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EORGE WISHART was the town any more, for he was determined born in Scotland, and af- {not to suffer it.

ter receiving a grammat- This sudden rebuff greatly surprised ical education at a pri- { Wishart, who, after a short pause, looking vate school, he left that sorrowfully on the speaker and the audiplace, and finished his ence, said, "God is my witness, that I nevstudies at the university of Cambridge. In er minded your trouble but your comfort; order to improve himself as much as possi- yea, your trouble is more grievous to me ble in the knowledge of literature, he trav-{ than it is to yourselves: but I am assured, elled into various parts abroad, where he to refuse God's word, and to chase from distinguished himself for his great learning you his messenger, shall not preserve you and abilities, both in philosophy and divin- from trouble, but shall bring you into it: ity. His desire to promote true knowledge for God shall send you ministers that shall and science among men, accompanied the fear neither burning nor banishment. } profession of it himself. He was very ready have offered you the word of salvation. to communicate what he knew to others, With the hazard of my life I have remained and frequently read various authors both in among you now ye yourselves refuse me ; his own chamber, and in the public schools. { and I must leave my innocence to be deAfter being some time abroad he returnedclared by my God. If it be long prosperto England, and took up his residence at {ous with you, I am not led by the spirit of Cambridge, where he was admitted a mem- {truth: but if unlooked-for trouble come upber of Bennet college. Having taken up on you, acknowledge the cause, and turn his degrees, he entered into holy orders, to God, who is gracious and merciful. and expounded the gospel in so clear and But if you turn not at the first warning, he intelligible manner, as highly to delight his will visit you with fire and sword." At numerous auditors. the close of this speech he left the pulpit, and retired.

Being desirous of propagating the true gospel in his own country, he left Cambridge in 1544, and in his way thither preached in most of the principal towns, to the great pleasure of himself, and the satisfaction of his hearers.

On his arrival in Scotland he preached first at Montrose, and afterward at Dundee. In this last place he made a public exposition of the epistle to the Romans, which he went through with such grace and freedom, as greatly alarmed the papists.

In consequence of this (at the instigation of Cardinal Beaton, the archbishop of St. Andrew's), one Robert Miln, a principal man at Dundee, went to the church where Wishart preached, and in the middle of his discourse publicly told him not to trouble

After this he went into the west of Scotland, where he preached God's word, which was gladly received by many; till the archbishop of Glasgow, at the instigation of Cardinal Beaton, came with his train, to the town of Ayr, to suppress Wishart, and insisted on having the church himself to preach in. Some opposed this; but Wishart said, "Let him alone, his sermon will not do much hurt; let us go to the market cross." ." This was agreed to, and Wishart preachd a sermon that gave universal sat{isfaction to his hearers, and at the same time confounded his enemies.

He continued to propagate the gospel to the people with the greatest alacrity, preaching sometimes in one place, and

@metimes in another; but coming to Macklene, he was, by force, kept out of the church. Some of his followers would have broken in; upon which he said to one of them," Brother, Jesus Christ is as mighty: in the fields as in the church; and himself often preached in the desert, at the sea-side, and other places. The like word of peace God sends by me: the blood of none shall be shed this day for preaching it."

He then went into the fields, where he preached to the people for above three hours; and such an impression did his ser- { mon make on the minds of his hearers, that one of the most wicked men in all the country, the lord of Sheld, became a convert to the truth of the gospel.

them. After this the plague abated; though, in the midst of it, Wishart constantly visited those that lay in the greatest extremity, and comforted them by his exhortations. When he took leave of the people of Dundee, he said, that "God had almost put an end to that plague, and he was now called to another place."

He went thence to Montrose, where he sometimes preached, but spent most of his his time in private meditation and prayer.

It is said, that before he left Dundee, and while he was engaged in the labors of love to the bodies, as well as to the souls of those poor afflicted people, Cardinal Beaton engaged a desperate popish priest, called John Weighton, to kill him; the attempt to A short time after this, Mr. Wishart re-execute which, was as follows: one day, ceived intelligence that the plague was after Wishart had finished his sermon, and broke out in Dundee. It began four days the people departed, the priest stood waitafter he was prohibited from preachinging at the bottom of the stairs, with a nathere, and raged so extremely, that it wasked dagger in his hand under his gown. almost beyond credit how many died in the But Mr. Wishart, having a sharp, piercing space of twenty-four hours. This being eye, and seeing the priest as he came from related to him, he, notwithstanding the im- the pulpit, said to him, "My friend, what portunity of his friends to detain him, de- would you have?" And immediately claptermined to go thither, saying, "They are ping his hand upon the dagger, took it from now in troubles, and need comfort. Per- him. The priest being terrified, fell on his haps this hand of God will make them now knees, confessed his intention, and craved to magnify and reverence the word of God, { pardon. A noise being hereupon raised, which before they lightly esteemed."

and it coming to the ears of those who Here he was with joy received by the were sick, they cried, "Deliver the traitor godly. He chose the east gate for the place to us, we will take him by force;" and they of his preaching; so that the healthy were burst in at the gate. But Wishart, taking within, and the sick without the gate. He the priest in his arms, said, "Whatsoever took his text from these words, "He sent { hurts him shall hurt me; for he hath done his word and healed them," &c. In this me no mischief, but much good, by teachsermon he chiefly dwelt upon the advantageing me more heedfulness for the time to and comfort of God's word, the judgments come." By this conduct he appeased the that ensue upon the contempt or rejection people, and saved the life of the wicked of it, the freedom of God's grace to all his priest. people, and the happiness of those of his elect, whom he takes to himself out of this miserable world. The hearts of his hearers were so raised by the divine torce of this discourse, as not to regard death, but to judge them the more happy who should then be called, not knowing whether they might have such a comforter again with


Soon after his return to Montrose, the cardinal again conspired his death, causing a letter to be sent to him, as if from his familiar friend, the laird of Kinnier, in which he was desired with all possible speed to come to him, because he was taken with a sudden sickness. In the meantime, the cardinal had provided sixty men armed, to lie

in wait within a mile and a half of Mon- This realm shall be illuminated with the

trose, in order to murder him as he passed that way.

light of Christ's gospel, as clearly as any realm since the days of the apostles. The The letter coming to Wishart's hand by house of God shall be built in it; yea, it a boy, who also brought him a horse for shall not lack, in despite of all enemies, the journey, Wishart, accompanied by some the top-stone; neither will it be long behonest men, his friends, set forward; but fore this be accomplished. Many shall not something particular striking his mind by suffer after me, before the glory of God the way, he returned back, which they shall appear, and triumph in despite of Sawondering at, asked him the cause; to tan. But, alas, if the people afterward whom he said: "I will not go; I am for- shall prove unthankful, then fearful and bidden of God; I am assured there is terrible will the plagues be that shall foltreason. Let some of you go to yonder } low."


A short time after this he left Montrose, and proceeded to Edinburgh, in order to propagate the gospel in that city. By the way he lodged with a faithful brother, called James Watson, of Inner-Goury. In the middle of the night, he got up, and went into the yard, which two men hearing, they privately followed him.

place, and tell me what you find." Which The next day he proceeded on his jourdoing, they made the discovery and hast-ney, and when he arrived at Leith, not ily returning, they told Mr. Wishart: meeting with those he expected, he kept whereupon he said: "I know I shall end himself retired for a day or two. He then my life by that bloodthirsty man's hands; grew pensive, and being asked the reason, but it will not be in this manner." he answered: "What do I differ from a dead man? Hitherto God hath used my labors for the instruction of others, and to the disclosing of darkness; and now I lurk as a man ashamed to show his face." His friends perceived that his desire was to preach, whereupon they said to him, "It is most comfortable for us to hear you, but because we know the danger wherein you While in the yard, he fell on his knees, stand, we dare not desire it."—" But," said and prayed for sometime with the greatest he, "If you dare hear, let God provide for fervency; after which he arose, and re- me as best pleaseth him ;" after which it turned to his bed. Those who attended was concluded, that the next day he should him, appearing as though they were igno- preach in Leith. His text was of the parrant of all, came and asked him where he {able of the sower, Matt. xiii. The sermon had been but he would not answer them. {ended, the gentlemen of Lothian, who were The next day they importuned him to tell them, saying, "Be plain with us, for we heard your mourning, and saw your gestures."

earnest professors of Jesus Christ, would not suffer him to stay at Leith, because the governor and cardinal were shortly to come to Edinburgh; but took him along with {them; and he preached at Branstone, Longniddry, and Ormistone. He also preached at Inveresk, near Muselburgh: he had a great concourse of people, and among them Sir George Douglas, who after sermon said publicly: "I know that the governor and cardinal will hear that I have been at this sermon; but let them know that I will When they heard this they wept, saying, avow it, and will maintain both the doc"This is small comfort to us." Then, said { trine, and the preacher, to the uttermost of he: "God shall send you comfort after me. my power."

On this he, with a dejected countenance, said, "I had rather you had been in your beds." But they still pressing upon him to know something, he said, "I will tell you; I am assured that my warfare is near at an end, and therefore pray to God with me, that I shrink not when the battle waxeth most hot."

world, because he saw that men began to be weary of God: "For," said he "the gentlemen of the west have sent me word,

Among others that came to hear him preach, there were two Gray-friars, who, standing at the church door, whispered to such as came in; which Wishart observ- {that they can not keep their meeting at ing, said to the people, "I pray you make Edinburgh." room for these two men, it may be they Knox, wondering he should enter into come to learn;" and turning to them, he conference about these things, immediatesaid, "Come near, for I assure you you {ly before his sermon, contrary to his usual shall hear the word of truth, which this custom, said to him, "Sir, sermon-time apday shall seal up to you either your salva-proaches; I will leave you for the present tion or damnation :" after which he pro-to your meditations." ceeded in his sermon, supposing they would Wishart's sad countenance declared the be quiet; but when he perceived that they grief of his mind. At length, he went instill continued to disturb the people that to the pulpit, and his auditory being very stood near them, he said to them the sec-small, he introduced his sermon with the ond time, with an angry countenance : "Ofollowing exclamation: "O Lord! how ministers of Satan, and deceivers of the long shall it be, that thy holy word shall souls of men, will ye neither hear God's truth yourselves, nor suffer others to hear it? Depart, and take this for your portion; God shall shortly confound and disclose your hypocrisy within this kingdom; ye shall be abominable to men, and your places and habitations shall be desolate." Heish can scarce be numbered one hundred spoke this with much vehemency; then turning to the people, said, "These men have provoked the spirit of God to anger;" after which he proceeded on his sermon, and finished it highly to the satisfaction of

his hearers.

be despised, and men shall not regard their own salvation? I have heard of thee, O Haddington, that in thee there used to be two or three thousand persons at a vain and wicked play; and now, to hear the messenger of the eternal God, of all the par

present. Sore and fearful shall be the plagues that shall ensue upon this thy contempt. With fire and sword shalt thou be plagued; yea, thou Haddington in special, strangers shall possess thee; and you, the present inhabitants, shall either in bondage serve your enemies, or else you shall be chased from your own habitations; and that because you have not known, nor will { know, the time of your visitation."

This prediction was, in a great measure, accomplished not long after, when the English took Haddington, made it a garrison, and forced many of the inhabitants to

From hence he went and preached at Branstone, Languedine, Ormistone, and Inveresk, where he was followed by a great concourse of people. He preached also in divers other places, the people much flocking after him; and in all his sermons he foretold the shortness of the time he had to travel, and the near approach of his death. When he came to Haddington, his audi-fly. Soon after this, a dreadful plague broke tory began much to decrease, which was out in the town, of which such numbers thought to happen through the influence of died, that the place became almost depopthe earl of Bothwel, who was moved to ulated. oppose him at the instigation of the cardinal. Soon after this, as he was going to church, he received a letter from the west country gentlemen, which having read, he called John Knox, who had diligently wait-regent to cause him to be apprehended; ed upon him since his arrival at Lothian; with which, after great persuasion, and to whom he said he was weary of the much against his will, he complied.

Cardinal Beaton, archbishop of St. Andrew's, being informed that Mr. Wishart was at the house of Mr. Cockburn, of Ormistone, in East Lothian, he applied to the


The earl accordingly went, with proper disposal, resolved to proceed immediately attendants, to the house of Mr. Cockburn, to try him as a heretic; for which purwhich he beset about midnight. The laird pose he assembled the prelates at St. Anof the house being greatly alarmed, put drew's church on the 27th of February, himself in a posture of defence, when the 1546. earl told him that it was in vain to resist, for the governor and cardinal were within a mile, with a great power; but if he would deliver Wishart to him, he would promise upon his honor, that he should be safe, and that the cardinal should not hurt him.

At this meeting the archbishop of Glasgow gave it as his opinion, that application should be made to the regent, to grant a commission to some nobleman to try the prisoner, that all the odium of putting so popular a man to death might not lie on the clergy.

Wishart said, "Open the gates, the will of God be done;" and Bothwel coming in, To this the cardinal readily agreed; but Wishart said to him: "I praise my God, upon sending to the regent, he received the that so honorable a man as you, my lord, { following answer, that he would do well receive me this night; for I am persuaded not to precipitate this man's trial, but delay that for your honor's sake, you will suffer it until his coming; for as to himself, he nothing to be done to me but by order of would not consent to his death before the law: I less fear to die openly, than secret-cause was very well examined; and if the ly to be murdered." Bothwel replied, "I { cardinal should do otherwise, he would will not only preserve your body from all make protestation, that the blood of this violence that shall be intended against you man should be required at his hands. without order of law; but I also promise in the presence of these gentlemen, that neither the governor nor cardinal shall have their will of you; but I will keep you in my own house, till I either set you free, or restore you to the same place where I re-ten to him about this matter, as supposing ceive you." Then said the laird, "My lord, if you make good your promise, which we presume you will, we ourselves will not only serve you, but we will procure all the professors in Lothian to do the same." This agreement being made, Mr. Wis-{ hart was delivered into the hands of the earl, who immediately conducted him to Edinburgh.

As soon as the earl arrived at that place, he was sent for by the queen, who being an inveterate enemy to Wishart, prevailed on the earl (notwithstanding the promises he had made) to commit him a prisoner to the castle.

The cardinal being informed of Wishart's situation, went to Edinburgh, and immediately caused him to be removed thence to the castle of St. Andrew's.

The inveterate and persecuting prelate, having now got our martyr fully at his own

The cardinal was extremely chagrined at this message from the regent; however, he determined to proceed in the bloody business he had undertaken; and therefore sent the regent word, that he had not writ

himself to be any way dependent upon his authority, but from a desire that the prosecution and conviction of heretics might have a show of public consent; which, since he could not this way obtain, he would proceed in that way which to him appeared the most proper.

In consequence of this, the cardinal immediately proceeded to the trial of Wishart, against whom no less than eighteen articles were exhibited, which in substance were as follows:

1. That he had despised the holy mother-church, and had deceived the people; and that when he was ordered to desist from preaching at Dundee, by the gov ernor, he would not obey, but still persevered in the same.

2. That he had said, the priest standing at the altar, and saying mass, was like a fox wagging his tail.

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