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SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report on the operations of the International Exchange Service during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921:

The estimate submitted for the support of the service during 1921, including the allotment for printing and binding, was $50,200, and this amount was granted by Congress. The repayments from departmental and various other establishments aggregated $4,779.47, making the total resources available for carrying on the system of exchanges during the year $54,979.47.

The work of the exchange service during the past year has been very heavy, due, principally, to the reopening of relations with Germany. One hundred and eighty-eight boxes were received from Germany and 691 boxes were forwarded to that country. These consignments weighed a total of 186,037 pounds, or about 31 per cent of the weight of all the packages handled by the exchange service during the year.

The total number of packages passing through the service during the year was 451,471-an increase over the number for the preceding year of 82,099. The weight of these packages was 605,312 pounds— a gain of 108,934. For statistical purposes the packages handled by the exchange service are divided into several classes.

The number and weight of the packages of different classes are indicated in the following table:

[blocks in formation]

As explained in previous reports, the disparity between the number of publications sent abroad and those received in return is not so great as would appear from the above figures. Packages sent abroad in many instances contain only a single publication, while those received in return often comprise several volumes-in some cases the term “package” being applied to large boxes containing a hundred or more publications. Furthermore, some foreign establishments send their publications directly to their destinations in this country by mail and not through exchange channels.

As I have already stated, shipments were resumed during the year to Germany. Relations have also been reestablished with Austria. The steps taken by the Institution toward the reopening of exchanges with Roumania and the establishment of relations with the newly formed Government of Jugoslavia, referred to in my last report, have not yet led to a successful result. The Roumanian authorities state that, in view of the difficulties of railroad transportation, the service can not at the present time be reorganized, but as soon as those difficulties are overcome the Roumanian Government will at once resume the service. The Government of Jugoslavia, in a note received near the close of the year, states that it will be glad to renew the interchange of publications as soon as the Belgrade Exchange Bureau is reorganized. Conditions in Russia and Turkey have not yet reached a state where steps can be taken to renew the exchange of publications between those countries and the United States.

Reference was made in my 1920 report to the fact that an exchange of publications had been inaugurated with the Czechoslovak Republic. As a matter of record it should be stated here that notification was received through the Department of State from the Belgian ambassador in Washington of the adherence of the Government of Czechoslovakia to the exchange conventions concluded at Brussels on March 15, 1886. One of those conventions provides for the international exchange of official documents and scientific and literary publications; the other, for the immediate exchange of the official journal, parliamentary annals, and documents. Articles II and IX of the conventions provide that the States which have not taken part in the convention are admitted to adhere to it on their request, this adherence to be notified diplomatically to the Belgian Government and by that Government to all the other signatory States.

I am glad to report that the Polish Government has also adhered to the Brussels convention providing for the establishment of a system of international exchanges and that the Bibliothèque du Ministère des Relations Extérieures, at Warsaw, has been designated to assume charge of the Polish International Exchange Service. Under

date of May 14, 1921, the first shipment, consisting of 18 boxes, was dispatched to Poland.

The Government of the free city of Danzig, in reply to a letter from this Institution asking whether it would be willing to undertake the distribution of packages intended for correspondents in the territory comprising that city, stated that the Stadtbibliothek had been designated to act as its exchange bureau.

Among the requests received from foreign establishments for as sistance in procuring especially desired publications may be mentioned one from the Société Belge d'Études et d'Expansion at Liége. That society stated that, having in view a closer relationship between its peoples and the nationals of friendly and allied countries, it had established a new service of general documentation, and was anxious to receive for the use of that service publications which would tend to make the United States better known in the Kingdom of Belgium. The Institution procured for the Society of Studies and Expansion from the various bureaus of this Government such publications as it was thought would answer the purpose in question.

Last year mention was made of the fact that a shipment weighing over 25,000 pounds had been made to the library of the University of Louvain, and that that consignment was the largest single shipmer: ever forwarded through the Smithsonian Exchange Service to one a dress at one time. While that statement still holds good, it might be of interest to note here that during the last three months of the cur rent fiscal year three shipments were made to the German Exchang Agency for distribution to various addresses throughout Germany which weighed over 30,000 pounds each. These shipments, as I have mentioned in the foregoing part of this report, were made up exchanges suspended during the war.

During the year 2,752 boxes were used in forwarding exchange to foreign agencies for distribution, being an increase of 393 ove the number for the preceding 12 months. This is the largest numbe of boxes shipped abroad through the exchange service in one year being about 300 more than are handled during a normal year. It is of course, due to the accumulations received for the countries wit which exchange relations were resumed. The gross weight of the boxes forwarded abroad aggregated a total of 546,279 pounds, being an increase of 81,093 pounds over the preceding year.

Of the total number of boxes sent abroad, 383 contained full sets of United States official documents for authorized depositories ar 2,369 included departmental and other publications for depositorie of partial sets and for miscellaneous correspondents.

The number of boxes sent to each country is given in the followir. table:

[blocks in formation]



In accordance with the terms of a convention concluded at Brussels March 15, 1886, and under authority granted by Congress in resolutions approved March 2, 1867, and March 2, 1901, there are now sent through the exchange service regularly to depositories abroad 57 full sets of United States official documents and 39 partial setsPoland having been added during the year to the list of those countries receiving full sets, and Latvia and the Library of the League of Nations, located in Geneva, Switzerland, to the list of those receiving partial sets. The number of full and partial sets now being sent abroad, it will be seen, is 96. The total number provided by law for the use of the Library of Congress and for international exchange is 100.

The full set of documents sent to Poland is deposited in the Bibliothèque du Ministère des Relations Extérieures, Warsaw. The

partial set for Latvia is deposited in the office of the prime minister at Riga.

I stated last year that it was understood that the Czechoslovak depository would be the Ministère de l'Instruction Publique, at Prague. Information has since been received from the Government of Czechoslovakia to the effect that the United States official documents would be deposited in the Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée Nationale in Prague.

A complete list of the depositories is given below:


ARGENTINA: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Buenos Aires.
AUSTRALIA: Library of the Commonwealth Parliament, Melbourne.
AUSTRIA: Statistische Zentral-Kommission, Vienna.

BADEN: Universitäts-Bibliothek, Freiburg.
BAVARIA: Staats-Bibliothek, Munich.

BELGIUM: Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels.

(Depository of the State of Baden.)

BRAZIL: Bibliotheca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro.

BUENOS AIRES: Biblioteca de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. (Depository of the Province of Buenos Aires.)

CANADA: Library of Parliament, Ottawa.

CHILE: Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional, Santiago.

CHINA: American-Chinese Publication Exchange Department, Shanghai Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Shanghai.

COLOMBIA: Biblioteca Nacional, Bogotá.

COSTA RICA: Oficina de Depósito y Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, San José.

CUBA Secretaria de Estado (Asuntos Generales y Canje Internacional) Habana. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée Nationale, Prague.

DENMARK: Kongelige Bibliotheket, Copenhagen.

ENGLAND: British Museum, London.

FRANCE: Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.

GERMANY: Deutsche Reichstags-Bibliothek, Berlin.

GLASGOW: City Librarian, Mitchell Library, Glasgow.

GREECE: Bibliothèque Nationale, Athens.

HAITI: Secrétaire d'État des Relations Extérieures, Port au Prince.

HUNGARY: Hungarian House of Delegates, Budapest.

INDIA: Imperial Library, Calcutta.

IRELAND: National Library of Ireland, Dublin.

ITALY: Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele, Rome.

JAPAN: Imperial Library of Japan, Tokyo.

LONDON: London School of Economics and Political Science. the London County Council.)

MANITOBA: Provincial Library, Winnipeg.

MEXICO: Instituto Bibliográfico, Biblioteca Nacional, Mexico.
NETHERLANDS: Bibliotheek van de Staten-Generaal, The Hague.
NEW SOUTH WALES: Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney.
NEW ZEALAND: General Assembly Library, Wellington.
NORWAY: Storthingets Bibliothek, Christiania.

ONTARIO: Legislative Library, Toronto.

PARIS Préfecture de la Seine.

PERU: Biblioteca Nacional, Lima.

(Depository of

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