The Pamphleteer, 14. köideAbraham John Valpy A.J. Valpy, 1819 |
From inside the book
... LORD BINNING'S RETURN being declared FRIVO- LOUS and VEXATIOUS ; and on the RIGHT of the ELDEST SON of a SCOTCH PEER to REPRESENT an ENGLISH COUNTY , CITY , or BOROUGH , without possessing a LANDED Qualification in England . By R ...
... LORD BINNING'S RETURN being declared FRIVO- LOUS and VEXATIOUS ; and on the RIGHT of the ELDEST SON of a SCOTCH PEER to REPRESENT an ENGLISH COUNTY , CITY , or BOROUGH , without possessing a LANDED Qualification in England . By R ...
Page 5
... Lord So- merville , superior to those used in Great Britain . Their advantages are thus detailed by his Lordship : 1. The broad part of the sail is at the end of the lever , and thus an equal resistance may be overcome with less length ...
... Lord So- merville , superior to those used in Great Britain . Their advantages are thus detailed by his Lordship : 1. The broad part of the sail is at the end of the lever , and thus an equal resistance may be overcome with less length ...
Page 4
... Lords , nor the Regent - no ; we have had enough of that folly already : do not go there to be laughed at : you might as well ' bay the moon . ' What we recommend is - RESISTANCE . - Yes : unite and resist manfully . Who are they that ...
... Lords , nor the Regent - no ; we have had enough of that folly already : do not go there to be laughed at : you might as well ' bay the moon . ' What we recommend is - RESISTANCE . - Yes : unite and resist manfully . Who are they that ...
Page 149
... Lord Bacon has , in this respect also , well displayed the re- sults of different dispositions or powers of mind , by the following simile : " The empirics , " says he , " like ants , only lay by stores and use them ; the rationalists ...
... Lord Bacon has , in this respect also , well displayed the re- sults of different dispositions or powers of mind , by the following simile : " The empirics , " says he , " like ants , only lay by stores and use them ; the rationalists ...
Page 174
... Lords , and the Commons , are all alike under the law : neither can do wrong to the other parts , nor even do right without their concurrence . Such , not merely theoretically , but practically - such is the Constitution of Great ...
... Lords , and the Commons , are all alike under the law : neither can do wrong to the other parts , nor even do right without their concurrence . Such , not merely theoretically , but practically - such is the Constitution of Great ...
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