STANFORD FEB 1 1915 THE LAW TIMES. THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. [Registered at G.P.O. Postage within United Kingdom, One Halfpenny; and to Canada at Canadian Magazine Rate.] SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1915. COSTS DRAWN and SETTLED WORK DONE ON PREMISES BY PERMANENT 14, BELL YARD, TEMPLE BAR. GENERAL REVERSIONARY Telephone: INVESTMENT 2304 Central, Manchester. ASSETS of DOCTORS who receive Resident Patients-town, country, seaside-sent free of charge. The Register states terms, &c., and is illustrated. - Mr. A. V. STOREY, General Manager, Scholastic, Clerical, and Medical Association Ltd., 22, Oraven-street, Strand, W.C. add., "Triform, London.' Tel. No. 1854 Gerrard. Tel. Proprietors of "Law Notes," &c., PREPARE, in Class, and by Post, STUDENTS for the Intermediate and Final Examinations of the Law Society, Bar, and other Legal Examinations.-Address, Lonsdale Chambers 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. At the Michaelmas Solicitors' Examination all the Honoursmen (except two in the Third Class), including both Prizemen, were pupils, as were also all the Special and Local Prizemen for the year (except the Birmingham Bronze Medallist). R. CHARLES THWAITES (Indermaur Tel.: 12,027 Central. 26, PALL MALL, LONDON, 8.W. £1,050,000 REVERSIONS PURCHASED, Price (with Reports, 16pp. extra), 1s. 6d KAIN'S SYSTEM OF SOLICITORS BOOK-KEEPING and COSTS. Twelfth Edition Explanatory Treatise by HENRY BROWN, F.C.A. (formerly Partner with, and afterwards Successor to, the late G. J. KAIN) gives full explanations and specimen entries of all Books of Account. This treatise brings Solicitors' Book-keeping up to date, particular attention being paid to separating office and clients' moneys, and the advantage of drawing only on realised profits. Price 3s. net. All Account and Costs Books on Kain's Copyright System (first and second quality), also special books with extra columns, &c. (made to order), may be obtained of us (carriage paid on first quality only). Our 2A Cash Journal, Double Bank Cois., now reduced to £1 11s. 6d. by arrangement with our publishers. SPECIAL NOTICE.-We have no connection whatever with any firm or firms who purport to sell our books, and adopters of "Kain's System" should be careful to deal direct with us or our publishers, Waterlow Brothers and Layton, and see that the name of "Kain" as well as our name appear on the title page of every book. Price list, specimen sheets, and every information relating to the books are supplied by us free of charge. We have on our Register gentlemen with capital desirous of purchasing practices or partnerships. KAIN, BROWN, & CO., 59, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. OSTS. DAVID DENTON, COSTS N., experienced in preparation of Costs of all kinds for taxation, and for delivery to clients, during twenty years; terms moderate. LOANS ON REVERSIONS GRANTED, DRAUGHTSMAN, 74, Barrington Yoad, Lon Either at Annual Interest or for Deferred G UARANTEE LET, small FURNISHED OFFICE, tunity for young Solicitor starting practice; good address." G." (No. 3745), Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. OLICITOR, London, City, three excellent rooms, desires to LET One with equal use of Clerk's office.-Address "Z. A.,' care of H. Green, 120, Chancery-lane, London. AW.-SOLICITOR, who has in contempla hear from another SOLICITOR as to JOINT USE of Office: 19, BIRCHIN LANE LONDON. RE Law Courts Branch: 222-225 STRAND, W.C. BONDS, The Directors desire to specially draw the attention DWste BaHIBBERT La pod.) Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. ENT LEDGERS.-Simplicity, efficiency, everything at a glance; specimens free.-F. BROUGH (Manager), Rentbro' Estate Ledgers, 13 Haywra-street, Harrogate. WAR. Small Export Business, hard hit by the war, SEEKS SOLICITOR (similarly affected) with City or Surrey-side address available for Correspondence and exhibition of one extra doorplate; £6 per annum rental of letter box guaranteed, plus liberal fees upon prospective clients' inquiries; preference to one knowing some Spanish.-Write 1168, Sell's Advertising Offices, Fleet-street, London, E.C. EBENHAM, TEWSON CHINNOCKS (Debenham, Tewson, Richardson, adn Co., and Chinnock, Clarke, and Chinnock) beg to announce that their SALES for 1915 of ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban, and Country Houses, Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Advowsons, Reversions, Stocks, Shares, and other Properties, will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouseyard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows:Tuesday, Jan. 19 Tuesday, Feb. 9 Tuesday, Feb. 16 Tuesday, March 2 By arrangement Auctions in Town or Country can also be held on other days. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, and Chinnocks undertake Sales and Valuations for Probate and other purposes of Furniture, Pictures, Farming Stock, Timber, &c. A list is published monthly of Business Premises, Offices, and Building Sites. A Register is also kept of Estates, Town and Country Residences, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, and Investments.-Full particulars on application to Messrs. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, and CHINNOCKS, No. 80, Cheapside, E.C., and 11, Waterlooplace, S.W. Telephones, City 7611 (three lines) and Gerrard 8765. LA AW PRACTICE.-For SALE, a small but increasing PRACTICE, with excellent prospects, in thriving South Wales industrial town; introduction to clients given; owner joining Army.Apply "L. S." (No. 3745), "Law Times " Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. AW PRACTICE.-London PRACTICE annum; twelve months' introduction; owner going to Bar; splendid opportunity for right man; price and terms most reasonable.-Write "London" (No. 3745), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. Partnerships, Wanted and Vacant. LAW PARTNERSHIPS. Messrs. HOOPER and SON. The Premier Law Partnership Agents. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY Messrs. Hooper and Son's extensive and confidential connection with the Profession, both in London and throughout the provinces, which they have enjoyed for upwards of Fifty Years, gives them unique advantages in arranging Partnerships or Successions. Solicitors desirous of acquiring or disposing of Shares or Practices are invited to avail themselves of the advantages of their Register. HOOPER and SON, 69, Ludgate Hill, E.C. Telephone: 7855 Central. "Hooper, Cent. London." AW Telegrams: LAEQU PARTNERSHAPE TASOLICITOR a very old-established PRACTICE in South of England; Succession may be arranged in a few years.-Write "S. E." (No. 3745), "Law Times" Office, Bream'sbuildings, E.C. LADY L AW. (young) DESIRES POST as BOOK KEEPER; salary 258.; good references.MISS WEST, 59, Canterbury-road, Old Kent-road, S.E. AW. ARREARS of COSTS. MANAGING CLERK, ex-Costs Draftsman, SEEKS ENGAGEMENT, temporary or not; arrears from any material; good Accountant; Law Society, Kain's; Shorthand Arrears," 54, Old Gloucester-street, W.C. An experienced SOLICITOR SEEKS an ENGAGEMENT, temporary or other wise; University man (LL.B.); a thoroughly all-round and capable Lawyer; has seen work in different parts of the country and in town, has managed a large staff. and is thoroughly capable of taking complete charge and acting without supervision; excellent references and testimonials; good Conveyancer, experienced in Litigation, including Workmen's Compensation cases; hard worker - Zeta" (No. 3745). Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E C. LAS Statement of Claim. MESSRS. ATHERTONS LIMITED claim the patronage of the LEGAL PROFESSION in all matters relating to Sale and Purchase of Practices, Arrangement of Partnerships or Amalgamations, and every branch of the actual business side of the Profession, requiring their assistance, on the following grounds : LAW SUCCESSIONS. (1) They are the recognised leading firm who conduct Law Partnership and Succession negotiations, and deal with most of the important openings in the country. (2) They employ a large and experienced staff including qualified Solicitors versed in every detail of transfer and sale of practices. (3) They have at all times on their books a number of gentlemen, fully qualified and with ample capital, who are waiting to buy practices outright, and they have always many practices for disposal. LAW PARTNERSHIPS. (4) They have a considerable number of eligible gentlemen willing to enter into Partnership, with or without a view to "SUCCESSION." (5) They have always many extremely valuable Partnerships open for negotiation, and ATHERTONS undertake to find any suitable opening to meet the special requirements of any of their clients. MANACING CLERKS. (6) They can supply at a short notice admitted Solicitors prepared to act as Managing Clerks, and employers need only to state their requirements when a number of excellent men are open for their choice, without any fee for introduction. CENERAL. (7) They are located in the most convenient centre of the Legal World, and appointments can be arranged for solicitors to meet clients at their offices if desired. (8) Their clients can rely upon the strictest confidence being observed, as all correspondence is dealt with by the Principals ONLY. The foregoing are only some few of the advantages ATHERTONS offer, and they cordially invite the Reader of this brief outline of the "CASE" for ATHERTONS to weigh the points adduced carefully, place them upon their trial, when they are confident that the "Verdict" will be in their favour. CONSULTATIONS INVITED. ATHERTONS LIMITED, The Recognised Leading Law Partnership Consultants, 63 & 64, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. Telephone: 2482 Holborn. Telegrams: " Alacrious, London." AW.-WANTED, GENERAL MANAG ING CLERK with all-round experience; salary 2 58. per week.-Apply. with full particulars, to "K." (No. 3744), "Law Times" Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. LAW. at Solicitors once, a good AW.-WANTED, at once (for six months), JUNIOR CONVEYANCING CLERK.-Apply, stating age, experience, salary required, with copies two recent testimonials, under sealed cover, indorsed "Lancashire" (No. 3745), Law Times Office, Bream's-buildings, E.C. By EDMUND ROBERTSON, Author of " Bridge Developments," &c., &c. Including the Laws of Auction Bridge, as Adopted by the Portland Club, May, 1914. Royal Auction Bridge, which possesses a fascination for even the inexpert player, for it is an easier game to play than Whist or Bridge, has rapidly become popular with all classes and both sexes, and has an undisputed claim to be considered the king of card games. The introduction of Nullos, which, though not officially recognised, are being taken up by an increasing number of players, has added variety and charm to the game. The name of the Author, acknowledged to be one of the leading authorities on Bridge, and the general arrangement of the book, where the illustrative hands are printed in red and black, will assure it a hearty welcome by the novice as well as by the members of the London Clubs. SIXTH EDITION. Price 12s. net. THE PRACTICE OF MAGISTRATES' COURTS. By R. M. STEPHENSON, LL.B. (Lond.), Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple and North-Eastern Circuit; and J. HOWARD LINDSAY, M.A., LL.B. (Camb.), Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple and South-Eastern Circuit. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., "Law Times IN DEMY 8VO., 700 PAGES, PRICE 78. 6d., OF " THE FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., Windsor The British Parliament, House, Bream's-buildings, London, E.C.; and WEBSTER and Co., 43, Dover-street, Piccadilly, W. A. TENTH EDITION. PRICE 68. 6d. NET. POST FREE. SAUNDERS' LAW AND PRACTICE ог ORDERS OF AFFILIATION AND PROCEEDINGS IN BASTARDY. WITH THE STATUTES, FORMS, AND FORMS OF By R. M. STEPHENSON, LL.B. (Lond.), TABLE OF CONTENTS. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., "Law Times Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. THE " Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Price 66. net. HE ART OF CHESS. By JAMES MASON, Author of "Principles of Chess," &o. FIELD & QUEEN (HOBAOE COX) LTD., Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.C. Robe Makers Oourt Tallors To H.M. the King and H.M. the Queen. ROBES AND WIGS For REGISTRARS, TOWN CLERKS, CLERKS OF THE PEACE, and CORONERS. Solicitors' Gowns. LEVEE SUITS in CLOTH and VELVET. UNIVERSITY and CORPORATION ROBES. 93 & 94, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. Price 58., post free. A TREATISE ON ORDER XIV. AND The Rules and Practice Thereunder and Relating Thereto. Including the Special Indorsements of Writs under Order III., Rule 6, and the whole Law relating to Summary Judgment, with Forms of Writs, Summonses, Affidavits, &c. Also including the new Rules as to Taxation of Costs in Cases under Order XIV. published by the Practice Masters in June 1906, and the Procedure of Appeals to the Judge in Chambers, to the Court of Appeal, and the House of Lords, and a full Index, Analysing the Law. By ERNEST ARTHUR JELF, M.A., Barrister-at-Law of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, and of the South-Eastern Čircuit. OFFICE OF CORONER, of the Middle Temple and of the Midland Circuit, Barrister STEVENS & SONS LTD., BUTTERWORTH & CO. SWEET & MAXWELL LTD., Just comprising Estate, Legacy, Succession, and Increment Value Duties, with Decided Cases, Forms, and Notes on Practice, and the Text of all the Acts relating to Death Duties, including Table 1 of The Succession Duty Act, 1853. By ROBERT DYMOND, of the Estate Duty Office, Somerset House, Solicitor. In consequence of the passing of the Finance Act, 1914, and the Death Duties (Killed in War) Act, 1914, a Second Edition of this book has become necessary. The important changes effected by these Acts, particularly as to the incidence of Estate Duty on Settled Property, have been fully explained; changes in Practice and Judicial Decisions since the First Edition was published have been noted and the Index has been amplified. Price 2s. 6d. net; by post 2s. 9d. The EFFECT OF Published THE WAR ON (1914) COMMERCIAL LONDON, Telegrams Telephone : 2466 HOLBORN STEVENS & HAYNES, Law Publishers, Booksellers, and Exporters, THE SOLICITORS' LAW STATIONERY SOCIETY Ltd., 22, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. 49, BEDFORD ROW, W.C. 6, VICTORIA STREET, S.W. NOW READY. CONSOLIDATION of the LAW. Courts (mergency Powers) Act and BANKRUPTCY AND DEEDS OF ARRANCEMENT ACTS 1914, BEING KING'S PRINTERS' COPIES OF THE ACTS, JUST PUBLISHED. Price 18. 6d. net. PRIZE COURT Practice and Procedure. BY R. J. WICKHAM HURD, LL.B., Solicitor. London: EFFINGHAM WILSON, 54, Threadneedle-street, E.C. ENGAGEMENTS: Special Offers. including the Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, Rules, and Treasury Orders in connection with the War. By F. GORE-BROWNE, M.A., K.C., Author of "Handbook on the Formation, Management, and Winding-Up of Joint Stock Companies." 3rd Edition (1915). Price 6d. net; by post 8d. PRIVATE COMPANIES : their Utility and the Exemptions they Enjoy. By HERBERT W. JORDAN, Company Registra tion Agent and Managing Director of Jordan and Sons, Limited. "A comprehensive examination of the subject.”— Financial News. Crown 8vo.. Cloth Boards. Price 5s. net. THE LAW OF MOTOR CARS AND MOTOR ACCIDENTS. BY DANIEL WARDE, Of the Middle Temple, South-Eastern Circuit, Kent and FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE Cox) LTD., "Law Times' Statutes. LAW JOURNAL REPORTS, 1867 to 1885, BUTTERWORTH'S DIGEST OF THE KELLY LAW-BOOK COMPANY Ltd., REPORTED CASES, 1898 to 1912, 9 vols. PATERSON'S PRACTICAL STATUTES, 57, CAREY STREET, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. BUILDERS OF OUR LAW DURING THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA. BY EDWARD MANSON. Giving a SKETCH of the LIVES of the GREATES! of MODERN ENGLISH JUDGES in an Interesting and Anecdota Form. FIELD & QUEEN (HORACE COX) LTD., "Law Times" Office, Windsor House, Bream's-buildings, E.O Jan. 9, 1915 1 THE PERFECTED SYSTEM OF LIFE ASSURANCE. LEGAL & GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. ESTATE DUTIES.-Policies are granted at specially low rates for Non-Profit Assurances, and these are particularly advantageous for the purpose of providing Death Duties and portions for younger children. REVERSIONS AND LIFE INTERESTS.-These are purchased by the Society, and loans thereon are granted on specially advantageous terms. Head Office : 10, FLEET ST., LONDON, E.C. E. COLQUHOUN, Actuary 8 Manager. |