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On motion of Colonel Dresser,

Resolved, That the minutes of yesterday's meeting be approved and not read at this time.

The President:-The next thing in order is the report of the committee appointed yesterday to select the time and place for our next annual meeting.

General Belknap, chairman of the committee, reported as follows:

MR. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN:-The report which I present was agreed upon unanimously by the committee yesterday; consequently the very cordial recommendation of our San Francisco comrades was received too late for consideration, unless it is desired to change the report of the committee. The committee appointed to select a time and place for the next meeting of the Society, respectfully report in favor of Rock Island, Illinois, as the place, and Wednesday and Thursday, September 15th and 16th, 1886, as the days for the next meeting. I will say that it was proposed by the committee to select, if possible, the 3rd and 4th of October, the anniversary days of the battle of Corinth, but that was deemed impracticable, as the 3rd and 4th of October do not fall on Wednesday and Thursday, but on Sunday and Monday. We selected Rock Island, where, on the island between Rock Island and Davenport, is situated the Government Arsenal. It is a beautiful location, and we are assured by our Rock Island friends that they will give us a warm reception. I would suggest in connection with this matter that the thanks of the Society be extended to our San Francisco friends for their kind invitation.

On motion of Major Crowell,

Resolved, That the report of the committee appointed to select a place and the time of holding the next meeting be received and adopted.

The President:-The next annual meeting of the Society will, therefore, be held at Rock Island, on the 15th and 16th of September, 1886.

The committee suggest that we extend our thanks to the friends in San Francisco, for their invitation, which came too late. That being your opinion, undoubtedly the Secretary will so record and communicate with them.

The President:-The next committee in order is that which was appointed to select an orator for the next meeting.

General M. M. Bain, chairman of the committee on selection of orator, presented the following report:

The committee to whom was referred the subject of selecting an orator, wish me to report the name of General A. L. Chetlain, of Chicago, for our next orator, and the name of Major-General M. F. Force, as the alternate. They have also instructed me to report the following resolution:

Resolved, That the President of this Society appoint some member of the Society to prepare and read at each meeting, a paper descriptive of some particular battle, or seige, or campaign, for preservation upon our records, to the end that correct history thereof may be written.

On motion of Captain Lanstrum,

Resolved, That the report of the committee appointed to select an orator for the next meeting be adopted.

The President:--The next business in order is the report of the committee appointed to select the officers of the Society for the ensuing year.

Colonel Pearson, chairman of the committee on nomination of officers, presented the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT:-Your committee appointed to nominate officers of the Society for the ensuing year, beg leave to make the following report.

[blocks in formation]

All of which is most respectfully submitted for the approval of the Society.



On motion of Major Crowell,

Resolved, That the report of the committee appointed to select officers for the Society for the ensuing year be adopted.

The President:-There was another committee named for drafting suitable resolutions, in our particular Society, on the death of General Grant. I myself am a member of that committee, by the action of the Society. General Logan and others were to meet at my room this morning at 9:30. General Raum has prepared a suitable set of resolutions, and had them ready a few moments ago, but thought he could have them engrossed by the time the Society were ready to receive them. We are therefore not ready to report, and ask further time.

I have one or two little matters of business which we can take up in the order in which I have received them, as new business. The first one is a communication dated to-day, addressed to me by Lieutanant-Colonel B. T. Wright, of the 13th Missouri Volunteers. It is as follows:

MR. PRESIDENT AND COMRADES:-It is a well know fact that for eighteen years Colonel L. M. Dayton, General Andrew Hickenlooper and General M. F. Force, have performed the important and laborious duties of Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer of this Society, without fee or reward, excepting the respect and esteem in which their comrades hold them.

I would therefore move, that a committee, consisting of Generals A. L. Chetlain, Jos. Stockton and Wm. E. Strong, be appointed to draw up suitable resolutions, expressing our appreciation of their services, cause the same to be handsomely engrossed and framed and presented to them, and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the bills for the same on presentation properly approved. B. T. WRIGHT, Lieutenant-Colonel 13th Mo. Vols.

Lieutenant Scribner:-I move, as an amendment to the resolution, that the resolutions drafted shall be presented at the next meeting of the Society, on the first evening, and be and constitute a part of the proceedings of that meeting.

The President:-The resolution is that a committee of three, whose names are given in this paper, be appointed a special committee to cause to be engrossed suitable resolutions to be presented the three officers of our Society who have done work without compensation.

Lieutenant Scribner:-I would like to make an inquiry. Does the resolution include the President?

The President:-It includes three persons. It mentions General Chetlain, General Stockton, and General Strong.

Lieutenant Scribner:-No; I mean the resolution.

The President read the communication a second time, when Lieutenant Scribner said: I move to amend by inserting also the name of General William T. Sherman. [Applause.]

General Sherman:—Oh, no! It seems to me it would be sufficient for the Society to extend its thanks to the officers. We all realize that you appreciate our services. [Laughter and applause.] I think that the others do, and I know I do. [Laughter.] Still I wish to submit the matter in due form to a fair ruling. Colonel Wright:-I will accept the amendment proposed by Colonel Scribner.

The resolution embodied in the communication was adopted as amended by Lieutenant Scribner.

The President:-There is a matter here which came up in connection with the report of the committee on selection of an orator, which was out of order at the time it was presented. The report of that committee had been accepted and adopted. Now comes up the resolution (resolution as adopted by Committee on Orator) that the President appoint some member of the Society to prepare and read at each meeting a paper descriptive of some particular battle, siege, or campaign, for preservation upon our records, to the end that correct history thereof may be made. What is the pleasure of the Society with reference to that resolution?

Captain Sexton:-I would suggest that the time be limited. We might take up all the time talking about battles and sieges, etc. As I understand it, the resolution is to the effect that the President of the Society shall indicate some one person to treat of a siege, battle, or campaign, at our annual meeting.

The motion being put upon the resolution, it was adopted. The President-General Raum is here now. I am afraid in this matter we have been a little hasty. General Raum and I con

curred in this report, and I think the others do. General Logan has not been seen this morning, but Bishop Fallows-is he here? Bishop Fallows:-Yes, General. I have seen General Raum. General Sherman:-Are you satisfied with the report?

Bishop Fallows:-Yes sir.

General Sherman:-That makes three of the five constituting the committee, who are ready to report.

General Raum presented the following:

WHEREAS, On July 23rd, 1885, General Ulysses S. Grant the first Commander of the Army of the Tennessee departed this life; and

WHEREAS, The members of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, animated by their love of their old commander who was a member of the Society, desire to give expression to their feelings of admiration of his character and services and profound sorrow at his death; therefore,

Resolved, That his achievements in the War of the Rebellion gave him the unquestioned leadership of that mighty host of patriotic men who fought for and saved the Union.

In great emergencies, in the crisis of battle, he was so self-reliant, so selfpossessed, filled with such unquailing courage and so fertile of resources, that he was the master spirit of that great struggle, and the army and the people learned to repose absolute confidence in his skill, his courage, his wisdom, and his prudence.

His signal triumph in arms was marked and crowned by a magnanimity to the vanquished unparalleled in the history of war.

As President of the United States he met and dealt with the most difficult and baffling problems of government and statescraft both domestic and foreign, and his wisdom, firmness and moderation caused their settlement in the interest of the honor, the peace and the repose of the country.

He was a man of unfailing kindness of heart, of guileless friendship and of singular simplicity and purity of character.

Resolved, That in his death, this Nation lost its first and greatest citizen, and that the love and gratitude now felt for his great services will increase with coming years. Upon the Nation's pedestal-the hearts of the peoplewill sit forever in repose, the forms of Washington, Lincoln, Grant.

Resolved, That the Society of the Army of the Tennessee extends to the widow and family of General Grant our heartfelt sympathy in this hour of their great bereavement.

The President:-The acceptance and the adoption of this report will carry with it the resolution and preamble, but you can take them up separately, the preamble and each resolution by itself, and test its exact meaning and words, if that be the preference of the Society.

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