| 1738 - 310 lehte
...have not been touched upon by others. We have little elfe left us, but to reprefent the common Senfe of Mankind in more ftrong, more beautiful, or more...examines Horace's Art of Poetry, he will find but very few Precepts in it, which he may not meet with in Ariftotle, and which were not commonly known... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1729 - 262 lehte
...not been touch'd upon by ?' others ; we have little elfe left us, but to reprefent " the common feafe of mankind in more ftrong, more " beautiful, or more...reader ." examines Horace's art of poetry, he will fir1d but *' few precepts in it, which he may not meet with in " ArijIotle, and which were not commonly... | |
| 1729 - 314 lehte
...by others. We have little elfe left us, but to reprefent the common Senfe of Mankind in mora lining, more beautiful, or more uncommon Lights. If a Reader...examines Horace's Art of Poetry, he will find but very few Precepts in it, which he may not meet with in Arijlotlt, and .which were not commonly known... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1735 - 276 lehte
...been touch'd upon by '' others ; we have little elfe left us, but to reprefent *' the common fcnfe of mankind in. more ftrong, " more beautiful, or more...few precepts in it, which he may not meet " with in AriHotle, and which were not commonly " known by all the poets of the Augujlan age. His' " way of expreffing,... | |
| William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 392 lehte
...*' not been touch'd upon by others: We have little " elfe left us, but to reprefent the common Senfe of *' Mankind in more ftrong, more beautiful, or more " uncommon Lights. If a Reader examines Ht" race's Art of Poetry, he will find but few Precepts " in it, which he may not meet with in Arijlotle... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 352 lehte
...criticifm, morality, or any art or fcience, " which have not been touch'd upon by others ; we have " little elfe left us, but to reprefent the common fenfe of " mankind in more ftrong, more beautiful, or more un" common lights. If a reader examines Horace's Art of Poetry, he will find but few precepts in it,... | |
| Robert Shiells - 1753 - 366 lehte
...criticifm, morality, or any art anft fcience, which have not been touched upon by o- ' thers. We have little elfe left us, but to reprefent the common fenfe- of...but few precepts in it, which he may not meet with irt Ariftotle, and which were not commonly known by all the poets of the Auguftan age. His .way of... | |
| Theophilus Cibber, Robert Shiells - 1753 - 418 lehte
...icnce, which have not been touched upon by others. We have little elfe left us, but to reprefentthe common fenfe of mankind in more ftrong, more beautiful,...few precepts in it, which he may not meet with in Ariftotle, and which were not commonly known by all the poets of the Aaguftan age. His way of expreflmg,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1754 - 264 lehte
...little elfe left us, but to reprefent the com" mon fenfe of mankind in more ftrong, more bean" tiful, or more uncommon lights. If a reader " examines Horace's...few precepts in it which he may not meet with " in Ariftotle, and which were not commonly " known by all the poets of the Anguftan age. " His way of expreffing,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1757 - 368 lehte
...morality, or any art .or -fciencc, which have •' not been touched upon by others ; we have little elfe " left us, but to reprefent the common fenfe of mankind " in more ftrong, more beautiful, or ir.bre uncommon " lights. If a reader examines Horace's Art of Poetry, " he will find but few precepts... | |
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