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Tennessee this year. It is with pride that I say I served with the Army of the Tennessee from its organization until the nation no longer required its services. It is meet that a President should be selected from its numbers. Wishing you all a very happy time, I am, comrades,

Very truly yours,

G. O. MORGridge,

Capt. Co. "H," 11th Reg't Iowa V. V.

KEOKUK, August 5, 1884.


St. Paul, Minn.:

MY DEAR GENERAL:-If you are our General W. T. Clark of General McPherson's staff, God bless you! All our old officers have a soft spot in their hearts for you. We remember you kindly. How! and good-bye.

Yours truly,


15th Iowa, 3d Brig., 4th Div., 17th A. C. Army of the Tennessee.

LIMA, OHIO, August 8, 1884.


Chairman Committee on Invitation Society of the Army of the Ten

nessee, St. Paul, Minn.:

DEAR SIR: I acknowledge the receipt of your kind invitation to be present at the "Seventeenth annual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, to be held at Hotel LaFayette, Lake Minnetonka, August 13th and 14th proximo."

I sincerely regret not being able to accept the invitation, as urgent business matters now demand my presence and attention.

The Society is to be congratulated on its selection of so beautiful a place for its reunion, and that the meeting may be pleasant and successful, is the sincere wish of,

Yours very respectfully,


ST. LOUIS, July 31, 1884.


Corresponding Secretary:

DEAR SIR:-Some time since I received your notice of the annual meeting of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, to be held at Lake Minnetonka, August 13th and 14th, and it is now with sincere regret that I am obliged to decide that business engagements will prevent my being present. The best wish I can have for you and those that attend is, that the reunion may be no less pleasant than were those that have preceded it.

Yours truly,


IOWA CITY, Iowa, July 30, 1884.


Corresponding Secretary:

DEAR GENERAL:-My private business will absolutely prevent my attending the reunion at Lake Minnetonka next month, and I cannot express to you how sincerely I regret that such is the case. In compliance with Art. 3d of our constitution, it is deemed proper to state that two years ago I became a resident of the great and progressive State of Iowa, on account mainly of the advanced views of her citizens on the subject of temperance. They having decided, in 1882, by a majority of near 30,000, in favor of Prohibition. Iowa City was chosen for a home for its superior educational advantages. Having recently purchased, within a mile of the city, the fine dairy farm, known as "Mount Prospect Farm," it is intended to occupy it next month and there to make my future home. My business will be dairy farming, and breeding the best cattle for the farm and dairy.

(N. B. This statement is not intended for an advertisement.)

At Mount Prospect Farm the weary old soldier will ever find a hearty welcome; if hungry, he will be supplied with full rations of “hard tack;" if thirsty, with good cold water and all the buttermilk he can drink.

With kindest wishes for all, and hoping that the seventeenth annual reunion will be the most enjoyable and the best.

I remain, as ever, truly yours,


LEWISTOWN, ILL., July 21, 1884.

Cincinnati, Ohio:

DEAR SIR AND COMRADE:-Your circular of July 10th duly received, containing notice of seventeenth annual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, at Hotel Lafayette, etc. I fear my health is such that I will not be able to attend. However I desire to keep my dues paid and standing in Society all O. K., and desire that the reports and bound volumes of proceedings be sent to me. I have two volumes which includes 1876. There certainly must be another volume bound by this time; if so, I would like to have it. I also desire to be kept posted as to dues. The last payment I made was $5.00, but I don't know to what time that paid. I have paid all told. $10.00 for membership, $9.00 dues, $2.00 for certificate of membership, and then again $ dues. I feel a deep interest in the Society, hence my anxiety to keep posted as to my standing on the books. I knew you personally in the army, but of course you do not remember me. Still if I were to see you, I could call to mind some incidents that perhaps you could recollect. Without bothering you further, I close, wishing you a happy reunion, and many of them.

Yours truly, respectfully and loyally,


WASHINGTON, D. C., August 4, 1884.

DEAR GENERAL:-Official business will prevent me from meeting the Army of the Tennessee next week. Will send dues on receipt of bill.

Yours respectfully,



Corresponding Secretary Society of the Army of the Tennessee,
Cincinnati, Ohio.

TURNER JUNCTION, ILL., August 11, 1884.

DEAR GENERAL:-I received a letter from General W. E. Strong, in which he writes it is your request that I should attend the meeting of the Society, which is to gather at Minnetonka the 13th and 14th inst.

General, you can hardly imagine the pleasure it would afford me to meet you and family, also the members of the Society, which always heretofore have treated me so kindly. If it were not for my continued disability, I know of nothing now that would prevent me the pleasure and happiness.

My railroad friends have already tendered me passes "complimentary," which you see fathers the inducement, if only my health would admit. Our physicians tell me I must keep from all excitement-especially “Sherman's March to the Sea" and "Old Shady." But, General, I should break from their advice if I had the strength and force to do so.

Please be assured of my continued gratitude for the many distinguished and kind acts of yours in the past, and should I be mentioned by members of the Society, please remember me kindly. And in conclusion, I want your family to know I never forget the delicate treatment extended to me from them. Truly, General, I am,

Very respectfully,


P. S.-I have been for some time at the Waukesha springs, for the efficacy of the waters, and expect to return there in a few days.

HOT SPRINGS, ARK., August 10, 1884.


Members of Committee on Invitation 17th Annual Reunion of the
Society of the Army of the Tennessee:

GENTLEMEN:-I regret very much I shall not be able (owing to sickness of myself and family) to attend the coming reunion of our Society. Wishing you all a happy, good time, I am,

[blocks in formation]


Corresponding Secretary Society Army of Tennessee:

DEAR SIR:-Until the last moment, I hoped to be present at this meeting of the Army of the Tennessee, but business engagements have made it impossi

ble. I am with you in spirit and will watch with interest for newspaper details of your proceedings.

Sincerely hoping that this may be the last reunion I will be compelled to

miss, I am,


Very truly yours,

Late Major 7th Reg't. Ills. Inf. Vols.

TIFFANY P. O., Rock Co., Wis., August 11, 1884.


Corresponding Secretary Society Army of the Tennessee:

DEAR GENERAL:-Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to meet with the members of the Society August 13th and 14th, at Lake Minnetonka, Minn., but cannot possibly be there on account of my business. I wish to call the attention of the Society to an error in the record as to my name. As recorded it is C. W. M. Stark-it should be C. W. Stark, 33d Wis. Vols. Hoping that you may have a good, large meeting, and fine weather to enjoy it in, (I know you will have a good time,) I remain, as ever,

Yours truly,


Late Captain "E" Co., 33d R. W. V.

The President stated that all regular reports had been presented, and the next in order would be any current business the members might place before the Society for its consideration.

General Belknap:-Mr. President, I have a resolution I would like to offer. It is as follows:

Resolved, That Colonel A. F. Rockwell, Commissioner of Public Buildings and Grounds, be requested to have cut upon the granite base of the statue of General McPherson, at Washington, the following inscription: On the west side, "Major-General James B. McPherson, Atlanta, July 22d, 1864." On the east side, "Erected by his comrades of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee."

The reason why I offer this resolution, Mr. President and gentlemen, is that there are several statues in Washington; we supposed, probably during the war, and perhaps we think now, that the fame of those officers will last forever, and that to the end of time a person passing each of those statues would know who it represents. Unfortunately, that is not the case, even now. The watchman in "McPherson Square" is kept busy answering the question of persons who pass, even of persons who reside in the city of Washington, whom that monument represents. I saw

Colonel Rockwell in reference to this matter; he is willing to have these inscriptions made, without expense to the Society, and asked me to present this resolution.

The President:-Gentlemen, you have heard the resolution of General Belknap, which has been seconded. Any discussion is in order.

Calls for "Question."

The President:-I can verify everything General Belknap says, having resided in Washington, and living in sight of the monument a long time; people do inquire: "Whose monument is that?" Those who favor the resolution will say aye; contrary nay. It is unanimously adopted.

NOTE.-An official copy of the resolution was sent to Colonel Rockwell, as is shown in the following correspondence:


CINCINNATI, O., September 23, 1884.

Commissioner, 1700 Pennsylvania Aveuue, Washington, D. C.: COLONEL: Since the meeting of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, I have either been away from home, and therefore the records of the Society, or have been so busily engaged that I could not write you, as I should have done, and this must be the explanation.

Enclosed I hand you an official copy of the resolution passed at the meeting of the Society in reference to an inscription on the McPherson Monument, or rather the base of it.

I was exceedingly gratified that General Belknap thought of this matter, and still further an assurance from him that you are in full sympathy with the object, and will take pleasure in carrying out the resolution. Believe me to be, Very respectfully yours,


WASHINGTON, D. C., September 26, 1884.


DEAR COLONEL DAYTON:-I have received your favor of the 23d, in which you bring to my notice the official request of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, relating to the inscription on the McPherson monument in this city, as expressed in their resolution.

I take pleasure in apprising you, that I shall, at an early day, cause the request of the Society to be complied with. With great regard, I am, Very truly yours,

Colonel U. S. Army,

Inspector Public Buildings and Grounds.

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