Paschal Beverly Randolph: A Nineteenth-Century Black American Spiritualist, Rosicrucian, and Sex MagicianSUNY Press, 1. jaan 1997 - 607 pages This is the fascinating story of Paschal Beverly Randolph, an African American who carved his own eccentric path in the mid-nineteenth century from the slums of New York's Five Points to the courts of Europe, where he performed as a spiritualist trance medium. Although self-educated, he became one of the first Black American novelists and took a leading part in raising Black soldiers for the Union army and in educating Freedmen in Louisiana during the Civil War. His enduring claim to fame, however, is the crucial role he played in the transformation of spiritualism, a medium's passive reception of messages from the spirits of the dead, into occultism, the active search for personal spiritual realization and inner vision. From his experiences in his solitary travels in England, France, Egypt and the Turkish Empire in the 1850s and 1860s, he brought back to America a system of occult beliefs and practices (the magic mirror, hashish use and sexual magic) that worked a revolution. The systems of magic he taught left their traces on many subsequent occultists, including Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society, and are still practiced today by several occult organizations in Europe and American that carry on his work. This is the fist scholarly work on Randolph and includes the full text of his two most important manuscript works on sexual magic. |
18551858 | 33 |
The French Occult Milieu at MidCentury | 51 |
Return to America | 59 |
Randolph and the British Spiritualists and Mirror Magicians | 74 |
The Fruits of Randolphs Travels in the 1850s | 85 |
The Mature Visionary | 103 |
The Rosicrucian | 121 |
The Civil War Years | 155 |
The Coming of the Nusairi | 211 |
PostMortem | 241 |
Randolph and Madame Blavatsky | 253 |
Randolph Blavatsky and Occult Practice | 283 |
Epilogue | 309 |
Appendix B The Mysteries of Eulis | 327 |
Bibliography of the Works | 343 |
Notes | 369 |
Other editions - View all
Paschal Beverly Randolph: A Nineteenth-Century Black American Spiritualist ... John Patrick Deveney No preview available - 1996 |
Common terms and phrases
adepts American Spiritualism appears astral Banner of Light blacks Blavatsky's body Boston Brotherhood of Luxor Brothers Casca Llanna celestial chapter claimed clairvoyance Clymer Colonel Olcott Convention Curious Dead death disembodied divine doctrine Dowd early earth edition Egypt Eliphas Lévi Emma Hardinge Britten England Esoteric Eulis free love Fryar Guide to Clairvoyance H. P. Blavatsky Hargrave Jennings hashish hierarchies human Ibid ideas immortal Isis Unveiled John Murray Spear later letter Lévi London Madame Blavatsky magic mirrors magnetic medium mesmerism Mola monad mystic never Nusa'iri occult occultists Oriental original P. B. Randolph Paris Paschal Beverly Randolph person practical Pre-Adamite Randolph says Ravalette Religio-Philosophical Journal reprinted in BCW Rosicrucian Rosicrucian's Story Rosy Cross secret seer Seership sexual magic soul world spheres Spiritual Magazine Spiritual Scientist Spiritual Telegraph spiritualist Supreme Grand taught teachings Telegraph Papers Temple Theosophical History Theosophical Society Theosophist thought tion trance Triplicate Order University vision York