary will be perforce victim of this ghastly state of things. How, then, will he be able to set up his home again? The dignity and respect which he owes to himself and his profession prevent him from seeking another occupation. I plead especially and with good cause for the country practitioner. Even in normal times certain offices in the country are only offices in name and only afford him the barest necessaries of life. What will it be after the war?

The solicitors of the towns enjoyed more extensive practices, and fortune, which has smiled on them in days past, places them for the moment under shelter and enables them to await more easily better times, which, although certain, yet perhaps they also (the town solicitors) will have much to suffer.


No one taking a broad view of modern legal literature can fail to see that it is the outcome of methods of work utterly different from those followed by older writers, who, however much inspired by high ideals, lacked the surer basis of knowledge derived from historical and scientific research. Blackstone's Commentaries was a monumental work, but it was written before observation had taken the place of assumption, and, as Sir Henry Maine pointed out, there is, in all the literature which enshrines the pretended philosophy of law, nothing more curious than some of the pages of elaborate sophistry to be found in Blackstone.

Under the influence of the spirit which has actuated more recent writers, law is ceasing to be a mere "codeless myriad of precedent." Its days as a "lawless science are numbered. Legal education is still far from what it should be, but the scientific spirit is gradually working out a more systematic and satisfactory state of things. Law is ceasing to be a black art,

and the tendency is to treat it more as a subject to be studied and developed on scientific principles.

There can be little doubt that, as this tendency grows, the process of consolidating statute law will be continued in the direction of the ultimate codification of the whole of the law. The fear, once widely entertained, that codification necessarily prevents the growth and development of law as part of our social conditions has been proved by experience to be groundless. In As a matter of fact," many instances the reverse is the case.


says Professor Vinogradoff, "the promulgation of codes seems to have given a new impetus to the development of a critical and reforming spirit among continental jurists." Codification, in the sense of "an orderly and authoritative statement of the leading rules of law on a given subject," is a more complete and scientific method than consolidation of legislation, which does not necesssarily formulate the whole law relating to the subject dealt with. Nevertheless, consolidation of scattered statutes is a step towards codification, and the course of events points to this as possibly the line of least resistance, having regard to the actual conditions of English law-making.

The amount of consolidating legislation passed in recent years is considerable. The measures relating to the Customs, Public Health, Lunacy, Trustees, Copyholds, Friendly Societies, and Children are typical of a number of others which have consolidated the statute law on particular subjects. The most recent instances are the Deeds of Arrangement Act and the Bankruptcy Act of 1914. The more difficult, but more complete, more scientific, and more satisfactory method of codifying the whole law was followed in the cases of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882, the Partnership Act 1890, the Sale of Goods Acts 1893, and the Marine Insurance Act 1906.

The process of improving the form of the law is, however, far from complete, and a great deal of useful and, indeed, necessary work remains to be done. Death Duties, Income Tax, Bastardy, Harbours and Docks, and Merchant Shipping are outstanding instances of subjects that ought to be tackled because of the accumulation of numerous amending Acts which at present have to be pieced together to ascertain the law.

The question has a wider aspect, too, which may be illustrated by reference to the law as to companies. The consolidating Act of 1908 was a much needed measure, and it was an advantageous step so far as it went. But it does not apply outside the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom is only a part of that British Empire which tends more and more to become one consolidated commonwealth. The Imperial Conference of 1907 considered that the time had come for taking steps in the direction of greater simplicity and greater unity, and adopted a resolution to the effect that "it is desirable, so far as circumstances permit, to secure greater uniformity in the company laws of the Empire." The subject came up again at the Imperial Conference of 1911, and the policy of uniformity was reaffirmed. practical steps have been taken in pursuance of this policy, but the standardisation of company law throughout the British Empire is an ideal towards the realisation of which a great deal has still to be done.


The reasons which make it desirable that company law should be uniform throughout the Empire apply with equal force to the laws regulating shipping, but in regard to this subject the first step to be taken must be to consolidate the present British Acts. The Merchant Shipping Act 1894 was a consolidating measure, but the consolidation was not very satisfactorily done, and the amendments made by the series of Acts passed since are very numerous. The problem of how best to deal with the situation is rendered more difficult, but the need of action is made greater by the fact that not merely the British Empire but all the maritime nations of the world are interested in promoting unity as regards the law regulating shipping. The International Maritime Conventions, of which several have been drawn up and adopted in recent years, are, in form, chapters of an ultimate maritime code. In this respect they differ in principle from our own Merchant Shipping Acts, which are very far from bein a complete code, and leave many matters to be determined according to the principles deducible from case law and other sources. A question to be determined is whether we are to have merely consolidation of the present statutory law of shipping, or whether the law of shipping is to be completely codified. Probably the latter will be the ultimate stage, but whether we are wise and bold enough to approach it direct is the question.

The law of harbours and docks, though closely connected with the subjects covered by the Merchant Shipping Acts, is sufficiently distinct to require separate treatment. The legislation as to harbours and docks is contained in a separate series of Acts. These need consolidating quite as much as the Merchant Shipping Acts. The two series of s'atutes would, in the hands of farseeing legislators, furnish materials for chapters of a comprehensive maritime code.

In case it should be thought that too huge a task is suggested, it should be made clear that the future code may be constructed

piecemeal, and, indeed, this is the only practicable method. The tendency towards codification has shown itself because it meets a need. It has shown itself most in connection with maritime and commercial law because the need of systematic uniformity is most felt in widespread commerce. Probably developments will proceed for a time mainly in relation to commercial matters, but the tendency towards codification will extend itself gradually until it affects all branches of law. "It will not be in my time,' said the late Lord Romilly, "that a man of ability, who has devoted his whole life to the subject, may be able to tell a person what the law really is on any one point," but he hoped that by means of improvements the law would ultimately be reduced into a state in which that would be possible. And we hope still.


BRIMELOW (William), Astley, who died June 12, 1863. Descendants and representatives of descendants of his brothers and sisters to send their claims by Jan. 30, to J. W. Unsworth, sol., Leigh, Lancs. Hearing Feb. 2, at 11.45, at Leigh County Court. DOBBS (George), West Malvern, who died Dec. 30, 1896. His sons, John Dobbs, George Dobbs, and Richard Dobbs, or their legal personal representatives, to come in, by April 30, before Master Watkin Williams, at chambers of Warrington and Sargant, JJ., Room 254. Hearing May 12, at 12, at said chambers. Room 252.



CHELTENHAM PLATING COMPANY LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feb. 2. to H. N. Murray, 9, Walbrook, E.C.

COCOA DEVELOPMENT SYNDICATE LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feb. 1, to F. E. Procter, liquidator.

DESPATCH STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Dec. 31, to T. F. North, 43, Bute-st, Cardiff.

DISTRICT INVESTMENTS LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Jan. 14, to A. Laban, 25-27, Oxford-st, W.

EAST GRINSTEAD CINEMA DE LUXE LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard Jan. 19. at Eastbourne County Court, at 12. E. P. hitley Hughes, East Grinstead, sol. to pets. Notices of appearance by

Jan .18.

Feb. 2, to H. N. Murray, 9, Walbrook, E.C.
FITZ-GIBBON, DUNN, AND CO. LIMITED. -Creditors to send in, by Jan. 5,
to C. E. Smedley, 123, Cannon-st, E.C.

GLEN COASTERS LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Jan. 16, to W. Blakey, 28, Pilgrim-st, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

GORDON CARRIAGE WORKS LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard Jan. 12, at Royal Courts of Justice. Leslie Williams and Alder,

9, Laurence Pountney-hill, F.C., sols. for pet. Notices of appearance by Jan. 11. HANS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Jan. 15, to A. Burrows, 37, Walbrook, E.C.

JAMES STORE LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Jan. 31, to T. G. Mellors, 1, King John's-chmbrs, Bridlesmith-gate, Nottingham. Reynolds and Miles, 70, Basinghall-st, E.C., sols, to liquidators. JOSEPH EMANUEL (COVENT GARDEN) LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard Jan. 12, at Royal Courts of Justice. Rutter, Veitch, and Bond, Norfolk House, Norfolk-st, Strand, W.C., sols. for pets. Notices of appearance by Jan. 11.

J. W. PEARCE AND CO. LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard Jan. 20, at Barrow-in-Furness County Court. S. Townsend, Barrowin-Furness, agent for Grundy, Kershaw, Samson, and Co., Manchester, sols. for pet. Notices of appearance by Jan. 19.

M. IZBICKI AND CO. LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feh. 15, to C. L.
Kettridge, 1, London-wall-bldgs, E.C.

MORGAN, SHARP, AND CO. LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feb. 1, to
A. W. Sully, 19 and 21, Queen Victoria-st, E.C.
to send in. by Jan. 12, to J. Baker, of Baker, Sutton, and Co.,
Eldon-st House, Eldon-st, E.C.

NOTTINGHAM CABINET MAKERS LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Jan. 31,
to P. H. Henshaw, 15, Long-row, Nottingham.
ROXALL SYNDICATE LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Jan. 6, to R. A.
Boughton, 52, Gracechurch-st. E.C.

S. F. FIELD AND SON LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up by or subject to
supervision of the court, to be heard Jan. 7, at Great Yarmouth
County Court, at 11. A. Benjamin and Cohen, College-hill-chmbrs,
College hill, E.C., sols. for pets. Notices of appearance by Jan. 6.
SWINGLER'S LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Jan. 5, to D. M. Gimson,
Welford pl. Leicester.
WEST PRINCE (1914) LIMITED.-Creditors to cend in by Feb. 15, to V. W.
Worsdale, 32, Broad-st House, New Broad-st, E.C.


CAVADINO (Joseph Gilbert Marie), Lawrence-la, E.C., and New Southgate.
Feb. 6: Godwin and Son, sols., 63, Wool-exchange, Coleman-st, E.C.
Feb. 23; Neville, J., at 12.

JAFFE (Martin), Rock Ferry. Jan. 23; F. S. Gaylor, of Steadman, Van
Praagh, and Gaylor, sols., 4. Suffolk-st, Pall Mall East, S.W.
Jan 26; Warrington, J., at 12.30.
LOYD (Kathleen Agnes), Vancouver, British Columbia. Feb. 24; B.
Wilkinson, sol., 16, St. Helen's-pl, E.C. March 9; Eve, J., at 12.

CREDITORS UNDER 22 & 23 VICT. c. 35.

LAST DAY OF CLAIM AND TO WHOM PARTICULARS TO BE SENT. ARSCOTT (George), Buckfastleigh. Jan. 9; Tucker and Son, Ashburton. ASHWORTH (Mary), Denton. Feb. 2; W. Richards, Denton, Manchester. AYSHFORD (Elizabeth Wood), Budlake Broadclyst. Jan. 31; Friend and Tarbet, Exeter.

BANKS (Richard), Bolton. Feb. 1; T. Y. Ritson, Bolton.

BARNETT (Emanuel), Stamford Hill. Jan. 31; Hyman Isaacs and Lewis, 31, Basinghall-st, E.C.

BATTYE (Joseph), Littlehampton. Feb. 1, E. B. Wannop, Littlehampton. BENGOUGH (Thomas), Nailsea. Jan. 30; Veale, Ford, Willway, and Veale, Bristol.

BIEDERMANN (Maximilian Leopold), Lancaster-gate, and Austin-friars
House, E.C. Jan. 22; Dawes and Sons, 2, Birchin-la, Lombard-st,
BOYLE (Hugh), St. Leonards-on-Sea. Feb. 8; Charles Russell and Co.,
37, Norfolk-st, Strand, W.C.
BOYLE (Lieut. David Erskine), Dover. Jan. 23; Hellard and Son, Ports-
BROWN (Daniel), Bury St. Edmunds. Jan. 31; Greene and Greene, Bury
St. Edmunds.

BROWNING (Capt. Charles Hunter), Dundalk, Ireland. Jan. 30; Waddi-
love and Johnson, 23, Knightrider-st, Doctors' Commons, E.C.
Buss (Rev. Septimus), Caversham-rd, Camden-rd. Feb. 1; A. Norman,
11. Little College-st, Westminster.
CARTWRIGHT (James), Datchet. Jan. 30; Young, Jones, and Co., 7,
Laurence Pountney-hill, Cannon-st, E.C.
CHICHESTER (Capt. Edmund Basil), Knightsbridge.

Jan. 18; Walker, Martineau, and Co., 36, Theobald's-rd, Gray's-inn, W.C. CHIRNSIDE (Agnes Rose), Wester Hayston, Kirkintilloch, North Britain. Feb. 15; Light and Fulton, 1, Laurence Pountney-hill, E.C. CLANCY (Thomas), Clapham. Jan. 30; Royal Exchange Assurance, at the offices of Timbrell and Deighton, 90, Cannon-st, E.C. COHEN (Right Hon. Arthur, K.C.), Great Cumberland-pl, W., and Inner Temple. Feb. 9; the executors, at the offices of Simpson, Cullingford, Partington, and Holland, 85, Gracechurch-st, E.C. CRAWFORD (Susannah Wright), Newtown. Jan. 31; Hall, Son, Hawkins, and Co., Manchester. CROKAT (Julia), Hyde Park. Jan. 30; the executors, at the offices of Simpson, Cullingford, Partington, and Holland, 85, Gracechurch-st,


CULSHAW (Peter). Euxton. Jan. 30; Stanton and Sons, Chorley. DANIEL (Evan), Thavies-inn, E.C. Jan. 28; Fielder, Jones, and Harrison, 1. Raymond-bldgs, Gray's-inn, W.C.

DAVEY (Thomas), Acton-hill, and Strand. Jan. 23; Stanley, Woodhouse, and Hedderwick, 18, Essex-st, Strand, W.C.

DAVIES (William), Christchurch Hill. Within one month from Dec. 24;
Lyndon, Moore, and Cooper, Newport, Mon.

DAVIS (Ruth), Worksop. Jan. 20; Clay and Robinson, Worksop.
DEAKIN (George), Walton. Jan. 31; Toulmin, Ward, and Co., Liverpool.
DENTON (Sarah Emily), Beverley. Feb. 1; Sanderson and Ferens, Hull.
DICKINSON (William), Kingweston. Feb. 1; Baileys, Shaw, and Gillett,
5, Berners-st, W.
Jan. 25; Mann and Crimp. 17,

DICKSON (Sarah), Ealing Common,

Essex-st, Strand, W.C.

DIGBY (George Hugh), Chalmington House, Dorset. Feb. 1; Farrer and Co., 66, Lincoln's-inn-fids. W.C.

DILLON (John James), Scole, who died at Berkeley, California. Jan. 30; H. P. Russell, Bexley Heath.

DIMOND (George Herbert). South Kensington, and Tokenhouse-bldgs. Jan. 25; Dimond and Son, 47, Welbeck-st, W.

DYKE (Charles William Pittman), Eastbourne. Jan. 31; A. W. Marks, 18, South-sq, Gray's-inn

ECKERSLEY (Mary), Ardwick. Jan. 31; Walker and Harrop, Manchester. EDMUNDS (Reuben), Birmingham. Feb. 1; F. Chapman, Smethwick. FENEMORE (Charles Edward), Astrop. King's Sutton. Jan. 13; Fortescue and Sons, Banbury.

FERRARI (Orsala, otherwise Orsula), Hampton. Jan. 25; G. Eland, 38, Finsbury-pave, E.C.

FERGUSON (Hugh), Warrington. Feb. 2; A. Browne and Co., Warrington. FLICK (Robert), Theberton Grange and Saxmundham. Jan. 23; Mayhew and Sons, Saxmundham.

FLETCHER (John), High Crompton, Royton. Jan. 31; Standring, Taylor, and Co., Rochdale.

"Abbot and

GARE (Henry Walter Targett), Hammersmith, trading as
Co.' Jan. 20; Mann and Crimp, 17, Essex-st, Strand, W.C.
GENNIS (Morris), Manchester. Feb. 1; Doughty and Fraser, Manchester.
GRANT (Hannah), Hillingdon Heath. Jan. 23; F. W. Hughes and Son,
103, Edgware-rd, W.

GREEN (Elizabeth), Portsmouth. Jan. 16; Hobbs and Brutton, Portsmouth.

GREENSLADE (Emily), Clifton. Jan. 15; Atchleys, Bristol.

GROVES (James Grimble), Pendleton, and Thie Varry Maughold, Isle of
Man. March 25; Bullock, Worthington, and Jackson, Manchester.
HALL (Clarissa Mary), Shepherd's Bush. Feb. 1; C. J. Stewart, 3 and 4,
Clement's-inn, Strand, W.C.

HALL (Elizabeth), Doncaster. Feb. 2; Oxley and Coward, Rotherham.
HALL (James Joseph). Poplar. Feb. 5; the executrices, at the office of
C. J. Smith and Hudson, 5. Fenchurch-st. E.C.
HARCOURT (Bosworth Walter), Norwich. Jan. 21; S. Garerd Hill and
Son, Norwich.

HARRIS (Samuel), Greenwood, Barnet. Feb. 25; G. Brown, Son, and
Vardy, 56. Finsbury-pave.

HARRISON (Julia Stracey), Stoke Bishop. Feb. 12; Meade King, Cooke, and Co.. Bristol.

HAWKINS (Emma Margaret), Maidenhead. Jan. 22; Dawes and Sons, 2, Birchin la, Lombard-st, E.C.

HEATH (Thomas), Harlesden. Feb. 1; J. C. Cooper, Dauntsey House, 4B, Frederick's-pl, E.C.

HEWITT (Lieut. Gordon Hughes), of His Majesty's South Lancashire Jan. 22; Hewitt and Chapman, 32,

Regiment, and of Hyde Park Nicholas-la, Lombard-st, E.C.

HOBART (Capt. Guy Beauchamp), Kassala, Egypt. Feb. 1; Brown, Brown, and Murphy Southport.

HOCKENHULL (Robert). Hightgate. Jan. 18; Lumley and Lumley, 37, Conduit-st, Bond-st, W.

JACKSON (George Dawson). Hampstead. Feb. 1; Ashurst. Morris, Crisp. and Co.. 17. Throgmorton-av, E.C.

JACOBS (Reuben). James-st. Westbourne-ter. Jan. 25; Hicks, Arnold, and Mozley, 35, King-st, Covent Garden, W.C.

JESSOP (Emma Matilda), Hatton. Feb. 26; Claims of creditors, next o*
kin, her cousins-german and others. Feb. 26; Taylors, Bakewell.
JOHNSON (George), Birkenhead. Jan. 23; W. H. Reinhardt, Birkenhead.
JOHNSTON (Robert French), Gerrards Cross. Feb. 1; Gardiner and Son,

JOHNSON (Thomas). Newcastle-upon-Tyne, or JOHNSON (Eleanor).
Jan. 22 Hoyle, Shipley, and Hoyle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
JOHNSON (Thomas), Bishop's Stortford and Loughton, or JOHNSON
(Martha). Jan. 31; Minchin, Garrett, and Co., 22 and 23 Laurence
Pountney-la, E.C.

JOHNSTONE (David Yuile), Palace Court, and Copthall-chmbrs, Throgmorton-st. Jan. 17; Watkins, Baylis, and Chidson, 11, Sackville-st, Piccadilly, W.

KER (Dr. Hugh Richard), Balham. March 1; Greene and Underhill, 31, Bedford-row, W.C.

KITCHINER (Harriet Amelia). Bournville. Jan. 10: Duggan and Elton,


LEE (Frederick Marshall), Chard. Feb. 2; Lawrence, Graham, and Co., 6. New-sq, Lincoln's-inn, W.C.

LEETE (Annie, otherwise Anne), Goudhurst. Jan. 31; Evelyn Jones and
Co., Norfolk House, 7. Laurence Pountney-hill. E.C.
LEWIS (Henry). Derby. Feb. 10; W. H. Briggs, Derby.
LEWIS (Illtid John), Porthcawl. Jan. 28; R. Scale, Maesteg,

LOCK (Margaret Jane), Winton. Jan. 30; Guillaume and Sons, 9, Salisbury-sq, E.C.

LODGE (William), Shepton Mallet. Jan. 6; Mackay and Son, Shepton Mallet.

LYLE (John Boyd), Wavertree. Jan. 21; J. S. Jones, Liverpool.

MACK (Phoebe Jermyn), Great Yarmouth. Feb. 6; Diver and Preston, Great Yarmouth,

MASON (Thomas Gurney), Bedford. Jan. 19; Withers, Bensons, Birkett, and Davies, 4, Arundel-st, Strand, W.C.

MAZUCHELLI (Elizabeth Sarah), Alltygog Nantgaredig. Jan. 22; Hewitt and Chapman, 32, Nicholas-la, Lombard-st, E.C.

MYOHL (Emma), Putney. Feb. 8; Vallance and Vallance, 20, Essex-st, Strand.

NEWTON (Henry Nathan), Hampstead. Jan. 16; R. Furber and Son, 8, Gray's-inn-sq, W.C.

NORMAN (Mary Jane), Matlock Bank. Feb. 3; J. and W. H. Sale and Son, Derby.

NORWOOD (Capt. John, V.C.), Haywards Heath.

Feb. 1; Simpson,

Palmer, and Winder, 1, Southwark-st, London Bridge, S.E. ORDISH (Arthur Mann), Ealing. Feb. 12; T. F. and A. M. Ordish, at the offices of J. H. Waterman, Regent House, Regent-st, W. OSBORNE (Right Hon. Albert Edward Godolphin), commonly called Lord Albert Osborne, Junior Constitutional Club, Piccadilly, W. Jan. 18; Lowe and Co., 2, Temple-grdns, Temple, E.C.

PARSONS (Isabella), Edgbaston. Jan. 20, Glaisyer, Porter, and Co., Bir


PARSONS (Mary), Edgbaston. Jan. 20; Glaisyer, Porter, and Co., Birmingham.

PEACOCK (John), Caxton. Feb. 1; Wilkinson and Butler, St. Neots.
PEARCE (Jane), Smethwick. Feb. 1; F. Chapman, Smethwick.

PEARCE (William), Smethwick. Feb. 1; F. Chapman, Smethwick.
PERRY (Haydon), Hulme. Jan. 21; L. A. Challinor, Manchester.
PITT (Louisa Lora), Upper Norwood. Feb. 2; W. M. Pyke, 60, Mark-la,

RILEY (Edward), City-rd, E.C., and Bisham, Marlow. Jan. 31; H.
Smith, Goss, King, and Gregory, 62, London-wall, E.C.

ROBERTS (Robert Edward), Carnarvon. Jan. 21; Ellis Davies, Jones, and Jones. Carnarvon.

ROUSE (Ethel Clare), Regent's Park. Jan. 31; Burch, Whitehead, and Davidsons, 29, Spring-grdns, S.W.

ROWDEN (John Wesley), Tooting. Jan. 25; H. P. Russell, Bexley Heath. ROWLANDS (Abraham Cecil Francis Fothergill), otherwise known as Cecil Raleigh, Regent's Park. Jan 18; Lumley and Lumley, 37, Conduitst, Bond-st, W.

SAVAGE (Elizabeth), Northampton. Jan. 14; Markhams, Northampton. SCOTT (James), Chester. Jan. 25; G. H. Evans, Chester.

SCOTT (Lieut.-Col. Hopton Bassett), Locksley, Shankill. Feb. 1; Stanton and Hudson, 108A, Cannon-st, E.C.

SMITH (Annie Louise), Sheffield. Jan. 23; Ashington and Denton, Sheffield.

SMITH (John), Lee. Jan. 21; Lee, Ockerby, and Everington, 114, Queen Victoria-st, E.C.

SMITH (Joseph Gutteridge), Watford. Feb. 15; Hepburn, Son, and Cutcliffe, Bird-in-Hand-ct, Cheapside, E.C.

TATTON (Edwin Harold), Leigh-on-Sea. Feb. 2; Davidson and Morriss, 40 and 42, Queen Victoria-st, E.C.

TAYLOR (Oscar), Croydon; Camberwell; and Old Corn Exchange, E.C. Jan. 26; Bolton, Jobson, and Yate-Lee, 2, Temple-grdns, Temple, E.C. TEARLE (Sarah), Banbury. Jan. 24; Fairfax and Barfield, Banbury. TEWART (Augustus Charles Robert), Mundford. Feb. 11; L. W. Byrne, 22, Surrey-st, W.C.

TIERNEY (William Henry), Rotherhithe. Jan. 31; Slack, Monro. Saw, and Co., 31. Queen Victoria-st, E.C.

TRIPP (Adeline Bewnel), Notting Hill. Jan. 23; Close and Co., 4A, Bloomsbury-sq, W.C.

VIALL (Joseph Henry), Hexham. Jan. 31; H. R. Viall, Whitley Bay, Northumberland.

WALKER (Thomas), High Hesket. Jan. 30: Cant and Fairer, Penrith. WARDLE (Margaret), West Moor. Feb. 15; T. Gee and Co., Newcastleupon-Tyne.

WAUGH (Helen), Randwick, Sydney, New South Wales. Jan. 23;_ Snow, Fox, and Higginson, 7, Great St. Thomas Apostle, Queen-st, E.C. WHISH (Evelyn), Bussage. Feb. 1; Whitfield, Dean, and Whitfield, 22, Surrey-st. W.C.

WHITE (William Thomas), Maidenhead. Jan. 22; Hewitt and Chapman, 32, Nicholas-la, Lombard-st, E.C.

WINCKLER (Julia Maria Ann), Palmers Green. Jan. 21; Clarke, Lewthwaite, and Co., 3, Duncan-st, Islington, N.

WORGER (Sarah Ann), Brighton. Feb. 1; Lewis Barnes and Co., Bankchmbrs, 260, Walworth-rd, S.E.

Mr. Henry D. Myer has been admitted a partner in the firm of Hermann H. Myer and Co., solicitors, 46 and 47, London-wall. The style of the firm will continue as heretofore.

Messrs. Francis Miller and Steele, solicitors, late of St. Stephen's-chambers, Telegraph-street, Moorgate-street, have removed to Omnibus House, Finsbury-square, EC. Mr. Lucius Francis Crane, who has been associated with them for some years past, will in future be interested in the business which they will carry on under the old style of Francis Miller and Steele.

IT'S WAR-TIME. BUT-DON'T FORGET THE MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL, Its responsibilities are great and must be met.

POOLING INSURANCE.-The Licenses Insurance Corporation and Guarantee Fund Limited has established an entirely new scheme of Insurance for Fire, Burglary, Workmen's Compensation, &c., by which the profits accrue to the insured. (See p. 218) [ADVT.] FIXED INCOMES.-Houses and Residential Flats can now be Furnished on a new system of Deferred Payments especially adapted for those with fixed incomes who do not wish to disturb investments. Selection from the largest stock in the world. Everything legibly marked in plain figures. Maple and Co. Ltd., Tottenham Courtroad, London, W.-[ADVT.]

MARCY AND DODD'S LAW AND PRACTICE APPERTAINING TO ORIGINATING SUMMONS with Forms. 486 pp. Demy 8vo. Price 12s.FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COx) LTD., "Law Times" Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E. C.-[ADVT.]



THE annual meeting of the Hardwicke Society was held at the Inner Temple Lecture Hall, King's Bench-walk, on Friday, the 18th inst., Mr. Pembroke Wicks, the outgoing president, taking the chair. The meeting was very largely attended.

Mr. J. B. Matthews, K.C., proposed, and Lord Halsbury supported, the election of Mr. Cecil Walsh, K.C., as president. Mr. Walsh was elected.

The other officers were declared duly elected as follows: Mr. Edgar T. Dale, vice-president; Mr. R. Primrose, hon. treasurer; Mr. Constantine Gallop, hon. secretary; Messrs. A. M. Coutanche, W E. P. Done, Kingsley Griffiths, William Latey, B. B. Stenham, and Ewart Wort, committee; and the secretary was instructed to prepare a roll of those members of the society who were serving with His Majesty's forces.


To SECRETARIES.-Reports of meetings should reach the office not later than first post Thursday morning to ensure insertion in the current number.



THE attention of students is particularly requested to the following resolution of the Council of Legal Education:



All lectures will begin not later than five minutes after the appointed time as stated in the prospectus of lectures. At the expiration of five minutes after the appointed time the attendance book will be closed and handed to the lecturer, and no further entry will be permitted to be made therein except by special leave of the lecturer obtained on application to him at the close of the lecture."

ROMAN LAW, JURISPRUDENCE, INTERNATIONAL LAW, AND THE CONFLICT OF LAWS (otherwise Private International Law). Reader, Mr. J. PAWLEY BATE; Assistant Reader, Mr. S. H. LEONARD.

During Hilary Term the Reader proposes to deliver lectures as follows:

I. ROMAN LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE.-On Wednesdays and Thursdays (at twelve o'clock) he will continue his course of lectures on these subjects. The first lecture will be delivered on Wednesday, the 13th Jan. The following topics will be discussed in Hilary Term:-Universal succession: Intestacy, testaments, insolvency.

II. INTERNATIONAL LAW.-On Wednesdays (at three o'clock), commencing on the 13th Jan., the Reader will continue his course of lectures on the Laws of War by Land and by Sea.

III. CONFLICT OF LAWS (OTHERWISE PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW).-On Thursdays (at three o'clock) he will commence a course of lectures on this subject. The first lecture will be delivered on Thursday, the 14th Jan. The following topics will be dealt with:-Legitimacy, legitimation, divorce, guardianship, succession on death.

During Hilary Term the Assistant Reader proposes to lecture on the following subjects:

I. Delicts and Quasi-Delicts. II. The Law of Property.

III. The Elements of Roman Civil Procedure.

The first lectures will be delivered on Monday, the 11th Jan., at twelve and three o'clock, and the lectures will be continued on subsequent Tuesdays at twelve o'clock, and Mondays at twelve and three o'clock,


Reader, Mr. A. E. W. HAZEL.

During Hilary Term the Reader proposes to lecture on CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. The first lecture will be delivered on Thursday, the 14th Jan., at three o'clock, and the lectures will be continued on subsequent Fridays at twelve and three o'clock, and Thursdays at three o'clock. The Reader also proposes to continue his lectures on LEGAL HISTORY, dealing with the history of the courts, on Tuesdays at three o'clock, beginning on Tuesday, the 12th Jan. The Reader will be glad to see any gentleman who desires to consult him informally as to his course of reading after any lecture.

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Reader, Mr W. BLAKE ODGERS, K.C. During Hilary Term the Reader proposes to lecture as follows:

CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE.-On Mondays and Tuesdays, at 2 p.m. (commencing Monday, the 11th Jan.), the Reader will deliver a course of lectures on Criminal Law: Offences against the Sovereign, the Constitution, and the Good Order of the Realm, such as treason, treason-felony, sedition, riot, perjury, bigamy, conspiracy, &c.

LAW OF EVIDENCE AND CIVIL PROCEDURE.-On Wednesdays, at 2 p.m. (commencing the 13th Jan.), the Reader will lecture on Oral Evidence, witnesses, cross-examination, corroboration, &c. On Thursdays, at 2 p.m. (commencing the 14th Jan.), the Reader will continue his course on Civil Procedure in an Action in the King's Bench Division.



During Hilary Term the Reader proposes to lecture as follows:

On Mondays and Tuesdays, SALES OF LAND. The first lecture will be delivered on Monday, the 11th Jan., at four o'clock, and the lectures will be continued at the same hour on subsequent Tuesdays and Mondays.

On Thursdays and Fridays, Elements of THE LAW OF REAL PROPERTY. The first lecture will be delivered on Thursday, the 14th Jan., at four o'clock, and the lectures will be continued at the same hour on subsequent Fridays and Thursdays.

The Assistant Reader proposes to lecture on SETTLEMENTS OF REAL ESTATE. The first lecture will be delivered on Monday, the 11th Jan., at three o'clock, and the lectures will be continued on subsequent Wednesdays at four o'clock, Thursdays at five o'clock, and Mondays at three o'clock.


Reader, Mr. HUGH FRASER; Assistant Reader, Mr. J. G. PEASE. During Hilary Term the Reader proposes to deliver lectures as follows:

On Mondays, BILLS OF EXCHANGE (illustrated by forms). The first lectures will be delivered on Monday the 11th Jan., at ten and five o'clock, and the lectures will be continued at the same hours on subsequent Mondays. On Fridays, LIBEL AND SLANDER, FALSE ÎMPRISONMENT, AND MALICIOUS PROSECUTION. The first lectures will be delivered on Friday, the 15th Jan., at ten and five o'clock, and the lectures will be continued at the same hours on subsequent Fridays.

The Assistant Reader proposes to lecture as follows:

On Tuesdays, ELEMENTS OF THE LAW OF CONTRACT. The first lecture will be delivered on Tuesday, the 12th Jan., at ten o'clock, and the lectures will be continued at the same hour on subsequent Tuesdays.

On Wednesdays and Thursdays, CONTRACTS OF INSURANCE, with special reference to life insurance. The first lecture will be delivered on Wednesday, the 13th Jan., at ten o'clock, and the lectures will be continued at the same hour on subsequent Thursdays and Wednesdays.


Reader, Mr. J. ANDREW STRAHAN; Assistant Reader, Mr. G. M. T. HILDYARD.

During Hilary Term the Reader proposes to lecture as follows:

On Mondays, THE ELEMENTS OF EQUITY. The first lecture will be delivered on Monday, the 11th Jan., at eleven o'clock, and the lectures will be continued at the same hour on subsequent Mondays.

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, THE LAW OF MORTGAGES. The first lecture will be delivered on Tuesday, the 12th Jan., at eleven o'clock, and the lectures will be continued at the same hour on subsequent Thursdays, Fridays, and Tuesdays. The Reader will be in his chambers, 1, New-square, Lincoln'sinn, on Friday, the 8th Jan., from 12 to 1 p.m., when he will be glad to see any student desiring advice on his course of study.

The Assistant Reader proposes to lecture on COMPANY LAW. The first lectnre will be delivered on Tuesday, the 12th Jan., at five o'clock, and the lectures will be continued on subsequent Wednesdays at eleven and five o'clock, and Tuesdays at five o'clock.

HINDU AND MAHOMEDAN LAW. Lecturer, Sir F. A. ROBERTSON. During Hilary Term lectures will be delivered on HINDU AND MAHOMEDAN LAW. The first lecture will be delivered on

Monday, the 11th Jan., at four o'clock, and the lectures will be continued at the same hour on subsequent Wednesdays, Fridays, and Mondays.

The director of legal studies, Mr. Blake Odgers, LL.D., K.C., will be in his chambers, at 15, Old-square, Lincoln's-inn (on the second floor), every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the educational term, between the hours of 10.30 a.m. and 12 noon, when he will be glad to see any student of an Inn of Court who desires to consult him as to lectures, books, or any other matter affecting his legal studies. He will also be glad to see any student who is reading for the Final Examination on any Tuesday during the educational term between 3 and 3.30 p.m.

Clerks serving under articles of clerkship to solicitors may attend the lectures on payment of half the fees payable by other persons not being members of an Inn of Court, the council of the Law Society having agreed with the Council of Legal Education for payment of the remainder.

Art cled clerks may obtain vouchers for tickets by application to the secretary at the hall of the Law Society, Chancery-lane, W.C.

Particulars as to fees payable by gentlemen not being members of an Inn of Court may be obtained upon application to the clerk of the council, 15, Old-square, Lincoln's-inn, W.C.


1. There will be an examination at the end of the Hilary Educational Term in each of the following subjects: (1) Roman law and jurisprudence; (2) Constitutional law (English and Colonial) and legal history; (3) Criminal law and procedure; (4) Real property and conveyancing; (5) Common law; (6) Equity; (7) Law of evidence and civil procedure. Any student may present himself for examination in more than one subject.

2. No student will be admitted to the examination in any subject who has not attended two-thirds of the lectures delivered in that subject since the last examination, unless he can satisfy the director of legal studies that his absence was occasioned by illness or other sufficient cause.

3. Each examination will last one and a half hours; it will be conducted by means of printed questions and written answers; and the papers will contain questions on the matters on which the Reader and Assistant Reader have lectured since the last examination.

4. The date and place of each examination will be fixed at least a week beforehand, and announced both by written notice and orally by the Reader and Assistant Reader. Any student intending to present himself for examination in any subject must notify his intention to the clerk of the Council of Legal Education, 15, Old-square, Lincoln's-inn, W.C., not less than two clear days before the t'me appointed for the examination in that subject. No examination will be held in any subject, unless at least ten students have given such notice of their intention to present themselves for examination in that subject.

5. The Readers and Assistant Readers will report the results of the examinations to the chairman of the Board of Studies, who shall lay the results before the Council of Legal Education at its next meeting.

6. Every student who, in the opinion of the chairman of the Board of Studies, has passed a satisfactory examination in any subject, will be so informed by the clerk of the council.

7. A prize of law books to the value of £5 will be awarded to the student who does best in each examination, if the examiner considers that his answers are of sufficient merit. Such books shall be selected by the successful student, with the approval of the director of legal studies. The prize may be divided between students of equal merit. A student who has obtained a prize shall be at liberty to enter for any subsequent examination, but not to obtain a second prize, in the same subject.

SANITARY ASSURANCE.-Before renting or purchasing a house it is advisable to obtain an independent report on the condition of the Drains, Sanitary Fittings, and Water Supply. Moderate fees for Sanitary Inspections on application to the Sanitary Engineering Company, 115, Victoria-street, Westminster. 'Phone 4316 Victoria. Telegrams: Sanitation," London. [ADVT.]

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WHERE TO FIND YOUR LAW.-Being a Discursive Bibliographical Essay upon the various Divisions and Subdivisions of the Law of England, and the Statutes, Reports of Cases, and Text Books containing such Law, with Appendixes, for Facilitating Reference to all Statutes and Reports of Cases, and with a Full Index. By ERNEST ARTHUR JELF, M.A., of New College, Oxford, Barrister-at-Law of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, and of the SouthEastern Circuit. Third Edition, greatly Enlarged, price 10s. 6d., post free.-FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., "Law Times" Office, Windscr House, Dream's-buildings, E. C.-[ADVT.]


Information intended for publication under the above heading should reach us not later than Thursday morning in each week, as publication is otherwise delayed.

Mr. A. C. CLAUSON, K.C., has been elected a Bencher of Lincoln's-inn, in succession to the late Mr. T. H. Fischer, K.C., Master in Lunacy. Mr. Clauson was called in 1891 and took silk in 1910.

Mr. VICTOR MURRAY COUTTS TROTTER, barrister-at-law, has been appointed a Puisne Judge of the High Court of Judicature at Madras. Mr. Trotter was called by the Inner Temple in 1901. Mr. FFIENNES CECIL ARTHUR BARRETT-LENNARD, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Gold Coast, has been appointed a Puisne Judge of the High Court of Uganda. Mr. Barrett-Lennard was called by Lincoln's-inn in 1905.

Mr. SYDNEY C. KING FARLOW has been appointed a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Gold Coast. Mr. KingFarlow was called by the Middle Temple in 1889 and joined the South-Eastern Circuit.

Mr. HERBERT LENNOX LUMLEY, solicitor, of the firm of H. L. Lumley and Co., of 29, Glasshouse-street, Piccadilly. circus, W., and West Hampstead, London, has been appointed a Commissioner for Oaths. He was admitted in 1901.


This column is intended for the use of members of the Legal Profession, and therefore queries trom lay correspondents cannot be inserted. Under no circumstances are editorial replies undertaken.

None are inserted unless the name and address of the writer are sent, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of bona fides.


12. CONTRACT-EFFECT OF WAR.-A. before the declaration of war entered into a contract to supply the output of a mine worked by him to a German firm, carrying on business in Berlin, for three years. (1) Is A. at liberty during the war to sell his output elsewhere; and (2) when peace is declared will the contract again commence to run as to the future output, and, if so, will the duration of the war be considered part of the three years ? BERLIN.

13. Power of Attorney-SOUTH AFRICAN REBEL.-A., an Englishman, formerly resident in South Africa, being the owner of an interest in land in South Africa which he desires to sell, executed in England a power of attorney in favour of X., a Boer. The power of attorney is expressed to be irrevocable for one year. X. joined a rebel commando, but surrendered a few days before the power of attorney was due to arrive in South Africa. Having, regard to X.'s rebellion, is A. now in a position to revoke the power, notwithstanding the provision as to irrevocability fo one year, whether X. suffers any penalty or not, or must he wait until performance becomes impossible by reason of X. being ordered imprisonment for at least one year? Does the fact that X. (an enemy) would be entitled to receive the purchase money of the land and might use it in aiding other enemies of the King make any difference?


14. FINANCE ACT 1914, s. 14.-In the case of a testator dying before the passing of this Act, leaving his property to trustees upon trust for sale and conversion and upon trust for his widow for life with remainder to his children, and estate duty was paid on the death of the testator, will estate duty be payable again on the decease of the widow after the passing of the Act? Also in the case of advances to children during the lifetime of the widow? SUBSCRIBER.


Second Lieutenant ERNEST HADDON OWEN, solicitor, of the firm of Haddon Owen and Son, was killed in action on the 22nd ult. His promotion to lieutenant appeared in the Gazette of the 23rd Dec. He was the son of Mr. William Haddon Owen, solicitor, Louth. He was serving with the South Wales Borderers when killed. Mr. Owen, who was twenty-eight years old, was educated at Haileybury College, and was admitted in 1909.

Mr. MAURICE POWELL, barrister-at-law, died at his residence in Kensington Palace-gardens on the 18th ult., aged seventy-six. Mr. Powell was called by the Inner Temple in 1865.

Mr. WILLIAM POOLE, solicitor, of Taunton, died on the 19th ult., aged eighty-eight. Mr. Poole, who was admitted in 1874, was a member of the old Local Board of Health, and became a member of the town council after the renewal of the municipal

charter in 1877. He was raised to the aldermanic bench, but did not accept the office of mayor. He was a magistrate for the borough, and a member of the Town Charity Trust.

Mr. HENRY CROSS, solicitor, of the firm of Henry Cross and Son, of Prescot, died on Monday, aged seventy-three. Mr. Cross had been clerk to the Prescot Urban District Council, and previously to the Prescot Local Board for forty-two years. He was also clerk to the defunct Prescot Highway Board and School Board. Mr. Cross was admitted in 1867. He was a member of the Law Society, of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association, and of the Liverpool Law Society.

Mr. ATHERSTONE DAMANT, solicitor, of the firm of Damant and Sons, of Isle of Wight, died at North Wood Lodge, Cowes, on Monday, aged fifty-four. Mr. Damant was clerk to the East Cowes Urban District Council and several other local authorities. He was admitted in 1884, and was a member of the Society Provincial Notaries Public of England and Wales.



1. The Court or a Judge dealing with an application under Order XIV., r. 8, may, if satisfied that the trial of the case is urgent, order that the trial shall take place in the Long Vacation, and thereupon the case shall be set down for trial in a special list of cases to be tried during the Long Vacation. Provided that no such order shall be made if the trial is to be before a Judge and Jury.

2.-(a) Where, upon the summons for directions, or at any later stage, the place of trial comes in question, the Court or a Judge, if of opinion that a primâ facie case is made for placing the trial at an Assize town other than those mentioned below, shall refer the case to the Judge of Assize who is going to that town on Circuit.

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(b) If the Assizes have been already chosen, the matter shall be brought forthwith before the Judge of Assize. If otherwise, it shall stand referred to the Judge of Assize as soon as he is ascertained.

(c) The Judge of Assize shall determine whether the place of trial shall or shall not be at the town suggested or at some other town on his Circuit, or elsewhere, provided that if he is of opinion that it should be tried at an Assize town not on his Circuit, and not one of the excepted towns, he shall not make the order for trial at such town without first consulting the judge who is going to that town.

(d) If he decides that the case shall be tried at an Assize town other than the excepted towns, the Judge going to that town shall be furnished then, and from time to time at further stages in the action, with such information as will enable him to provide for the adequate trial of the action, and to arrange his days in each town on Circuit so as best to provide for the adequate trial of all actions on the Circuit. In particular, he shall be informed whether the action is expected to be tried at the then pending Assize, and its probable length, and thereafter he or the Clerk of Assize shall be promptly informed if the trial is postponed or accelerated, or the action comes to an end, or the mode of trial is altered, or particular issues are admitted, referred, or deferred.

(e) For any such information promptly given the party may be allowed upon taxation such costs as the Taxing Master shall think proper.

(f) If either party establishes a right by statute to fix the venue locally at an Assize town other than those above mentioned, he shall forthwith give notice to the Clerk of Assize, and shall therupon and thereafter give to the Judge of Assize or to the Clerk of Assize such information as is provided for in the last preceding Rule, and shall for it be allowed upon taxation such costs as the Taxing Master shall think proper.

3. Order XXXVI., Rule 22B, is hereby annulled, and the following Rule shall stand in lieu thereof :

After notice of trial has been given of any cause, matter, or issue to be tried elsewhere than in London or Middlesex, Manchester, Liverpool, and such other places as the Lord Chancellor shall from time to time direct, either party may, at any time, in the case of Leeds, Birmingham, Cardiff, and Swansea, not less than seven days, and in all other places (except as herein before excepted) not less than twenty-one days before the day proposed for the Commission day at such place in the Order in Council on that subject in force for the time being enter the trial at the next Assizes in the district registry (if any) of the city or town where

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