COUNTY COURTS: Recent decisions (continued): Workmen's Compensation Act 1906-Float- Act 1906- Foodstuffs as contraband, 415 Law Society meeting, 307 Leases by a person to himself and others, 472 Legal proceedings against enemies, 461, 496 Foreclosure Courts (Emergency Powers) Act Court, the," and the Moneylenders Act, 102 Courts-martial, 114 Courts martial in war time, 399 Crabb Robinson and the law, 231 Credit of client pledged by solicitor, 498 Criminal abortion and medical etiquette, 194 others, 453 Debentures debarring specific performance, Debentures of company as charitable gift, 453 Decisions on war subjects, 206, 220 Declaration of London, 18, 70 Defence of the Realm, 101, 122, 471, 546 Defence of the Realm Bill, 439 Del credere agent's obligation, 336 Depreciation of investments set aside under the Conveyancing Act 1881 to Deranged posts and contracts by correspond- Detention of cargoes, 506 Diminished incomes, taxes on, 158 Directors of company, shareholders suing, 269 Distribution of assets among debenture stock- Donatio mortis causâ, 222 Drink, sale of, 496 Drink, suspension of sales of, 61 Duties on bequests and appointments, 357 Duty of lessor of house let in separate tene- 546 French Prize Court, 442 245 Friendly society branch, suing trustees of, Light and air, interference with access of, 104 208 Future of Belgian solicitors, 212 German blockade," 333 German methods of warfare, lawyers' protest German shareholders in English companies, 75. Germany and the Monroe doctrine, 17 Government Whip, the, and the Parliamentary Guilty wife alleged to be maintained by co- Harbour authorities' liability for damage, 68 Hilary cause lists, 219 Holy See, the, position of, 299 Home Office, the, and criticism, 287 House of Commons: Financial resolutions, 88 Identity of parcels, 225 Indian Criminal Procedure Code, 546 Injured workman, medical examination of, 537 Injured workman, redemption of weekly pay- ment to, 7, 429 Injured workman's capacity for " light work," Injured workmen championed by approved Insolvency and emergency powers, 353 Interference with access of light and air, 104 International law, problems of, 354 Internes on parole and Red Cross immunity, 147 Internment, 465 Neutrals and belligerent warships, 569 Investment, an, what is? 78 Neutrals and trade, 545 Investment, an, and a security, what is the New appointments, the, 287 difference between? 189 Irish executive, 210 Irish notes, 16, 41, 64, 88, 118, 146, 168, 211, Irish Police Bill, 388 Irregular troops under the laws of war, position "Issue" and "event," meaning of, 249 New company legislation, 87 New points in argument on case stated by New session, the, 317 New trial in criminal cases, 165 New trustees, effect of an administration suit New Year's honours, 219 Next of kin under wills, 137 Noteworthy decisions of the judicial year, 29, Opening letters, 366 Outgoings and income, 535 Paley on summary convictions, 67 Latent ambiguities in wills-Parol evidence of Particular charities, 476 Partnership deeds, 2 con- Alien enemy-Right of alien enemy to appear - - Enemy ship-British ship-Enemy cargoes- tions as states. The Panariellos, 484 1 Recent decisions and the law of light, 266 Reduction of payments for maintenance of Refreshment house, Sunday observance by Registrable trade mark, surname as, 137 Release of power of appointment-Fraud on Release of right to sue for breach of trust, 461 Repudiation by receiver of company's con- Residue, income of, 538 Statutory and other public duties, 472 Submission to jurisdiction, 521 on highways, Suicide of workman after accident, 291 Supplementary estimates, 319 Surface of land, right to iet down, 79 116 Suspension of soldiers' sentences, 438 Tax on diminished incomes, 158 Taxation of "male servants," 536 Tenant for life and remainderman-Trust to Tenants for life and trusts for sale, 308 Trading with the enemy, 46, 86, 257, 333 Transfer of ships, 765 Treason trials, modern, 171 Trial of civilians, 387 Trust for or power of sale, 405 Trust for protection and benefit of animals- Trust for sale or power of sale, 57 Trust moneys, following, 498 Trustee mortgagee releasing part of the Trustees and war risks, 376 Trustees on active service, 134 Trusts, notice of, 249 Vendor and purchaser-Restriction as to light Wages of collier working in stall, 188 War material, production of, 460 Weekly payment to injured workman, redemp Welsh Church Act 1914, 345 What is an investment? 78 What is a 66 port"? 234 What is the difference between an investment Wills, latent ambiguities in, 337 Wills of seamen and marines, 86 Workman, accident to, while intoxicated, 336 Yorkshire Registries Act 1884, 292 Bankruptcy Act 1914 and Deeds of Arrange- ment Act 1914. Seventh Edition of original commentary by Chalmers and Hough, 458 Barclay on Law and Usage of War, 112 Baty and Morgan on War: Its Conduct and Bell on Sale of Food and Drugs, Sixth Edition, Bennett on Conveyancing Costs, Eleventh Bizzell on the Judicial Interpretation of Bolton on the Postponement of Payments Act 1914 and Courts (Emergency Powers) Act Booth on Courts of Summary Jurisdiction, 38 Bower on Actionable Non-disclosure, 458 Bradley on Debtors and the War, 251 Brissaud's History of French Public Law, 566 Brown on the Prevention and Control of Company Secretary's Diary and Reference Cook on How Britain Strove for Peace, 165 Corder's Life of Robert Spence Watson, 251 Council of Legal Education Calendar 1914-15, 38 Crew on Procedure at Meetings, Third Edition, Criminal Appeal Cases, Vol. 10, Part 10, 28; Nov. 30 to Dec. 18, 1914, and Jan. 19, 1915. 363; Vol. II., Part 5, 503; Vol. II., Part 6, Davies on the Finance Act (1909-10) Act, 1910, 13 Dicey's Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, Eighth Ed tion, 274 Disney on Carriage by Railway, Fourth Dod's Parliamentary Companion 1915, 363 Easton's Quarterly Noter-up-Last quarter of Eliot on the Juvenile Court and the Com- Ellenborough (Lord) on the Guilt of Lord Glaister's Text-book of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, Third Edition, 566 Goadby's Introduction to the Study of Law, Godefroi on Trusts and Trustees, Fourth Gore-Brown on the Effect of the War on Com- Gore-Brown and Jordan on Joint Stock Com- panies, Thirty-third Edition, 363 Hanna on the War and Suspension of Legal Hodsoll's Practical Accounts for Executors and Holland on the Law relating to the Child, 251 Huberick and Nicol-Speyer on German Legis- lation for the Occupied Territories of Hurd on Prize Court Practice and Procedure, Incorporated Accountants' Year Book 1914-15, Jenks' Digest of English Civil Law. Book 3, ss. 12-17: Law of Property, 13 Jones' "The Solicitor's Clerk," Part 2, Sixth Jordan on Company Law and Practice, 479 Jordan on Private Companies, 251 Journal of the Society of Comparative Legisla- Keen on the World in Alliance, 363 Quarterly Review for October, 14; Lawrence's Documents Illustrative of Inter- Lawyer's Remembrancer and Pocket Book Ranking and Spicer on Company Law, Second Ranking, Spicer, and Pegler on Executorship Law and Accounts, Fourth Edition, 566 Ridges on the Constitutional Law of England, Mews Digest of English Case Law for 1914, Mews' Quarterly Digest of English Case Law (from Jan. 1 to Oct. 1) 1914, 112 Millard's Tithe Rentcharge Table 1915, 274 Mosby on Causes and Cures of Crime, 165 Munro on Commercial Law, Third Edition, 566 Noville and Robertson's Railway and Canal Newspaper Press Directory 1915, 540 O'Connor on the Afrikander Rebellion, 363 Parry on the Law and the Poor, 112 Parson's and Bertram on the Workmen's Com- Picciotto on the Relation of International Law to the Law of England and of the United Schuster on the Effect of the War and Mora: torium on Commercial Transactions, Second Schwabe on Stones' Justices' Manual for 1915, 566 Stone's Workmen's Compensation and In- Thomson on Columbia and the United States, Thwaites' Guide to Criminal Law and Pro- Topham on Company Law, Fourth Edition, 112 Tregarthen on Hearsay Evidence, 251 Trotter on Contract during War, 251 Turner on the Bankruptcy Act 1914 and the Voysey on Inland Revenue Affidavits, 363 Deeds of Arrangement Act 1914, 112 Van der Linden's Institutes of the Laws of Westlake's Collected Papers on Public Inter- Wigram on Extrinsic Evidence in Aid of the Williams on Bankruptcy Practice, Eleventh Interpretation of Wills, Fifth Edition, 14 Willis on National Health Insurance through Willis on Workmen's Compensation, Fifteenth Yearly County Court Practice 1915, 295 Chester and North Wales, 420 City of London Sclicitors' Company, 47, 419 County Courts Registrars' Association, 445 Notice of general meeting, 282 Provincial meeting announcement, 446 Sir Charles E. Longmore, K.C.B., 93 Solicitors and the War-Renewal of practis- Subscription to the British Red Cross Society, Liverpool, 128 (Annual meeting) Medico-Legal Society, 93, 303 (Neurasthenia and workmen's compensation), 394 (Legal Aspect of the British Pharmacopoeia), 468 (Annual report), 153 (Annual general meet- Solicitors' Managing Clerks' Association, 71 (Covenants in restraint of trade), 153 (Some recent changes in the law of bankruptcy and deeds of arrangement), 259 (Syllabus of law lectures for the Hilary Session), 283 (Good- will), 328 (Annual meeting), 394 (Sale of goods), 490 (Effect of war and acts of State Stockport, 350 (Annual meeting) upon the performance of contracts) Alien Enemies, 128, 154 Contract--Effect of war, 216, 236 Courts emergency, 447, 491 Courts (Emergency Powers) Act 1914, 514, 530 Finance Act 1914, 514, 216, 304 -- - Compensa- Mortgagee-Emergency powers, 396 Right of pasturage-Tithe rentcharge, 330 Power of attorney-South African rebel, 216, Workmen's compensation-Change of circum- Presumption of death, 182, 284 Railway company-In hands of the State, 514 stances, 261 Workmen's Compensation Act 1906-Death of NOTES OF RECENT DECISIONS. Abrahams v. Dimmock [Moneylender], 106 A. G. Spalding and Bro.hers v. A. W. Gamage Allen v. Wedgwood [Will], 11 Amorduct Manufacturing Company v. Defries 109 Andrew Millar and Co. Limited v. Taylor and Arbuthnot v. Capel [Settlement], 140 Austin Friars Steamship Company v. Spillers Aynsley, Re; Kyrle v. Turner [Will], 139 Bagots, Hutton, and Co. Limited, Re [Trade Bank of Australasia v. Clan Line Steamers Barbeary v. Chugg [Employer and workman]. Barclay v. Harris and Cross [Money received 209 V. Behagg v. Palmer [Practice], 36 Birkbeck Permanent Building Society, Re Blackett v. Ridout [Inclosure], 432 Bobbey v. W. M. Crosbie and Co. Limited Bowman, Re; Secular Society Limited v. Bow- Harriet (dec.), In the Estate of Boyd Carpenter v. Farnol, Eades, Irvine, and Boyers V. Westminster Motor-car Garage Bradfield, Re; Bradfield v. Bradfield [Will], 82 Brammall v. Mutual Industrial Corporation Brandon Hill Limited v. Lane and another; Bristow v. Piper [Licensing, 110 501 British Murac Syndicate Limited v. Alperton Brown (John) and Co. Limited, Re [Company], Bruce v. McManus [Cinematograph theatre], Bryant . Bryant Husband and wife], 36 Burnham v. Hardy [Employer and workman], 313 Burry (Pullen) and Provost and Fellows of Bush v. Rogers [Practice], 274 Capel, Re; Arbuthnot v. Capel [Settlement], Capel, A. C., Re; Arbuthnot v. Capel (No. 2) Cassils (Charles W.) and Co. and others v. Century Bank of City of New York v. Moun Charles Wall Limited v. Steel, 312 v. Chatterton, H. W. v. City of London Brewery City of Glasgow Life Assurance Company, Re; Associated Clare's Policy, Re [Insurance], 139 564 Clifford v. Batley [Food and Drugs], 164 Commissioners of Inland Revenue v. Sheffield Companies 0022 and 0023 of 1915, Re [Com- Company, A. Re Re Companies (Consolida- Limited; Same v. Thomas Tilling Limited Continental Tyre and Rubber Company (Great Britain Limited v. Thomas Tilling Limited Cornell v. May and another; Pike, Claimant Cotter, Re; Jennings v. Nye [Trustee], 108 V. Cowley v. Public Trustee and others [Settled land], 294 Cox v. Coulson [Theatrical performance], 565 pany Limited [Workmen's compensation], 84 Davies. Re; Lloyd v. Cardigan County Council Davies' Trusts, Re [Trustees], 162 |