in holy orders in the Church of Rome, or Jesuit, or member of any other religious order, community, or society of that Church bound by monastic or religious vows, shall be received at the Court of London as ambassador or other diplomatic agent, and provided also that nothing in the statute should be taken to repeal, weaken, or affect any laws then in force for upholding the supremacy of the Crown in all matters civil and ecclesiastical. In former days, as the spiritual head of the Holy Roman Empire, the Pope claimed for his ambassadors or nuncios precedence over the representatives of all temporal princes, and in the Roman Catholic countries of Spain. Austria-Hungary, and Portugal, before the recent revolution, such precedence has been conceded. The instructions to Sir Henry Howard to offer the Pope the cordial congratulations of His Majesty the King on the occasion of his election may direct attention to the circumstance that in States governed under monarchical systems, if the prince to whom the envoy is accredited dies, new letters of credentials must be sent for presentation to his successor, whereas no change or interruption takes place in the functions of diplomatic agents in the event of the death of a Pope and the election of his successor. The evident desire of the Government of Great Britain that the Pope, as a lover of peace, should be placed in full possession of the state of circumstances which preceded the war, of the subsequent developments, and of the efforts to prevent outbreak of hostilities, recalls the claim of the Papacy in preReformation times, before the rise of the Grotian doctrine, to settle international disputes-the canon law being the basis of its authority in international affairs. In 1648, at the close of the Thirty Years War, the Peace of Westphalia became a formal abrogation of the sovereignty of Rome and of the theory of Church and State with which the name of Rome had been for so long a time associated. That peace, by declaring Lutherans and Calvinists free from the jurisdiction of the Pope, and by rendering the States of the empire practically independent of the Emperor as its federal head, made possible the realisation of the doctrine of the sovereignty of States. The Peace of Westphalia made a true science of international law capable of realisation. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. DEATHS AND DISAPPEARANCES ON THE BATTLE-FIELD. an ONE of the most important requirements of the French Civil Code is the register of the civil status, or, as it is known, L'état civil, of every French subject, man or woman. It corresponds somewhat to our registration laws, with this difference, the actes de l'état civil show at a glance the principal events in the life of the individual. When the child is born, an acte de naissance is drawn up and a register made; when he marries, an acte de mariage is added, and when he dies there follows the acte de décès. A reference to the register shows whether a person is a legitimate, illegitimate, or adopted child, married or single, separated or divorced, living or dead. To obtain like information in England of anyone who had reasons for concealment would entail much trouble and expense. The war raises an interesting question as to the actes de décès of those who die on, or disappear from, the field of battle. The general rules for drawing up these documents in normal times are to be found in art. 73 et seq. of the code civil, wherein it is prescribed that the acte de décès must be drawn up twenty-four hours after the death, after an officer of the état civil has viewed the body. In practice, the authorities of the état civil delegate this duty to a medical practitioner. The acte de décès is the only legal proof of death. The disappearance of a citizen, however long the period may be, is not equivalent to a statement (constatation) made after viewing the body. It permits only, at the end of four years, a declaration of absence. The heirs of the absentee enter into provisional possession of his estate. At the end of thirty years, or where 100 have elapsed since the birth of the absentee, the possession becomes definitive. But however long the duration of the absence may be, it ceases if the absentee reappears. The conjoint (husband or wife) can never remarry. Since the beginning of hostilities thousands of Frenchmen have disappeared without their bodies having been viewed by the officer of the état civil, but the situation is not without precedents. On the 13th Jan. 1817, under the Restoration, a law was passed relative to the soldiers and sailors who disappeared, during the wars which had taken place, since the 21st April 1792 up to the treaty of peace of the 20th Nov. 1815. M. Laine in his report upon the law of the 13th Jan. 1817 stated that this measure was to be considered only as meeting the circumstances of that period. After the Treaty of Frankfort, the law of the 9th-12th Aug. 1871 was passed to establish judicially the deaths of those who had fallen during the period from the outbreak of hostilities to the signing of the treaty of peace. Just twenty-one years ago Parliament passed the law of the 8-9th June 1893 modifying generally arts. 86 to 100 in chapters 4 and 5 of the title relative to the état civil. The treasurers of units of war, in time of mobilisation, the commissaries of the general quarters, officers of the hospital departments, doctors, officers of the commissariat, and commissaries of the colonies are instituted officers of the étate civil, with power to draw up actes de naissance, décès, mariage, and recognition of natural children. For the non-combatants following the armies the provost acts. Actes thus drawn up are transcribed as soon as possible upon the ordinary registers of the état civil of the domicil of the deceased. These officers, civil and military, are required to observe the same procedure as maires in ordinary times. They must view the body in the presence of two witnesses. Circumstances may be such that identification of the body is impossible, or it cannot be recorded. Art 19 of the decree of the 3rd Jan. 1813, in the case of mine accidents, where the bodies cannot be recovered, empowers the courts, a proces verbal of the event having been lodged, to establish the death. In drafting the law of the 8th June 1893, the idea of the decree of 1813 was borrowed. The officer of the état civil, of the ships of the State, or of commerce, it is enacted, shall draw up a procès-verbal of the disappearance of persons who, falling overboard, are drowned, and whose bodies are not recovered. If there be a total loss of a ship or the disappearance of part of the crew, the administrative authority after inquiry draws up a procès-verbal of the presumed loss or disappearance. The presumption of death shall then be declared by the Minister of Marine, after which the tribunal of the port of armament or of the domicil of the deceased shall render judgment establishing the death. It seems, however, with all these provisions, some legislation will be necessary after the termination of hostilities to establish the deaths of those of whom no record is obtainable. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. A PROCLAMATION RELATING TO TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. GEORGE R.I. WHEREAS by Our Proclamation dated the 9th day of September, 1914, called the Trading with the Enemy Proclamation, No. 2, certain prohibitions, as therein more specifically set forth, were imposed upon all persons therein referred to: And whereas by Our Proclamation dated the 8th day of October, 1914, the Trading with the Enemy Proclamation No. 2 was amended as therein more specifically set forth: And whereas by Our Proclamation dated the 5th day of November, 1914, it was declared that the aforesaid Proclamations, amongst others, should apply to the state of war existing between Us and the Sultan of Turkey: And whereas it is desirable to extend the scope of the prohibitions contained in the aforesaid Proclamations in the manner hereinafter appearing: Now, therefore, We have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, to issue this Our Royal Proclamation, declaring, and it is hereby declared, as follows: 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph 6 of the Trading with the Enemy Proclamation No. 2 transactions hereafter entered into by persons firms or companies resident carrying on business or being in the United Kingdom (a) in respect of banking business with a branch situated outside the United Kingdom of an enemy person firm or company, or (b) in respect of any description of business with a branch situated outside the United Kingdom of an enemy bank, shall be considered as transactions with an enemy: Provided that the acceptance payment or other dealing with any negotiable instrument which was drawn before the date of this Proclamation shall not, if otherwise lawful, be deemed to be a transaction hereafter entered into within the meaning of this paragraph. 2. The power to grant licences on Our behalf vested by paragraph 8 of the Trading with the Enemy Proclamation No. 2 in a Secretary of State, or the Board of Trade, may also be exercised by the Lords Commissioners of Our Treasury. 3. If the Governor in Council of any British possession shall issue a Proclamation extending the provisions of this Procla mation to transactions by persons firms or companies resident carrying on business or being in that possession such first mentioned Proclamation shall have effect as if it were part of this Proclamation. 4. This Proclamation shall be read as one with the Trading with the Enemy Proclamation No. 2, and with Our Proclamation dated the 8th day of October amending the same. Given at Our Court at Buckingham Palace, this seventh NORWOOD CLUB LIMITED. -Petition for winding-up to be heard Jan. 21, at Croydon County Court, at 10.30. P. Holt, Purley, Surrey, sol. for pet. Notices of appearance by Jan, 20. PERUVIAN COAST SYNDICATE LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feb. 16, to H. W. Fenney, 54, Gresham-st, E. C. PICTURE SUPPLIES LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feb. 16, to S. Lingard, 22, Booth-st, Manchester. REG. SAMSON LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Jan. 29, to B. Samson, 112. Edmund-st, Birmingham. E.C. RHODESIAN CORPORATION (1912) LIMITED. Creditors to send in, by ALIENS RESTRICTION. AT the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 7th day of January, 1915. Present, The King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Whereas by the Aliens Restriction (Consolidation) Order, 1914 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Order), His Majesty has been pleased to impose restrictions on aliens and to make various provisions for carrying those restrictions into effect: And whereas it is desirable to amend the said order in manner hereinafter provided: Now, therefore, His Majesty is pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows: 1. The following article shall be inserted after Article 25A of the Principal Order :: "25B. A registration officer may, subject to the general or special instructions of the Secretary of State, grant to a Turkish subject resident in his registration district, who is shown to his satisfaction to be by race a Greek, Armenian, or Syrian, or a member of any other community well known as opposed to the Turkish régime, and to be a Christian, a certificate of exemption from all or any of the provisions of this Part of this Order, except such as apply to alien friends. Any such certificate shall be operative throughout the United Kingdom, but may be revoked by the registration officer who granted it or by the registration officer of any district in which the holder is for the time being resident." 2. This Order may be cited as the Aliens Restriction (Armenians, &c.) Order, 1915. ALMERIC FITZROY. HEIRS-AT-LAW AND NEXT OF KIN. MAAS (Hermann Edward), son of the testator, Edward Maas, or his legal personal representative, or persons claiming under an inquiry made in the matter of the trusts of the will of Edward Maas (deceased), to come in, by March 22, and prove his or their claims at chambers of the Judge, Room 288, and enter his or their names at Room 287, Royal Courts of Justice. Hearing March 30, at 12, at said chambers, Room 288. APPOINTMENTS UNDER THE JOINT STOCK NOTICES OF APPEARANCE AT HEARING MUST REACH THE SOLICITORS BY 6 P.M. A. R. DAW AND CO. LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard Jan. 21, at Newcastle-upon-Tyne County Court. S. G. Ward, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, sol, for pet. Notices of appearance by Jan. 20. ARMSTRONG GRAY AND CO. LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard Jan. 21, at Brighton County Court, at 12. Cushman and Cunningham, Brighton, sols. for pet. Notices of appearance by Jan. 20 to the pet.. G. L. Armstrong, 13, Lower Rock-grdns, Brighton, or her sols., or W. J. Wenham, 11, John-st, Bedford-row, W.C., her London agent. AUTOMATIC SHOE SHINE COMPANY LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feb. 2, to P. Mason, 64, Gresham-st, E.C. BAMBER BRIDGE SPINNING COMPANY LIMITED. Petition for winding-up presented Nov. 13, by J. Baldwin, Bamber Bridge. Wilding, Bonney, and Pegge, Manchester, sols for pet. Petition for winding-up presented Jan. 9. by J. Rainford, Preston, to be heard Jan. 26. by Court of Chancery of County Palatine of Lancaster sitting at Assize Courts, Manchester, at 10.45. Rawsthorn, Ambler, and Booth, Preston, sols. for pet. Notices of appearance by Jan. 25. BENNETT LIGHT SYNDICATE LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feb. 15, to C. W. Rooke, 46, Queen Victoria-st, E.C. CENTRAL PICTURE PALACE, WARRINGTON, LIMITED-Creditors to send in, by Jan. 23, to B. Silcock, 8, Egypt-st, Warrington. H.L.S. AUTOCAR SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard Jan. 22, at Stockport County Court, at 12. T. W. Potts and Co., Stockport, sols, for pet. Notices of appearance by Jan. 21. HOSKISON LIMITED.-Petition for winding-up to be heard Feb, 11, at Birmingham County Court, at 10.30. P. Cohen and Slater, Birmingham, sols. for pets. Notices of appearance by Feb. 10, to the gols., or their London agents, Messieurs McKenna and Co.. 31 to 34, Basinghall-st, E.C. INNOVATION INGENUITIES LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feb. 8, to A. Page, liquidator. Timbrell and Deighton, 90, Cannon-st, E.C., sols. for liquidator, JAMES A. KING LIMITED-George Graham Poppleton, 4. Charterhousesq. E.C., accountant, has been appointed an additional liquidator jointly with Henry Portlock. LLEWELLYN AND CUBITT LIMITED.-Creditors to send in, by Feb. 23, to CREDITORS UNDER 22 & 23 VICT. c. 35. LAST DAY OF CLAIM AND TO WHOM PARTICULARS TO BE SENT. ADAMS (George), Kingham and Taynton. Feb. 24; Wilkins and Toy, Chipping Norton. ADDERLEY (Joseph William), Penkridge. Feb. 24; B. Hall, Wolverhampton. ALLEN (Rebecca), Mitcham. Feb. 15; G. S. Warmington and Edmonds, 14 and 15, Coleman-st, E.C. ALLEN (Robert), Brentford. Feb. 14; Martineau and Reid. 2, Raymondbldgs, Gray's-inn, W.C. ALBINSON (Hannah Holt), Moss Side. Feb. 6; J. R. H. Cottrill, Man chester. BAKER (Horace), Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Feb. 19; Lethbridge. Money, and Prior, 25. Abingdon-st Westminster. W. J. S. and J. A. S. Scott, Newcastle-on-Tyne. BARROW (Admiral Arthur), Clevedon, Feb. 15; A. V. Lloyd Jones, 2, Gresham-bldgs, E.C. BARROW (William), Hebburn and Jarrow. Feb, 15; J. A. Livingston, Jarrow. BEILBY (Clara Olivia), Hove. Feb. 9; Cockburn, Gostling, and Cockburn, Hove. BENNETT (Lieut. Hugh Donald). H.M.S. Cressy. March 1; Hays, BIRCH (Sir Arthur Nonus), Grosvenor-pl. March 1; Davenport, Cunliffe, BUCKENHAM (Sarah Bailey), Thorpe. Feb. 4; S. Garerd Hill and Son, Norwich. BURR (Thomas Walter), Cambridge. Feb. 10; Eaden, Spearing, and Raynes Cambridge. CHAPMAN (Thomas Edward Augustus), Horfield. Feb. 8; Bradford and. Co., Swindon. CHATTO (Denis John Francis Potts). St. Mary Church. Torquay. Feb. 8; Hyde, Mahon, and Pascall, 33, Ely-pl, W.C. CHISHOLM (Janet Sarah). Hurworth-on-Tees. Feb. 17; E. D'A. Ewart Jukes, 5, Gray's-inn-sq, W.C. CHRISTIAN (Basil Ewan), Cornhill, E.C., and Richmond. Feb. 9: C. N. Goodhall King's-ct, Broadway. Westminster, S.W. CHURCHILL (William Smith), Longsight. Feb. 9; Parker, Ayre, and Milne, Manchester. COHEN (Esther), Kilburn. Feb. 15; J. and M. Solomon, 58. Finsburypave, E.C. COLLINGE (Robert), Rochdale. Feb 13; Jackson and Co., Rochdale. COVENEY (Eliza), Hawkhurst. Feb. 5; Maddison, Stirling, Humm, and Davies, 33, Old Jewry, E.C. CRAGGS (Grace), Durham County Asylum, Sedgefield. Jan. 31; T. Jennings, Bishop Auckland. CRAWLEY (Charles Henry), Bexley Heath. Feb. 20; Public Trustee. 3 and 4, Clement's-inn Strand. Sols., Harmer. Ruddock, and Son, Great Yarmouth. CRISPIN (Col. Hugh Trevor), Camberley. Feb. 10; Trower, Still, Parkin, and Keeling, 5, New-sq, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. CROMPTON (Selina), Bournemouth. March 1, Parkinson, Slack, and Needham, Manchester. CRUIKSHANK (Lieut. Eric Onslow), Hyde Park. Feb. 8; C. J. Smith and Hudson, 5, Fenchurch-st, E.C. DAVIS (Robert Johnson), Beckenham. Feb. 20; Stannard and Bosanquet, 19, Eastcheap. E.C. DODDS (William), Melsonby. Feb. 8; J. F. Latimer, Darlington. DUFF (Marie Albertine), Kensington. Feb. 8; Slaughter and May. 18, Austin-friars, E.C. DUGDALE (Thomas Cantrell), Moss Side. Feb. 8; Lloyd and Davies, Manchester. EDWARDS (Elizabeth Knight), Hulme. March 25; L. A. Challinor, Manchester. EVERITT (Francis Douglas), Droitwich, who died at Camberley. Feb. 12; Sanders, Parish, and Co., Birmingham. FRY (Charles Orledge). Peckham. Feb. 15; Hubbard, Son, and Eve, 110, Cannon-st, E.C. GALLOWAY (Henry), Hale and Manchester. Feb. 28; Payne, Galloway, and Co., Manchester. GARRETT (Caroline Ann). Eltham. Feb. 8; Bartlett and Gregory, 6, Newsq. Lincoln's-inn, W.C. GARLAND (Christopher Oscar). Maida Vale. Feb. 12; H. P. Russell, Bexley Heath. GARLAND (Valentine Tom), Kings Worthy. Jan. 23; R. J. Harris, Winchester. GELDER (William), Knaresborough. March 1; A. P. Dale, Knaresborough, GIBSON (Elizabeth), Sunderland. Feb. 15; Longden, Mann, and Longden, Sunderland. GILLMAN (Charles). Hinksey Hill. Feb. 24; Wilkins and Toy, Oxford. GILLMAN (Elizabeth Selena), Hinksey Hill. Feb. 24; Wilkins and Toy, Oxford. GREEN WELL (William), Sunderland. Feb. 13; J. and W. J. Robinson, Sunderland. HARDING (Edward), Liverpool. Feb. 22; J. P. McKenna, Liverpool. HARGREAVES (Thomas), Rochdale. Feb. 5; Standring, Taylor, and Co., Rochdale HARINGTON (Rev. Charles Sumner), Bath. Feb. 28; Baker and Nairne, 3, Crosby-sq. HATCH (John James), St. Heliers, Jersey. Feb. 20; G. Robins, 11, HAWKINS (William), Salford. Feb. 13; E. Desquesnes, Salford. Pancras-la. E.C. LAW SOCIETIES. HENRIQUES (Lieut. Ronald Lucas Quixano), Sussex-sq. W. Feb. 17; HODGSON (William Leng), Saltburn-by-the-Sea and Stockton-on-Tees. HOLLINGWORTH (George), Alresford. Jan. 22; Shield and Mackarness, Alresford. HUGHES (Charles), Bolsover. Feb. 12; Jones and Middleton, Chesterfield. JACQUES (Thomas), Aylburton. March 1; Byrch, Cox, and Sons, Evesham. JENNINGS (John), Ellonby Hall, Skelton. Feb. 13; Bleaymire and Shepherd, Penrith. JEWSON (Eliza), Middlesbrough. Jan. 29; E. Richardson, Middlesbrough. KELLETT (Emma Moorhouse), North Shore. Feb. 20; R. Hilditch, Manchester. KNIGHTS (Noah), South Lowestoft. Feb. 5; Johnson and Nicholson, LANCASTER (George), Acomb. March 1; Spink and Brown, York. MCKECHNIE (Daniel Montgomery), Halewood. Feb. 6; Oppenheim, Son, and Ross, St. Helens. MCLELLAN (John), West Kirby. Feb, 18; Toulmin, Ward, and Co., Liverpool. MAGUIRE (James), Phoenix-st, W.C.; Sandymount, Dublin, and Queenborough. Feb. 8; Theodore Goddard and Co.. 5 and 6, Clement's-inn. Strand, W.C. MAWDSLEY (Hannah), Southport. Feb. 17; Collins. Robinson, and Co., Liverpool. MAXWELL (John Robert). Whitley. Feb. 8; Reed, Ryder, and Meikle, North Shields. MELLOR (James), Huddersfield. Feb. 10; F. Leonard, Huddersfield. MINCHIN (John William). Charlton Kings. Feb. 8; S. W. Billings, Cheltenham. MITCHELL (John), Leicester. Feb. 20; Toller. Burgess, and Pochin, Leicester. NOBLE (William James, K.C.), Paper-bldgs, Temple, and St. Pancras. Feb. 10; Beale and Co., 16, Great George-st, Westminster, S.W. PYMAN (Capt. James), Westminster. Feb. 9; Hughes and Sons, 34, John-st, Bedford-row, W.C. REES (Richard), Llangathen. Feb. 15; J. C. Edmunds, Llandilo. REYNOLDS (John Slater), Lee Green and Leyton. Feb. 8: E. L. Greaves. 14. Serjeants'-inn, Fleet-st, E.C. RIGADIS (Constantin Eleutherios). Alexandria, Egypt. Feb. 19; Coward and Hawksley, Sons, and Chance, 30, Mincing-la, E.C. ROBINSON (Edgar Francis). Buckingham-gate, S. W. March 1; Bolton, Jobson, and Yate-Lee, 2, Temple grdns, E.C. SAUNDERS (Caroline Frances), Leamington Spa. March 9; Hallowes and Carter, 39, Bedford-row, W.C. SAUNDERS (Francis George). Liverpool. Feb. 7; E. Berry and Co., Liverpool. SONES (Elizabeth Mary). Forest Gate. Feb. 20; Carr, Tyler, and Overy. 23, Rood-la. Fenchurch-st, E.C. TANNER (Rev. William Afric), Princes-sq. Feb. 13: Winterbotham and THIELEMANN (Frederick August), Exmouth-st, Hampstead-rd, N.W. VALPY (Oliver Harris), Sloane-ct, and Haymarket. Feb. 15; Chapman- WAINWRIGHT (James Edward Taylor). Bidston. Feb. 8; A. S. Mather and Son, Liverpool. WALKER (William), Sutton Weaver. Feb. 28; J. Burton, Runcorn. WILSON (Henry Joseph), Sheffield. March 1; Busk, Mellor, and Norris, 45, Lincoln's-inn-flds, W.C. WILSON (Lieut. Col. Gordon Chesney). Mayfair. Feb. 19; Coward and Hawksley Sons, and Chance, 30. Mincing-la, E.C. WINTERTON (Frank). Thurmaston. Feb. 9; Freer and Co. Leicester. WOOD (William). Walworth, and Ramsgate. Feb. 15; the executors, at the office of W. H. Matthews and Co., Union Bank-chmbrs, 16, Southwark-st. Surrey. YARWOOD (John), Eccles. Feb. 8; W. La Coste Bowden, Manchester. BROUGHTON'S REMINDERS FOR CONVEYANCERS.-With References to some of the best Precedents. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. Price 3s. 6d. net, post free.-FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) Ltd., "Law Times " Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C.[ADVT.] A TREATISE ON ORDER XIV., AND THE RULES AND PRACTICE THEREUNDER AND RELATING THERETO. By ERNEST ARTHUR JELF, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, &c. Price 5s., post free.-FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE Cox) LTD., 66 'Law Times Office, Windsor House, Bream'sbuildings, E. C. [ADVT.] THE BUILDERS OF OUR LAW DURING THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA. By EDWARD MANSON. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged 10s. 6d., Post Free. Giving a Sketch of the Lives of the Greatest of Modern English Judges in an interesting and anecdotal form.— FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., “Law Times Office, Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, E.C.—[ADVт.] SAUNDERS' LAW AND PRACTICE OF ORDERS OF AFFILIATION AND PROCEEDINGS IN BASTARDY. With the Statutes, Forms, and Forms of Agreement, together with the Practice on Appeals to the Quarter Sessions and Special Cases. By R. M. STEPHENSON, LL.B. (Lond.), Barrister-at-Law, of the Inner Temple and North-Eastern Circuit. Tenth Edition. Price 6s. 6d. net, Post Free.-FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD.. 'Law Times" Office, Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, E.C.—[ADVT.] THE BAR COUNCIL. THE annual general meeting of the Bar will (by permission of the Masters of the Bench) be held in the Inner Temple Hall on Monday, the 18th Jan., at 4.15 o'clock. The Attorney-General will preside. In accordance with the regulations, the General Council of the Bar will submit its accounts to the meeting, together with a statement of the proceedings of the past year, and a record of the attendances of the elected members of the council at its meetings. THE LAW SOCIETY. THE first term of the year will commence on the 18th inst., on which and the following day the Principal will be in his room for the purpose of seeing students who desire to enter for the lectures or classes of the term. The subjects dealt with will be, for Final students-(i.) Equity (The Principal), (ii.) Criminal Law and Divorce (Dr. Burgin), and (iii.) Practice in the King's Bench Division (Mr. McNair); and, for Intermediate students, (i.) Civil Injuries (Mr. Livingstone), (ii.) Public Rights (Mr. Baynes), and (iii.) Accounts and Book-keeping (Outline) (Mr. Dicksee). Classes on Jurisprudence and Elementary Equity (the Principal) and on Roman Law (Mr. Cleveland-Stevens), for Degree students and students enrolled under the Exemption Order, will also be held. It is desirable that students contemplating enrolment under the Exemption Order should communicate with the Principal, in writing, not later than the first day of term, and, if possible, a few days before. Copies of the prospectus and time-table, and of the new studentship regulations, may be obtained on personal application at the office of the society, or by letter to the Principal. SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, THE directors held their usual monthly meeting at the Law Society, Chancery-lane, on the 13th inst., Mr. Alfred Davenport in the chair, the other directors present being Messrs. T. S. Curtis, Thomas Dixon (Chelmsford), Walter Dowson, W. E. Gillett, Charles Goddard, J. R. B. Gregory, L. W. North Hickley, C. G. May, W. Arthur Sharpe, Richard S. Taylor, R. W. Tweedie, and W. Melmoth Walters. Annuities and grants to the amount of £877 were made to poor and deserving cases; sixteen new members were admitted, and other general business transacted. SOLICITORS' MANAGING CLERKS' ASSOCIATION. THE following is the syllabus of Law Lectures for the Hilary Session: Tuesday, Jan. 19.-" Goodwill." Lecturer, Mr. J. C. Tomlin, K.C. Mr. Justice Warrington will take the chair. The meeting will be held in the Old Hall, Lincoln's-inn. Friday, Feb. 19.—“ The Sale of Goods." Lecturer, Mr. Frank Newbolt, K.C. Mr. Justice Atkin will take the chair. The meeting will be held in Gray's-inn Hall. Friday, March 19.-"The Effect of War and Acts of State upon the Performance of Contracts." Lecturer, Mr. T. W. H. Inskip, K.C. Mr. Justice Shearman will take the chair. The meeting will be held in the Inner Temple Hall. The chair will be taken each evening at seven o'clock. The lectures are open to all the members of the association, who will be allowed to introduce friends connected with the Profession. Non-members will be admitted on production of ticket, which may be obtained of Mr. John Veirall, hon. secretary of lectures atthe office of the association, 12, New-court, Lincoln's-inn. The annual supper of the association will be held on Thursday next, at 6.45 p.m., at the Duke's Room, Holborn Restaurant. Tickets 3s. 6d. each. A musical programme, which will be furnished by members and friends, will be a feature of the entertainment. WHERE TO FIND YOUR LAW.-Being a Discursive Bibliographical Essay upon the various Divisions and Subdivisions of the Law of England, and the Statutes, Reports of Cases, and Text Books containing such Law, with Appendixes, for Facilitating Reference to all Statutes and Reports of Cases, and with a Full Index. By ERNEST ARTHUR JELF, M.A., of New College, Oxford, Barrister-at-Law of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, and of the SouthEastern Circuit. Third Edition, greatly Enlarged, price 10s. 6d., post free.-FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE ČOX) LTD., "Law Times Office, Windscr House, Dream's-buildings, E. C.-[ADVT.] Montgomery, A. B., Gray's-inn Theocharides, T., Gray's-inn. II. Sauhta, Kahan S., Lincoln's-inn Veerasamy, S., Inner Temple Ward, Frank, Middle Temple Whittow, Anthony, Gray's-inn Yusuf, M., Middle Temple. Gidvani, A. T., Lincoln's-inn Mahmud, M., Middle Temple Temple Ahmed, K. F., Gray's-inn Betts, E. S. F., Middle Temple Khan, Prince A. K., Inner Temple REAL PROPERTY AND CONVEYANCING. Batt, Francis R., Gray's-inn Class I. Trehearne, H. A. T., Inner Temple. Class II. Bhide, V. S., Middle Temple Class Baker, James Guy, Lincoln's-inn Holmes, T. V., Inner Temple McEwen, James M., Gray's-inn Noel, Joseph G., Middle Temple Peake, Arthur W., Gray's-inn Veerasamy, S., Inner Temple. III. Misra, Reva P.. Lincoln's-inn Oppenheimer, K. M., Inner Temple inn Yusuf, M., Middle Temple. ROMAN-DUTCH LAW. Class III. Oörloff, C. F., Gray's-inn Examined, 2; passed, 2. | Reddy, P. B., Middle Temple. FINAL EXAMINATION. Class I. CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR. Blackwell, G. W., Middle Temple Deva, B. N. V., Gray's-inn Masih, Syed M., Lincoln's-inn THE BARSTOW LAW SCHOLARSHIP. Bonner, Cecil Arthur James, Gray's-inn. INDIAN STUDENTS. THE annual report on the work of the Indian students' department under the auspices of the India Office has only just been issued, although the year under review ended last June. At that date there were 600 Indian students on the books of the Inns of Court, but the number who have joined in the last twelve months shows a decline. The exact number at each of the Inns cannot easily be determined, as some who have entered their names may not be pursuing their studies. To any frequenter of the hall or library of the Middle Temple, which stands highest on the list, the considerable decrease in the number of Indian students has been noticeable. Lincoln's-inn is next with 173. On the books of Gray's-inn are ninety-eight, though the number in regular attendance is much smaller; while the Inner Temple, which records only fifty, seems to have a larger proportion in evidence. In the report Mr. Mallet remarks that the standard of admission for Indian students in the consolidated regulations "is still a source of much criticism." The difficulty is the value to be attached to the examinations of the Indian universities. At present students are required to possess a degree. It is contended that the intermediate examination is equivalent to the standard of English students. This is a question of fact which should be easily determined by a small committee of the Council of Legal Education. In the new rules made by some of the High Courts the Indian students possess a more substantial grievance. It is a serious matter to add a fourth year to their course by the requirement that they must read in a barrister's chambers in London for twelve months. The suggestion is made that this and other points might be considered by the High Courts in India with a view to the preparation of uniform and consolidated regulations for the admission of barristers. The report adopts a more sympathetic attitude than has been shown officially on some occasions towards the Inns of Court and kindred institutions besieged by Indian students. It is recognised that 'nearly all these institutions are independent bodies, with distinctive rules and traditions of their own, free to lay down any conditions they like for the admission of any class of students, and, it may be, slow to act when asked to throw open to students from the other side of the world privileges that were once reserved for limited classes of people." Even this, perhaps, hardly represents fully the position of the Inns of Court, since they are trustees of an ancient privilege, and the attitude, both of the Benchers and of the general body of the members, certainly in some of the Inns, is much more cordial and kindly disposed towards the Indian students than it was quite a short time ago. PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. information intended for publication under the above heading should reach us not later than Thursday morning in each week, as publication is otherwise delayed. Sir FREDERICK Low, K.C., has been appointed a Commissioner of Assize to go the Midland Circuit. Sir MALCOLM MCILWRAITH, K.C.M.G., Judicial Adviser to the Khedive, has been appointed one of His Majesty's Counsel. Sir Malcolm was called by Lincoln's-inn in 1890. Mr. J. A. BANCROFT, solicitor, Tenby, has been appointed a Commissioner for Oaths. Mr. Bancroft was admitted in 1907. NOTES AND QUERIES. This column is intended for the use of members of the Legal Profession and therefore queries trom lay correspondents cannot be inserted. Under no circumstances are editorial replies undertaken. None are inserted unless the name and address of the writer are sent, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of bona fides. Queries. 16. NATIONALITY.-Can any of your readers inform me as to the nationality of a person born of German parents in Belgium ? Perhaps one of the Belgian lawyers might be able to give some authority, as our Naturalisation Law is silent as to any distinction between alien friends and alien enemies. OF LUCIO. CIRCUM 17. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CHANGE STANCES.-In Sheldon v. Needham (111 L. T. Rep. 729) the Court of Appeal decided that to entitle an injured workman to compensation he must show that there was some special risk incidental to his employment that imposes upon him a greater peril than an ordinary person incurs. A. was employed to collect debts and solicit orders, for which purpose he went on foot to various parts of this town. In Jan. 1913 he fell on some ice in the street, when going from one house to another, and broke his leg. The County Court judge awarded him compensation, which he is still receiving. Can the employer get the award set aside on the ground that Sheldon v. Needham applies and creates a "change of circumstances within the meaning of the authorities on the subject; or what else can the employer do in the matter? PRACTITIONER. 18. WILL-TRUSTEE ABROAD.-A testatrix died about three years ago devising her real estate to trustees A., B., and C. upon trust for sale. Will was proved by A., B., and C., and then in Jan. 1913 A. went abroad and since then has not communicated with either B. or C., and will not reply to any letter addressed to him with reference to the trust. B. and C. are now anxious to sell the property, but do not wish to appoint another trustee. Unless they do so, can they give a good title to the property without obtaining a vesting order? TRUSTEE. CORRESPONDENCE. This department being open to free discussion on all Professional topics, the Editor does not hold himself responsible for any opinions or statements contained in it. SOLICITORS AS COMMANDING OFFICERS.-You will perhaps agree with us that it is a noteworthy circumstance that three out of the four battalions forming the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Infantry Brigade are commanded by practising solicitorsthe 5th by Lieut.-Col. Godfrey Mosley of Derby, the 6th by Lieut.-Col. Godfrey D. Goodman of Buxton, and the 8th by Lieut.-Col. Charles J. Huskinson of Newark. It is reported in the local papers that a reserve battalion about to be formed will be commanded by yet another practising solicitor, Col. H. BrookeTaylor of Bakewell. BENNETT And Co. LEGAL OBITUARY. Mr. ERSKINE POLLOCK, K.C., of Avening Court, died on the 4th inst. Born on the 2nd June 1849, he was the eldest son of the late Mr. Robert J. Pollock, 8th Madras Cavalry, and grandson of the Right Hon. Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart. Mr. Erskine Pollock was a justice of the peace for Gloucestershire, and became Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions in 1904. Mr. Pollock was called by the Inner Temple in 1873 and took silk in 1892. THE COURTS AND COURT PAPERS. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT, 1914. THE TRADING WITH THE ENEMY (VESTING AND APPLICATION 1. In these Rules The expression "the Act means the Trading with the Enemy Amendment Act, 1914 The expression "the custodian" has the same meaning as in the Act; and the expression "enemy" has a meaning corresponding with that given to "enemies in the Act. The expression "property" means any real or personal property, including any rights, whether legal or equitable, in or arising out of property real or personal. References to sections and sub-sections are references to sections and sub-sections of the Act. 2.-(1) Applications under Section 4 shall be by way of originating summons and shall be made to the Chancery Division of the High Court, and such applications and any subsequent applications shall in general and except so far as hereby otherwise provided be made and dealt with mutatis mutandis in accordance with the practice of that Division with regard to similar matters under the Rules of the Supreme Court and otherwise. (2) Any respondent to the originating summons shall not be required to enter any appearance thereto, and accordingly Rule 4E of Order LIV. of the Rules of the Supreme Court shall apply thereto. (3) In all cases where the originating summons is not taken out by the custodian he shall be named as a respondent thereto, and it shall be served on him unless the Court shall in any case or class of cases otherwise order. (4) In general and except so far as the Court may otherwise order the enemy to whom any property may be alleged to belong shall be named as a respondent to any originating summons under Section 4, and any person or corporation holding or managing any property alleged to belong to the enemy may also be named as a respondent to the originating summons. (5) Originating summonses under Section 4 shall be intituled in the matter of the Act and in the matter of the enemy or alleged enemy in question and may be in the form or to the effect set out in the Schedule hereto. |