28, 45; Dr. Smith on the pre- sentation of, 216
Extracts, Calvert's patent modes of manufacturing, 516 Fabrics textile: Gratrix's patent improvements in manufactur- ing, 15; Slater and Slater's in stretching and opening, 19; Corry's weaving, 38; Melville's weaving and printing, 74; Sievier's weaving and printing, 98, 475; Crossley's manufac- turing, 118; Morand's stretch- ing and drying, 118; Newton's manufacturing, 119, 132; Wood's printing, staining, figuring, and ornamenting, 159; Guillonet's increasing shades of indigo on, 238; Mow- bray's weaving, 275; Holt's weaving, 276; Richardson's dyeing and cleansing, 299; Cross's weaving, 318; Milli- gan's ornamenting, 319; Puck- ridge's, 355; Keely and Wil- kinson's manufacturing, 356; Newton's waterproofing, 399; Delemer's printing, 415; Haines, Hancock, and Thorn- ton's manufacturing, 418; L. M. and M. Smith's weaving, cutting and printing, 419; Hemsley's manufacturing, 419; Bailey's, 438; Harrison's, 454; Parker's felting, 478; Crook and Mason's weaving, 519
Faces or dials, Minton and Hoff- staedt's patent, 257
Factory, electrical, in Glasgow, 155
Fairbairn, William, Esq., C.E.; on the construction of steam boilers and the causes of their explosion, 12, 28, 45; his pa- tent tubular cranes, 148
and Hetherington's pa- tent mouldings for castings,
Fastenings for garments, Brad- shaw's patent, 134; Hyams's, 377; Goode, Boland and New- man's, 378
Feather drying apparatus, Lawes's patent, 39
fabrics, Booth's patent manufacture of, 298
Felted fabrics, Newton's patent improvements in waterproof- ing, 399; Parker's in manufac- ing. 478
Fevre's improvements in the manufacture of soda water and aerated liquors, 196
Fibrous substances, Milnes and Pickstone's patent improve-
Finishing woven fabrics, Slater's patent improvements in, 19; Morand's, 118
yarns or threads, Har- rison's patent improvements in, 454; Ermen's, 519 Firearms, Lancaster's patent im- provements in, 76; Adams's, 177; experiments with, 217
engine, American steam and gas, 461 extinction, Sir Samuel Bentham's arrangements for, 9, 166, 285; deficiency of existing arrangements, 285
-places, Prideaux's patent, 18 Flax, Six's patent improvements in bleaching, 272; Bower's pre- paring, 273
Fluid meters, Ericsson's (Dunn's) patent, 61, 298 Fluids, Newton's laws of the resistance to the motion of bodies through, 57; Bessemer's improvements in exhausting and forcing, 269; Gwynne's pumping forcing and exhaust- ing, 299; Slate's improvements in valves for working, 455 Flying ship, American, 155 Fly wheel, compensating, Con- stable's registered, 150 Folding-machines, Buchholz's patent improvements in, 77; Black's, 101
Fontainemoreau's patent im- provements in obtaining mo- tive power, 239; mills, 277; fuel, 379; electric telegraphs,
Frankland's, Dr., Report on White's patent hydrocarbon gas, 23
Fraser's patent improvements in the manufacture of sugar, 17 Freshening salt water, Briand and Fell's patent apparatus for, 121; Mr. Bowie's plan of, 253 Friction breaks, Appold's patent self-regulating, 318 Fuel, Livingstone's patent im- provements in the manufacture of, 75; Rees's, 79; Fontaine- moreau's, 379
Furnaces compelled to consume their own smoke. 294
Williams's patent, 1; Prideaux's, 18; Tatham and Cheetham's, 38; Anstey's, 75; Muntz's, 78
Furniture, articles of, Pace's im- provements in, 79; Newton's, 219; Woods' and Winfield's, 297; Betjemann's joints for, 318; Puckridge's ornamenting,
ments in spinning and dou-355; Mellish's decorating, 415
bling, 75; Shaw's preparing and cleaning, 156; Lister's preparing and combing, 196; Kirkman's spinning and twist. ing, 198; Ross's combing, 256, 280, 381; Six's bleaching, 272; Bower's preparing and retting, 273; Parker's preparing, clean- ing and opening, 478; Kenne- dy's carding, 496
Figuring and ornamenting fabrics, Wood's patent improvements in, 150
Fincham, J. Esq., on the neglect of science in British Naval Architecture, 293
Galloway's improvements in steam-engines, 239
Gas, (hydrocarbon, Whites' pa- tent, Report of Dr. Frankland on, 23
-, manufacture of, Dircks's pa- tent improvements in the, 178, Barlow and Gores, 352; New- ton's, 455; Adam's, 456
regulators, Barlow and Gore's patent improvements in, 352; Newton's, 455
Geometrical theorem, import- ant. By T. T. Wilkinson, Esq., 70 Treatises, the Duke
of Somerset's, 206 German patents, proposed con- solidation of, 435
Gillam's registered seed cleanser and separator, 513 Glass, application of, Cogan's pa- tent improvements in, 77 Globes, Adorno's patent, 134 Goode Boland and Newman's patent dress fastenings, 378 Granville's, Earl, Patent Law Amendment Bill, 7, 32, 36, 50, 66, 92, 104, 126
Gratrix's patent improvements in manufacturing velvets and piled fabrics, 15
Greenough's patent improve- ments in obtaining motive power, 394
Grissell and Redwood's patent improvements in coating me- tals, 73
Guillouet's process for increasing the shades of indigo, 238 Gums, Hall's patent improve- ments in the manufacture of, 74
Gurney's, Mr. Goldsworthy, sug- gested improvements in the safety lamp, 125; differential barometer, 175, 189
Guthrie's patent digging ma- chines, 278
Gutta percha and caoutchouc compositions, Newton's patent,
Gwynne's patent improvements in pumping, forcing, and ex- hausting fluids, 299
Haddan's patent improvements in railways, railway-carriages, omnibuses, and in manufactur- ing papier-maché, 377
Haimes, Hancock, and Thorn- ton's patent improvements in manufacturing knit and looped fabrics and in raising pile, 418 Halbert's method for solving numerical equations, T. т. Wilkinson, Esq., on, 501
Hall's patent improvements in the manufacture of starch and gums, 74
W. and J., improve-Hallen's patent improvements in
ments in steam-engines and boilers, 255
Galvanic-batteries, Greenough's patent improvements in, 304; Adams's, 456
Gas apparatus, Barlow and Gore's patent, 352; Smith and Phil- lips's, 359; Newton's, 455
burners, Dircks's patent im provements in, 178; Smith and Phillips's, 359; Hallen's, 417
holders, Horton's patent, 38
Handles for knives and razors, Newton's patent, 219
Hardy's patent improvements in manufacturing scythes, 337 Harness, saddlery, &c., Reed's patent improvements in, 156; Murray's, 239
Harrison's improvements in pre- paring and finishing yarns, 454 Harrison's electro-magnetic en- gine, 365
Harpoon projector, Hodge's pa- tent silent, 91
Hart's patent brick and tile ma- chinery, 258
Hats, caps, and bonnets, Hinks and Vero's patent improvements in, 195
Hawkins's patent improvements in brushes, 298 Hawthorn and Hawthorn's pa- tent improvements in locomo- tive and other engines, 177 Hazlehurst's patent improve- ments in the manufacture of iron, 495
Heating apparatus, Dircks's pa- tent improvements in, 178; Booth's, 255; Ledru's, 270; Smith and Phillips's, 359
Hedge's improvements in saw- mills, 254
Helves, Brown's patent improve- ments in, 414
Hemp, Six's patent improve- ments in bleaching, 272; Bow- er's in preparing and retting,
Hill's patent wrought iron rail- way chairs, 278
Hemsley's patent improvements in manufacturing looped fa- brics, 419
Hinge, safety, Ridley and Edser's patent, 261
Hinks and Vero's patent im- provements in hats, caps, and bonnets, 195
's patent improvements in constructing metallic reels,
Hobbs's, Mr., exploits in lock picking, 199, 366; (Newell's) patent locks, 337
Hodge's patent silent harpoon projector, 91; power accumu lator, 350, 376
Holdstock, C. A., Esq., on coni- cal shot, 407
Incrustation in steam-boilers, Ashworth's method of prevent- ing and removing, 45
Indicators, steam pressure, Tat- ham and Cheetham's patent improvements in, 38
Indigo, Guillonet's process for increasing shades of, 238 Industrial schools, 62, 122 Infinite series, on the abuse of, by A. G. Craufurd, Esq., 129 Inkstands, Newton's patent, 219 "Introduction to Algebra," Pro- fessor Young's, 245 Inventors, and what they have done. By Mr. Commissioner Ewbank, 146
Irish patents, lists of new, 20, 80, 180, 280, 439 Iron, Stirling's improvements in,
-, blooming, Brown's machine for, 49; Ellis's, 197
buildings in New York, 155 manufacturing, Longmaid's patent improvements in, 416; Hazlehurst's, 495 -, puddling, Plant's patent process of, 254; Hazlehurst's, 495
tiles, Cowper's patent, 393
Jacquard apparatus, Corry's pa- tent, 38
Johnson's patent improvements in annealing ovens, 119 Jones's patent candle-burning apparatus, 19
Jowett's patent improvements in railway breaks and carriages, 251
Keely and Wilkinson's patent improvements in manufactur- ing textile fabrics, 356 Kennedy's patent improvements in carding-engines, 496 Kind and De Wendel's patent improvements in sinking and lining shafts, 118
Kirkman's patent improvements in spinning and twisting ma- chinery, 198
Knit fabrics, Haimes, Hancock, and Thornton's patent improve- | ments in producing, 418
Holland's, Mr. P. H., domestic apparatus for the purification | Kossovitch's patent rotary en- of water, 250, 269
Labels or tickets, Wilkins's pa- tent improvements in, 418 Laminating metals, Robertson and Glover's patent improve- ments in, 259
Lamps, safety, Mr. Goldsworthy Gurney's improvements in, 125 Lancaster's patent improvements in fire-arms, cannon, and pro- jectiles, 76
Lanterns, phantasmagoria, Car- penter and Westley's, 173 Law cases, patent: Caldwell . Rolfe, 453, 474, 514; Caldwell . Vandlissengen, 474, 514; Caldwell v. Verbeech, 474, 514 -, American, M'Cormick v. Seymour and Morgan, 435; Morse v. Bain, 435, 487 - registration, 516
Lienau's patent improvements in purifying or filtering oils, 79 Life-boats, Brown's patent im- provements in, 139: Richard- son's, 177: the Northumber- land model, 181; suggestions for the improvement of, 426, 470; Tate's improvements, 438; Berthon's, 481
Light, electric, Staite's, 316 Little's patent improvements in electric telegraphs, 256 Livingstone's patent improve- ments in the manufacture of fuel, 75
Lloyd's patent improvements in steam-engines, 178 Lock picking exploits, Mr. Hobbs's, 199, 366
Locks, (Hobbs's) Newell's patent
Locomotive engines, Tatham and Cheetham's patent improve- ments in, 38; Lawes's, 39: Hawthorn and Hawthorn's, 177; Smith's, 390; Adams's,
Looms for weaving, Gratrix's pa- tent improvements in, 15; Corry's, 38; Melville's, 74; Milnes and Pickstone's, 75; Sievier's, 98, 475; Crossley's, 118; Newton's, 119, 132; Shaw's, 156; Mowbray's, 275; Holt's, 276; Cross's, 318; L. M. and M. Smith's, 419; Harri- son's, 454; Crook and Mason's, 519
Looped fabrics, Newton's patent improvements in manufactur- ing, 119, 132; Keely and Wil- kinson's, 356; Haines, Han- cock, and Thornton's, 418; Hemsley's, 419; Bailey's, 438 Loradoux's patent improvements in pumps, 98 Lowe's propeller patent, Peti- tion for prolongation of, 462 Lund's "Treatise on the Laws of Letters Patent for Inventions," 346; patent improvements in propelling, 378
Luntley's, Mr., pamphlet on aërostation, 292, 329
Lyall's patent improvements in omnibuses, cabs, and railway carriages, 356
MacCormac, Dr. H., on steel-pen | grinding, 229 MacGregor, John, Esq.: the
tric and electro-magnetic appa- ratus, 198
"America," 230, 367, 426; ap- paratus for raising water, 387 McCormick's American reaping- machine, 148, 435
McDowall's patent improvements in time-keepers, 318 "Machinery, Railway," Clark's,
Machin's patent improvements in boots and shoes, 518 Magneto-electric apparatus, Mill- ward's patent, 198 Mail steam-vessels, Royal, 473, 494; Peninsular and Oriental Company's, 493
Mangel-wurzel, Huckvale's pa- tent modes of treating, 299 Manure, Wicksteed's patent im- provements in the manufacture of, 179; Stone's, 338
Maps and globes, Adorno's pa- tent, 134 Marsden's
patent ventilating
boots and shoes, 119, 170 Mathematical inquiry, 435; an- swers, 492
Mathematical Periodicals, contri- butions to the History of, by T. T. Wilkinson, Esq., F.R.A.S., 265, 306, 363, 445
Mead's patent gas and fluid me- ters, 97
Measuring and fitting apparatus, Dunin's patent, 417
Mellish's patent improvements in sun-blinds, ventilators, and re- flectors, and in decorating ar- ticles of furniture, 415
Melting furnaces, Muntz's pa- tent, 79
Melville's patent improvements in weaving and in printing | carpets and yarns, 74
Menotti's patent waterproofing composition, 17
Metallic compounds, Stirling's patent improvements in, 134, 374; Alliott's machinery for manufacturing, 136, 161
coverings or cases, Ro- bertson and Glover's patent improvements in, 259
reels, Hinks's patent improvements in constructing,
tubes or pipes, Re- mond's improvements in the manufacture of, 197; Walker's 277; Banister's, 496
Metal shutters, Newton's patent improvements in, 19
Metals, coating, Grissel and Red- wood's patent improvements in, 73; Stirling's, 134, 374 --, rolling and laminating, Robertson and Glover's patent improvements in, 259
Meters, fluid, Ericsson's (Dunn's) patent, 61, 298; Mead's, 97
gas, Mead's patent, 97 Metropolitan water supply: On the necessity of combining ar- rangements for fire-extinction with, 166; Report of General Board of Health on, 233, 246 Milking animals, Newton's pa- tent apparatus for, 138
Milligan's patent improvements in ornamenting textile fabrics,
Mills, Fontainemoreau's patent improvements in, 277 Millward's patent magneto-elec-
Milner's patent improvements in safes and boxes, 218 Milnes and Pickstone's patent improvements in spinning, doubling, and weaving, 75
Minton and Hoffstaedt's patent faces or dials for clocks, &c., 257
Moon, influence of the, on the weather, 149; surface of the, 153 Morand's patent improvements in stretching and drying fabrics, 118
Morey's patent stone-cutting and dressing machines, 418
Morse v. Bain, American Patent Law Case, 435, 487 Motive power, Professor Page on the prospects of electro-mag- netism as a, 11; Buchholz's im- provements in, 158; Fontaine- moreau's in obtaining, 239; Lie- big's opinion of the value of electro-magnetismas, 295: Bru- nier's obtaining, 299; Green- ough's, 394
leather, Wood's pa- tent improvements in, 159; East's, 336
Ovens, constructing and heating, Perkin's patent method of, 157 Oxides of barytes, strontia, soda and potassa, Taylor's patent modes of manufacturing, 256 Oxland's R. and J. patent im- provements in manufacturing and refining sugar, 419, 435
Motte's patent portmanteaus, 299 Mouldings for castings, Fairbairn and Hetherington's patent, 139 Moulds for electro-metallurgy, Cowper's patent, 158 Mowbray's patent improvements in weaving machinery, 275 Muller's new photographic pro-Paddle wheels, Barlow's patent, cess, 434
Muntz's patent melting furnaces,
Murdoch's patent improvements in preserving substances, 119 Murray's patent improvements in saddlery and harness, 239 Musical instruments, Willis's pa- tent improvements in, 198; Robertson's, 357, 361; Hopkin- son's, 479
Nasmyth and Minton's patent brick and tile machine, 377 Naval construction, British Mu- seum MSS. on, 288; neglect of science in, 293; practical expe- riments, 367, 426; Sir Samuel Bentham's experiments in, 410, 427, 468
Needle gun, experiments with Mr. Sears's, 217 Newell's (Hobb's) patent locks, 199, 337
Newton's law of the resistance to the motion of bodies through fluids, 57
patent improvements in metal shutters, 19; looped and other fabrics, 119, 132; electric telegraphs, 136; milking ani- mals, 137; bedsteads and sack- ing bottoms, 219; composition, 219; waterproofing woven and felted fabrics, 399; steam-en- gines, boilers and condensers, 415; manufacture of coke and gas and gas regulators, 455 Norman's patent cooking and boiling apparatus, 78 Northumberland model life boat,
Notes on the Theory of Algebraic Equations, by J. Cockle, Esq., M.A., Barrister at Law, 171,
Pace's patent improvements in bedsteads, couches and chairs,
74; Vint's (underwater), 290 Page, Professor on the prospects of electro-magnetism as a mo- tive power, 11
Palace, the Crystal," 413 Pannell's registered retort for heating conservatories, &c., 30 Paper-making machinery, Par- ker's patent improvements in,
Phantasmagoria lanterns, Carpen- ter and Westley's, 173 Photography: Mr. Hill's process, 296; Muller's, 434; Talbot's patent improvements, 497
Pianofortes, Robertson's patent improvements in, 357, 361; Hopkinson's, 479
Piled fabrics, Gratrix's patent improvements in manufactur- ing, 15; Melville's, 74; Sie- vier's, 98; Crossley's, 118; Newton's, 119, 132; Mow- bray's, 275; Holt's, 276; Keely and Wilkinson's, 356; Haimes, Hancock and Thornton's, 418; L. M. and M. Smith's, 419
Pin manufacture in the United States, 451
Pipes and tubes, metallic, Re- mond's improvements in the manufacture of, 197; Walker's, 277; Banister's, 496
Plant's patent process of puddling iron, 254
Playing cards, Reynold's patent,
Plough, turn-wrist, Dray's regis- tered, 211
Pons's, De, patent improvements
in constructing roads, pave- ments, and ballast for railways,
Pontoon bridges, Berthon's pa- tent, 481
Portmanteaus, Motte's patent, 299 Potassa, carbonates and oxides of, Taylor's patent modes of manu- facturing, 256
Potts's "First Three Books of Euclid," 317
Power accumulator, Hodge's pa- tent, 350, 376 Power, obtaining, Buchholz's pa- tent improvementsin, 158; Fon- tainemoreau's, 239; Brunier's, 299; Greenough's, 394
Preparing fibrous substances, Shaw's patent improvements in, 156; Lister's, 196; Bowers's, 273: Parker's, 478
Projectiles, effect of the earth's rotation on, 55; Lancaster's pa- tent improvements in, 76 Propelling vessels, Barlow's pa- tent improvements in, 74; Wat- son's, 77; Woodcroft's, 118; Buchholz's, 158; Wimshurst's, 281, 301; Vint's, 290; Lund's, 378; Capt. Carpenter's, 401; Lowe's Petition for Prolonga- tion of his Patent for, 462
Prosser, Mr. Thomas, on the Swedish steamer "Berzelius" and her boiler tubes, 352 Provisional registration, case of infringement, 516
registrations, list of, 40, 80, 100, 120, 160, 180, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 360, 330, 400, 420, 440, 480, 520
Puckridge's patent ornamental fabrics, 355
Puddling iron, Plant's patent pro- cess of, 254; Hazlehurst's, 495 Pumps, Loradoux's patent im- provements in, 98; Andrews', 356; Smith's, 399 Purification of water, Mr. Hol- land's domestic apparatus for the, 250, 269 Pyke's patent improvements in manufacturing leather and boots and shoes, 297
Rafts, life, Brown's patent im- provements in, 139 Railway carriages, Bunnett's pa- tent improvements in, 99; Da- vies's (breaks), 134; Perkins's (axles and boxes), 136; Hey- wood's, 156; Jowett's (breaks), 254; Lyall's (breaks), 356; An- drews's, 356; Wragg's, 376; Haddan's, 377; Smith's, 398; Wilkins's (buffers)459; Adams's, 476; Capt. Hepburn's (venti- lated), 501
Rees's patent improvements in the preparation of fuel, 79 Reflectors, Mellish's patent im- provements in, 419
Registered designs for articles of utility, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380, 440, 460, 480, 500, 520
Registration, provisional, case of infringement, 516 Registrations, provisional, list of, 40, 80, 100, 120, 160, 180, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 360, 380, 400, 420, 440, 480, 520
Remond's improvements in the manufacture of metallic tubes,
Rosenborg's cask-machinery, 335 Rose's patent improvements in steam boilers, 394
Rotary engines, Wimshurst's pa- tent, 281, 301; Boggett and Smith's, 290; Andrews's, 356; Kossovitch's, 399
Rotation of the Earth, 3, 31, 37, 55, 72; its effect on projectiles, 55 Rotch's patent improvements in centrifugal machinery, 159 Royal mail steam vessels, 473, 494 Rozzell, Mr. B., on the Rotation of the Earth, 3, 31, 37, 55, 72 Rum, Herring's patent improve- ments in the manufacture of,
Rutherford's, Dr., Tract on Equa- tions, 36
Sacking bottoms, Newton's pa- tent improvements in, 219 Saddlery and harness, Reed's pa- tent improvements in, 157; Murray's, 239
Safes, Milner's patent improve- ments in, 218
Safety hinge, Ridley and Edser's patent, 261
lamp, improvements sug- gested by Mr. Goldsworthy Gurney, 125
paper, Stone's patent, 177 valves, Andrews's patent,
Sails, cotton, and horizontal seams, 433
Samuelson's patent turnip cut- ters, 99
San Torino earth, 450 Saw-mills, Hedge's improvements in, 254
Schools, industrial, 62, 122 Schroder's patent improvements in the manufacture of sugar, 319
Scotch patents, lists of, 179, 280, 359, 400, 439
Screw manufacturing machinery, Brooman's patent, 241
press, double acting, Wal- ker's registered, 21
propelling: Lowe's patent, petition for prolongation of, 462, 474
-, progress of, on the Atlantic, 336
machinery, Woodcroft's patent improve- ments in, 118; Buchholz's, 158; Wimshurst's, 281, 301; Capt. Carpenter's, 401
Scythes, Hardy's patent im- provements in manufacturing,
Sears's needle guns and carbines, experiments with, 217
Secret correspondence, new mode of, 489
Seed cleanser and separator, Gil- lam's, 513
dibbling machines, Ni- cholls's patent, 359
Shafts, sinking and lining, Kind and De Wendel's patent im- provements in, 118
Sharpe's improved slide valve,
Shaw's patent improvements in cleaning and preparing fibrous substances, in manufacturing yarns and in looms, 156
Sheets, metallic, Stirling's patent improvements in, 134, 374 Ship building and nautical affairs, British Museum MSS. on, 288 Ships, Brown's patent improve- ments in constructing, 139; Wimshursts's, 391; Capt. Car- penter's, 401; Tate's, 438 Shipton's, Mr. J. A., pendulous engine, 441
Shoes, Marsden's patent venti- lating, 119, 170; Webley's pa- tent improvements in manu- facturing, 378; Pyke's, 397; Machin's, 518
Shot, conical, by C. A Holdstock, Esq., 407
Shuldham, Capt. M., on sliding and revolving keels, 429 Shutters, metal, Newton's patent improvements in, 19 Sievier's patent improvements in weaving and printing carpets and fabrics, 98, 475 Signals, railway, Smith's patent, 398; Capt. Addison's, 467 Silver speculums, Lord Rosse's,
Sisco's improvements in chain making, 294
Six's patent improvements in bleaching flax and hemp, 272 Slate's patent improvements in steam-engines and boilers, and in valves for fluid engines, 455 Slater and Slater's patent im- provements in stretching and opening textile fabrics, 19 Slide valves, Smith's patent, 398; Sharpe's improved, 421; Slate's patent, 455 Sliding keels, 289, 429 Smith, Dr. J. L., on the preven- tion of explosion in boilers, 213 and Phillips's patent im- provements in heating, venti- lating, and cooking by gas, 359 -'s patent improvements in locomotives, steam-engines, and pumps, 398
-'s, L. M. and M., patent im- provements in weaving, wind- ing, cutting, and printing, 419 Smoke consuming apparatus, Anstey's patent, 75
Smut machines, Hollingsworth's improvements in, 220
Soap, St. John's patent improve- ments in the manufacture of, 96, Alliott's, 136, 161; Birk- ett's mode of recovering from wash waters, 499
Society of Arts' prizes for colour boxes and drawing instru- ments, 238
Soda, Cooke's patent improve- ments in manufacturing, 396 -, carbonated, Taylor's patent mode of manufacturing, 256; Cooke's, 396
132. 156, 177, 195, 218, 238, 254, 269, 297, 318, 336, 353, 376, 393, 414, 437, 454, 475, 495, 516 Specifications due, but not en- rolled, 39, 80, 99, 159, 179, 219, 239, 419, 479, 500, 519 Speculums of silver, Lord Rosse's,
Spinning machinery, Milnes and Pickstone's patent improve- ments in, 75; Onions's, 187; Kirkman's, 198
Springs, Rock's patent, 130; Webster's, 157
Staining fabrics, Wood's patent improvements in, 159 Staite's electro light, 316 Starch and gums, Hall's patent improvements in the manufac- ture of, 74
Stars, fixed, eccentric movements of the, 174 Steam and gas fire engine, Ame- rican, 461
boilers, Williams's patent furnaces for, 1; Mr. Fairbairn on the construction of and causes of their explosion, 12, 28, 45; Tatham and Cheet- ham's improvements in, 38; Lawes's, 39; Dr. Smith on the prevention of explosions, 213; W. and J. Galloway's improve- ments, 255; Andrews's, 356; Rose's, 394; Newton's, 415; Slate's, 455: Ashworth's me- thod of preventing and remov- ing incrustation, 458
engines, Tatham and Cheetham's patent improve- ments in, 38; Hawthorn and Hawthorn's, 177; Lloyd's, 178; Bishopp's (disc.), 237; Gallo- way's, 237; W. and J. Gallo- way's, 255; Wimshurst's, 281, 301; Boggett and Smith's, 290; Andrews's, 38; Smith's, 398; Kossovitch's, 399; Newton's, 415; Sharp's (slide valves), 421; the Marquis of Worcester's en- gines, 425; Shipton's pendu- lous, 441; Slate's, 455
navigation, on canals, 191;
introduction of, 192
vessels, Tatham and Cheetham's patent method of extinguishing fire on board, 39; "Europa," 144; "Canada," 144; "Niagara," 144; "Ame- rica," 144; "Asia," 144; "Afri- са," 144; "Atlantic," 144; "Pacific," 144; "Baltic," 144; "Arrogant," 144; "Blue bell," 192; "Lewis," 336; "Great Britain," 336; "Sarah Sands," 336; "Berzelius," 352; Royal Mail Steam-packet Company's, 473, 494; "Amazon," 473, 494; Peninsular and Oriental Com- pany's, 493; "Ripon,' 493; "Ого- noco," 494; "Magdalena," 494; "Parana," 494; "Demarara,"
Steel, Onions's patent improve- ments in the manufacture of, 136
- pen grinding, Dr. H. Мас Cormac on, 229
Stenson, Mr. J., on the Patent Law Bill, No. III., 36 Stephens's patent threshing ma- chinery, 139
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