R. CHARLES THWAITES (Indermaur Students' Journal," &c., 22, Chancery-lane, London, W.C., continues to read with Students for the Solicitors' Final and Intermediate Examinations, Bar, and other Legal Examinations. Fees on application. Telegrams: "Danensis, London." Tel.: 12.027 Central. R. W. N. HIBBERT, LL.D. (Lond.), Exhibitioner, has since 1897 PREPARED ORALLY and by POST for ALL LEGAL EXAMINATIONS. SUCCESSES 1912-13: 183 passed, 19 Honours; Bar Final, December 1913, 3rd, 4th, and 5th places. LL.B. London (External), one year, £21; Revision Course, £7 7s.-Address 1, Garden-court, Temple, E.C. R. F. W. PEARSON, M.A., B.C.L. Class Honours), continues to PREPARE GENTLEMEN for the BAR, SOLICITORS', and all UNIVERSITY Law Examinations, ORALLY and by POST. Notes, schemes of reading, and test papers supplied. Recent successes include LL.B. (Int.).-9, New-square, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. D Sales by Auction. SALES BY AUCTION FOR 1915. Messrs. Price 5s. 6d., sent free by post to subscribers. COX'S CRIMINAL LAW CASES: In the Court of Criminal Appeal, the Superior Courts, the Central Criminal Court, at the Assizes, and in Ireland. Edited by W. DE BRACY HERBERT, M.A., LL.M., Barrister-at-Law. Price 5s. 6d. each Part. The Parts and Volumes may still be had to complete sets. It is the only complete series of Criminal Cases published in England. An Appendix contains a valuable collection of Precedents of Indictments. Complete Vols. from the commencement (1844) of this work can be had. Price can be obtained on application. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., " 'Law Times" Office. Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, E.C. Telephone, 602, HOLBORN. man in the street no less than for the expert."-Westminster Gazette. CONSTABLE & CO. LTD., LONDON. Ede, Son and Ravenscroft IN THE FIRING LINE Founded in the Reign of William and Mary, 1689. and Robe Makers EBENHAM, TEWSON CHINNOCKS (Debenham, Tewson, Richardson, adn Co., and Chinnock, Clarke, and Chinnock) beg to announce that their SALES for 1915 of ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban, and Country Houses, Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Advowsons, Reversions, Stocks, Shares, and other Properties, will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouseyard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows:Tuesday, Jan. 19 Tuesday, May 11 Tuesday, Feb. 9 Tuesday, May 18 Tuesday, Feb. 16 Tuesday, June 1 Tuesday, March 2 Tuesday, June 8 Tuesday, March 16 Tuesday, June 15 Tuesday, March 23 Tuesday, June 22 Tuesday, April 20 Tuesday, June 29 Tuesday, April 27 Tuesday, July 6 Tuesday, May 4 Tuesday, July 13 Tuesday, July 20 Tuesday, July 27 Tuesday, Oct. 12 Tuesday, Oct. 19 Tuesday, Oct. 26 Tuesday, Nov. 9 Tuesday, Nov. 23 Tuesday, Dec. 7. By arrangement Auctions in Town or Country can also be held on other days. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, and Chinnocks undertake Sales and Valuations for Probate and other purposes of Furniture, Pictures, Farming Stock, Timber, &c.. A list is published monthly of Business Premises, Offices, and Building Sites. A Register is also kept of Estates, Town and Country Residences, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, and Investments.-Full particulars on application to Messrs. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, and CHINNOCKS, No. 80, Cheapside, E.C., and 11, Waterlooplace, S.W. Telephones, City 7611 (three lines) and Gerrard 8765. To H.M. the King and H.M. the Queen. ROBES AND WIGS For REGISTRARS, TOWN CLERKS, CLERKS OF THE PEACE, and CORONERS. Solicitors' Gowns. LEVEE SUITS in CLOTH and VELVET. UNIVERSITY and CORPORATION ROBES. 93 & 94, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. OUR Factory Rebuilt AND Shop-Soiled Save 40 to 65% of Manu- Remingtons, Underwoods, Smith Premiers, Olivers, and all other Standard Machines. Hire Remingtons, Smith Premiers, and Yosts at £1 1s. for three months. Catalogue Free. American Writing Machine Co. Ltd., 118, Queen Victoria-street, London, E.C. iv. STEVENS & SONS LTD., BUTTERWORTH & CO. SWEET & MAXWELL Law Publishers, Booksellers, & Exporters, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Licensed Valuers for Probate, Partnership, &c Just Published. Price 10s. 6d. net; postage 6d. PRACTICAL ACCOUNTS FOR By SYDNEY HODSOLL. Chartered Accountant. Second Edition. Price 2s. 6d. net; postage 2d. LAW PUBLISHERS. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. Law Publishers, Booksellers, and Exporters, 13, BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR, LONDON. Libraries Purchased or Valued. Just comprising Estate, Legacy, Succession, and Incre ment Value Duties, with Decided Cases, Forms, and Notes on Practice, and the Text of all the Acts relating to Death Duties, including Table 1 of The Succession Duty Act, 1853. By ROBERT DYMOND, of the Estate Duty Office, Somerset House. Solicitor. In consequence of the passing of the Finance Act, 1914, and the Death Duties (Killed in War) Act, 1914, a Second Edition of this book has become necessary. The important changes effected by these Acts, particularly as to the incidence of Estate Duty on Settled Property, have been fully explained; changes in Practice and Judicial Decisions since the First Edition was published have been noted and the Index has been amplified. (1914) Price 2s. 6d. net; by post, 2s. 9d. The EFFECT OF Published THE WAR ON (1914) COMMERCIAL ENGAGEMENTS: including the Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, Rules, and Treasury Orders in connection with the War. By F. GORE-BROWNE, M.A., K.C., Author of "Handbook on the Formation, Management, and Winding Up of Joint Stock Companies." (Emergency Powers) Act, and the Rules thereunder By F. E. BRADLEY, M.A., M.Com., LL.D., Special Offers. Statutes. LAW JOURNAL REPORTS, 1867 to 1885, ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF LOCAL GOVERN worn. 3. CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. SWEET & MAXWELL'S DIARY FOR LAWYERS. 1915. A USEFUL NOVELTY., Is., or Is. 4d. post free. 1915. A Memory-Tickler, a Calendar, and a It shows the day's date. It records the day's doings. It reminds you of engagements. It is an efficient Private Secretary, rendering invaluable assistance in looking after daily detail. It is mounted on a nickel plated stand. SWEET & MAXWELL Ltd., 3, Chancerylane, London, W.C. PATERSON'S PRACTICAL STATUTES. THE KELLY LAW-BOOK COMPANY Ltd., 1877 to 1910, 36 vols., cloth. £2 12s. 6d. WILDY and SONS, Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Price 68. net. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE Cox) LTD., 57, CAREY STREET, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. MILWARD ALLSOP, HOSIER, GLOVER, SHIRTMAKER. Reliable Service CHRISTMAS APPEALS. President: EARL BRASSEY, G.C.B. Over 596,000 Seamen benefited since the £7700 specially needed to repay cost ALBERT E. LODER, R N.R., Secretary. Help is always needed for Men's Homes, Women's Patroness: H.M. QUEEN ALEXANDRA. Incurable sufferers-not paupers, but middle-class people- men and women used to the comforts and refinements of life, are cared for and pensioned by the British Home and Hospital for Streatham, S.W. EDGAR PENMAN, Secretary upon application, Auditors, Messrs. Knox, Cropper, & Co., 16, Fius- SPURGEON'S ORPHANAGE, CLAPHAM ROAD, LONDON, S.W. A HOME and SCHOOL for 500 FATHERLESS Contributions should be sent to the Secretary, F. G. LADDS, Spurgeon's Orphanage, Clapham-road, London, S. W. NOTICE TO INTENDING BENFFACTORS.-Our last Annual Report,containing a Legal Form of Bequest, will be g adly sent on applic tion to the FOUNDED 1758. ecretary. THE ORPHAN WORKING SCHOOL AND Depends upon Voluntary Contributions. Legacies, Donations, and Annual Subscriptions are greatly needed. Two votes at each half yearly election for every guinea subscribed. Secretary, ALEXANDER GRANT, to whom all com. munications should be addressed. Offices: 73, Cheapside, London, E.C. CITY OF LONDON CHEST Adjoining the Park of 217 acres and popularly known as 175 beds, and 40,000 attendances of Its remoteness from the West End, to which it must necessarily look principally for support, handicaps the Hospital seriously. PLEASE HELP WITH DONATION OR LEGACY. Cheques crossed" London City & Midland." A GEORGE WATTS, Secretary. and Fallen. London Female Preventive and Reformatory Institution and Offices : 200, EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, N.W. Railway Station and many other Public Notices, PATRONS: ARE DEPENDENT UPON VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. THE London Orphan Asylum WATFORD, formerly at CLAPTON. INSTITUTED 1813. 500 Fatherless Children of the necessitous middle £16,000 are REQUIRED from VOLUNTARY SOURCES EACH YEAR, HELP IS GREATLY NEEDED. Bankers: GLYN, MILLS, CURRIE, & Co Queen Charlotte's Lying-in HOSPITAL, MARYLEBONE ROAD, LONDON, N.W. Patrons HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA. 1701 In-Patients and 1854 Out-Patients during 1913. METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL, KINGSLAND ROAD, N.E. PATRON: H.M. THE KING. Chairman-The Rt. Hon. LORD HOWARD DE WALDEN. Chairman of Committee-C. J. THOMAS, Esq., C.C. Solicitors, Trustees, Executors, and others, having Money for Distribution amongst deserving Charities, will, it is hopel, find the List which appears on this Inset useful. All Applications respecting Advertising on this Inset should be addressed: Messrs. HOOPER & BATTY Ltd., Advertising Contractors 15, Walbrook, London, E.C. All Applications respecting Advertising on this Inset should be addressed: Messrs. HOOPER & BATTY Ltd. Advertising Contractors 15, Walbrook, London, E.C. THE NATIONAL GUARD. It is felt by a large section of the community that some steps should be taken in the City of London to meet the possibility of an invasion. With this idea in view there are numerous corps throughout the country affiliated to the Central Association Volunteer Training Corps, and it is with the approval of the Central Association that a Force, under the name of "THE NATIONAL GUARD (City of London Corps) is being raised, under the Presidency of the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London. The object of the Corps is to provide a Force of actively engaged professional men, business men, artisans, and others, who are not already rendering service to the country, and it is to consist of men, physically fit, of the age of 40 years and upwards. It is intended to attain a standard of pass in shooting, field service, route marching or bicycling, and to limit routine drill to essentials. Friends may form units and choose their leaders. Training grounds will, as far as possible, be arranged to suit the convenience of Members, who, as more suitable centres are established, will be free, on giving notice, to transfer from one unit to another. The uniform is to be dark blue, with grey flannel shirt, dark blue cap, dark blue trousers, with brown gaiters (or breeches with puttees), and brown boots. Each Member will be asked to pay an entrance fee of £1, and to provide his uniform and weapons. Applications towards the cost of uniform and weapons may be sent to the Secretary. Those who are unable to take an active part in the Force are invited either to subscribe to the Corps Fund, or to help to defray the expenses of any particular unit in which they are interested. 66 Subscriptions may be sent to The Right Hon. The Lord Mayor of London, National Guard." Full particulars of The Mansion House, London, E.C., marked the Corps may be obtained on application to the Secretary, THE NATIONAL GUARD, 99, Gresham Street, London, E.C. |