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glory of the mightiest Republic that God ever allowed man to devise for liberty and for his own preservation. [Applause.]

Persistent calls were made for Colonel Fred. Grant and Colonel Vilas. Colonel Grant refused to speak. Colonel Vilas came forward and was received with cheers. The President introduced him to the audience, and he spoke as follows:


It was a prudent stipulation, expressly made between your Committee and myself, that my part in this goodly array of platform ornamentation should be fulfilled by my silence, [laughter and applause] and how, at this stage of these exercises, shall I dare to break that pledge, [laughter and applause and cries of "Proceed!"] how attempt to interest you after what we have listened to to-night upon the glorious theme which has engaged the speakers. Our hearts throb with emotion, stirred by the eloquent speeches which have proceeded from our soldier President and our chosen orator, and the noble tide of thought and feeling runs tumultuous through the brain and heart. He would be a daring man who should essay extemporaneously to give further expression to the tender and glorious sentiments that stir your breasts with all these circumstances, and he, vain-glorious and rash, who should attempt hastily to view and measure the magnificent proportions of that hero who has been our theme, and whose heroic course was not finished until that morn of July, on Mount McGregor. [Applause.] Yet I will venture, since I am here, to touch one feature, the like of which the past of all human history has never exhibited-the shining mark of his highest glory which, Heaven be praised! his eyes were permitted in clear vision to see: I mean the love he won from the people whom he conquered; [applause] won by his magnanimity of soul; won by the resulting value to them of his war against them. [Applause.] I mean the enemies of his mighty strife who stood as tearful friends at his dying bed. No contending armies ever fought before to so desperate a conclusion. No conqueror ever wrought to such utter victory. But his war was waged for no conquest, for no personal ambition. He fought in enlightened love of fellow-men for the salvation of the dearest principles of universal human liberty, and his success shed blessings on the vanquished

and victorious alike. He lived to receive the perfect reward of perfected work, the grateful homage of a reunited nation indissolubly bound by common interests now universally recognized, still further knit by general national love now universally felt. What a marvelous vicissitude! What warrior ever wrote his adversary before, two such messages as he to Buckner. Once he woke the reverberations of a gloomy sky when he sent that stern demand to his foe which first gave promise to our cause-"No terms but unconditional surrender." [Cheers.] To that foe, become his friend, and rendering tearful duty at his bedside, he wrote again: "I have witnessed since my sickness just what I have wished to see ever since the war-harmony and good feeling between the sections." And who bore his pall and mingled tears upon his urn? The greatest surviving comrades of his war, the greatest surviving enemies of his war. Who are now his mourners? The survivors of the armies which he led and the armies which he fought, and all the people from whom those armies sprung, and a double generation of their parentage. Think how the great warriors of earth have wrought before! How noble captives and ruined nations have made their triumphal marches grand! How concourses of enslaved men have chased their harried souls in the flight of death! And then how sweetly, borne to Heaven's embrace, Grant's mighty soul rose on the heartfelt prayers of a grateful people, rejoicing in the liberty and mutual love he fought and struggled for! No! weave no chaplet of mere laurel for his marble, but twine there the woodbine, the honeysuckle and the rose, to tell the world that the affection of his countrymen, rising like incense from all happy American homes, is the guerdon of his character and deeds, the ending laurel of his renowned name. [Applause.]

And I cannot forbear, Mr. President, to speak the fervent gratitude I feel-yours as well, I know, Companions-that we are spared to assemble with our old Commander here; [applause] not with adulation to speak our love, but with him to witness the fruition of our strife, the full fruition, as Grant himself declared it in that letter which I quoted, to say with him, as he wrote: “We may now look forward to perpetual peace at home and to a national strength which shall secure us against any foreign complication." And in the happiness of this vast people, careering forward with multiplying millions rejoicing in the civilized com

forts, and enlightened gratification for body, brain and soul, such as were never so widely diffused before, securely placed on institutions resting upon common interests and general harmony, the fruit of war is ripe amid the sunshine of peace. [Applause.] And when we turn our thoughts backward to the noble men whose life-blood poured from many a gaping wound or ebbed away in slow disease, we may feel assured their sacrifices were acceptable to heaven, that their glory in that other world is secure, for Christ is not going to be too hard on the men who died for men. [Applause and cries of hear, hear.]

I will not attempt to occupy your time longer. It is no occasion for me to endeavor to indulge in anything that will please, especially in anything that will furnish entertainment or amusement. My heart is full of this great subject, upon which I love to dwell. [Cheers.]

Calls were made upon Bishop Fallows for a speech. Turning to him, the President inquired: Bishop Fallows, can't you say a word? Bishop Fallows declined.

The President:-The time has come for us now to adjourn. We always close with a benediction, and I call upon the Rev. Dr. Post to dismiss us with a benediction.

The Rev. Dr. Post:-The peace of God which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the blessing of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost rest upon you and remain with you always. Amen.


CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, September 10, 1885.


The members of the Society assembled as per adjournment of yesterday, and were called to order by the President with the remarks:

Comrades, this is a business meeting, and the hour of 10 o'clock having arrived, you will come to order. I have one or two telegrams which I will read before calling for the reports of the committees. They are as follows:

MARIETTA, O., September 9, 1885.


Army Tennessee:

The survivors of the Ohio brigade assembled here send greetings to the Army of the Tennessee. Over two hundred are in line awaiting orders.



PORT ARTHUR, ONT., September 9, 1885.

Secretary Army Tennessee, Grand Pacific Hotel:

Bottled up here. Though seas between us roll, to roll-call I answer "aye for auld lang syne."


DECATUR, ILL., September 9, 1885.


Secretary of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee: Greetings to all. I regret I cannot be with you. Am just recovering from severe illness. Write you to-night.


ST. PAUL, MINN., September 9, 1885.


Secretary Society Army of the Tennessee, Chicago:

My attendance upon the meeting of the Society is prevented by official engagements in connection with our State Fair now in progress. Until to-day I hoped to be present, but at the last moment find it impossible. Please tender my greetings and express my regrets to comrades of the Society.


CLEVELAND, O., September 10, 1885.


Corresponding Secretary Army of the Tennessee, Grand Pacific Hotel: Kind remembrances and many thanks to the Army of the Tennessee. MRS. J. BARBER.

SAN FRANCISCO, September 10, 1885.


U. S. A., President Army Tennessee:

General Committee Twentieth Encampment Grand Army Republic sincerely hope you will meet at San Francisco next year.






Secretary Society Army Tennessee:

DEAR SI3:-On behalf of the General Committee of Management, charged with the duty of making arrangements for the twentieth national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, to be held in this city, we have the honor to extend to your Society a cordial invitation to hold your next annual reunion (1886) in San Francisco.

We feel warranted in saying that the citizens of San Francisco, and of our State at large, will do all in their power to make your visit agreeable and memorable.

Satisfactory arrangements for transportation will be made, of which due notice will be given.

Trusting that we shall receive from your Society a favorable reply, we are, dear sir,

[blocks in formation]

The President:-Gentlemen, with your consent, I will refer these communications to the committee which has the matter in charge. That covers all the communications which have been received during our recess. The first business in order should be the reading of the minutes of yesterday's proceedings. Our Secretary has had full notes taken, and I think we will have to confide with him the discretion of writing them up hereafter.

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