PATENTEES who are unable to finance their inventions because their patent application has not actually been accepted or sealed by the Patent Office can obtain from us a POLICY E guaranteeing against loss through the non-sealing of the patent and so creating a first-class Security for any cash advance for which they may be negotiating. Policies issued up to £50,000. 50% automatically re-insured through our treaty with Lloyd's Underwriters. Last Policy issued for £6000 on 22nd December, 1914. ASPINALL'S MARITIME LAW REPORTS. ASPINALL'S MARITIME LAW CASES (NEW SERIES). JOHN BRIDGE ASPINALL, Barrister-at-Law. Containing all the Decisions on Maritime Law in all the Superior Courts. N.B.-This is a continuation of the " Maritime Law Cases," placed under responsible editorship, and will be cited as "Aspinall's Maritime Law Cases" (Asp. Mar. Law Cas.). It will be found to contain all the cases on questions of Maritime Law decided by all the various courts up to the date of publication, including Marine Insurance Cases. Quarterly, price 58. 6d, and will be sent free by post to subscribers. Vols. 1 to 11, in half calf, price 22 98. per vol. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., "Law Times" Third Edition (Eighth Thousand). Price 3s. 6d. net, Post Free. THE ARTS OF Writing, Reading, & Speaking. By the late EDWARD W. Cox, Berjeant-at-Law and Recorder of Portsmouth. The Seventh Thousand of the Third Edition of this work having been for some time exhausted, the publishers feel that they need offer no apology for issuing the Eighth. The great favour which former editions have received at the hands of the public generally, and schools in particular, proves that the utility of the work is now fully recognised. Though all previous editions were published at 78 6d, this new issue is 88. 6d. net only, in order to keep pace with the present custom of cheaper prices for standard works. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE Cox) LTD., Windsor House, THIRD EDITION. Jelf's Where to Find Your Law. Being a Discursive Bibliographical Essay upon the various Divisions and Subdivisions of the Law of England, and the Statutes, Reports of Cases, and Text Books containing such Law, with Appendixes for Facilitating Reference to all Statutes and Reports of Cases, and with a Full Index. By ERNEST ARTHUR JELF, M.A., Of New College, Oxford: Barrister-at-Law of the Honourable Society of the Price 10s. 6d., cloth. A limited number have been specially bound in Chocolate-coloured FIELD & QUEEN (Horace COX) LTD., "Law Times" Office, Windsor House SECOND EDITION. Crown 8vo., Cloth Boards, price 5s. net. THE CONDUCT OF AN ACTION IN THE KING'S BENCH DIVISION. BY JOSEPH BLAND, Common Law Managing Clerk, Author of "Bland's High Court Action Book," "County Court Record Ledger," &c. With an INTRODUCTION by R. BORROUGH HOPKINS, Esq., Solicitor. Being a Practical Guide to the Preparation of an Action for Trial both on behalf of the Plaintiff and Defendant dealing step by step with the various proceedings necessary to be taken and considered during the progress of an Action from the preparation and issue of the Writ of Summons to Final Judgment after Trial and subsequent proceedings. Including Preparation of Brief, Taking Evidence, Advice on Evidence, Inspection of Documents, Documents for Counsel and the Court, Agreeing Documents, Order XIV. Procedure, Third Party, Interpleader, Garnishee, &c., &c. References to Orders and Rules are given wherever possible, and a considerable number of important cases quoted FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., “Law Times " Office, Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, E.C. Printed and published by the Registered Proprietors, FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., Bream's Buildings. London, EC., in the County of Middlesex, Saturday, Feb 27, 1915. APR 5 1915 THE LAW TIMES, THE JOURNAL. OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. [Registered at G.P.O, Postage within United Kingdom, One Halfpenny; and to Canada at Canadian Magazine Rate.] Law, Parliamentary, and Public Companies' Printers and Lithographers, Chester Street, MANCHESTER. Tel. Address: "Legible, Manchester." LA Telephone: 2304 Central, Manchester. PRICES, &C., ON APPLICATION. AW ASSOCIATION for the BENEFIT of WIDOWS and FAMILIES of SOLICITORS in the Metropolis and vicinity. Instituted 1817. Supported by Life and Annual Subscriptions, and by Donations. This Association consists of Solicitors residing and practising in the Metropolis or within the Bills of Mortality, and its objects are (amongst others) to grant relief to the widow and children of any deceased member, or if none, then to other relatives dependent on him for support. The relief afforded last year amounted to £1684. A subscription of one guinea per annum constitutes a member, and a payment of ten guineas membership for life.-Applica tions to be made to the Secretary, E. EVELYN BARRON, 3. Gray's-inn-place. Gray's-inn. ΚΑ AIN'S SYSTEM OF SOLICITORS This treatise brings Solicitors' Book-keeping up to date, particular attention being paid to separating office and clients' moneys, and the advantage of drawing only on realised profits. Price 38. net. All Account and Costs Books on Kain's Copyright System (first and second quality), also special bocks with extra columns, &c. (made to order), may be obtained of us (carriage paid on first quality only). Our 2A Cash Journal, Double Bank Cois., now reduced to £1 11s. 6d. by arrangement with our publishers. SPECIAL NOTICE.-We have no connection whatever with any firm or firms who purport to sell our books, and adopters of "Kain's System" should be careful to deal direct with us or our publishers, Waterlow Brothers and Layton, and see that the name of "Kain" as well as our name appear on the title page of every book. Price list, specimen sheets, and every information relating to the books are supplied by us free of charge. We have on our Register gentlemen with capital desirous of purchasing practices or partnerships. KAIN, BROWN, & CO., 59, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. URNISHED ROOM, with use of tele FUE ASSETS AND LONDON GAZETTE (published by authority) and HENRY GREEN; Advertisement Agent, begs to direct the attention ofthe Legal Profession to the advantages of his long experience of upwards of fifty years in the special insertion of all pro forma notices, &c., and hereby solicits their continued support. N.B.Forms Gratis of Statutory Notices to Creditors and Dissolution of Partnership and Declaration. File of London Gazette kept for free reference. COMPANY LIMITED, PRUDENTIA 26, PALL MALL, LONDON, 8.W. £1,050,000 By Appointment. ASSURANCE PANY LIMITED, Chief Office-HOLBORN BARS, LONDON. FUNDS EXCEED £91,000,000. COM Summary of the Report presented at the Sixty-sixth a ORDINARY BRANCH.-The number of policies issued during the year was 65,751, assuring the sum of £6,318,843, and producing new annual premium income of £424,353. The premiums received during the year were £5,035,625, being an increase of £115,107 over the year 1913. In addition, £10,315 was received in premiums under the Sickness Insurance Tables. The claims of the year amounted to 4,014,658. The number of deaths was 9351. The number of endowment assurances matured was 24,966, the premium income of which was £136,735. The number of policies in force at the end of the year was 922,505. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH.-The premiums received during the year were £8,176,202, being an increase of £301,746. The claims of the year amounted to OCIETY £2,373,850, including £398,360 bonus additions. The number of claims and 6731 surrenders, including endowment assurances matured, was 392,883. The number of free policies granted during the year to those policyholders of five years' standing and upwards, who desired to discontinue their payments, was 103,514, the number in force being 1,947,556. The number of free policies which became claims during the year was 46,364. The total number of policies in force in this branch at the end of the year was 20,085,010; their average duration exceeds thirteen years. BURGLARY. The assets of the Company, in both branches, as shown in the balance sheet, are £91,202,344, being an increase of £4,209,341 over those of 1913. The outbreak of hostilities in August last placed upon the Directors the grave responsibility of deciding what charge, if any, should be made to policyholders on active service. After careful consideration it was decided to charge no extra premium in respect of existing policies on the lives of those engaging for the period of the war, and in respect of existing policies on the lives of other members of the regular forces it was decided that £250 of assurance on any life should be exempted from the payment of extra premium. In the Ordinary Branch a reversionary bonus at the rate of £1 10s. per cent. on the original sums assured has been added to all classes of participating policies issued since the year 1876. In the Industrial Branch a bonus addition will be made to the sums assured on policies of over five years' duration which become claims either by death or maturity of endowment from the 5th of March 1915 to the 2nd of March 1916, both dates inclusive, as follows: R. W. N. HIBBERT, LL.D. (Lond.), £20 £31 55 £50 CO on Telegrams: phone, Clerks, &c., offered to young Solicitor in exchange for services as Managing Clerk during the absence of predecessor on active service or permanently; office in important building near Law Courts.-Write Solicitors," care of Hastings Bros. Ltd., 83-85, Farringdon-street, E.C. TW WO good-sized OFFICES to LET first floor of important building in Norfolk-street, Strand (lift, &c.), not required by Solicitor.-Write "Offices," care of Hastings Bros. Ltd., 83-85, Farringdon-street, E.C. since 1897 PREPARED ENT LEDGERS.—Simplicity, efficiency, MR. R everything at a glance; specimens free.-F. BROUGH (Manager). Rentbro' Estate Ledgers, 13 Haywra-street, Harrogate. F. F. MONTAGUE, LL.B., con- The six Prudential Approved Societies formed under THOS. C. DEWEY, Chairman. J. BURN. Actuary. Directors. A. C. THOMPSON, LA AW PARTNERSHIP. PARTNERSHIP in very old-established and successful Practice in West of England with view to Succession; Applicant should possess about £3000 to enable him to negotiate; some Advocacy experience would be preferable, although the Practice is mainly Conveyancing; figures may be investigated for thirty years past, and purchase based on last three or four years' average net income; a splendid opening for the right man-Write "X. O. P." (No. 3753), "Law Times Office, Bream'sbuildings, E.C. AN old-established firm of solicitors in the City, with a moderate Practice, are desirous of negotiating with another Solicitor having a similar Practice with a view to AMALGAMATION and saving working expenses; Principals only dealt with.-Apply M. S." (No. 3753), "Law Times" Office, Bream'sbuildings, E.C. To H.M. the King and H.M. the Queen. For REGISTRARS, TOWN CLERKS, CLERKS Solicitors' Gowns. LEVEE SUITS in CLOTH and VELVET. UNIVERSITY and CORPORATION ROBES, 93 & 94, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON,. SPINALL'S MARITIME LAW REPORTS (New Series).-Containing all the Decisions in the Admiralty Courts of England and Ireland, and in all the Superior Courts, with Notes by the Editor. Parts, price 58. 6d., will be sent free by post to subscribers. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE Cox) LTD., "Law Times" Office. Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.O. Statement of Claim. ME LIMITED ESSRS. ATHERTONS claim the patronage of the LEGAL PROFESSION in all matters relating to Sale and Purchase of Practices, Arrangement of Partnerships or Amalgamations, and every branch of the actual business their side of the Profession, requiring assistance, on the following grounds : LAW SUCCESSIONS. (1) They are the recognised leading firm who conduct Law Partnership and Succession negotiations, and deal with most of the important openings in the country. (2) They employ a large and experienced staff including qualified Solicitors versed in every detail of transfer and sale of practices. (3) They have at all times on their books a number of gentlemen, fully qualified and with ample capital, who are waiting to buy practices outright, and they have always many practices for disposal. LAW PARTNERSHIPS. (4) They have a considerable number of eligible gentlemen willing to enter into Partnership, with or without a view to "SUCCESSION.' (5) They have always many extremely valuable Partnerships open for negotiation, and ATHERTONS undertake to find any suitable opening to meet the spécial requirements of any of their clients. MANAGING CLERKS. (6) They can supply at a short notice admitted Solicitors prepared to act as Managing Clerks, and employers need only to state their requirements when a number of excellent men are open for their choice, without any fee for introduction. GENERAL. The Recognised Leading Law Partnership Consultants, 63 & 64, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. Telegrams: "Alacrious, London." Situations, anted and Vacant, SITUATION; experienced, good Correspondent; excellent references; salary 30s.-F. K." (No. 3731). "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAW AW. Experienced ACCOUNTANT CASHIER REQUIRES POST; ten years last office; accustomed preparation Trust, Executorship Accounts, winding-up, settle Costs; used large all-round office (Admiralty); work without supervision.-"Bec" (No. 3751), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW.-COSTS CLERK DESIRES RE ENGAGEMENT; used to heavy bills for taxation or clients, all branches, without supervision; arrears a speciality; also Probate and Estate Duty work; good Accountant.-" Bills (No. 3752), Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LA ancing, Common Law, Costs, &c.-Apply "Law" (No 3753), "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. SOLICITOR AW. (24) DESIRES MANAGING or other CLERKSHIP, town or (No Country: general London experience.-" Jura " 3753). Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. COUNTY BOROUGH OF BOLTON. DEPUTY TOWN CLERK, THE BOLTON CORPORATION invite qualified SOLICITOR to act as DEPUTY TOWN CLERK. The person appointed must be competent to repre sent the Corporation in Petty Sessions cases and the Town Clerk in Parliamentary work, Local Govern ment Board Inquiries, Actions at Law, Arbitrations, the conduct of Elections, and generally as required in the Town Clerk's duties. Salary £300 per annum. Canvassing of members of the Council, directly or indirectly, will be deemed a disqualification. Applications, indorsed "Deputy Town Clerk," stating age. experience, and qualifications, with copies of not more than three testimonials of recent date (which w not be returned), to be delivered to the undersigned not later than the 17th instant. SAMUEL PARKER, Town Clerk Town Hall, Bolton, 3rd March 1915. AW.-WANTED, capable ENGROSSING tice and Shorthand.-" F. J." (No. 3750), Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW.-WANTED, capable CLERK with and Book-keeping; wages 27s. 6d. per week.-App Office, Bream "Wells" (No. 3753), Law Times buildings, E.C. LAW WANTED, shortly, GENERAL CLERK in country office, able to Engroes and draw simple Drafts under supervision; knowledge af Shorthand and Typewriting; salary £1 58-App stating age and experience (with photograph if poss "X." (No. 3753), "Law Times Office, Bream buildings, E.C. AW.-ARTICLED CLERK-Clerk of a LA Solicitor's office, Somerset; Shorthand, Type writing, general office routine, some knowledge County Court work desirable; commencing salary 30 per week.-Apply, in own handwriting, stating experien-Apply, 3753). Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings. EC some experienced getting up evidence, Chamber and CASHIER (Kain's system), over military age. " age, salary, experience, and reference, by letter only, to Beta," care of Street's, 8, Serle-street, Lincoln's-inn. LAW Experiencedy AW.-Experienced COSTS CLERK REwork up arrears, for Solicitor's office in Midlands; one used to Accounts and general work preferred.-State particulars and salary Office, Xel." (No. 3752)," Law Times required, to Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAW WANTED, experienced GENERAL CLERK for office in the Midlands; Shorthand and Typing essential.-Write, stating full particulars, to "Alpha" (No. 3753), "Law Times Office, Bream'sbuildings, E.C. " LAW WANTED (Midlands) young rough knowledge of Conveyancing, and able to act without supervision; experienced in winding-up Estates and in Company work; reliable, hard worker; restriction as to practising.-Apply, stating references, qualifications, age, and salary expected, to C. D." (No. 3753), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. D Two Popular Hotels in Central London. Sales by Auction. SALES BY AUCTION FOR 1915. EBENHAM, TEWSON and CHINNOCKS (Debenham, Tewson, Richardson, adn Co., and Chinnock, Clarke, and Chinnock) beg to announce that their SALES for 1915 of ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban, and Country Houses, Ground Rents, Business Premises, Building Land, Advowsons, Reversions, Stocks, Shares, and other Properties, will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouseyard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows: Tuesday, March 16 Tuesday, June 8 Tuesday, June 22 Tuesday, June 29 Tuesday, July 6 Tuesday, July 13 Tuesday, July 20 Tuesday, July 27 Tuesday, Oct. 12 Tuesday, Oct. 19 Tuesday, Oct. 26 Tuesday, Nov. 9 Tuesday, Nov. 23 Tuesday, Dec. 7. By arrangement Auctions in Town or Country can also LAW REVERSIONARY INTEREST SOCIETY LIMITED be held on other days. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, and THE REVERSIONARY Chinnocks undertake Sales and Valuations for Probate and other purposes of Furniture, Pictures, Farming Stock, Timber, &c. A list is published monthly of Business Premises, Offices, and Building Sites. A Register is also kept of Estates, Town and Country Residences, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, and Investments.-Full particulars on application to Messrs. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, and CHINNOCKS, No. 80, Cheapside, E.O., and 11, Waterlooplace, 8.W. Telephones, City 7611 (three lines) and Gerrard 8765. SOCIETY LIMITED (Established 1823). INTEREST PURCHASE REVERSIONARY INTERESTS in Real Interest and Life and Personal Property, and Life Policies, and advance money upon these securities. Authorised Capital, One Million. Subscribed Capital, 2643,200. Paid-up Capital, £564,825.-The Society has moved from 17, King's Arms-yard, to 30, Coleman-street, E.Q iv STEVENS & SONS LTD., BUTTERWORTH & CO., SWEET & MAXWELL LTD., Law Publishers, Booksellers, & Exporters, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. The Bankruptcy Act 1914 and the Deeds of Arrangement Act 1914 repeal practically all the previous legislation on these subjects. Just Published. Eleventh Edition. for cash, 24s.; postage 8d. Price 30s. ; WILLIAMS' LAW & PRACTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. By the Right Hon. SIR ROLAND L. VAUGHAN EDWARD HANSELL, Barristers-at-Law. LAW PUBLISHERS, BELL YARD, LONDON, W.C. 3, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. LAW PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLERS. Dealers in Second-Hand LAW REPORTS and TEXT-BOOKS, and LEGAL PORTRAITS. LAW LIBRARIES PURCHASED. (LICENSED VALUERS.) Books Supplied on the Instalment System. 1 Telegrams NOW READY. JUST PUBLISHED. Price 3s. 6d. net. 600 pages. Published Price, 158. CASH PRICE, 12s. CHITTY'S LES EFFECT OF WAR ON STOCK ANNUAL STATUTES "The leading text-book on bankruptcy."-Law EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS. Journal. THE KELLY LAW-BOOK COMPANY Ltd beg to offer their services in looking out for and quoting, any Cheap Secondhand Sets of The Law Reports; Law Journal Reports; Law Times Reports; &c, &c., that may be in the market from time to time. At the present time some bargains can be secured. Please address, with particulars of Series desired to purchase THE KELLY LAW-BOOK COMPANY Ltd.. 57, CAREY STREET, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Price 68, net TH HE ART OF CHESS. By JAMES MASON, Author of "Principles of Chess," &o. By W. S. SCHWABE, K.C., assisted by 1914 (Including the 2nd Session). Edited by W. H. AGGS. The cheapest Annotated Edition of the Statutes, and the only one containing the Rules under the Deeds of Arrangement Act 1914 and the Bankruptcy Act 1914. TEN SHILLINGS A MONTH Will buy an English Digest complete to 1914. MEWS' STANDARD DIGEST OF Complete to the end of 1914, in sixteen volumes It can be bought now. London: SWEET & MAXWELL, Ltd., 3, Chancery-la., W.C. THIP EDITION (Eighth Thousand). Price 33, 61. net Post Free. OF Writing, Reading, & Speaking, BY THE LATE EDWARD W. COX, Serjeant-at-Law and Recorder of Portsmouth. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE Cox) LTD., "Law Times LONDON CITY & MIDLAND BANK LIMITED HEAD OFFICE: |