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other objections which might be raised to the supposition that she had a secret of so much value to the world. I can only say that no doubt was ever mentioned at the time, and that all my family believed that she did what she professed to do.

The beggars of the country-side were a very important part of its people, and they used to go the round of all the houses, visiting each at regular intervals, and making sure of receiving charity in one form or another. When they made their visits they would come and stand outside the house until they received notice. They knew each of the family familiarly by name, and took the liveliest interest in all our doings. They were never allowed to go to the back of the house and have dealings with the servants, but always received their dole at the front door from one of ourselves. It would be considered odd nowadays to hand out a plate of victuals from the luncheon-table to a ragged creature on the doorstep, but this was done, besides giving some trifle of money. The plate, knife, and fork were always carefully handed in again after the food was consumed. Some of the beggars were very eccentric characters, and one in particular, Miss Daly, would in England have probably been put into an asylum. She used to go about dressed in scraps of faded finery, and was always a very grotesque figure. Weak in intellect she certainly was, but she had more wits than she generally received credit for possessing, and could sometimes say a sharp thing. One of my uncles was chaffing her one day when she was more than usually eccentric in her dress. She liked being taken notice of, but on this occasion she became provoked. She made no reply for a while, but at last, looking at him up and down, she broke out with, "Why don't ye take your hands out of your pockets when ye spake to a lady?" Another beggarwoman had exceeded her privileges in demanding alms, and my sister told her to be off, on which she turned round with a friendly remonstrance, "Ah! Helen dear, thim masculine manners don't be

come ye at all, at all.” Some of the beggars were more privileged than others, and were allowed to come and sit down on one of the chairs in the front hall while they ate the food that was given to them. Among these was a blind harper who played the Irish melodies. He was the last of the harpers in our country, and I doubt much whether in the whole of Ireland one like him would be found to-day. I cannot leave the beggars without repeating a story which has long ago found its way into print, and records what was said to my grandfather, the hero of many amusing tales, by a well-known mendicant in our county town. My grandfather had been pursued by the man and had paid no attention to his supplications. The beggar, after the manner of his kind, called down every blessing on his possible benefactor, saying, "May the blessing of the Lord and the saints and of the blessed Virgin follow ye for ever and ever”-then, when there was no response, "and nivir overtake ye.”

The winter of 1866 was very disturbed all over Ireland. The Fenian conspiracy was at its height, and there were risings in arms in several places. Two of these risings took place in the neighborhood of villages within ten miles of our home (though these came to nothing), and it was well known that many of the population in our district were very disaffected. We heard that the government was taking every precaution to have the soldiers and police ready to act with vigor in case of any serious attempt at revolution. The bar racks in the nearest town (where the greater part of a cavalry regiment was quartered) were prepared for defence and the Constabulary quarters in our village were loop-Loled. All the gentlefolk were, of course, on the side of law and order and most of them at any rate were ready to defend their homes if necessity arose. The horrors of the "Whiteboy" days had not been forgotten and the story of "Wild-goose Lodge" still was told by survivors of a past generation. It was felt that if the people, instigated by criminal agitators and inflamed by mad passion, once

broke out in strength successfully, and could not be securely closed withthese horrors might probably be re- out great delay. The windows were enacted on a large scale and that there permanently blocked with mattresses, might be much bloodshed and misery. leaving only a small space at the 'top In the "Whiteboy" days my grand- through which to fire. Behind the matfather had been a very active magis- tresses were piled heavy pieces of furtrate and by his personal energy had niture, and stands were arranged at been instrumental in bringing many each window for the use of defenders, criminals to justice. It was quite a fa- who would be able to command the miliar story to us when we were chil- front of the house through the open dren how our grandfather always went spaces above mentioned. If any atout armed, frequently taking our father tackers tried to rush into the verandah, with him as an additional protection, they would be exposed to fire from a and how when he drove to the market bow-window at the end of the house, town on business, he never returned in and also their legs would be in danger the afternoon by the same road that he from shots from the basement. The retook in the morning. His life had often mainder of the house was carefully prebeen threatened; but either the precau- pared every night. Mattresses were tions which he took baffled his would- placed against all the windows and the be assassins, or his personal popularity hall door, besides being locked and with most people was sufficient to bolted, was also made secure against swamp the ill-feeling in the minds of a being burst open by the large drawingfew and to prevent it from showing it- room ottoman being raised against it. self in deeds. However that may have A beam of wood was nightly placed in been, there was nothing astonishing to position, one end against the ottoman any of our family when the country be- and the other against an inner wall, so came again disturbed. We only felt that no ordinary force would be rethat the bad old days of which we had quired to effect an entrance by the door heard threatened to come again, and at any rate. Every provision was made that we must make up our minds to against fire. Buckets of water were meet them. placed handy, and full instructions were given how they were to be employed. There was a supply of food and drinking-water also provided, though, of course, we knew that no attack was likely to last more than a few hours. Our garrison consisted of my father, an uncle, three brothers and their tutor, the butler, and three or four of the men about the place whom we could thoroughly trust. These last, however, only remained in the house during the early part of each night. Everybody was told off to the particular place which he had to defend. Everybody had his arms and ammunition allotted to him and everybody was to lie down at night with his clothes and boots at hand, so that at the shortest notice he could be ready and in his place. My sister and I had our share in the scheme of defence, though we naturally were not to take part in the actual fighting if it ever came to that. There was ample employment provided

The great want of the would-be rebels in the country was firearms and these they were ready to seize wherever they were known to be. A warning was therefore sent by government to all householders who were known to have guns in their houses, that they must either hand them over to the constabulary for safe custody or be ready themselves to protect them by force if necessary. My father, as an old soldier, had no doubt whatever as to his line of conduct. We had many firearms of all descriptions in the house and he said that he would be answerable for them. The house was forthwith put into as good a state of defence as was practicable and every arrangement was made to stand an attack and to give a warm reception to any rebel visitors. The use of the library, which opened on to a verandah nearly on a level with the ground, was given up altogether, as it was very much exposed 726



for us, however, and I think we were quite sufficiently prepared to take our parts.

from our house would tell the world that we were threatened with attack. How often I have wakened at night, having dreamed that I heard the alarmbell, and remained for long anxiously wondering whether the noise ringing in my ears was real or imaginary! Everybody knows that the Fenian conspiracy came to nothing; but our fears were by no means groundless and, though our preparations were never put to the test, it was unquestionably right and prudent that they should have been made. We knew afterwards that our

ators' roll of their strength as "weak but willing." A very little want of precaution on the part of the government, and the loyal people might have given to the Fenians the strength that was wanting to them.

My father was very particular that all his arrangements should be strictly carried out, and he inspected every detail nightly to see that all was in order. Once or twice he gave a false alarm in the middle of the night, and was very angry with my brothers, who carelessly had not placed their shoes and clothes quite ready to put on. I often wonder now at the matter-of-course way in which we took all these arrangements. None of us were, I think, nervous, county was described in the conspirthough we had to clamber over obstructions when we went to bed, and we never knew that we might not be awakened by the noise of firearms. We believed at the time, and I am pretty sure that it was really the case, that my father would have received se. cret warning of an attack from some of the country-people, who had a great regard for him, before anything was at tempted against the house. If such a warning had come, we might have been able to send for assistance, but my father was resolved to be ready for any emergency. Some of our garrison used to patrol near the house and towards the village every evening after nightfall. They always had a password before they were allowed to enter. There was great excitement one night when the patrol came home in a great hurry, saying that the rebellion had certainly broken out, for a squadron of the -th had just passed the gate. We all thought that my father would have at once prepared for the worst, but when he heard that the squadron was on its way from the barracks to a village some miles beyond our house in the opposite direction, he said we might all go to bed; if the soldiers had been going the other way, there might have been some cause for alarm, but, as it was, we need not be anxious.

There was an alarm signal pre-concerted between our house and our friends in the village to give mutual warning in case of danger. A bell tolled in the village would inform us of an outbreak there, and a gun-shot


No Irish house would be complete without its share of the supernatural, and I am bound to say that I believed at the time of their occurrence, and I still believe, that many unaccountable and well-authenticated circumstances have come within my personal knowledge, however they may now be plained by persons who do not allow that "there are more things in heaven and earth," etc. The ghost or revenant which belonged to our house I have never seen though I have often heard it. A certain gentleman, known familiarly as "Red Cap,” used to drive up to the hall door and from thence to the stables, which were at some little distance, and sometimes he has been seen to drive a pair of grey horses round the stable-yard. There can be no doubt that I, as well as all my family, have often heard most distinctly a carriage drive past the house, with the regular beat of the horses' feet and the grinding of wheels, when there was no possible known origin for the peculiar and well-marked sounds. tomed were we to the occurrence that we paid no attention to it, and I remember that frequently, when we had company in the evening, a stranger would ask who was the late arrival and would be told, "Oh, it's nothing. It's only Red Cap," very much to his or her

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astonishment when the explanation supposed, by unusual conduct, to pre

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was given. The story ran that, in sage misfortune. Neither I nor most, olden days, a member of a county fam at any rate, of the other inmates of ily had been shot at our gate and that House at the time I speak of knew of his unquiet spirit still often revisited this belief, so the sequel of the circumthe scene of his death. But "Red stances which I shall relate struck us Cap's" visits had no particular meaning with peculiar force and vividness. A and did not portend either disaster or lady staying in the house had a young good fortune. It was very different child with her which had been ailing with occurrences at a country house, the for some days. One evening she came property of one of our oldest friends. down-stairs in very low spirits after There, before the death of one of the nursing her child all day and said, family, a pack of hounds was said to "I'm sure I must give up all hope, for be always seen hunting in the woods the peacock has come round to my side near the house. I had often heard that of the house, and all to-day it has been when the old squire, a contemporary sitting on the window-sill." Of course of my grandfather, died, many people all the rest of the party pooh-poohe saw the hounds in full cry; but I know the notion, and tried to cheer her a litthat, on one Sunday in my own recol- tle. No one was more emphatic in lection, several people who were well scorning the idea that the peacock known saw and heard a pack of hounds could give a bad omen than a young hunting through the woods. The owner man of the highest promise, and exof the property, a colonel in the army, tremely popular with all of us, as he was one of them, and was, in the first was in every society. Nothing that instance, very much annoyed that any could be said brought any confidence body should have had hounds out on or comfort to the mother, however, his grounds on such a day. He thought and to our great sorrow her forebodthat some of the county hounds had ings were justified, for the poor child possibly got away from their kennels died during the following night. Even and were hunting on their own ac- then none of us thought any more count and sent to inquire if this was about the peacock, or, if we remem. the case; but no, the hounds had re. bered its conduct at all, we only looked mained quiet all that day. Then he upon it as a strange coincidence. The sent to rather a wild young gentleman mother with her dead child left the who kept a pack of harriers and might house and about two days afterwards have forgotten propriety so far as to the young man whom I mentioned have them out on a Sunday. But he above told us at breakfast, "If I was also could show that he and his har- inclined to be superstitious, I should riers had been at home. The curious be afraid that something was going to thing was that a telegram was shortly happen to me next, for the peacock afterwards received, saying that the now insists upon haunting my side of colonel's brother and heir had died of the house, and has been sitting on my cholera in India. The facts of the window-sill." As he was in the best hunting-hounds having been seen by of spirits, and apparently in the highso many people and the death which est health, we all joined with him in immediately followed caused a great laughing at the implied warning by the deal of remark at the time and have bird. He left us on either that or the never yet received any commonplace following day, and the next we heard explanation.

At the same house, when I myself was staying there on a visit, occurred some incidents which made a very deep impression on me, and indeed on all the other guests. I dare say many readers may know that peacocks are


of him was that he had suddenly taken
ill, and had died in London. The
shock of death of one to whom
were all so much attached was terri-
ble, and I do not think that any one
who was of the small party at
House at that time ever cared after-

wards to talk of peacocks and their some of the trifling events ways.

of my

part of 3

youth in a dear home, and have been led into the too common weakness of however chronicling small beer; but, to of the they may appear others, these trifling events are to me happy time which has leftDeposited upon the silent shore Of memory, images and precious thoughts That shall not die and cannot be destroyed.

Another house in our old county be longs to Lord, and it is said that before the death of the head family foxes are always seen sitting on the doorstep of the house. Only one of the Lords has died in my time, and it is well known that two foxes were seen during all the day previous to the good old man's death playing about on the lawns, and in the early morning of the day itself they were seen sitting on the doorsteps. As the house is in the heart of the best hunting country in Ireland, where foxes are most carefully preserved, perhaps it is too much to say that the sight of a fox or foxes has there, at any time, any unusual significance.


To pass to what was a case of very There curiously justified foreboding. was a piano-tuner who used to come from Dublin periodically to tune our piano and do the same service in the He had an various country houses. unconquerable dread of being drowned and could never be induced to enter a boat or trust himself on water under any conditions. And yet he met his death by drowning in a very strange manner. He was in an omnibus in Dublin which by some accident was capsized while crossing a bridge over the the canal, and, falling low parapet, was precipitated into the lock. The water was only a foot or two deep and there was no reason why the passengers should not all have been extricated at the cost of a few broken bones and bruises. If the result had not been so ghastly, the peculiarly Irish train of the canal-lockbe in the keeper's reasoning would highest degree droll. He felt he ought to do something when he saw the accident and, thinking that the simplest way of getting the omnibus out would be to float it, forthwith turned on all Several-I the water into the lock. forget how many-of the inside passengers were drowned, and amongst them the unfortunate piano-tuner. that I have I fear it may be said interest attaching overrated the


From The Sunday Magazine. AMONG THE FINCHES.

We have had a visit to-day from that dear simple friend of ours, the bullfinch. We are now in the closing days of March, and it is the first time I have seen him in the garden since the middle of January. He was looking all about as if he were quite a stranger, and presently Mrs. B. hopped from behind the ivy stump, with an expression on her face that was quite profound in its wise artlessness. I'll be bound, though, they were looking for a corner in which to make their home; for, alas; their simplicity, as in other folks, is often but a veil for the deepest cunning. No bird conceals its "sheltered cot" with more care. Last year two pairs built within forty yards of the study window, and next to a path which I went up and down every day, but I only discovered one nest, although I looked for the other again and again.


By the bye, where do some of the stayat-home birds get to in the winter time? And how do others of them live? We are surrounded by woods, and I constantly use a path through one of them, besides travelling every day along the roads, and yet I have not heard or seen a bullfinch half-a-dozen times, during the last mild winter. All who keep birds know that a few hours' deprivation of food is fatal to their pets. but the wild birds subsist through the hardest winter, and fatten on their fare, whatever it is. The old fable of the bear flourishing on his paw-licking must be true in their case. Think of the large, soft-billed birds, no snails. no worms, no berries for them; think

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