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Capt. Heafford:-Mr. President, I would like to state for the benefit of the members of the Society who came via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway that I hope to be able, by to-morrow morning, to arrange some scheme for taking the members from here for their return passage on transportation certificates issued by the proper officer of this Society to the ticket agents, instead of having them get their tickets at St Paul.

The President:-We have a local committee, I think, that has that matter in charge. I think if you will speak to General Sanborn he can arrange that matter.

General Sanborn:-There will be some arrangement made, if there has not already been. The arrangement, as I understand, Mr. President, with all the roads, is that they pass the members of the Society and their families to and from the reunion at one and one-fifth fare, the round trip. Not exactly one-half, but that is the best arrangement that we were able to make here, and if any corporations have made a better arrangement than that, why of course the members will get the benefit of it. Now it requires, as I understand it, simply the certificate from the proper officer of the Society that the party is a member of the Society and entitled to his return trip.

The President:-The local committee will take that matter into consideration.

Capt. Everest:-Mr. President, while we are on this subject, I would like to say that the ticket agent of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway has said to me that you had requested that the same fare be made over that road as was given to the members of the Grand Army of the Republic when they were here at the reunion in Minneapolis, to visit Devil's Lake-this country that lies about 400 miles north of here, and I am requested by him to say that an excursion will leave here for Devil's Lake, and the round trip tickets will be ten dollars, stopping at Ft. Totten, Devil's Lake, Fargo and other important points on the line. That the excursion will leave Minneapolis and this place on Friday morning and will return Monday night. The fare for round trip in sleeping cars will be five dollars, the railroad fare ten dollars. It is over 400 miles to Devil's Lake and a beautiful country, and I presume there are a great many that would like to go.

General Chetlain:-Mr. President, I would like to repeat a statement which was made yesterday on the train on which we

came from Chicago. There was an arrangement with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, by which we came at a certain fare, the return fare to be reduced upon the certificate of the Secretary, and that we have prepared blank forms, which will be filled up by Captain Andreas and the Secretary, and all parties can get the certificate at any time by calling at the Secretary's office. I will say farther, to the parties interested, that it is understood that these certificates will be good for twenty days.

Captain McCrory:-Mr. President, I believe I am the only member of this Society who lives in Minneapolis; possibly there may be more living there before the Secretary, Colonel Dayton, gets through with us. [Laughter.] I own the road that runs to the south shore of the lake; it does not come up here, but I have a boat that will come here and go across the lake to that road. I want to tender to the Society a free excursion on the lake and also on my road to Minneapolis and return at any time to-morrow that they may desire to go. [Applause.]

The President:-The proposition, I suppose, is well understood. Captain McCrory invites you all at any time to-morrow, at your own pleasure, to go to Minneapolis and back.

Captain McCrory:-Mr. President, I might say one word more: There is a large number here who have never seen our mills. We make flour here you know; Chicago makes flour, as I believe General Sherman says, for the country; we make it for the world. We will make arrangements also for those who desire to go in, to show them the mills as well as other important structures we have there, and have carriages in readiness to convey the party. A member:-What is the name of your boat?

Captain McCrory:-We have no name on it yet, sir.

General Sanborn:-Mr. President, I suppose that the printed programmes that we have, have advised all the members of the Society about the entertainments that we expect to give them, while they are attending the reunion here, but that there may be no mistake, I will repeat some of the main features.

After the adjournment of this meeting, there will be nothing, so far as the local committees are concerned, to occupy your attention until half-past two o'clock, when the steamboat, the Belle of Minnetonka, will be at the wharf here ready to take all members of the Society and all invited guests, and she will proceed at once to the Lake Park Hotel, where there will be a free lunch served

to the Society and guests. [Laughter.] The excursion will be accompanied by the Carleton Opera Troupe; and when that collation is finished, the boat will continue its journey around the lake until about six o'clock, when we will return here, and there will be nothing farther until the evening exercises, which commence at 8 o'clock, in the dining hall-which will consume to-day. To-morrow, it is understood that the business meeting will occur at 10 o'clock, when we will receive the reports of our committees, and there will be time between that, perhaps, and half past two o'clock, to visit Minneapolis. Captain McCrory, how long will your trip take?

Captain McCrory:-We can go in an hour and come back in an hour.

General Sanborn:-If members desire to go there and also to participate in the exercises here in the afternoon, they should leave as early as 11 o'clock, and get back here by half past two, or at least by three. To-morrow afternoon there will be a regatta on the lake, and another steamboat excursion; the exercises here in the evening, we all understand; the banquet will occur in the evening. That is substantially the programme marked out.

The local committee have been guided in preparing this programme, very much by the suggestions and ideas expressed last year by the various members of the Society at Cleveland, that they desired more of a social entertainment—desired less of the parade and march than they had had before-less of the "jumbo" and more of self-enjoyment, and enjoyment among themselves. [Applause.] The programme has been arranged for more social enjoyment and talk among ourselves, of old times and scenes and future prospects than perhaps any previous meeting we have had. We hope that all will fully participate in everything that is provided, and particularly to visit Minneapolis if the time can possibly be spared; there is no doubt that it will be a source of gratification and enjoyment. I suppose it is known to you all that this is one of the greatest manufacturing places, and that they manufacture more flour there than at any other point in the world, and the statement that the largest mills in the world are there, is literally true.

General McNulta:-Mr. President, I have been handed a circular letter referring to the statue of Liberty-the "Bartholdi Statue”— to be placed on an island in New York harbor. The picture of it

is before me. I am not very conversant with the matter, but I will read the letter, and I think the President of the Society is

better informed upon the subject than myself:

NEW YORK, Fuly 28, 1884.

DEAR SIR:-We have taken the liberty to mail to you a copy of the new edition of an appeal to the people of the United States on behalf of the statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World," giving an account of the progress of the work upon the foundations and the pedestal.

We respectfully ask for it your favorable consideration and kind attention. It is important, if we are to have aid or encouragement from yourself, your personal friends, or other citizens of your vicinity, that we should receive it without undue delay.

Should the work of completing the pedestal be stopped, or indefinitely postponed because of the indifference of the American people to this magnificent manifestation of the continued friendship of the people of France for the people of the United States--a sentimental reminder of the ancient alliance between the two nations, whereby we achieved our independence--it would be tantamount to national ingratitude and humiliation.

[blocks in formation]

Now, Mr. President, for the purpose of getting this subject formally before the Society, I move you, sir, that this Society contribute the sum of one hundred dollars toward the erection of this monument.

Colonel Oliver:-Mr. President, I move that that motion lay on the table.

The President:-It is moved and seconded that the motion lay on the table.

General McNulta:-Gentlemen, I would prefer that you withdraw the motion to lay on the table for a moment.

The motion to lay on the table was then withdrawn temporarily.

General McNulta then proceeded to support his motion in some

very thorough, explanatory and timely remarks of appeal to the members.

The President:-Gentlemen, I can confirm, from personal knowledge, everything your speaker has said. It would be a shame if any mishap should befall that monument, because it was given, not by any of the authorities of France, but by the people of France, individually, and by little, penny subscriptions. Now, we all suppose that those rich men in New York ought to build that pedestal in twenty-four hours. And they would do it if they could contribute in gross, but it is the preference of Mr. Evarts, whom you all know by reputation, if not by person, that this fund should be contributed to by the people throughout the United States, and I think if the Society should give a hundred dollars it would hardly be felt by any of us, and it would simply be an example to others. At all events, gentlemen, you have heard the motion. It is the statue of which so much has been said in the newspapers that I take it for granted that every one in my hearing is familiar with the subject. They sent me that steel engraving which you see and the pamphlets which I have distributed among you. I befriend it simply as your President, but I do not wish to influence any man's vote in a matter of society business. I think the monument is a great work, I know that it has been thoroughly made-it is made of beaten copper and is now on its way to New York in a French frigate, but when it arrives the base will not be ready to receive it.

General Belknap:-I dislike, Mr. President, very much, of course, after what has been said, to make any remark which would conflict with the passage of this resolution, and I will only say this; that I think I remember, some time ago, a proposition to erect a monument to the memory of General Frank P. Blair was brought up in this Society and I believe no action has yet been taken towards a subscription of money for that purpose. Possibly, also, a monument was alluded to in connection with the memory of General Ransom. Had we not better attend to our own first? [Applause.]

The President:-Gentlemen, with reference to the Frank Blair monument, there is one already in clay-I have seen it my selfthat will be erected very soon in the Forest Oak Park, by his fellow citizens. As to General Ransom, I myself was mistaken when I recently pronounced a little eulogy upon him in St. Louis

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