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"SPIRITUAL GEMS" contains 550 pages.

Price $2.00.

Sold on subscription. Liberal terms to agents.

For terms and territory address Rev. JoHN H. AUGHEY, Mountain Top, Luzerne Co., Pa.

By Rev. W. M. GRIMES, D.D., Pastor 1st Presbyterian Church, Steubenville, Ohio:

From an examination of the book entitled Spiritual Gems, by Rev. John H. Aughey, and from my personal knowledge of the author, I can most cordially commend it to all who wish a rare casket of jewels, excellent sayings. These spiritual thoughts should be with every one.


By Rev. E. D. LEDYARD, Pastor 2d Presbyterian Church, Steubenville, Ohio:


Spiritual Gems of the Ages, by Rev. John H. Aughey, is a compilation of valuable extracts upon important phases of truth, which will be sure to interest and instruct the reader. tone of the book is eminently spiritual and evangelical, and cannot fail to do good.


By Rev. J. W. WIGHTMAN, D.D., Principal Female Seminary, Steubenville, O., and Pastor 3d Presbyterian Church.

An examination of Spiritual Gems of the Ages convinces me that it possesses great value for thoughtful readers Its important truths, clearly and tersely expressed by the best minds of the race, cannot fail to be inspiring and helpful both to intellectual and spiritual life.


By EUGENE P. EDWARDS, Pastor 2d M. E. Church, Steubenville, Ohio:

From an examination of its merits, I fully and heartily concur in the foregoing recommendations of Spiritual Gems of the Ages, and speak for it a hearty welcome by all lovers of good literature.


By Rev. C. E. HEWITT, D.D., Pastor 1st Baptist Church, Peoria, Illinois:

I have taken some time to look over the volume entitled

Spiritual Gems. I find in it many, very many, beautiful things-beautiful sentiments beautifully expressed, and in beautiful harmony with the teachings of God's Word. May it find many readers.


By Rev. DAN. F. BRADLEY, Pastor Congregational Church, Steubenville, Ohio:

The book Spiritual Gems of the Ages lies before me. It is well printed and indexed, and is arranged in convenient topics. In it I have found many good and helpful thoughts to encourage right living and afford comfort in hours of discouragement, as well as short sermons of warning and reproof. I have no doubt that the possession of this book will prove helpful to many a soul.


By Rev. WM. WISHART, D.D., of the U. P. Church, Monmouth, Illinois:


In reading this book, Spiritual Gems, etc., we have been both interested and edified. We have not lately read any book that combines so much pleasure with so much profit to the Christian reader. In style it is a book of aphorisms, terse sentences, pithy sayings, in each of which there is a clear example of the multum in parvo, a kind of composition eminently calculated to arrest the attention, awaken and stimulate the mind, and stick fast in the memory. These proverbial sayings are as goads and nails fastened by Masters of Assemblies." In matter, this book is eminently moral and evangelical. Vice is condemned, virtue is commended, and many precious doctrines of the Gospel illustrated and confirmed. It is a book that will be profitable for reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness to all who read it. We cordially commend it as a book for all, but especially for Christian families.


By Rev. J. OSMOND, P.M., Des Moines Presbytery, Fairfield, Iowa:

The book entitled Spiritual Gems of the Ages, by Rev. John H. Aughey, is, I think, rightly named. The selections of which it is composed are gems-many of them of the first water, none of them dull. The volume is one of those books that may be taken up in leisure moments and one or more of its independent items read with pleasure and profit, thus furnishing food for thought and stimulus to right action when other pursuits are resumed. To such as indulge in few books it affords information with reference to a great number of distinguished writers and authors by giving specimens of their productions. It is a good and stimulating book.


By Rev. JOSEPH BUCHANAN, of the U. P. Church, Steubenville, O.:

I have examined the collection of Spiritual Gems, by Rev. John H. Aughey, and can freely recommend it to the patron

age of any Christian who wishes to enlarge his knowledge and spiritual influence.


I have examined carefully and with great interest THE SPIRITUAL GEMS OF THE AGES, I am greatly pleased with it. I believe the book to be an admirable one-pithy, of great variety, and cannot fail to be interesting and profitable to all who read it. Every known duty is enforced, and every vice is made odious by being presented in its true aspect. The work is not sectarian, but it is truly evangelical, and its worth will be more highly appreciated as time elapses. All the cardinal doctrines of grace are clearly and forcibly presented. The reader will find on every page pertinent, pungent, piquant pearls of thought. Open the book where you may, sparkling brilliants of the first water greet you. The minister of the gospel will find it an invaluable aid in the preparation of sermons. Whatever his subject, he cannot fail to find many truths pertinent to it in this volume, and these truths so clearly and forcibly presented that any ordinary congregation will at once grasp and retain them. The Sabbath-school teacher, the parent, the private Christian, will find this volume a valuable aid to devotion, and a spiritual treasury from which to draw daily fresh supplies. The winner of souls will be encouraged in his great work, and greatly aided in answering objections, and in presenting, enforcing, and illustrating the truth. May it have, as it richly deserves, a large sale and numerous readers.

Steubenville, Ohio.

"Full many a gem of purest ray serene" is garnered in this volume. It is the fruit of laborious research during a ministry of THIRTY YEARS. The literature of every age, of every nation, of every language, of every sect, has contributed its quota to the setting of these gems in a crown radiant with brilliants of the first water.

This book will bless the home it enters, and the individual

who makes it his mentor.

It will enrich the understanding and purify the heart by the presentation of the most sublime truths that ever entered the arcanum of the soul of man. There are lessons of deep and abiding interest to be learned by perusing and meditating upon these garnered treasures; these purest, noblest, and most elaborate thoughts of the wisest and holiest men that ever blessed the earth with their presence, and enriched its spiritual literature with the winnowed wheat, the rich fruitage of their life-long labor and research.

This volume bears the impress of every diversity of individual character. More than three thousand saints, philosophers, and sages, whose lives have extended through a period of four thousand years of the world's history, have contributed, each his quota, to the formation of this volume. Thus have been secured variety, spirituality, and the highest order of intellectual thought and diction. Not a single inferior or commonplace thought or sentiment has been suffered to enter; and if any has surreptitiously found a place, upon discovery it will be unceremoniously ejected. It is a book suited to all ages and all nations; to all classes of men, and all states of society; for all capacities of intellect, and all necessities of the soul. It sets forth the most heavenly truths in a manner clear and convincing, and makes them comprehensible by all. All abstruse speculation is avoided. The King's highway of holiness -the way of salvation-is pointed out as with a beam of light, so that the convicted sinner needs not doubt as to what he must do to be saved. By the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the impenitent reader may be convicted of sin and led to put implicit trust in that Savior of whose ability and willingness to save he will find in this volume a complete revelation. The reader will rise from its perusal with elevated thoughts and feelings, with more ardent love of virtue, with increase of spiritual information, and with intense desire to serve more faithfully as a laborer in his Master's vineyard. This volume is unique; it is a desideratum in religious literature, and it will doubtless become the vade-mecum of many a Christian.

The author is a member of the Presbytery of Lackawanna, and pastor of the Mountain Top church, near Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne county, Pa.

BURLINGTON, DES MOINES Co., Iowa, May 19, 1887.

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