Come then, my Friend! my Genius! come along;
Oh, mafter of the poet and the fong!
And while the Mufe now froops, or now afcends,
To man's low paffions or their glorious ends,
Teach me, like thee, in various Nature wife,
To fall with dignity, with temper rife-
Oh! while along the ftream of time thy name
Expanded flies, and gathers all its fame,
Say, fhall my little bark attendant fail,
Purfue the triumph, and partake the gale?
Shall then this Verfe to future age pretend
Thou wert my guide, philofopher, and friend?
That, urg'd by thee, I turn'd the tuneful art
From founds to things, from fancy to the heart?
For Wit's falfe mirror held up Nature's light,
Shew'd erring Pride whatever is is right
That virtue only makes our blifs below,
And all our knowledge is ourselves to know?
Essay on Man.