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shines thy name illumined in the sky-
Such joys, such triumphs, such remembrance

CHRISTIAN GOTTFRIED EHRENBERG, the great | With all its empty pageant, blazoned high German naturalist, especially distinguished by Around the master's name forever shine! his investigations through the microscope, celebrated his fiftieth anniversary as Doctor of Medicine, at Berlin, Prussia, on the 5th of November. The correspondent of the New York Tribune says that congratulatory addresses were presented to him in behalf of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and other learned societies, and the following poem by Oliver Wendell

Holmes :

THOU who hast taught the teachers of mankind
How from the least of things the mightiest

What marvel jealous nature made thee blind,
Lest man should learn what angels long to

Thou in the flinty rock, the river's flow,

In the thick-moted sunbeams' sifted light,
Hast trained thy downward-pointed tube to show
Worlds within worlds unveiled to mortal

Even as the patient watchers of the night-
The cyclope gleaners of the fruitful skies--
Show the wide misty way where heaven is white,
All paved with suns that daze our wondering

Far o'er the stormy deep an empire lies,

Beyond the storied islands of the blest,
That waits to see the lingering day-star rise·
The forest-cinctured Eden of the West;
Whose queen, fair Freedom, twines her iron crest
With leaves from every wreath that mortals


But loves the sober garland ever best

That Science lends the sage's silvered hair:
Science, who makes life's heritage more fair,
Forging for every lock its mastering key,
Filling with life and hope the stagnant air,
Pouring the light of Heaven o'er land and sea!
From her unsceptered realm we come to thee,
Bearing our slender tribute in our hands;
Deem it not worthless, humble though it be,
Set by the larger gifts of older lands;
The smallest fibres weave the strongest bands,
In narrowest tubes the sovereign nerves are


A little cord along the deep sea-sands

Makes the live thought of severed nations one: Thy fame has journeyed westering with the sun, Prairies and long sierras know thy name, And the long day of service nobly done

That crowns thy darkened evening with its flame!

OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. Boston, Mass., U. S. A., Sept. 10, 1868.

THE money needed for completing the memorial to Leigh Hunt has been collected, and Mr. Durham will proceed at once to finish his design. The inscription adopted by the committee is the line from "Abou ben Adhem

"Write me as one that loves his fellow-men,"

-a phrase which, standing by itself, has no meaning whatever. Surely it would be better to leave the name Leigh Hunt to tell its own story to a passer-by.


A NEW theatre has been recently opened at Warsaw, called the "Israelitish" Theatre. is reported to be a very solid and handsome structure, splendidly decorated within, and most comfortably arranged, throughout. It holds about 800 people. The pieces to be produced will consist exclusively of episodes taken from the Old Testament. The language is to be pure German. The company comprises about thirty Jewish actors, all men or lads, the latter for the female rôles. This is considered a very significant surrender on the part of the ultra-orthodox party, from whom the whole project has emanated. The prejudice among them against "theatres and circuses"-a prejudice dating as far back as the period of utter debasement in the Græco-Roman stage performances - seems by degrees to give way, even as among ourselves Puritanic prejudices are beginning to fade. Pall Mall Gazette.

SENSATIONS are not monopolized by play-goers and novel-readers, for metallurgists have recently been favoured with one, perhaps the most exciting since Bessemer made known his method of producing steel. That method, observes the Athenæum, could be applied only to iron of the first quality, and the common "pig" made in East Yorkshire (Cleveland) and in Northamptonshire, with its many impurities was quite unfit for what our French neighbours call acieration. But Mr. Heaton, an iron manufacturer in the Erewash Valley, takes the common "pig," melts it, pours it upon a bed of nitre at the bottom of a cupola, leaves it there for a few min

One with the grateful world, we own thy claim-utes, then, opening the cupola, finds the whole
Nay, rather claim our rights to join the throng
Who come with varied tongues, but hearts the

[blocks in formation]

mass, from twelve hundredweight to a ton, converted into steel. This steel is itself useful for many purposes, and, by rolling, hammering, and other manipulations and processes, can be improved into other kinds of steel as may be desired. Here we have another illustration of the truth that the greatest discoveries are ofttimes the simplest.

[blocks in formation]

received, we shall devote a few pages to its discussion. The Times has, of course, drawn the terrible picture of a university in which young men and young women are found freely associating and conversing, and shudderingly hints the dread moral results to be anticipated from such a state of things. So much was to be expected from the severe puritanism of Printing-house Square. But the silence of many of those who have supported the general position taken by Miss Becker on the particular point alluded to, indicates that many liberal minds are as yet unacquainted with the present position of the movement for the educational equality of women. It is important that it should be universally known that the co-education of men and women is no longer in the region of speculation to which the Times has relegated it, but that it has for a generation been tried in the United States, where no fewer than twentynine large collegiate institutions are at this day conducted on that principle. Before referring, however, to the important experiences of these institutions, it may be well to take a brief survey of the origin and character of the influences that have brought about those changes in the position of woman in America, which have already had a very potent effect upon public opinion in this country.

THE meeting of the British Association at Norwich is chiefly memorable on account of a Paper read there by a woman in defence of the equality of her own to what some journalists, unconscious of the satire, still call the " opposite " sex. The essay itself was mainly valuable for the vigour of its protest against an assumption by man of a superiority which he persistently declines to submit to the ordinary tests of truth. Witholding from her the keys of knowledge, he insists that she is mentally inferior; banishing her from age to age from political life, he claims of her an à priori admission of her unfitness for it. The earnest discussion which followed the It is now a truism to say that the exPaper in the Association, and still more the tremest degradation of woman has always comments of the press, showed its timeli- been found among nations whose normal ness. It is plain that the public mind is state is that of war. The severity of the ripening toward a radical change in the so- struggle for existence which decided the cial and civil position of woman. The sa- habits and ideas of the human race amid lient and impressive fact underlying and the rocks and sands of Asia - where for overlying the whole discussion - one which every grain of corn there were many claimConservatism cannot argue out of it is ants - made fighting the chief end of man, this, that the most educated and intelligent physical strength the only virtue, physical women of the present day are profoundly weakness the only crime. This originated dissatisfied with the present relations of law that social position of woman which is fairly and society to their sex. All experience represented by the saying in Vishnu Sarma warns us that such dissatisfaction cannot continue unproductive.

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A man of straw is worth a woman of gold." This cause was enhanced also by the fact that, already more numerous than men, women in the remote East grew in number out of all proportion with men, by reason of the great westward male migrations to the more fruitful soils formed by their rivers. The emigrant of that day, even more than of this, preferred to leave

CHRISTIAN GOTTFRIED EHRENBERG, the great | With all its empty pageant, blazoned high Around the master's name forever shine German naturalist, especially distinguished by

thine !

OLIVER WENDELL HO Boston, Mass., U. S. A., Sept. 10, 1868.

his investigations through the microscope, cele- So shines thy name illumined in the skySuch joys, such triumphs, such remem brated his fiftieth anniversary as Doctor of Medicine, at Berlin, Prussia, on the 5th of November. The correspondent of the New York Tribune says that congratulatory addresses were presented to him in behalf of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and other learned societies, and the following poem by Oliver Wendell

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Thou in the flinty rock, the river's flow,

In the thick-moted sunbeams' sifted light, Hast trained thy downward-pointed tube to show Worlds within worlds unveiled to mortal sight;

Even as the patient watchers of the night

The cyclope gleaners of the fruitful skies Show the wide misty way where heaven is white, All paved with suns that daze our wondering eyes.

Far o'er the stormy deep an empire lies,

Beyond the storied islands of the blest,
That waits to see the lingering day-star rise-
The forest-cinctured Eden of the West;
Whose queen, fair Freedom, twines her iron crest
With leaves from every wreath that mortals


But loves the sober garland ever best

That Science lends the sage's silvered hair:
Science, who makes life's heritage more fair,
Forging for every lock its mastering key,
Filling with life and hope the stagnant air,
Pouring the light of Heaven o'er land and sea!
From her unsceptered realm we come to thee,
Bearing our slender tribute in our hands;
Deem it not worthless, humble though it be,
Set by the larger gifts of older lands;
The smallest fibres weave the strongest bands,
In narrowest tubes the sovereign nerves are

[blocks in formation]

THE money needed for completing t rial to Leigh Hunt has been collected Durham will proceed at once to fin sign. The inscription adopted by the is the line from "Abou ben Adhem

"Write me as one that loves his fell
—a phrase which, standing by it
meaning whatever. Surely it woul
leave the name Leigh Hunt to tell
to a passer-by.

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One with the grateful world, we own thy claim-utes, then, openi
Nay, rather claim our rights to join the throng
Who come with varied tongues, but hearts the


To hail thy festal morn with smiles and song;
Ah, happy they to whom the joys belong

Of peaceful triumphs that can never die
From history's record -not of gilded wrong,
But golden truths that while the world goes by

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ity, where a en it began gan to play, "Stop those y. I haven't years!" The timent; the orbaby continued

bounded enthuunities as these

g; and in them on and influence, ity, which is still merica men exceed nillion; and in the n is extreme. In voman to three men; ; in Colorado one to women there had not

is recently shown, by the of the Eastern States, the t the lowness of the birthates is attributable to a groweople for large families. It due to the vast disproportion by male emigration, leaving >men for whom no husbands

the women behind when starting on his un- | When men had migrated to more fruitful tried way. And this, together with the de- lands their struggle for existence was not cimation of men by constant wars, enor mously increased the number of women, who consequently became cheap; a man could have as many wives as he pleased; and there was a competition which should become his favourite by being most his slave.


so hard; and as Nature became less cruel man became less so. Warlike he was, but not so warlike. When the cultivation of the earth began, it was discovered that soldiering was not the only important occupation; animal courage was no longer the only kind of courage; and it was found that woman might have her uses.

But it is certain that, with every step of man's migration westward, the position of There are some indications (derived from woman was improved. For this there were Tacitus and other writers) that, in the early two causes. The chief was that the emi- planting of Europe, woman rose under grants, having left their women behind these influences to a higher relative position them, found few in the countries to which than she now occupies. If so, she sank they went to take their places. Women from it through a repetition in Europe of were not cheap in Europe, but rare and some of those conditions by which she had valuable. Many men wished to marry each been degraded in Asia. That is, Europe The ancient chronicle of the Picts also became crowded; men emigrated and relates that they were originally six broth- left a superfluity of women; warlike ages ers who left Thrace with their adherents, came to the West, and the comparative unbecause the king insisted on marrying their importance and bodily weakness of woman sister. They came to France, bringing the told against her. She was not reduced to lady with them, and built the city of Poic- be a domestic slave, but she was a domestic tiers. But the king of France also pressed drudge. It must, however, be said that the his suit for the sister, which led them to put decline of the influence of woman in Westto sea again. But before they landed on ern Europe was in great part due to her this island she died. When they came to own inadequacy to turn to good account Cornwall, or thereabout, they had reason the position to which circumstances had to appreciate the feelings of the kings to raised her. Ages of degradation had left whom they had refused their sister's hand; her without education, and the re-action for the people they found here, whoever from a servile condition turned her head. they were, absolutely refused to allow these Her ambition was directed toward merely Picts to take any wives among them. They glittering in society. To be the idols of then petitioned the king of Ireland for wives, knights, to be the toys of the Court, was and he consented, on certain conditions. enough for those who had been held in conThe chronicle says tempt. Instead of being able to secure such educational and other permanent advantages as would have enabled her to maintain for ever the position gained, she frittered away in frivolity the opportunity that must close with the growth of Europe. The door was finally shut, and these foolish virgins left out. From that time she has been, not, as Blackstone says, "the favourite of the English law," but its favourite victim.

"Three hundred women were given
To them, they were agreeable,
But they were most cunning,
Each woman with her brother.
There were oaths imposed on them
By the stars and by the Earth,
That from the nobility of the mother
Should always be the right of sovereignty."
So they left Ireland with their wives and
established their kingdom in Scotland. This
tradition, whether mythical or not, is sig-
nificant. The scarcity of women in these
western lands had certainly raised their
position, and affected the primitive govern-
mental arrangements of this country. But
there was a second cause why, in the west,
the estimation of woman should be higher.

But with the early settlement of America those influences which had led to the improved position of women in Europe were again set to work. Those who first emigrated to America took but few women. The Puritan pilgrims took twenty-eight; other English colonists took fewer; the

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