Now Ready. Third Edition, with an Appendix (1914) DUTIES: containing the Finance Act 1914 and the Death Duties (Killed in War) Act 1914, with Notes. Cloth, 12s. 6d. ; for cash, 10s.; postage 6d. WEBSTER-BROWN'S FINANCE ACTS 1894-1912, So far as they relate to the Estate Duty and other ** The Appendix may be had separately, price 2s. 6d. net. STEVENS & SONS LIMITED, 119 and 120, Chancery Lane, London. comprising Estate, Legacy, Succession, and Incre- In consequence of the passing of the Finance Act, Thirty-Second Yea of Publication. AGENDA BOOK FOR 1915. The Diary is of foolscap folio size, having two pages to the week, so that the week's proceedings may be seen at a glance. "Replete with information relating to Joint Stock Companies." "-The Times. FOREIGN SHAREHOLDERS IN ENGLISH COMPANIES. Files of Companies inspected for particulars as TENTH EDITION. PRICE 68. 6d. NET, POST FREE. SAUNDERS' LAW AND PRACTICE OF BANKRUPTCY AND DEEDS OF ARRANCEMENT BEING KING'S PRINTERS' COPIES OF THE ACTS, Bound up with Indices and Tables showing where the corresponding Sections of the repealed Acts are to be found in the Acts of 1914, and vice versa. By CECIL W. TURNER, Of Lincoln's inn, Barrister-at-Law. Price 3s. net, or by post 3s, 3d. Special Offers. LAW JOURNAL REPORTS, 1867 to 1885, complete with Statutes, &c., in 80 vols., full calf. £19 19s. 1901 to 1913, in 39 vols., half calf. No £18 18s. LAW TIMES REPORTS, N.S., Sept. 1883 to Statutes. £12 AND Feb. 1910, 53 vols., half dark brown calf, sound condition. £17 10s. March 1898 to Feb. 1910, 24 vols., half calf, equal to new. ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF FORMS PRECEDENTS, edited by Underhill, 17 vols., £18 1902 to 1909. ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF LOCAL GOVERN£8 15s. MENT LAW, 11 vols., 1945 to 1913. REVISED STATUTES (The), 1235 to 1900, all published to date, 20 vols., some vols. shelf£4 15s. PATERSON'S PRACTICAL STATUTES, 1877 to 1910, 36 vols., cloth. worn. £2 12s. 6d. WILDY and SONS, Lincoln's-inn Archway, Carey St., London, W.C JUST PUBLISHED. Price 1s. 6d. net. PRIZE COURT Practice and Procedure. BY R. J. WICKHAM HURD, LL.B., Solicitor. OF TREATISE ON ORDER XIV. ORDERS OF AFFILIATION The British Parliament, AND The Rules and Practice Thereunder and Relating Thereto. Including the Special Indorsements of Writs under By ERNEST ARTHUR JELF, M.A., FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE Cox) LTD., "Law Times' AND PROCEEDINGS IN BASTARDY. WITH THE STATUTES, FORMS, AND FORMS OF By R. M. STEPHENSON, LL.B. (Lond.), TABLE OF CONTENTS. FROM THE EARLIEST PERIODS. WITH NOTICES OF EMINENT PARLIAMENTARY MEN. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., "Law Times Sixth Edition. Price 12s. net. Statutes, Forte, VI. Write of Certiorari. Appendix. THE PRACTICE OF MAGISTRATES Forms Agreement. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., "Law Times" COURTS. By R. M. STEPHENSON, With an INTRODUCTION by R. BORROUGH HOPKINS, Esq., Solicitor. Being a Practical Guide to the Preparation of an Action for Trial both on behalf of the Plaintiff and Defendant dealing step by step with the various proceedings necessary to be taken and considered during the progress of an Action from the preparation and issue of the Writ of Summons to Final Judgment after Trial and subsequent proceedings. Including Preparation of Brief, Taking Evidence, Advice on Evidence, Inspection of Documents, Documents for Counsel and the Court, Agreeing Documents, Order XIV. Procedure, Third Party, Interpleader, Garnishee, &c., &c. References to Orders and Rules are given wherever possible, and a considerable number of important cases quoted FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., "Law Times " Office, Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, E.C. Printed and published by the Registered Proprietors, FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE Cox) LTD., Bream's Buildings, London, EC., in the County of Middlesex, Saturday, Dec. 12, 1914. THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. [Registered at G.P.O. Postage within United Kingdom, One Halfpenny; and to Canada at Canadian Magazine Rate.] PROVIDENT SOCIETY (A.M.P.). LIMITED, 37, Threadneedle-street, London, E.C. £500,000. 26, PALL MALL, LONDON, 8.W. REVERSIONS PURCHASED, Apply to R. R. TILT, F.I.A., Actuary & Secretary. THE GUARANTEE LIMITED, THE LIBRARY GUARANTEE, WORKMEN'S FIRE. BURGLARY. For COURT BONDS. SECRECY, ABILITY, and DESPATCH. KAIN'S SYSTEM OF SOLICITORS BOOK-KEEPING and COSTS. Twelfth Edition Explanatory Treatise by HENRY This treatise brings Solicitors' Book-keeping up to All Account and Costs Books on Kain's Copyright System (first and second quality), also special books with extra columns, &c. (made to order), may be obtained of us (carriage paid on first quality only). Our 24 Cash Journal, Double Bank Cols., now reduced to £1 11s. 6d. by arrangement with our publishers. SPECIAL NOTICE.-We have no connection whatever with any firm or firms who purport to sell our books, and adopters of " Kain's System "should be careful to deal direct with us or our publishers, Waterlow Brothers and Layton, and see that the name of "Kain "as well as our name appear on the title page of every book. Price list, specimen sheets, and every information relating to the books are supplied by us free of charge. We have on our Register gentlemen with capital desirous of purchasing practices or partnerships. KAIN, BROWN, & CO., 59, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Partnerships, Wanted and Vacant. LAW PARTNERSHIPS. Messrs. HOOPER and SON. The Premier Law Partnership Agents. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY Messrs. Hooper and Son's extensive and confidential connection with the Profession, both in London and throughout the provinces, which they have enjoyed for upwards of Fifty Years, gives them unique advantages in arranging Partnerships or Successions. Solicitors desirous of acquiring or disposing of Shares or Practices are invited to avail themselves of the advantages of their Register. HOOPER and SON, 69, Ludgate Hill, E.C. Telephone: Telegrams: 7855 Central. 'Hooper, Cent. London." (25) LAWANG SOLICITOR espole DESTRES (town or country); experienced in Conveyancing, Probate, Trusts; moderate salary.-" B." (No. 3736), Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW.-CASHIER-BOOK-KEEPER, Kain's Shorthand; good testimonals; country office; salary £95£100.- Bono (No. 3740), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAW, DESIRES CLERKSHIP; thoroughly exper: SOLICITOR (28; Public School enced in Conveyancing and General Practice; has been in practice on own account, but unable to continue for want of capital; hard worker and reliable; excellent testimonials; salary £100.-" D. J. A." (No. 3741)," Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C LAW SOLICITOR (39), Country Manager, Advocate, twenty-two years' experience Conveyancing, Common Law, and general country Practice, Manager last seven years, accustomed to carry through all matters without supervision, good Accountant, Shorthand, of good address, and very well recommended, DESIRES POST at £175 a year, or by arrangement.-" F. B." No. 3742), "Law Times Office, Bream's buildings, E.C. LAWERKS SOLICITOR (240, DESIRES bate, Compensation, and Company work, also General Practice; would undertake Advocacy; Shorthand; ener getic, reliable: excellent testimonials." Progress" (No. 3742), Law Times" Office. Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAW SOLICITOR (LL.B., Honours a man) DESIRES MANAGING CLERKSHIP with View to Partnership or salaried Partnership; eleven and half years' experience; hard worker salary by arrangement, about £300--" C." (No. 3742), Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.G "Law Statement of Claim. MESSRS. ATHERTONS LIMITED claim the patronage of the LEGAL PROFESSION in all matters relating to Sale and Purchase of Practices, Arrangement of Partnerships or Amalgamations, and every branch of the actual business their side of the Profession, requiring assistance, on the following grounds : LAW SUCCESSIONS. (1) They are the recognised leading firm who conduct Law Partnership and Succession negotiations, and deal with most of the important openings in the country. (2) They employ a large and experienced staff including qualified Solicitors versed in every detail of transfer and sale of practices. (3) They have at all times on their books a number of gentlemen, fully qualified and with ample capital, who are waiting to buy practices outright, and they have always many practices for disposal. LAW PARTNERSHIPS. (4) They have a considerable number of eligible gentlemen willing to enter into Partnership, with or without a view to "SUCCESSION.' extremely (5) They have always many valuable Partnerships open for negotiation, and ATHERTONS undertake to find any suitable opening to meet the special requirements of any of their clients. MANACING CLERKS. (6) They can supply at a short notice admitted Solicitors prepared to act as Managing Clerks, and employers need only to state their requirements when a number of excellent men are open for their choice, without any fee for introduction. GENERAL. (7) They are located in the most convenient centre of the Legal World, and appointments can be arranged for solicitors to meet clients at their offices if desired. (8) Their clients can rely upon the strictest confidence being observed, as all correspondence is dealt with by the Principals ONLY. The foregoing are only some few of the advantages ATHERTONS offer, and they cordially invite the Reader of this brief outline of the "CASE" for ATHERTONS to weigh the points adduced carefully, place them upon their trial, when they are confident that the "Verdict" will be in their favour. CONSULTATIONS INVITED. ATHERTONS LIMITED, The Recognised Leading Law Partnership Consultants, 63 & 64, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. Telegrams: Alacrious, London." Salary £750 per annum. The gentleman to be appointed must have had previous Municipal training and exper ence, and will be required to devote the whole of his time to the duties of the office. Canvassing is prohibited, and will be a disqualification.-Applications on prescribed forms (which may be obtained from me), and accompanied by not more than three recent test:monials, must be received by the undersigned not later than Monday, the 28th December, 1914. T. LOFTOS, Town Clerk Town Hall, Blackpool, 2nd December, 1914. (young) DESIRES POST as BOOK-KEEPER; salary 25s.; good references.Miss WEST, 59, Canterbury-road, Old Kent-road, S.E. WANTED, immediately, in the Offices of Clerk to Justices, Guardians, and Rural District Council, in small country town in West Midlands, GENERAL CLERK capable of taking deposi tions, preparing process, Magisterial Accounts, &c., and advising Justices in simple cases; also able to prepare Minutes and Accounts of Board of Guardians and Rural District Council; permanency to suitable man.-Applica tions in applicants' own handwriting, stating age. qualifications, and salary required, together with test monials, should be addressed to " W. G. T." (No. 3742,, "Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAW SOLICITOR NOLICITOR (in West End of London} SIOL DESIRES WORKING ARRANGEMENT (10% Partnership) with young Solicitor; will pay salary and permit private practice, with use of large ofhce, staff. and telephone; experience of Advocacy essential. -Write "West (No. 3742), Law Times Office, Breambuildings, E.C. YOSTS (ARREARS).--BILLS PREPARED and Settled from Papers or Day Sheets; moderate charges; prompt and personal attention. - JAMES MASON, Costs Draftsman, &c., Bent House, Thongsbridge, Yorks. COUNTY PALATINE OF DURHAM. EPIPHANY QUARTER SESSIONS. TOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that the EPIPHANY GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE of the COUNTY PALATINE of DURHAM will be holden at the Assize Courts, Old Elvet, Durham, on Monday, the 4th January next, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, when all Jurors, Suitors, Constables, Persons bound by Recognisance, Sheriff s Officers, Parties and Witnesses in Appeals, and others having business at the said Sessions are required to attend. All Appeals intended for hearing must be entered before Twelve o'clock at noon of that day, and if not so entered they will be adjourned, unless the Court shall otherwise direct. The Court will, before proceeding with other business, commence and finish all business in which a Jury is necessary; and the Court will, as soon as all the cases requiring a Jury shall be disposed of, hear Motions, Appeals, and other matters. Certificates of the illness of Jurymen, as excuses for non-attendance, will in no case be allowed without affidavit, or proof upon oath in open Court verifying the same. Persons intending to prefer Bills of Indictment ar requested to send instructions for the same to the Clerk of the Peace, not later than Monday, the 28th instant. By order, HAROLD JEVONS, Clerk of the Peace. Durham, 9th December 1914. EXECUTORS and MORTGAGEES HOUSES and MAISONETTES, also Freehold Ground Rents upon £100 per annum.-Messrs, MACER, Sur veyors, 10. Old Jewry-chambers, E.C. NITY SOLICITOR OFFERS FURNISHED a view to ultimate Partnership or Succession.-"Let Osmond and Co., 25, Lawrence-lane, E.C. |