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Congestion at Manchester, 177

Recent decisions:


Costs incurred in relation to proceedings
before magistrates, 402
Employer and workman-Death from wasp
sting--Accident "arising out of" the em
ployment Statement of deceased to
carpenter is not evidence (Gilbey v. Great
Western Railway, 102 L. J. 202)-Statement
to his doctor is evidence (Wright v. Kerri-
gan, 45 Irish Law Times, 84), 248
Employer and workman-Medical referee-
Quasi-judicial functions, 63

Employer and workman-Workmen's Com-
pensation Act 1906-Sched. 1 (17)-Re- '

Reg. nt decisions:

demption-Amount- Where the incapa-
city is permanent," 249
Execution-- Exemption-Wearing apparel,
bedding, and tools and implements of trade
to the value of 51.-County Courts Act 1883
(51 & 52 Vict. c. 43)-Construction of sect.
147-Summary Jurisdiction Act 1879 (42
&43 Vict. c. 49), s. 21 (2)--Locus of execu-
tion. 176

High bailiff-Duties in relation to execution
and interpleader-County Courts Act 1883,
s. 156 County Court Rules 1903, Oid-r
XXVII., rr. 3, 13, 38

Restraint of trade--Sale of "grocery and
general business "-Agreement by vendor

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Capital punishment, 19

"Commodity," the meaning of, 113
Congestion of traffic, in the metropolis. 113
Coronation festivities and occasional licences. 87
Costs in proceedings under the Indictable
Offences Act 1848, 346

County justices and applications for occasional
licences, 149

Criminal in flight: Science and detective, 178
Criminal law and prison reform, 20

Criminal procedure of Scotland, England, and
Ireland, 129

Departmental amendment of the Prevention
of Crime Act 1908, 363

Differences in the criminal law in England and
Ireland, 583

Drivers of taxi-cabs to be subjected to medical
inspection. 225

Infanticide Bill, 177

Jersey, leg

systems of, 179

London traffic, problem of, 87

Magistrates' treatment of drivers in motor-car
accidents, 199

Metropolitan Prisoners' Aid Society: Annual
meeting, 19

New police magistrate (Mr. Pickersgill), 300
Obstruction in busy streets, 325

Perils of the motor-car, 299, 325
Perils of the roads, 299

Persecution by local bodies in re pect of taxa
tion, 149

Powers of courts of summary jurisdiction, 225
Preferring prison to the workhouse, 129
Prevention of Crime Act 1908, departmental
amendment of, 363

Problem of London traffic, 87

Prohibition of navigation of aircraft over the
county of London, &c., under the Aerial
Navigation Act 1911, 150
Punishments in American State prisons, 179

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Recent decisions:

Rating-- Licensed premises Rateable valu
--Extra licence duties -Rate prior to pass
ing of Act-Finance (1909-10) Act 19:0
(10 Edw. 7, c. 8), 20
Rating Railway Line leased in perpetuity
to five companies -Excess of expenses over
receipts Competitive value -- Position,
connections, and accommodation, 326
Rating-Railway lines-Joint line -Value as
feeder to other lines-Contributory value
Parochial principle-Competition, 325
Settlement-Irremovability, 583

Settlement appeal-Order of adjudication,

Reformatory prison for boys, 276

Reformatory prison for women, 276

Regulations concerning modern locomotion, 276
Removal of indorsements from motor drivers'
licences, 150

Report on vivisection, 300
Russian prisoners, 62
Science and detective, 178

Sir Edward Henry's connection with Scotland
Yard, 250

Traffic regulation, 199

Trial of prisoner for murder charged on a
coroner's inquisition. against whom a grand
jury found a true bill for manslaughter, 534
What do prisoners read? 87

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Licences for places of public entertainment, 570
Lord Loreburn's criticisms of the Bar and the
Law Society, 262, 286, 312

Lunacy Commissioners, report of, 312
Malecka, Miss, arrest of, 211

Michaelmas sittings cause lists, 525
Military quelling riots, 395

Ministers in attendance on the Sovereign, 236
Mixed tribunals in Egypt, 2

Motor horns nuisance, 446

High Court of Bengal, congestion of business Naturalisation, laws of the various parts of the
in, 119

Imperial Court of Appeal, 28

Imprisonment in default of payment of fines,

Industrial council representative of employers
and workmen, 525

Inebriates Acts 1879 to 1900: Report of in-
spector under, 354

Instruction to valuers under the Finance Act
1910, 336

Insurance against employers' liabilities in re-
spect of accidents, 120
Insurance Bill, 27

International peace and international judicial
systems, 212

Intoxicating liquor statistics 1910, 353

Cluer, Mr., appointment of, as County Court Irish law officers of the Crown unable to obtain
judge, 261

Companies in 1910, 526

Compensation to seamen detained on shore to
attend Board of Trade inquiries, 236
Conditional contraband, 527

County Court judges, Lord Loreburn's opinion
with regard to, 286, 312

County Court statistics for 1910, 446, 464
County Courts Bill in the House of Lords, 236,

Court of Criminal Appeal, inability of, to
order new trial, 498

Crime, increase or decrease of, 437
Declarations of war. 526

Director of Public Prosecutions' return for

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seats in the House of Commons, 412
Irish railway strike, 445

James of Hereford (Lord), death of, 377
Judges, action of, attacked in debate in Parlia
ment, 95

Judgment summonses in the County Court, 570
Justices of the peace, appointment of, 1
Justices passing sentences of imprisonment to
run consecutively, 50
Labour grievances. 378

and transfer, 262, 463

Lawrie, Mr. A. J, appointment of as depute.
chairman of the County of London Quarter
Sessions, 525

Law Society: Annual report of the council,
187 Annual general meeting, 235; The
society and land transfer, 430; Provincial
meeting, 463; Judge Rentoul's remarks con-
cerning the society, 547

Fines, imprisonment in default of payment of, Legislation concerning aeroplanes, 211


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Legislation with regard to aerial navigation, 73
Libel, the law of, as it affects newspapers, 395
Libel actions, heavy damages in, 50

Empire concerning, 166

Newton, Mr. Arthur, and the Crippen letter,

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Pickersgill, Mr., appointment of, as Metro-
politan police magistrate, 261
Prerogative of mercy, 188

President of the Board of Trade in reality the
Board of Trade, 378

Public Prosecutor at the hearing of election
petitions, 74

Railway Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme
1907: Report of Royal Commission, 569
Railway strike, 377

Railway strike in Ireland, 445

Rated occupier, landlord paying rates, 570
Rates, excessive sentence for non-payment of. 2
Report by Inspector-General in Bankruptcy for
1910, 429

Report of Commissioners of Prisons and the
Directors of Convict Prisons 1310-11, 497
Report of Inspector under Inebriates Acts 1873
to 1900. 354

Report of Lunacy Commissioners, 312
Rio, quelling, by employment of the military,


Rules of the Supreme Court 1911 (draft), 119
Saturdays' sittings, 547
Shaw-Lefevre, members of the family of, vho
have been barristers-at-law, 412
Short sentences, 498

Slow-moving vehicles, regulation of. 28
Standard Oil Company, operations of, 49
Standard with reference to the sale of milk, 74
Strikes and peaceful nicketing." 411
Supreme Court of Appeal for the Empire 142

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Habitual drunkenness, 387

Humanity of the law, 133

Imperial conference, 130, 152, 200

Inns of Court Mission: Annual meeting, 65

International arbitration, 66

International Maritime Law Congress, 557

King, the, and Gray's-inn, 225

Land Registry: Return of work, 347

Land valuation, 347

Law and lawyers of Balzac, 468

Law of the air, 403

Lawyers of Charles Dickens, 404, 421
Lawyer, the, in politics, 561
Licences and penalties, 584

Local Government financial adjustments, 365
Lord Chancellorship, 348

Lord High Steward, office of, 561

Lord James of Hereford as a parliamentarian,

Manifesto on public morals, 132

Maritime conventions, 364

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Buckland on Equity in Roman Law, 580

Heywood and Massey on Lunacy Practice, 344

Caporn's Selected Cases illustrating the Law of Highmore on Stamp Laws, 434
Contract, 294

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Devonshire and Samuel on Land Values, Sup-
plement to, 110

Digest of the Local Government Case Law of
1910, Vol. 1 ("Nomos "), 15

Dixon's Introduction to Commercial Law, 580
Donogh on Sedition and Cognate Offences in
British India, 344

Duckworth's Encyclopædia of Marine Law, 83
Dukes on Sunday Travellers, 34

Encyclopædia of the Laws of England: Second
Annual Supplement, 82

Fielden's Short Constitutional History of
England, 83

Gibson and Weldon's Students' Intermediate
Digest, 34

Gibson and Weldon's Students' Probate,
Divorce, and Admiralty, 321

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Holland's Students' Guide to Company Law,

Hooper on Illegitimacy, 343

Innes' Digest of the Law of Easements, 16
Jenkinson on the Promotion and Accounts of a
Private Limited Company, 273
Kime's International Law Directory and
Telegraphic Code, 83

Laws of England, Vol. 16, 82: Vol. 17, 343
Leader on German Law of Bills of Exchange
and of Cheques, 34
Leake on Contracts, 321

London School of Economics and Political
Science Calendar 1911-12, 581

Lord Shaw on Legislature and Judiciary, 174
Maitland's (Frederic William) Colected Papers,

M'Kie's Tables of Compound Interest and
Annuities, 83

Malcolm on Merchant Shipping and Relative
Acts, 433

Maude's Justices' Handbook on Evidence, 580
Mead and Bodkin on the Criminal Law
Amendment Act 1885, 174

Mews' Digest of English Case Law, April, 35;
July, 344

Michael and Will on Gas and Water, 434
Moriarty on Defamation Law in New South
Wales, 34

Mortimer on the Probate Division, 109
Mott on the Brain and Voice, 272

Notable English Trials: Franz Müller, 110;
Simon Lord Lovat, 580

Nutt on the Insurance Bill. 344

Nutt on Working Women and Divorce, 344
Oakley's Divorce Practice, 580

O'Dell on Public Speaking and Chairmanship,


Odgers on the Common Law of England, 82

Gore-Browne and Jordan on Joint Stock Com- Odgers on Libel and Slander, 580
panies, 34

Green on Law for the American Farmer, 581
Haycraft's Handy Book on the Bills of Sale
Acts 1878-1891, 58

Henderson's Digest of Cases published in the
Law Journal Reports and the Law Reports
· 1906-1910, 580

Heywood's Property Owners' Register, Record,
and Reminder, 344

Heywood's Universal Mortgage Register, &c.,

Page and Finlay on the Shops Bill 1911, 34
Palin and Martin's Chairman's Manual, 272
Palmer on Company Law, 174
Phipson on Evidence, 321
Picken's Handbook on Stamp Duties, 58
Poley on the Stock Exchange, 294
Pratt and Mackenzie on Highways, 16
Quarterly Noter-up, No. 31, 581
Questions and Answers from the Justice of the
Peace 1897-1909, 433

Rahim on Muhammadan Jurisprudence, 343

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Ranking on Liquidators, Trustees, and
Receivers, 83

Ranking, Spicer, and Pegler on Arbitration
and Awards, 580

Ranking, Spicer, and Pegler on Mercantile
Law, 343

Ranking, Spicer, and Pegler on Partnership
Law, 110

Rastorgoueff on the Legal Position of English
Companies in Russia, 344

Roscoe on the Growth of English Law, 344
Row's All India Civil Court Manual, 343
Row on the Indian Limitation Act, 294
Rowsell and Moran on Betting, 343
Schuster's Translation of the German Com-
mercial Code. 580

Select Cases in the Star Chamber: Vol. 2, 15
Shearwood's Bar Examination Questions with
Answers, 126

Shearwood's Questions and Answers on Civil
Procedure and Evidence, 174
Smith (F.E.) on International Law, 434
Snelling on Income Tax and Inhabited House
Duty, 434

Spencer on the Agricultural Holdings Act 1908,


Sprague on Insurance Companies' Accounts,


Stevens' Elements of Mercantile Law. 434
Sugar Beet: Some Facts and Some Illusions,


Tearle's The Gardens of Gray's-inn, 34
Thomson's Encyclopædia of Banking Law and
Practice. 174

Tomlinson's History of the " Interpretations of
the Injunctions," 195

Topham on Real Property. 16

Trial at Rome of Queen Elizabeth for Heresy,

Turner on Public Health, 83

Underdown on the French Judiciary and Bar,

Watts on the National Insurance Bill, 344
Welford and Otter-Barry on Firo Insurance,

Whitehead on Church Law, 344

Wicker on Neutralisation. 581

Wilshen's Analysis of Williams on Personal
Property. 110

Worley's The Temple Church, 126

Year Books of the Reign of King Edward III. :
Year 20 (Second Part), 15

Yearly Supreme Court Practice 1912, 580

[blocks in formation]

Society of City and Borough Clerks of the
Peace, 45

Society of Public Teachers of Law, 282

Benevolent Association, 45. 67
(Annual festival), 155, 255, 350, 494 (Annual

Solicitors Managing Clerks' Association, 586
(Lecture on reconstruction and amalgamation
of companies)

Swansea and Neath, 45 (Re prosecuting solicitor
for Swansea)

"The Blue Bag." 24, 68, 92

Union Society of London, 68 (Annual dinner)
United Law Clerks' Society, 43 (Annual

United Law Society, 45, 92, 554

Calls to the Bar, 46, 203

Cambridge University, 185 (Law tri s lists).
232 (Squire scholarships)
Council of Legal Education:

Advanced class, Michaelmas Term, 1911, and
Hilary Term. 1912, 460

Appointment of readers and assistant readers,

Michaelmas Examination, rules, 255

Prospectus of lectures during Michaelmas
Educational Term, 1911, 459
Trinity Examination, results, 155

Law Society:

Final Examination, June, results, 257
Honours Examination, March, results, 46;
June, results, 307

Intermediate Examination, June, results, 257


Law Society:

Notice of third term of 1911, 426; Fourth
term. 588

Preliminary Examination, May, results, 92;
July, results, 307

Studentships and prizes, 1911, 231

Law Students' Debating Society, 70 (Annual
dinner), 495

Law Students' Union of England and Wales, 587
Lincoln's-inn: Promotion of the practice of
junior members reading in barristers'
chambers, 47

London University, 541 (Whittuck scholarship),
565 (Examination, results)

Oxford University, 232 (Honour School of
Jurisprudence class list), 541 (Eldon law

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Allotment of shares, statutory restriction as to,

Armed forces, use of, to quell riots, 355
Assignment or underletting by tenant, 143
Australian letter, 97, 339

Bequests to servants, 96

Canadian letter, 167, 529

Compensation for damages by town planning
schemes, 431

Construction of the Coronation Oath, 183
Coronation Ceremonial, 120

Covenants binding chattels, 262

Increase of rates and charges by railway
companies, 412

Irish notes, 3, 29, 52, 75, 97, 121, 143, 167, 199,

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Elementary Education (England and Wales)
Bill, 273
Fishermen employed on a system of remunera-
tion based on a share in the profits of the
fishery, 84

House of Lords Reconstitution Bill, 322
Husband and Wife (Torts) Bill, 321
Immoral Traffic Bill, 83

Insurance covering the risk of larceny, 245
Law Lords, increase in the number of, 35
Lights on vehicles, 16
Motors at elections, 35
National insurance, 175
National Insurance Bill, 345
Old Age Pensions Bill, 195

Opening of private letters by the Government
for purposes of the State, 175

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Osborne judgment: Mr. Churchill's Bill, 110
Paddington by-laws as to opening of windows
in tenement houses, 16

Parliament, resumption of labour for Autumn
Session, 581

Payment of members of Parliament, 83
Peace Conference (Conventions) Bill, 220
Qualifications of surveyors, 345
Report on tuberculosis, 273
Shops Bill and Sunday closing, 322

State insurance against unemployment and
sickness, 35

Stress of Parliamentary life, 245

Trustees (Bodies Corporate) Bill, 273

Universal Races Congress, 111

Vaccination Acts (Repeal) Bill, 84

Withholding of writs of summons from peers,

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