Acid, sulphuric, Taylor's patent Allan's patent method of paving,
mode of manufacturing, 256 Adams's patent improvements in rifles and fire-arms, 177; expe- riments with his revolving pis- tol, 217
(H. W.), patent galvanic batteries, and methods of de- composing water, and of burn- ing air, 456
(W. B.), patent improve- ments in railways, roads, build- ings, bridges, locomotive en- gines and carriages, 476
Addison's, Capt., railway signals,
Adorno's patent maps and globes, 134
Aërated liquors, Cowper's patent improvements in apparatus for holding and drawing off, 76; Fevre's, for manufacturing, 196 Aerostation, Mr. Luntley's pamph- let on, 292, 329
Agricultural implements: Bur- gess's patent turnip-cutters, 99; Samuelson's, 99; Stephens's patent threshing machinery, 139; M'Cormick's reaper, 148; Dray's turn-wrist plough, 211; Guthrie's digging machines, 278; Nicholls's dibbling ma- chines, 359
Air, Adams's patent method of rendering, luminiferous and burning, 456
Alarm, burglary, Ridley and Ed- ser's patent, 261
Algebraic equations, Dr. Ruther- ford's Tract on, 36: Notes on the Theory of, by James Cockle, Esq., M.A., Barrister-at-law, 171, 385, 448, 505; Horner's method of solving numerical, 406; Halbert's, 501
Alkali, Longmaid's patent im- provements in manufacturing,
Annealing ovens, Johnson's pa- tent improvements in, 119 Anstey's patent mode of consum- ing smoke and regulating draught in chimneys, 75
Appold's patent self-regulating friction break, 318 Archer's patent tobacco-cutting machinery, 74
Architecture, naval: British Mu- seum MSS. on, 288; neglect of science in British, 293; prac- tical experiments, 367, 426; Sir Samuel Bentham's experi- ments, 410, 427, 468
Arithmometer, De Colmar's pa- tent, 156, 266 Ashworth's patent method of pre- venting and removing incrus- tation in steam boilers, 458 Astronomy, practical, American progress in, 48
![[blocks in formation]](,652,287,391)
Barlow's patent improvements in propelling, 74; in the manu- facture of railway chairs, 76 Barlow and Gore's patent im- provements in gas apparatus and the manufacture of gas, 352
Barometer, Mr. Goldsworthy Gur- ney's differential, 175, 189; with enlarged scale, 385
Barytes, carbonate and oxides of, Taylor's patent modes of manu- facturing, 256
Batteries, galvanic, Greenough's patent improvements in, 294; Adams's, 456
Beadon's patent improvements in roofings for buildings, 159 Bedstead's, Pace's patent improve- ments in, 79; Newton's, 219; Woods and Winfield's, 297; Betjemann's connecting joints for, 318
Bell telegraphs, Howland's patent,
Bentham, Brigadier-General Sir Samuel: his arrangements for
the extinction of fire, 8, 166, 285; hints for the improvement of hospitals, 287, 304; British Mu- seum MSS. on shipbuilding and nautical affairs, 288; sliding- keels, 289; experiments in naval construction, 410, 427, 468
Berthon's patent boats, sounding instruments, tide-gauges, and current indicators, 481
Bessemer's patent improvements in the manufacture of sugar, 269
Betjemann's patent joints for bed- steads, 3:8
Bielfield's patent improvements in the manufacture of papier maché, 195
Birkett's patent mode of recover- ing soap from wash-water, 499 Bishopp's disc engine, 237 Black's patent folding-machines,
Bleaching flax and hemp, Six's patent improvements in, 272 Blooming iron, Brown's patent machine for, 49; Ellis's, 197 Board of Health, Report on the water supply and drainage of towns, 233, 246, 368, 388
of Ordnance in other days,
Boats, life, Brown's patent im- provements in, 139; Richard son's, 177; the Northumber- land model, 181; suggestions for the improvement of, 426, 470; Tate's patent, 438; Ber- thon's. 481
Boilers, steam: Williams's patent furnaces for, 1; Mr. Fairbairn on the construction of and causes of their explosion, 12, 28, 45; Prideaux's improve- ments, 18; Tatham's and Cheet- ham's, 38; Dr. Smith on the prevention of explosion, 213; W. and J. Galloway's improve- ments, 255; Andrews's, 356; Rose's, 394; Newton's, 415: Slate's, 455; Ashworth's method of preventing and removing in- crustation, 458
Bonnets, Hinks and Vero's patent improvements in the manufac- ture of, 195
Booth's, (J. P.), patent feather fabric, 298
(J. R.), patent improve- ments in generating and sup- plying heat, 255
Boots and shoes, Marsden's patent ventilating, 119, 170; Webley's improvements in manufactur- ing, 378; Pyke's, 397: Machin's,
Bower's patent methods of pre- paring and retting flax and hemp, 273
Bowie's, Mr. R., plan of freshen- ing sea-water, 253
Boxes, fireproof, Milner's patent,
Bradshaw's patent fastenings for garments, 134
Braiding machines, Amie's patent improvements in, 218
Breaks, railway, Davies's patent, 134; Norris's, 139; Jowett's, 254; Lyall's, 356
Brewster, Sir D., on Mr. Fair- bairn's tubular cranes, 148
Briand and Fell's patent water- | Carbine, Sears's patent, experi-
freshening apparatus, 121 Brick and tile machinery, Hart's patent, 258; Nasmyth and Min- ton's, 377; Tate's, 438
Bricks and tiles, Beadon's patent, 159; Cowper's, 393; Tate's,
Bridges: Norris's improvements 139; Dredge suspension over the Leven, 366; Tate's improve- ments, 438; railway, over the Wye, 453; Adams's patent, 476; Berthon's (pontoon), 481
Brooman's patent screw manu- facturing machinery, 241; rope and cordage machinery, 299,
Brown's, Mr. J., machine for blooming iron, 49
-, (J. H.), patent wafers, 39; ships, boats, buoys, and rafts, 139
(W. H.), patent helves,
Brunier's patent improvements in obtaining power, 299 Brushes, Hawkins's patent im- provements in, 298
Buchholz's patent improvements in printing, cutting and folding apparatus, 77; in motive power and propulsion, 158 Buffers, railway, Wilkins's patent, 459; Adams's, 476 Buildings: of iron, in New York, 155; Beadon's patent improve- ments in roofing, 159; Cowper's coverings for, 393; Tate's im- provements in constructing, 438; Adams's, 476 Bunnett's patent improvements in omnibuses and railway car- riages, 99
Buoys, Brown's patent improve- ments in, 139
Burgess's patent turnip cutters,
Carbonate of soda, Cooke's im- provements in manufacturing,
Carbonates of barytes, strontia, soda and potassa, Taylor's pa- tent modes of manufacturing,
Carding engines, Kennedy's pa- tent improvements in, 497 Cards, playing, Reynolds's pa- tent, 459 Carpenter and Westley's phan- tasmagoria lanterns, 173
-'s Capt., patent improve- ments in screw-propelling, 401 Carpet beating and cleansing machinery, Horn's patent, 221 Carpets, weaving and printing, Melville's patent improvements in, 74; Sievier's, 98, 475; Crossley's, 118; Newton's, 119,
Carriages, railway and other, Bunnett's patent improvements in, 99; Davies's, 134; Perkins', 136; Heywood's, 156; An- drews's, 356; Lyall's, 356; Wragg's, 376; Haddan's, 377; Smith's, 398; Adams's, 476; Capt. Hepburn's (ventilated), 501
Cask-making machinery, Rosen- borg's, 335
Castings, mouldings for, Fair- bairn and Hetherington's pa- tent, 139
Cave, a mammoth, in America, 154
| Cave's improved diving-bell, 153 Cayley, Sir George, Bart., on Mr. Luntley's rotary balloon, 292,
Burglary alarm, Ridley and Ed- | ser's patent, 261 Burners, air, Adams's patent, 456 gas, Dircks's patent, 178; Smith and Phillips's, 309; Hallen's, 417
Butcher's registered self-acting chimney-guard, 10
Button's, Allen's patent improve- ments in the manufacture of, 135; Newton's, 219; Goode, Boland, and Newman's, 378; Empson's, 454
Bycroft's patent travelling wrap- pers, 79
Cabs, Lyall's patent improve- ments in, 336 Calculating machine, De Colmar's patent, 156, 266 Caloric engine, Dunn's (Erics- son's) patent, 18, 41 Calvert's patent modes of manu- facturing extracts for dyeing, printing, and tanning, 516 Canal navigation by steam, 191 Candle-burning apparatus, Jones's patent, 19 Cannon, Lancaster's patent im-
provements in, 76 Caoutchouc and gutta-percha compositions, Newton's patent,
Capstan, Read's improved, 212
Cockle, James, Esq., M.A., Bar- rister-at-law. Notes on the Theory of Algebraic Equations, 171, 385, 448, 505
Cogan's patent improvements in the application of glass, 77 Coke, Newton's patent improve- ments in the manufacture of,
Colmar's, De, patent calculating machine, 156, 266
Colour-boxes and drawing-instru- ments, Society of Arts' prizes for, 238
Colour manufacturing, Alliott's improvements in machines for, 136, 161
Colt's revolvers, experiments with, 217; an English inven- tion, 351, 437
Combing machinery, Lister's pa- tent improvements in, 1963 Ross's, 256, 280, 381 Compasses, St. John's patent, 19 Compounds, metallic, Stirling's patent improvements in, 134, 374; Alliott's machinery for manufacturing, 136, 161
Condensers, steam engine, Pri- deaux's patent, 18; Newton's,
tent (tobacco), 74; Buchholz's (paper), 77; Burgess's (turnip), 97; Samuelson's (turnip), 99; Morey's (stone), 418
Dalton's patent improvements in railways, 376 Davies, Professor, the late, 432 Dawson's patent improvements in umbrellas and parasols, 256 De Bergue's patent permanent way of railways, 137 Decomposing water, Adams's pa- tent methods of, 456 Deep-sea soundings, 47 Delemer's patent improvements in printing fabrics and yarns, 415
Designs for articles of utility re- gistered, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380, 400, 420, 440, 460, 480, 500, 520
provisionally registered, 40, 80, 100, 120, 160, 180, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 360, 380, 400, 420, 440, 480, 520
Dering's patent improvements in electric telegraphs, 16 Dibbling machines, Nicholl's pa- tent, 359
Dick's method of protecting sub- merged electric telegraph wires,
Conical shot. By C. A. Hold- stock, Esq, 407 Conservatories, heating, Pan- nell's registered retort for, 30 | Digging machines, Guthrie's pa-
Constable's registered compen-
sating fly-wheel, 150
Consuming smoke, Anstey's pa- tent method of, 75 Cooke's patent improvements in manufacturing soda and car- bonate of soda, 396
Cooking and boiling apparatus, Norman's patent, 78: Smith and Phillips's, 359
Cordage making machinery, Brooman's patent, 299, 341 Correspondence, secret, new mode of, 489
Corry's patent improvements in the jacquard apparatus, 38
Cotton sails and horizontal seams,
Couches, Pace's patent improve- ments in. 79; Wood's and Win- field's, 297
Coutant's patent cement kilns,
Coverings for buildings, Cowper's patent, 393
Cowper's patent improvements in apparatus for holding and draw- ing off aerated liquors, 76;| moulds for electro-metallurgy, 158; coverings for buildings,
improvements in constructing,
Dyeing, extracts for, Calvert's patent modes of manufactur- ing, 516
fabrics, Richardson's pa- tent improvements in, 299 machines, Alliott's pa-
tent improvements in, 136, 161 Dyewood, Barker's patent ma- chinery for chipping and rasp- ing, 318
Dynamometers Taurines's pра- tent, 76
Earth, rotation of the, 3, 31, 37, 55, 72; its effect on projectiles, 54
East's patent improvements in dressing, embossing and orna- menting leather, 336 Electrical factory in Glasgow, 155 Electric light, Staite's, 316
telegraph, submarine, be- tween Dover and Calais, 217, 253, 279, 295, 413
Electro-magnetism, as a motive power, Professor Page on the prospects of, 11; Liebig's opi- nion of the value of, 295
magnetic apparatus, Millward's patent, 198; Harri- son's, 365; Greenough's, 394
metallurgy, Cowper's patent moulds for, 158; Mill- ward's patent apparatus for, 198
telegraphy, Dering's patent improvements in, 16; Allan's, 81; Newton's, 136; Dumont's, 137; Dick's method of protecting submerged wires, 237; Little's improvements, Fontainemoreau's, 393; Chatterton's improvements in protecting insulated wires, 500
Disc engine, Bishopp's, 237 Diving bell, Cave's improved, 153 Door knobs, Newton's patent, 219 Doubling machinery, Milnes and | Pickstone's patent improve-1256;
Embossing leather, East's patent improvements in, 336
Empson's patent improvements in the manufacture of buttons, 454
Drainage of towns, Water supply, and, Board of Health Report, | Ellis's patent machine for bloom- 233, 246, 368, 388 Drawing instruments, Society of Arts, prizes for, 238 Draught in chimneys, Anstey's patent mode of regulating, 75 Dray, Mr. W., on Mr.M'Cormick's reaping machine, 148; his re gistered turn wrist plough, 211 | Dress fastenings, Bradshaw's pa- tent, 131; Hyams's 377; Goode, Boland and Newman's, 378
| Dressing leather, East's patent improvements in, 336
machines, Morey's pa- tent stone, 418
Drilling machine, Hart's patent,
Drying fabrics, Morand's patent improvements in machinery for,
machines, Alliott's patent improvements in 136, 161; Wicksteed's, 179
Dumont's patent improvements in electric telegraphs, 137 Dunin's patent measuring and fitting apparatus, 417
Dunn's (Ericsson's) patent caloric engine, 18, 41; reciprocating and rotary fluid meters, 61, 298 D'Urcle's patent method of in- creasing the produce of autumn wheat, 496
Dwelling-houses, Tate's patent
Equations, Algebraic: Dr. Ruth erford's Tract, on 36; Notes on the theory of, by James Cockle, Esq., M.A., Barrister at Law, 171, 385, 448, 505; Horner's method of solving numerical, 406; Halbert's, 501
Ericsson's (Dunn's) patent caloric engine, 18, 41; fluid meters, 61, 298
Ermen's patent method of finish- ing yarns or threads, 519 Etnier's improvements in win- nowing machines, 220
"Euclid, First Three Books of," Potts's, 317
Evaporating, Herring's patent improvements in, 279 Ewbank, Mr. Commissioner: In- ventors, and what they have done, 146
Exhibition, the Great: Official Catalogue, 331; the awards,
Experimental vessels, Sir Samuel Bentham's, 468
Explosion of steam boilers, Mr. Fairbairn on the causes of, 12,
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