Iron: An Illustrated Weekly Journal for Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Metallurgists, Mine Proprietors, Engineers, Shipbuilders, Scientists, Capitalists ..., 55. köidePerry Fairfax Nursey Knight and Lacey, 1851 |
From inside the book
Page iv
... coal 8 Dec. 481 .... .... Crickmer and Packing stuffing - boxes ) Crickmer .. S and pistons 3 July 20 .... .... Crook Hats , caps and bonnets ... 11 Sept. .... .... 9 Oct. 10 Oct Cussons Woven fabrics for book- .... binding ........ } 2 ...
... coal 8 Dec. 481 .... .... Crickmer and Packing stuffing - boxes ) Crickmer .. S and pistons 3 July 20 .... .... Crook Hats , caps and bonnets ... 11 Sept. .... .... 9 Oct. 10 Oct Cussons Woven fabrics for book- .... binding ........ } 2 ...
Page xii
... goods , Richard- son's patent machinery for , 299 Coal - whipping by steam , 129 Coating metals , Grissell and Red- wood's patent improvements in , 73 ; Stirling's , 184 , 371 " America , " 230 , 367 , 426 ; xii INDEX .
... goods , Richard- son's patent machinery for , 299 Coal - whipping by steam , 129 Coating metals , Grissell and Red- wood's patent improvements in , 73 ; Stirling's , 184 , 371 " America , " 230 , 367 , 426 ; xii INDEX .
Page 11
... coal in the best condensing engines in the world ; will any one pretend to say that there is no room for improve- ment even there ? Why , in the Cornish engines , within a few years , the expense of a horse - power has been reduced from ...
... coal in the best condensing engines in the world ; will any one pretend to say that there is no room for improve- ment even there ? Why , in the Cornish engines , within a few years , the expense of a horse - power has been reduced from ...
Page 12
... coal required to smelt it , it is unfortu : nate , and though entertaining the highest respect for his reputation and ability , I must pronounce vita a practical absurdity . It is reasonable to suppose that a given amount of zine ...
... coal required to smelt it , it is unfortu : nate , and though entertaining the highest respect for his reputation and ability , I must pronounce vita a practical absurdity . It is reasonable to suppose that a given amount of zine ...
Page 24
... coal gas manufacturers , several companies having attached exhausters to their retorts , which , however , perform their work very imperfectly compared with the water gas . The generation of water gas free from car- bonic acid is a ...
... coal gas manufacturers , several companies having attached exhausters to their retorts , which , however , perform their work very imperfectly compared with the water gas . The generation of water gas free from car- bonic acid is a ...
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Common terms and phrases
acid action apparatus application arrangement attached axle bars Bill boat boiler carbonic carbonic acid carriages cause centre chamber claim coal coal gas colour compound magnet connected construction cylinder described diameter direction disc effect Electric Telegraphs employed ENGLISH PATENTS experiments fabrics feet fire flax fluid furnace Galignani gutta percha heat improvements inches invention consists inventor iron JAMES COCKLE keel length Letters Patent lever life-boat Lord Lord Granville machine machinery manner manufacture material means ments metal method mode motion obtained operation ordinary pass Patent dated pipes piston placed plate portion present pressure principle produced propeller Prussia purpose quantity rails railway ratus resistance retort revolving rollers sails Samuel Bentham screw shaft sheet side six months slide solution Specification steam engines substances suitable supply surface temperature tion tubes United Kingdom valve vessel WEEKLY LIST weight wheel whole wire zinc
Popular passages
Page 348 - ... of the sole working or making of any manner of new manufactures within this realm to the true and first inventor and inventors of such manufactures, which others at the time of making such letters patent and grants shall not use...
Page 115 - Dublin, for the infringement of any such copyright as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the Court in which such action is pending, if the Court be then sitting, or, if the Court be not sitting, then for a judge of such Court, on the application of the plaintiff or defendant respectively, to make such order for an injunction, inspection, or account, and to give such direction respecting such action, injunction, inspection, and account, and the proceedings therein respectively, as to such Court or...
Page 425 - ... so that they are strengthened by the force within them, and the one to fill after the other, I have seen the water run like a constant fountain stream, forty feet high ; one vessel of water, rarified by fire, driveth up forty of cold water. And a man...
Page 116 - Act, such fees as are mentioned in the said schedule; and there shall be paid unto and for the use of Her Majesty, her heirs, and successors, for or in respect of the...
Page 114 - ... shall deem himself aggrieved by any Entry made under colour of this Act...
Page 116 - Commissioners may from time to time appoint to be paid for such copies, and the Lord Chancellor and Master of the Rolls...
Page 109 - ... it shall be lawful for Her Majesty from time to time, by Order in Council, to...
Page 115 - ... shall deliver with his pleas, and the prosecutor in any proceedings by scire facias to repeal letters patent shall deliver with his declaration, particulars of any objections on which he means to rely at the trial in support of the pleas...
Page 115 - Judge before whom any such action shall be tried to certify on the record that the validity of the letters patent in the declaration mentioned came in question ; and the record, with such certificate, being given in evidence in any suit or action for infringing the said letters patent...
Page 111 - ... as he may deem usual and expedient in such grants, or necessary in pursuance of the provisions of this Act ; and the said warrant shall be the warrant for the making and sealing of letters patent under this Act according to the tenor of the said warrant: provided always, that the Lord Chancellor shall and may have and exercise such powers, authority, and discretion in respect to the said warrant, and the letters patent therein directed to be made under this Act, as he...