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Melvin Estill's Letter-The Escape from Saltillo-Pursuit by
Cavalry with Blood-hounds-Jasper Cain, Laverty Grier,
and John Graham-Overtaken-Tragic Fate of Four
Unionists-Their Scalps Taken-Mrs. Cameron and
Daughter Alverna-The Cavern-Fed by Slaves-Reach
the Union Lines-Enlistment in Federal Service-Loyal
Southern Women-Tampering with the Ballot Box-

Bill Arp (Col. Smith) in Atlanta Constitution-His Arrogant
and Presumptuous Demand-Gen. Benjamin H. Grierson's
Report in Regard to the Southern Unionists-Pollard, the
Southern Historian, on Conscription-James Blackburn's
Atrocious Letter-Persecutions of North Carolina Union-
ists-They Reach Philadelphia and are Hospitably Ke-
ceived-Col. Chandler's Report in Regard to Southern
Prisons-Murder of Major Bradford-Gen. W. T. Sherman
to Mayor of Atlanta, Ga.-Capt. Phillips' Statement in
Regard to Unionists of North Alabama-Col. Fremantle's
Views-Murder of Montgomery, a Texan Unionist-Duff's
Regiment Sent to Quell Counter Revolution of Unionists
in Texas-Texas Unionist Confides His Sentiments-Gen.
Bankhead Magruder's Abhorrence of the Puritans-Gen-
eral Houston-Col. Chubb, who Hired a Colored Crew at
Boston, and Coolly Sold them as Slaves at Galveston-Cru-
elty to the Captured Crew of the Harriet Lane-Minden,
La.-Gen. Jo. Johnston Wounded Ten Times-Gen. Van
Dorn Shot by Dr. Peters-Burning of Unionists at Frank-
lin, Tenn.—The Confederacy Calling upon the Negro for
Help-Preamble to Florida Ordinance of Secession-Ad-
dress by Stephen A. Douglas-Murder of Unionists in
Kentucky Valley, Ala.-Terrible and Swift Retribution-
Gideon Brevoort-His Faithful Service-His Death-His



The United States in 1984-The English or American Lan-

guage (from Grammatical Guide, by Rev. J. H. Aughey,

Pastor of the West Union Presbyterian Church, Dallas,

Marshall County, West Virginia, 1876-1881)-The Com-

mercial Language of the World-Soon to be the Universal

Language-Duty of Christian Ministers and People (by

Miss Sarah Hosier, of Boston, Mass.)—The Burning of Co-

lumbia, S. C., in 1865-Lemuel Lorimer-Memorial Day

Address (by Rev. W. F. Bartholomew, of Chariton, Iowa)

-Memorial Sermon (by Rev. W. F. Slocum, of Wooster,

Ohio)-Soldier's Letter-Purity of the Ballot-Rev. W.

J. Day's Opinion-The Traitor's Doom-Rev. Dr. Allen's

Facts for the Church-The Southern Unionist-The Ku-

Klux the Story of Capt. Boone-The Mustering-The

Indiana Election Cases-Sermon by a Clerical Ignoramus

-Dark Hours, by Horace Greeley-Battle of Corinth-

-Battle of Tupelo-Extract from Greeley's "American

Conflict "-From a Soldier's Letter-The Glorious Fourth

-Fraternal Relations-The Rum Traffic Doomed-John

Wesley on Temperance-Unrestricted Immigration-Ex-

tract from Rev. E. D. McMaster, D. D.-The Christian

Religion-The Octoroon-Massacre of Texan Unionists-

The Purity of the Ballot-Prisoner's Hope-John Brown

--Marching Through Georgia-Distinctive Principles-

Creed of all Orthodox Churches-The Law of Revivals-

What the Churches Believe in regard to Temperance-

Sermon by Rev. J. H. Aughey-Rev. J. C. Hogan on the

Liquor Seller-Murder of Frank Journell-Faith Illus-

trated-The Colored Philosopher-The Southern Presby-

terian's Possible Dilemma-My Country-The Ship of

State, by Longfellow-Is Another Civil War Imminent?

-Reviews-Spiritual Gems of the Ages (by Rev. John H.

Aughey, Pastor of the Churches of Congress, Chester, and

Wayne, Wayne County, Ohio)
...............................pp. 462 to 606


A celebrated author thus writes: "Posterity is under no obligations to a man who is not a parent, who has never planted a tree, built a house, nor written a book." Having fulfilled all these requisites to insure the remembrance of posterity, it remains to be seen whether the author's name shall escape oblivion.

It may be that a few years will obliterate the name affixed to this Preface from the memory of man. This thought is the cause of no concern. I shall have accomplished my purpose if I can in some degree be humbly instrumental in serving my country and my generation, by promoting the well-being of my fellowmen, and advancing the declarative glory of Almighty God.

This work was written while suffering intensely from maladies induced by the rigors of the Iron Furnace of Secession, whose seven-fold heat is reserved for the loyal citizens of the South. Let this fact be a palliation for whatever imperfections the reader may meet in its perusal.

There are many loyal men in the southern states, who to avoid martyrdom, conceal their opinions. They are to be pitied-not severely censured. All

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