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Dryden was from the beginning an xλompóraλ20s, and I doubt not will continue fo to the laft (d): In the poem called Abfalom and Achitophel, are notoriously traduced the King, the Queen, the Lords and Gentlemen, not only their honourable perfons expofed, but the whole Nation and its Reprefentatives notoriously libelled. It is fcandalum magnatum, yea of Majefty itself (e).

He looks upon God's Gofpel as a foolish fable, like the Pope, to whom he is a pitiful purveyor (ƒ). His very Christianity may be questioned (g). He ought to expect more severity than other men, as he is moft unmerciful in his own reflections on others (b) with as good a right as his Holiness, he fets up for poetical infallibility (i).


MR DRYDEN only a Verfifier.

His whole libel is all bad matter, beautified (which is all that can be faid of it) with good metre (1). Mr. Dryden's genius did not appear in any thing more than his verfification, and whether he is to be ennobled for that only, is a queftion (1).


'Tonfon calls it Dryden's Virgil, to fhow that this is not that Virgil fo admired in the Auguf tian age; but a Virgil of another ftamp, a filly, impertinent, nonfenfical writer. None but a Bavius, a Mævius, or a Bathyllus, carped at Virgil (m); and none but fuch unthinking vermin admire his tranflator (n). It is true, soft and easy lines might become Ovid's Epiftles or Art of Love-But Virgil, who is all great and majestic, &c. requires ftrength of lines, weight of words, and clofenefs of expreffion; not an ambling mufe running on carpet ground, and fhod as lightly as a Newmarket racer. He has numberless faults in his author's meaning, and in propriety of expref Lion (o).

MR. DRYDEN underflood no Greek nor Latin. Mr. Dryden was once, I have heard, at Weftminfter school: Dr Bufby would have whipt him for fo childish a paraphrafe (p). The meaneft pedant in England would whip a lubber of twelve for conftruing fo abfurdly (9). The tranflator is mad every line betrays his ftupidity (r). The faults are innumerable, and convince me that Mr. Dryden did not, or would not underfland his author (). This fhows how fit Mr. D. may be to


(d) Milbourne on Dryden's Virgil, 8vo, 1698, p. 8. (e) Whip and Key, 4to, printed for R. Janeway, 1682. Pref. (ƒ) Ibid. (g) Milbourne, p. 9. (b) Ibid. p. 175. (i) Pag. 39. (k) Whip and Key, Pref (1) Oldmixon, Effay on Criticism, p. 84. () Milbourne, p. J. (n) Page 35. (o) Milb. p. 22, and 192. (p) Page 72. (e) Page 203. (r) Page 78. (1) Page 206.

inconfiftent (6). Pope, as a Papift, must be a tory and high flyer (c). He is both whig and tory (d).

He hath made it his cuftom to cackle to more than one party in their own fentiments (e).

In his mifcellanies, the persons abused are, The King, the Queen, his late Majesty, both Houses of Parliament, the Privy-Council, the Bench of Bishops, the established Church, the prefent Mimifter, &c. To make fenfe of fome paffages, they must be conftrued into Royal Scandal (ƒ).

He is a Popish rhymefter, bred up with a contempt of the sacred writings (g). His religion allows him to deftroy heretics, not only with his pen, but with fire and fword; and fuch were all those unhappy wits whom he facrificed to his accurfed Popish principles (b). It deferved vengeance to fuggeft, that Mr. Pope had lefs infalli bility, than his namesake at Rome (i).

MR. POPE only a Verfifier.

The fmooth numbers of the Dunciad are all that recommend it, nor has it any other merit (4). It must be owned that he hath got a notable knack of rhyming and writing smooth verse (1).

MR. FOPE'S Homer.

The Homer which Lintot prints, does not talk like Homer, but like Pope; and he who translated him, one would swear, had a hill in Tipperary for his Parnaffus, and a puddle in fome bog for his Hippocrene (m). He has no admirers, among thofe that can distinguish, difcern, and judge (n).

He hath a knack at smooth verse, but without either genius or good sense, or any tolerable knowledge of English. The qualities which distinguish Homer are the beauties of his diction, and the harmony of his versification-But this little author, who is fo much in vogue, has neither sense in his thoughts, nor English in his expreffions (•).

MR. POPE underflood no Greek.

He hath undertaken to tranflate Homer from the Greek, of which he knows not one word, into English, of which he understands as little (p). I

(b) Dunciad diffected. (c) Pref. to Gulliveriana. (d) Dennis, Character of Mr. P. (e) Theobald, Letter in Mif's Journal, June 22, 1728.

(f) Lift, at the end of a Collection of Verfes, Letters, Advertisements, 8vo, printed for A. Moore, 1728, and the Preface to it, p. 6. (g) Dennis's Remarks on Homer, p. 27. (b) Preface to Guiliveriana, p. 11. (i) Dedication to the Collection of Verfes, Letters, &c. p. 9. (k) Mifl's Journal of June 8. 1728. (1) Character of Mr. P. and Dennis on Hom. (m) Dennis's Remarks on Pope's Homer, p. 12. (n) 1b. p. 14.

(0) Character of Mr. P. p. 17. and Remarks onz Homer, p.91. (p) Dennis's Remarks on Homer, p, 12.

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translate Homer! A mistake in a single letter might fall on the printer well enough, but we for ig muft be the error of the author: nor had he art enough to correct it at the prefs (t). Mr. Dryden writes for the Court Ladies-He writes for the ladies, and not for use («).

The tranflator puts in a little burlesque now and then into Virgil, for a ragout to his cheated subscribers (w).

MR DRYDEN tricked his Subfcribers.

I wonder that any man, who could not but be confcious of his own unfitnefs for it, fhould go to amule the learned world with fuch an undertaking! A man ought to value his reputation more than money; and not to hope that those who can read for themselves, will be impofed upon, merely by a partiality and unfeasonably celebrated name (x). "Poetis quidlibet audendi" shall be Mr. Dryden's motto, though it should extend to picking of pockets (y)..

Names beftorved on MR. DRYDEN.

An Ape. A crafty ape dreft up in a gawdy gown-Whips put into an ape's paw, to play pranks with-None but apifh and Papish brats will heed him (~).

An Aft.] A camel will take upon him no more burden than is fufficient for his firength, but there is another beaft that crouches under all (@).

A Frog.] Poet fquab endued with poet Maro's fpirit! an ugly, croaking kind of vermin, which would fwell to the bulk of an ox (6).

A Ceward. A Clinias or a Damætas, or a man of Mr. Dryden's own courage (c).

A Knave.] Mr. Dryden has heard of Paul the knave of Jefus Chrift: And if I mistake not, I've read fomewhere of John Dryden, fervant to his Majefty (d).

A Fool. Had he not been fuch a self-conceited fool)-Some great pocts are pofitive blockbeads (f).

A Thing.] So little a thing as Mr. Dryden (g).

(1) Mill. p. 19. (u) Page 144, 190.

(w) Page

(y) Page 125. Milb. p. 105. (d) Page 57. () Milb. p. 34.

(z) Whip (b) Page 11.

67. (x) Page 192. and Key, Pref. (a) (c) Page 176. and Key, Pr. P. 35.

(e) Whip (g) Ibid.

wonder how this gentleman would look, should it be difcovered, that he has not tranflated ten verfes together in any book of Homer with juftice to the poet, and yet he dares reproach his fellow writers with not understanding Greek (9). He has stuck fo little to his original, as to have his knowledge in Greek called in queftion (r)" fhould be glad to know which it is of all Homer's excellencies which has fo delighted the ladies, and the gentlemen who judge like ladies (s).

But he has a notable talent at burlefque; his genius flides fo naturally into it, that he hath burlefqued Homer without designing it (t).

MR. POPE tricked his Subfcribers.

It is indeed fomewhat boid, and almost prodigious, for a fingle man to undertake fuch a work: But it is too late to diffuade by demonftrating the madness of the project. The subscribers ex pectations have been raised in proportion to what their pockets have been drained of (). Pope has been concerned in jobs, and hired out his name to booksellers (w).

Names beflowed on MR. POPE.

An Ape. Let us take the initial letter of his Chriftian name, and initial and final letters of his furname, viz. APE. and they give you the fame idea of an ape as his face (x), &c

An Afs. It is my duty to pull off the lion's fkin from this little afs (y).

A Frog. A fquab fhort gentleman-a little creature that, like the frog in the fable, fwells, and is angry that it is not allowed to be as big as an ox (z).

A Coward.] A lurking, way-laying coward (a). A Knave. He is one whom God and nature have marked for want of common honesty (b).

A Fool. Great fools will be chriftened by the names of great poets, and Pope will be called Ho mer (<).

A Thing A little abject thing (4). _',

(g) Daily Journal, April 23 1728 (r) Suppl. to the Profound, Pref. (s) Oldmicon, Effay on Criticism, p. 66. (t) Dennis's Remarks, p. 28. (u) Homerides, p. 1, . (w Britife Fournal, Nov 25. 1727. (x) Dennis, Daily Fournal, May 11. 1718. (3) Dennis's Rem, on Hom Prof. (z) Dennis's Rem. on the Rape of the Lock, Pref. p. 9. (a) Char. of Mr. P. p. 3. (b) Ibid. (c) Dennis's Rem. on Homer, p 37. (d) Ibid. p. 8. Qiiij



The firft Number shows the Book, the fecond the Verfe.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Laws, William, ii. 413. Log, King, i. lin. ult.


MORE, James, ii. 50, &c.
Morris, Befaleel, ii. 126. iii. 168.
Mift, Nathanael, i. 208.
Milbourne, Luke, ii. 349.
Mahomet, iii. 97.

Meers, William, ii, 125. iii. 28.
Motteux, Peter, ii. 412.
Monks, iii. 52.
Mandevil, ii. 414.
Morgan, ibid.
Montalto, iv. 105.

Mummius, an antiquary, iv. 37.


NEWCASTLE, Duchefs of, i. 141.
Nonjuror, i. 253-

OGILVY, John, i. 141. 328.
Oldmixon, John, ii. 283.
Ozell, John, i. 285.
Oftrogoths, iii. 93.

Omar, the Caliph, iii. 81.
Owls, i. 271. 290. iii. 54.
Owls, Athenian, iv. 362.
Ofborne, bookseller, ii. 167.
Ofborne, Mother, ii. 312.

PRYNN, William, i. 103.

Philips, Ambrose, i. 105. iii. 326. Paridel, iv. 341.


QUARLES, Francis, i. 140. Querno, Camillo, ii. 15.


RALPHI, James, i. 216. iii. 165.

[blocks in formation]




ADDISON (Mr.) railed at by A. Philips, iii. 326. abused by J. Oldmixon. in his profe es

fay on Criticifm, &c. ii. 283.

- by J. Ralph, in a London Journal, iii. 165. Celebrated by our author-Upon his Difcourfe of Medals-In his Frologue to Cato-In his Imitation of Horace's Epiftles to Auguftus, and in his poem, ii. 140.

Falfe facts concerning him and our author related
by anonymous perfons in Mift's Journal, &c.
Teft.-Difproved by the Teftimonies of
-The Earl of Burlington,

-Mr. Tickell,
--Mr. Addison himself, ib.


Anger, one of the characteristics of Mr. Dennis' Critical writings, i. 106.

Affirmation, another: Teft.

[To which are added by Mr. Theobald, Ill-nature, Spite, Revenge, i. 106.]

Altar of Cibber's Works, how built, and how founded, i. 159, &c. Æfchylus, iii. 313.

Affes, at a citizen's gate in a morning, ii. 247Appearances, that we are never to judge by them, efpecially of poets and divines, ii. 426. Alehoufe, the birth-place of Mr. Cook, ii. 138. one kept by Edw. Ward, i. 233and by Taylor the water-poet, iii. 19.

Arnal, William, what he received out of the
Treasury for writing pamphlets, ii. 315.
Ariftotle, his friends and confeffors, who, iv. 192.
how his ethics came into difufe, ibid.

Bedlam, i. 29.


Banks, his resemblance to Mr. Cibber in Tragedy,
i. 146.

Bates (Julius) fee Hutchinfon (John).

Broom, Ben Jonson's man, ibid.

Bavius, iii. 24. Mr. Dennis his great opinion of
him, ib.

Bawdry, in plays, not difapproved of by Mr. Den-
nis, iii. 179.

Blackmore, (Sir Rieh.) his impiety and irreligion,
proved by Mr. Dennis, ii. 268.

his quantity of works, and various opi-
nions of them--His abufe of Mr. Dryden and
Mr. Pope, ibid.

Bray, a word much beloved by Sir Richard, ii. 260.
Braying, defcribed, ii. 247.

Birch, by no means proper to be applied to young
noblemen, ii. 334.

BI-d, what became of his works, i. 231.
Broome, (Rev. Mr. Will.) His fentiments of our
author's virtue, Teft.

-Our author of his, iii. 332.
Brooms (a feller of) taught Mr. John Jackfon his
trade, ii. 157.

Billingsgate language, how to be used by learned
authors, ii. 142.

Bond, Befaleel, Breval, not living writers, but
phantoms, ii. 126.

Bookfellers, how they run for a poet, ii. 31, &c.
Bailiffs, how poets run from them, ii. 61.
Bridewell, ii. 269.

[blocks in formation]

Cibber, hero of the poem, his character, i. 107.
not abfolutely ftupid, 109. Not unfortunate as
a coxcomb, ibid. Not a flow writer, but pre-
cipitate, though heavy, 123. His productions
the effects of heat, though an imperfect one,
126. His folly heightened with 'frenzy, 125.
He borrowed from Fletcher and Moliere, 131.
Mangled Shakspeare, 133. His head diftin-
guished for wearing an extraordinary periwig,
167. more than for its reafoning faculty, yet
not without furniture, 177. His clafticity, and
fire, and how he came by them, 187. He was
once thought to have wrote a reasonable play,
..188. The general character of his verfe and
profe, 190. His conversation, in what manner
extenfive and ufeful, 192, &c. Once defigned
for the Church, where he fhould have been a
Bishop, 200. Since inclined to write for the
Minister of State, 213. but determines to flick
to his other talents; what those are, 217, &c.
His apoftrophe to his works before he burns
them, 225, &c. His repentance and tears, 243.
Dulness puts out the fire, 257. Inaugurates and
anoints him, 287. His crown, by whom wov-
en, 223. of what compofed, i. 303. who let

him into court, 300. who his fupporters, 307
His entry, attendants, and proclamation, ufque
ad fin. His enthronization, ii. 1. Paffes his
whole reign in feeing shows, through book ii.
And dreaming dreams, through book iii. Settle
appears to him, iii. 35. Refemblance between
him and Settle, iii. 37. and i. 146. Goodman's
prophecy of him, iii. 232. How he tranflated an
opera, without knowing the story, 305. and en-
couraged farces because it was against his con-
fcience, 266. Declares he never mounted a
dragon, 268. Apprehenfions of acting in a
ferpent, 287. What were the paffions of his
old age, 303, 304. Finally fubfides in the lap
of Dulness, where he refs to all eternity, iv. 20.

and note.

Cibber, his father, i. 31. His two brothers, 32.
His fon, iii. 142. His better progeny, i. 228.
Ciberian forehead, what is meant by it, i. 218.

-read by fome Cerbetian, ibid. note.
Cooke (Tho.) abused by Mr. Pope, ii. 138.
Concanen (Mat.) one of the authors of the Week,
ly Journals, ii. 299.

declared that when his poem had blanks,
they meant treafon, iii. 297.

of opinion that Juvenal never satirized
the poverty of Codrus, ii. 144.
Corncutter's Journal, what it coft, ii. 314.
Critics, verbal ones, must have two poltulata al-
lowed them, ii. I.
Cat-calls, ii. 231.

Curll (Edm) his panegyric, ii. 58.

his Corinna, and what fhe did. 70.
his prayer, 80. Like Eridanus, 182..
Much favoured by Cloacina, 97, &c.
Foft in a blanket, and whipped, 151.
Pilloried, ii. 3.

Carolina, a curious flower, its fate, iv. 409, &c.



Dulness, the goddess; her original and parents, i、
Her ancient empire, 17. Her public col-
lege, i. 29. Academy for poetical education, 33.
Her cardinal virtues, 45, &c. Her ideas, produc-
tions, and creation, 55, &c. Her furvey and con-
templation of her works, 79, &c. And of her
children, 93. Their uninterrupted fucceffion,
98, &c to 108. Her appearance to Cibber,
261. She manifefts to him her works, 273, &c.
Anoints him, 287, &c. Inftitutes games at his
coronation, ii. 18, &c. The manner how the
makes a wit, ii. 47. A great lover of a joke,
34. And loves to repeat the fame over again,
122. Her ways and means to procure the pa-
thetic and terrible in tragedy, 225, &c. En-
courages chattering and bawling, 237, &c.
And is patronnels of party-writing and railing,
276, &c. Makes ufe of the heads of critics as
fcales to weigh the heavinefs of authors, 367.
Promotes flumber with the works of the faid
authors, ibid. The wonderful virtue of fleep.
ing inher lap, iii. 5,&c. Her Elyfium, 15, &c. The
fouls of her fons dipt in Lethe, 23. How brought
into the world, 29. Their transfiguration and
metempsychosis, 50. The extent and glories of
her empire, and her conquefts throughout the
world, iii. 67 to 138. A catalogue of her po-

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