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vations on, 239; Courts, cannot de-
cide political questions, speaks un-
der the law and cannot make it, 431;
Cousin, Lectures on the true, beau-
tiful and good, 517; Cowper's works
by Southey, notice of, 535; Crom-
well, Oliver, by Guizot,

DEMOCRACY, much corrupted by foreign
additions to our population, 435;
DeQuincey's, Philosophical writer,
and other men of letters, character of,
243; Dietetics of the soul, 525; Di-
vorce, See marriage and divorce, 332;
Dorr, his case, 430; Dumas, Forres-
ter's notice of,


PRESIDENT to be appointed not elected
by the States, 416; Elements, the
States constitute the elements of
which the Union is composed and
legal voters constitute the elements of
the State governments; Negro's con-
stitute no element, 348, 415, 428;
Eternal, dispute as to the word, 521;
European, Reviews,

[blocks in formation]

GIBBON'S ROME, Edition by Bohn, 254;
Gervinus, Professor at Heidelburg,
mistake as to American institutions,
393; German Literature, Handbook
of, 257; Gliddon, George R., Types
of mankind, 274; Government, con-
stitutes sovereignty, 383; of the U. S.
formed by the government of the
States and represents the States and
not a people, 411; Mr. Walker's Tract
on, 121;. Mr. Walker defended
against Mr. Rhett, 122; Issues be-
tween them, 122; Doctrine of the
general welfare discussed, 123; no
remedy for construction but amend-
ment of the Constitution, 131; Con-
stitution gives the power, 136; not
remitted to enumerated powers, 137;
government, partly federal, partly
national, 187; Constitution not rati-

fied by the governments of the States,
but by the people, 138; two or more
peoples cannot be united for specific
purposes, without becoming as to
those purposes one people, 139; legis-
latures had not the power to ratify,
143; legislatures have no power to
grant powers to the people, 144;
Political philosophy of, 37; Natural
state of man, 38; must be different
for different people, 64; General
Government neither admits or ope-
rates on the numerical principle, has
no right of suffrage, 394; General
Government. See Government and
Political Elements, 383; Opinions as
to sovereignty of the people, 392, 407;
Grace Greenwood-Haps and mishaps.
Slight and fall of superlatives, and
sometimes ludicrous raptures, 242;
Guizot-his Cromwell,


HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Inimical to the
South, 503; false in their profes-
sions, 503; abusive terms of the
South, 509; Hentz, Mrs., Planter's
Northern Bride, 255; Gazetteer of
the World, 534; Higher Law. De-
rived from the doctrine of the sover-
eignty of the people, 413; same as
Lynch law, ib. Hosmer's Poems, no-
tice of, 265. Hugenots, see history
of French refugees, 223; Human
race, unity denied and duenity con-
tended for, 274. Hunter, Mr., speech
of, 260.


ABBEY, 515; India, Caffer's account
of, 241; their cotton decreasing, 241;
Iron Corsair, by Mary Clarke, 528.
JOHNSON, Chem. of Common Life, 257

KEITH, Mr., Speech of, 261; Keps, Cat-
acombs of Rome, 536; Kennedy, Mr.,
his Rob of the Bowl, 269; Knout
and the Russians, by Laguay, 535.


LAW SCHOOL, by Mr. Bellinger, Colum-
bia, S. C., 259; Legislature of the
States. May do whatever is neces-
sary for welfare or safety of the
States, 411; Les Savanes, par Adrien
Roquette de la Louisiane, 167; Lew-
es, G. K., exposition of Comte's
Philosophic Position, 240; London,
sauntering about, by Schlesaiger,
254; Lockwood, Scenery, 259; Lowe,
Sir Hudson, conduct of at St. Hele-
na, 97; Luther, life of, 250.

M'DOUGALL, J. C., speech, 532; Mose-
ly, Joseph, political elements, 383;
Maritime Conference, held at Brus-
sells. Part of Lt. Maury in it, 240.
Martineau, Miss, retrospect of wes-
tern travel, 355; Marriage and Di-
vorce discussed, 332; Masantes, Se-
nor don Augustin, Farmer's Manual
or Compendium of East Florida, 304;
Maurice, Theological Essay, 256;
Mowatt, Mrs., Autobiography, 251;
Maury, Lieut., private worth and
public usefulness, 240; sailing di-
rections, 257; Merivale, Romans un-
der the empire, 1; history tedious
and unsatisfactory-an incompetent
man, 2; Mechanic Arts, influence of,
524; Meek, report on Education, 262;
Moore, Thomas, notes from letters to
Powers, 520; Menciuach, or life at
the Loom, 257; Melbourne, Islands,
264; Mudia, feathered tribes of Ba-
lisle Island, 519; Mormons, and
Utah, 525; Moore, memoirs of,
by Lord John Russell, 254; Message
and documents of prest. U. S, 528;
Military Academies of South Caro-
lina, account of, 191.


Sir Hudson Lowe. Forsyth's ac-
count of him at St. Helena reviewed;
his treatment, 97; imprisonment ne-
cessary, but in many circumstances,
treatment impolitic, cruel and bitter,
104; Napoleon, Louis, and Augustus
Cæsar: their fortunes and conduct
compared, p. 1; acts the same; 6,
each had his uncle; 5 and 6, their
antecedents; 11, character of Au-
gustus; 11, character of Louis, 27.
Necessity, basis of all law, 394-413.
Navy, improvement of, speech of Mr.
Malloy, 528. Negro, different race
from white man, 273. Newton, Hon.
W., address of, 268. New Novels,
527. Norfolk, sketches of, 249.
Nott, Dr. Josiah C., Types of Man-
kind, 274. Norton, Mrs., Sorrows of
Rosalie, 550.


ORATOR's touchstone, 516; Orr, Mr., re-
port on the Indians, 517; Otei, Har-
rison Grey, notice of his Barclay's of
Boston, 253.


PERIODICALS, Northern against the
South, 503; Partington, Mrs., Carpet
Bag of Fun, 262; Passion Flowers,
180; Petrarch's Laura; real person,

459; birth place, 464; her character
considered, 467. Petersburg, Libra-
ry association, 271; Philippines, for-
ty years in, 518; Philosophy, posi-
tive of Comte, 240; Planter's North-
ern Bride, by Mrs. Hentz, 255; Poe-
try of Science, by Hunt, 574; Po-.
lygamy, to what extent allowed in
Africa, 88. Political Elements: the
government sovereign and not the peo-
ple, 383; Rousseau first suggested
the idea of sovereignty of the peo-
ple, 885; the supreme power is the
sovereign, 384; lynch law and the
higher law, faults of the doctrine of
the sovereignty of the people, ib.;
all men not equal, 385; general gov-
ernment by the State governments,
and is a confederacy, and not a con-
solidated government, 397, 43; alle-
giance what and to whom due, 401,
402; miserable theories of Rosseau,
385; control social, 383; Jeremy
Bautham's opinion, 385; Mr. Guizot's,
392, 407; mistake of Gervinus, 393;
power is derived from the people, but
sovereignty is in government, 384;
representatives, officers not servants,
401; servants should be in livery,
401; powers of State and general
government, 401; confederacy what,
403; Alexander Hamilton's opinion,
404-420; Federalist, 420; Judge
Tucker's mistakes, 405; we the peo-
ple, means the States, 404; sover-
eignty of the State above the sover-
eignty of the people, 406; danger of
majority principle, 407; Legislature
may do whatever is for the welfare
and safety of the State, 411; gener-
al government established by the go-
vernments of the States, and repre-
sents the States and not a people,
411; the people and State the same,
411; Convention in England and here
different, 413; Convention no more
the people than the legislature, 424;
must always be called by the legisla-
ture, 413; union does not mean con-
solidation, 421; Marshall's opinion,
424-429; Rhode Island case, 420;
courts cannot decide as to political
powers, but only cases under the law,
quo diare, non facere, 431; States ele-
ments of the Union, and voters ele-
ments of the State, 428. POLITICAL
civil society, what? 37-471; what is
the state of nature? 38; civilization
as natural as the savage state, 38;
whatever is natural may be said to

be a state of nature-society natural
to man, and when born in society,
may be said to be born in a state of
nature, 39; power of government ne-
cessary to existence of society, 39;
man cannot be left to his self-govern-
ment, 40; Origin and use of govern-
ment, 40; must be progressive, 40; na-
tional liberty, what? 41; what liber-
ty consistent with society, 41; liber-
ty must be earned, 42; depends on
the people, 43; civil liberty, what?
44-45-48; natural inequality, 49;
admitted by Jefferson, notwithstand-
ing his Declaration of Independence,
49; governments must be different
for different people, 64; schools of
politics, 474; Aristotle's, 476; Hobbe's
idea of social compact, 480; the peo-
ple and State, the same, 490; sover-
eignty, what? 499; its divisibility,
502. Pope, poetical works of, 249.
Porter, Hon. W. D., oration of 271.
Portsmouth, sketches of, 249. Put-
nam's New Monthly: Inimical to the
South, 503; free soil, 505; abuse of
the South, 509; self-respect not to
take it, 510.

[blocks in formation]

REPORT of the Secretary of the Trea-
sury for 1853, valuable for historical
matter, and statement relative to the
fisheries-historical facts collected by
Mr. Sabine, authority not the best,
239; Raube's account of Servia, 253;
Representatives, officers or trustees,
not servants, 401; Representative
Government, essentially responsible,
409; Does not admit the doctrine of
the majority, but is governed by the
constitution and laws, 409; Rhode
Island, case of Dorr; no convention to
alter constitution can be held in a State
without the consent of the State gov-
ernment, 430; no change can be con-
stitutionally made in a State govern-
ment without the consent of the gov-
ernment, 430; political question, and
not one for the courts, 430; Report on
Schools, 527; Rob of the Bowl, by
Kennedy, 269; Rousseau, absurd and
mischievous theories, 385; Russia as
it is, by Gurowski, 268.


SABINE, LORENZO, his prejudices and
local bigotry, 239; Savanie, physi-
ology of taste, 251; Schlescugio,

saunterings about London, 254; Sel-
borne, natural history of, 256; Sem-
lam, poems by, 522; Servia, by
Raube, 253; Smith's History of
Greece, 526; Shelford, Leonard, trea-
tise on marriage and divorce, 332;
Shelton's Crystalline, 524; Slaves,
proportion to the free in Africa, 83;
Slave Trade, kept open by constitu-
tion till 1808, by express contract,
for a consideration, between North
and South, 415; Socrates, Scholas-
tious, comprising history of the
Church, 251; South, prospects and
policy, 431; Why difference in pro-
gress North and South, 435; Her ex-
istence depends on slavery, 436; Her
produce the great element of foreign
commerce, 436; Sovereignty, what
constitutes it, 383, 406, 411; Strick-
land, Queens of Scotland, &c., 519;
Student of art in Munich, 264; Sum-
ner, Charles, with Wendell Philips,
Theo. Parker, &c., constables under
higher law, or Lynch law, 413.

ance Convention, World's, 530; Tho-
mas, Caroline, Farmingdale, 525;
Thorpe, Hive of the Bee Hunter, 525;
Tranchere, narrative, 529; Trollope,
Mrs., domestic manners of the Ameri-
cans, 355; Turks, year with, 263;
Types of Mankind, by Nott and Glid-
don, notice of, 270.

273; Opinions of various writers, 275.

VIRGINIA, NOTES ON, by Jefferson, new
edition, notice of, 242; Vathek, by
Beckford, 252.

WALKER, Mr., his tract on government
and peculiar opinions, 122 to 139;
Ward, Matthew F., trial of, 520;
Washington, H. A., Virginia consti-
tution, 524; Wiess, Charles, history
of French refugees, 233; We the
people, meaning of, in U. S. constitu-
tion, 404; White's historical collec-
tion of Georgia, 272; Wilkinson, Sir
S. Gardner, ancient Egyptians, 535;
Willis' Home Journal, 355; Women,
heroic, of the West, 253; Working
man's way in the World, notice of, 248.

YOUNG VOYAGEURS, attractive to youth,

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