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evitable autocrat had taken over the powers which they had abused. Whither autocracy would lead neither he nor any of his contemporaries could have foreseen. A new chapter in the world's history had been begun, but no more than its opening lines had been written when the great dictator perished on the fatal Ides of March.


N.B.-Romans are indexed under the name by which they are best
known, e.g. C. Julius Cæsar under Cæsar, but Gn. Pompeius Magnus
under Pompey.

ABGARUS, his treacherous advice to
Crassus, 197

Achillas, murders Pompey, 287
Aedui, allied to Cæsar, 316
Emilianus, P. Cornelius, put to
death by Pompey, 242
Afranius, L., defeated by Cæsar in
Spain, 327

Africa, province of, annexed, 5;
colonial scheme of C. Gracchus
in, 61, 75; of Saturninus in, 99;
conquered by Pompey, 240; con-
quered by Cæsar, 230, 331
Ager Publicus, the, its history, 25-
26; see Agrarian Laws
Agrarian Laws, of Ti. Gracchus, 27–
31; renewed by C. Gracchus, 60;
of Saturninus, 100; of Drusus,
105; of Rullus, 180-181; of
Cæsar, 335

Agriculture, decline of Italian, 15-
20, 90-91; see Agrarian Laws
Ahenobarbus, L. Domitius stands
for the consulship, 222; captured
by Cæsar at Corfinium, 282
Alesia, siege of, by Cæsar, 322
Alexandria, Cæsarfat, 331
Antistius, C., praetor, saves the life

of Pompey, 2381; murdered, 240
Antonius, M., orator, slain by
Marius, 128

Antonius, C. (Hybrida), prosecuted
by Cæsar, 295

Antonius, M. Creticus, foiled by
the Pirates, 249

Antonius, M. (the Triumvir), assists
Cæsar, 326, 329

Antullius, Q., murdered by the
Democrats, 79-80

Aquae Sextiae, battle of, 97
Aquilius, M', Governor of Asia, 64
Arausio, victory of the Cimbri at

Archelaus, defeated by Sulla, 131
Ariovistus, defeated by Cæsar, 314
Armenia, Pompey subdues, 257
Asia, province of, 6; annexed by
Rome, 37; the tithe-farming
system introduced in, 67; revolts
to Mithradates, 68; reorganised
by Sulla, 136; his arrangements
in, 155; the tithe-system restored
by Pompey and Crassus, 175
Ateius, P., his opposition to Cras-
sus, 195

Athens, captured by Sulla, 130-

Attalus III., bequeaths his king-
dom to Rome, 37

Augustus (C. Julius Cæsar Octavi-
anus), designated as his heir by
Cæsar, 331; his administrative
system, 336

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Avaricum, massacre at, 319
Aventine, Mt., battle on the, 83-

BELGE, Cæsar's campaign against
the, 318, 322

Bestia, L. Calpurnius, his mis-
conduct in Africa, 93
Bibulus, M. Calpurnius, colleague
of Cæsar in the consulship, op-
pressed by him, 217, 310; heads
Pompey's fleet, 227-228
Blossius, C., the tutor of Ti.
Gracchus, 24, 45

Bocchus, king of Numidia, sur-
renders Jugurtha to Sulla, 120-


Brundisium, Sulla at, 140; besieged
by Cæsar, 282
Brutus, L.Junius Damasippus, mas-
sacres the Optimates, 142; de-
feated and slain by Sulla, 144
Brutus, M. Junius, defeated and
executed by Pompey, 242
Byzantium, Cato at, 218-219

CALIUS, M. Rufus, slain for oppos-

ing Cæsar, 333
Caepio, Q. Servilius, defeated at
Arausio, 96

Cæsar, C. Julius, his early life,
292-295; his political début,
295; seized by Pirates, 296; aids
in passing the Gabinian Law,
250; his connection with Cati-
line, 299; aids Metellus Nepos,
212; his governorship in Spain,
306-307; forms the First Trium-
virate, 309; his first consulship,
310-311; his Gallic campaigns,
315-322; at the Conference of
Lucca, 273; his breach with
Pompey, 278-279; commences the
Civil War, 280; his Italian cam-
paign, 281-282; his first Spanish
campaign, 327; his Epirot cam-
paign, 284; his Egyptian cam-
paign, 331; his African cam-
paign, 331; his settlement of the
empire, 335-337; personal char-
acteristics of, 288-291

Cæsar, L. Julius, enfranchises the
Italians, 111; murdered by the
Democrats, 128

Campus Martius, Lepidus defeated
in, 164

Caninius L. Gallus, aids Pompey,


Capua, projected colony of C.
Gracchus at, 61; of Drusus at,
Carbo, C. Papirius, democratic
leader, 52

Carbo, Gn. Papirius, aids Cinna,
140; resists Sulla, 142; his
massacres, 142; driven out of
Italy, 145; executed by Pompey,

Carrhae, Crassus defeated at, 197–


Carrinas, C., defeated by Pompey,
239; defeated and slain by Sulla,


Carthage, colony at, founded by C.
Gracchus, 61

Catilina, L. Sergius, his connection
with Crassus, 181-183; and with
Cæsar, 299

Cato, M. Porcius, his character and
position, 203-205; anecdotes of
his youth, 206-207; his military
services, 208; reforms the
treasury, 209; aids Cicero, 210;
opposes Metellus Nepos, 211-
212; aids Bibulus against Cæsar,
217; sent to Cyprus by Clodius,
218; heads the extreme Optim-
ates, 221; his proposal to im-
peach Cæsar, 223; encourages
Pompey to resist Cæsar, 226;
his part in the campaign in
Epirus, 227; retires to Africa,
229; his suicide at Utica, 231-

Catulus, Q. Lutatius, defeats the
Cimbri, 121; massacred by
Marius, 128

Catulus, Q. Lutatius, junior, a
prominent Optimate, 162; de-
feats Lepidus, 164

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Censorship, the, Sulla's dealings
with, 153; restored by Crassus
and Pompey, 176
Chaeronea, Sulla's victory at, 131-
Cicero, M. Tullius, supports the
Manilian Law, 255; opposes
Catiline, 183; his attitude to-
ward Crassus, 185; his futile
attempts to conciliate Pompey


188; quarrels with Cato, 215;
banished by Clodius, 192; his
return, 193; his adventure at
Corcyra, 228-229

Cilicia, the Pirates of, 8; Sulla's
rule in, 121-122; Pompey's con-
quests in, 253, 258

Cimbri, their victories over the
Romans, 95-96; campaign of
Marius against, 97-98
Cinna, L. Cornelius, heads the
Democratic party, 127;
massacres, 128; his futile legisla-
tion, 138; murdered by his
soldiers, 140

Claudius, Appius, father-in-law of
Ti. Gracchus, 14; a member of
the Land Commission, 36
Claudius, P. Pulcher, see Clodius
Cleopatra, Cæsar's relations with,

Clodius, P. Pulcher, supported by
Crassus, 192; drives Cicero into
exile, 193; sends Cato to Cyprus,
218; assails and thwarts Pompey,
268, 272; his murder, 277
Colline Gate, battle of the, 143-144
Corcyra, Cato at, 228

Corn-dole, the, instituted by C.
Gracchus, 59; increased by
Saturninus, 99; and by Drusus,
106; abolished by Sulla, 155;
restored in B.C. 70, 176
Corfinium, capture of, by Cæsar,


Cornelia (mother of the Gracchi),
14, 58

Cotta, C. Aurelius, uncle of Cæsar,
175, 297

Crassus, L. Licinius, orator, mur-
dered by the Marians, 128
Crassus, M. Licinius, the Triumvir,
escapes from the massacres of
Marius, 166; joins Sulla, 167;
his military exploits, 144; ostra-
cized by Sulla for corruption, 168;
his methods of money-making,
169-170; commands against Spar-
tacus, 172; allies himself with
Pompey to obtain the consulship,
173; laws carried by them, 175-
176; intrigues of during Pompey's


absence, 179-182; his relations
with Catiline, 182; estranges
Cicero from Pompey, 188; forms
the First Triumvirate, 190; perse-
cutes Cicero, 193; endeavours to
induce Cæsar to desert Pompey,
273; obtains a second consulship,
194; goes to the East, 195;
defeated and slain by the Par-
thians at Carrhae, 199-201
Crassus, P. Licinius, reconciles his
father to Cicero, 193; slain at
Carrhae, 199

Curio, C. Scribonius, partisan of
Cæsar, 326; slain in Africa, 327
Cyprus, annexed by Rome, 218;
doings of Cato in, 219

DARDANUS, treaty of, between
Sulla and Mithradates, 136
Delos, sacked by the fleet of Mithra-
dates, 129

Delphi, plundered by Sulla, 130
Drusus, M. Livius, opposes and

outbids C. Gracchus, 73-74
Drusus, M. Livius, junior, his
schemes of reform, 104-105; in-
troduces and carries laws, 107;
is thwarted by the Senate, 107;
murdered, 108
Dyrrhachium, campaign of Cæsar
and Pompey round, 227, 284, 329

EGYPT, the Democrats endeavour
to annex it, 180; Pompey offers
to go to, 269-270; murder of
Pompey in, 287; campaign of
Cæsar in, 331

Equester Ordo, the, its early history,
63-64; privileges bestowed on it
by C. Gracchus, 65; its misuse
of them, 67, 91; attacked by
Drusus, 104; Sulla legislates
against it, 154-155; its privileges
restored by Pompey and Crassus,

Etruria, depopulation of, 15; cam-
paigns of Sulla in, 143; of Lepidus
in, 164

FANNIUS, C., consul, opposes O.
Gracchus, 72

Favonius, M., friend of Cato, 225
Fimbria, C. Flavius, murders L.
Flaccus, 133; invades Asia, 135;
slain by his troops, 136
Flaccus, M. Fulvius, endeavours to
enfranchise the Italians, 53; his
campaign in Gaul, 53; aids O.
Gracchus, 70; takes arms, 81;
slain by the Optimates, 84
Flaccus, L. Valerius, opposes Sulla,
133; his debt-laws, 138; mur-
dered by Fimbria, 133
Fonteius, P., adopts Clodius, 312
Freedmen, measures of Sulpicius in
favour of, 113; dealings of Sulla
with, 149

Fregellae, revolt and destruction
of, 53

GABINIUS, A., his law to send
Pompey against the Pirates, 251-

Gallæci, campaign of Cæsar against

Gaul, conquests of M. Flaccus in,
53; campaign of Marius in,
97; character of its population,
315-317; conquered by Cæsar,
Glaucia, C. Servilius, demagogue,

his career and death, 99-103
Gracchus, Caius Sempronius, his
early career, 53-54; obtains the
tribunate, 55; his attack on Popi-
lius and Octavius, 57-58; insti-
tutes the Corn-dole, 59; his legis-
lature concerning the Equester
Ordo, 63-65; the Asiatic tithe-
farming, 67; concerning roads, 62;
his colonial schemes, 69; his desire
to enfranchise the Italians, 70-
71; opposed by Drusus, 72-73;
his schemes frustrated, 74-75;
takes arms against the Senate,
81; slain, 85
Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius, his
character and early career, II-13;
his doings in Spain,*14-15; his
views on the Agrarian question,
16-19; introduces his Agrarian
Law, 27; opposed by Octavius,
31-33; deposes him, 35: carries

his law, 36; its results, 37-38,
49; his popularity decays, 40;
he fails to be re-elected tribune,
43; the Optimates take arms
against him, 47; his murder,

Granius, Q., put to death by Sulla,

Greece, campaigns of Sulla in, 130-

HELVETII, campaign of Cæsar
against, 313

Hortensius, Q., his strange
marriage, 221

ILERDA, Cæsar's victory at, 327
Isauria, subdued by Pompey, 253;
his colonies in, 237

Italian franchise question, the, 69-
71; raised by Ti. Gracchus, 41 ;
pressed by Fulvius Flaccus, 53;
by C. Gracchus, 71; by Livius
Drusus, 107-108; causes the
Social War, 109-110; partly
settled by the Julian Law, III;
completely settled by the Plautio-
Papirian Law, III; dealings of
Sulpicius with the, 113

JERUSALEM, taken by Pompey, 259;
its temple plundered by Crassus,

Juba, king of Numidia, opposes
Cæsar, 331

Judicia, see Jury-Courts.
Jugurtha, his war with Rome, 92-

95; his capture by Sulla, 121
Julia, wife of Marius, her funeral, 303
Julia, daughter of C. J. Cæsar,

married to Pompey, 266; her
death, 278

Junonia (Carthage), colony of, 61
Jury-courts, taken from the Senators
and given to the Knights, 64-65;
abuses of the, 91; dealings of
Drusus with, 105-106; multiplied
and restored to the Senators by
Sulla, 155; legislation of Pompey
and Crassus on, 175

KNIGHTS, see Equester Ordo.

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