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of the limits of the municipality as extended shall be published by the Municipal Council in the Gazette.

"(2.) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Act, no proceedings or notice in addition to those prescribed by subsection (1) shall be necessary to give effect to an extension of limits under this section."


Printed by CHARLES F. BANFIELD, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

[merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]

An Act to amend the "Village Municipalities Act." R.S.B.C. 1924,


[Assented to 19th December, 1925.]

IS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

c. 183.

1. This Act may be cited as the "Village Municipalities Act Short title. Amendment Act, 1925."

2. Section 2 of the "Village Municipalities Act," being chapter Amends s. 2. 183 of the "Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1924," is amended

by striking out the words "in which the number of persons then resident does not exceed one thousand, and" in the third, fourth, and fifth lines thereof.

3. (1.) The Schedule to said chapter 183 is amended by adding Amends Sch. after clause (35) of section 19 the following as clause (35a) :

"(35a.) For regulating traffic within the municipality."

(2.) Said Schedule is further amended by adding to section 19 the following as clause (85) :

"(85.) For purchasing, constructing, operating, and maintain

ing, either within or without the municipality, works for
supplying for any and all purposes water, water-power,
electric light, and electric power to the inhabitants of
the municipality and of localities adjacent thereto, and
for regulating the rates, conditions, and terms under or
upon which the same may be supplied and used: Pro-
vided that no by-law passed under the provisions of this
clause shall come into force until approved by the
Lieutenant-Governor in Council."


Printed by CHARLES F. BANFIELD, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty.


[merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]

An Act to provide for the Granting of certain Public
Lands in Aid of the Construction of the Pacific
Great Eastern Railway.


[Assented to 19th December, 1925.]

IS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the
Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia,

enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as the "Pacific Great Eastern Railway Short title. Aid Act, 1925."

Vancouver and

Prince George.

2. In aid of the construction of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Land grant in aid of from the City of Vancouver to a point on the Canadian National railway between Railway at or near the City of Prince George, it shall be lawful for the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to grant to the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company public lands not to exceed an extent of twenty thousand acres in respect of each mile of the main line of its railway now completed and in respect of each mile of the remainder of the main line between the termini mentioned in this section as and when constructed. All lands to be granted under the provisions of this section shall be selected within the Land Recording Districts of Clinton and Quesnel, and from public lands of the Province within the areas approximately described in Schedule A.

Prince George and

railway between Pouce Coupe.

3. In aid of the construction of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Land grant in aid of from a point on the Canadian National Railway at or near Prince George, the said point being the northern termini of the railway mentioned in section 2, to the eastern boundary of the Province at or near the village of Pouce Coupe, it shall be lawful for the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to grant to the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company public lands not to exceed an extent of twenty thousand acres in respect of each mile of its main line of railway


Exemption of public lands subject to alienation.

Provisions applicable to grants.

between the termini mentioned in this section. For the purpose of determining the time when the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company shall become entitled to the land subsidy authorized under this section, the line of railway may be divided into sections of not less than twenty miles each, and the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company shall be deemed to have earned the subsidy in respect of each section as from the time when that section shall have been completed and ready for operation. All lands to be granted under the provisions of this section shall be selected, subject to the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, from public lands of the Province within the area approximately described in Schedule B.

4. "Public lands" within the meaning of sections 2 and 4 shall not include lands which are held under pre-emption record or agreement to purchase, or under any Statute, or in any other manner which may obligate the Crown to convey title thereto, but may, subject to the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, include lands held under lease, licence, or permit from the Crown, subject to the condition that all rights of the holders of leases, licences, or permits, including all rights of renewal, shall be fully protected and preserved.

5. Every grant of public lands made under this Act shall be subject to the following exceptions, reservations, and provisions:— (a.) All exceptions and reservations contained in grants from the Crown made in Form No. 11 in the Schedule to the "Land Act":

(b.) All waters within the area of any grant shall be subject
to the provisions of the "Water Act" and Acts in substitu-
tion therefor or amendment thereof:

(c.) Where timber lands, within the meaning of section 44 of
the "Land Act," are included in any grant, no timber
standing thereon at the date of the grant shall be sold or
disposed of at prices less than the prices which at the
time of the sale or disposal thereof are being obtained by
the Crown under substantially similar conditions for
timber disposed of under the provisions of the "Forest
Act"; and for the purpose of ensuring observance of the
provisions of this clause it is hereby declared that no sale
or disposition of such timber shall be made by the Pacific
Great Eastern Railway Company, or be valid, unless
approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council:
(d.) Such further exceptions, reservations, terms, and condi-
tions as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may direct to
be inserted in any grant issued or agreement entered into
under this Act.

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